中学九年级英语国庆假期作业试题(2)(无答案) 人教新目标版

中学九年级英语国庆假期作业试题(2)(无答案) 人教新目标版
中学九年级英语国庆假期作业试题(2)(无答案) 人教新目标版




1.when,first,the baby,was,I, she, saw,10,days old,panda ,only .

2.At four months, she,about,started,home,time,10 kilograms,and,to,go,her,for,the,outside,weighed,first.

3. At the very beginning, hours,Xi Wang,14for,her,mother’s,drank,up,to,milk,a,day.

4.Sadly, is,it,giant,pandas,to,in,difficult,for,survive,the,wild.

5.、often , She , f ive , for, t imes , homework , a , does, week.

6. It ,is ,without ,for, you, to ,get ,success, impossible ,working ,hard.

7. Mothers,baby,whole,their,own, pandas, for, leave ,two,days, on, often.

8. If ,find ,baby pandas ,people ,alone;take ,they ,will, away ,often them.

9. If ,danger ,giant pandas ,are ,in ,the;we, farmer ,to ,leave ,the,giant ,encourage ,panda,should ,reserves

10 .will ,some ,birds, if ,I ,walk, through, see, a ,rain, beautiful, forest.

11. If ,I, them ,don’t, buy,someone, will, buy, else, them.

12. Mother, have, giant, pandas, only ,at ,one ,two, babies, a, or, time.

13.I, he, think, studies hard.

14.it, important, is, keep healthy, to

15.Tom, Peter, students, both, and, are

16.He, ride a bike, could, when, he, was, only five years old

17.your, who’s, teacher, English (?)

18. he, what’s like (?)

19.tall, strong, and, he’s (.)

20.she, is, quiet (?)

21. it, today, is, what, day (?)

22. do, what, have, you, Thursdays, on (?)

23.English, science, on, we, Thursdays, have, and, math (.)

24.do, what, you, do, Saturdays, on (?)

25. on, I, TV, Saturdays, watch (.)

26.do, I, homework, my, too (.)

27.for, have, do, what, you, Mondays, on, lunch (?)

28. tofu, tomatoes, we, and, fish, have (.)

29.fruit, what’s, favourite, your (?)

30.can, you, what, do (?)

31.sweep, I, the, floor, can (.)

32. water, I, the, can, flowers (.)

33.you, make, can, bed, the (?)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/128146130.html,e, computer, a, you, can (?)

35.two, kitchen, bedrooms, a, living room, are, there, a, and (.)

36. is, there, big, a, closet, mirror, a, bed, a, and (.)

37. near, table, the, closet, the, is (.)

38.in, park, there, is, the, a, forest (?)

39.any, are, there, in, the, mountains, pandas (?)

40. fish, are, in, rivers, the, there, any (?)




Alexander Graham Bell was a British man who was a teacher to people who could not hear. He was born in Edinburgh,Scotland in 1847 and went to school in Edinburgh and London. People who can not hear any sounds at all are called deaf people, and Alexander became interested in helping them to learn to speak. He taught people how to use their mouths to make the sounds needed for talking.

Bell’s family moved to Canada in 1870 and to the USA in 1871. For several years he taught the people who could not speak in Boston. But at the same time he was developing a way to use electricity to send the sounds of talking along a wire, and he made the first telephone in June, 1875. He worked hard in his workshop for six months with his helper Tom Watson. Finally, he spoke these famous words slowly into the telephone, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” and Watson came to him.


2. What was he interested in doing when he was in Britain?


3. When was the first telephone invented?


4. Did he stop helping the disabled when he became famous?


5. What do you think of the great inventor?



Have you ever been in a rainforest? There aren’t any in Europe but there are some in Africa, Asia and South America. I was in a rainforest once. It was hot and dark. It was also very wet. Water was falling from the leaves of the trees like rain. The ground was covered with dead leaves but there were thousands of new plants growing. The most exciting plants were the large trees. Some were 50 meters high. I could only see little pieces of blue sky through the leaves. All the trees had small plants growing on them, and some of these had beautiful, brightly colored flowers. It was very noisy. I could hear lots of birds. They were hard to see but I saw one green and red parrot flying high above me. It was beautiful. The insects(昆虫) also made a lot of noise and I could feel them on my arms and legs. I didn’t see any monkeys.

They were probably sleeping high up in the treetops. I did see a small snake on the ground. I hate snakes so I walked quickly but carefully out of the forest. I wouldn’t like to live in a rainforest but I am happy that I could see one before they all disappear from Earth.

1. Has the writer been to a real rainforest?

2. Were there many leaves or flowers on the ground?

3. What did the writer see above his head?

4. Why did the writer walk quickly and carefully out of the forest?

5. How does the writer think of rainforests?


“Who did this?”asked Miss Green. There were 30 children in the classroom and all were trying to think about not only what they did, but also what our teacher already knew. “Who broke this window?”

“Uh, Oh.”I thought. I was the one who broke the window with a football.I did not mean to do it. I would be in a lot of trouble. How could I pay for a big window like that? I didn’t want to put up my hand. But I had to tell the truth. So, I put up my hand and told the teacher I broke the window.

Miss Green went to the bookshe lf and took down a book. “I know how you like birds, Peter.”She said .“Here is a book about birds and the book is yours now. I will not punish you this time. But Peter, you should remember that I am rewarding (奖赏)you for your honesty(诚实), not for breaking the window.”

I couldn’t believe it! The teacher didn’t punish me and I was getting my very favorite book. Now, I still use that book, and it always reminds me of (使我想起)the lesson my teacher taught me. Honesty is always best.

1.Who broke the window?

2.How many children were in the classroom?

3.Where did Miss Green take down the book?

4.What was the book about?

5.What can we learn from the story?


In the mid 1990’s, people started doing business on the Internet. At that time, there were two kinds of companies. First, there were traditional companies. They sold things in stores. Then there were Internet companies. They didn’t have a store, and they only sold things on the Net.

Traditional companies didn’t want to lose any business. Quickly they made their own websites and began selling things on the Net. These are the so-called “brick and click” companies. Many stores are made of brick. And you click on your mouse to buy things with your computer. That’s where the name “brick and click” comes from.

By the late 1990’s , e-business like https://www.360docs.net/doc/128146130.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/128146130.html, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/128146130.html, were in trouble. Their profits(利润)were not very high. Competition was great. Many of these business were losing lots of money. In 2000, many e-business went out of business.

Why are “brick and click” companies, like Barnes and Noble, Toys RVs and Walmart so successful? First, many customers know and trust their names. Their websites like https://www.360docs.net/doc/128146130.html,. are easy to remember. These companies also have lots of experience. They know how to run a successful business.

In the world of e-commerce, companies are fighting for every dollar and every customer. Will “brick and click” companies win the war? Only time will tell. 1. How many kinds of companies were there in the mid 1990s?

2. Did Internet companies sell things in stores or on the Net?

3. What did the tradit ional companies do to keep their business?

4. What gave Internet companies a lot of trouble by the late 1990s?

5. What can you learn from Barnes and Walmart if you have an Internet company?


Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?

If you do, you need to take control of(控制)your feelings and stop gettihg angry so easily. Getting angry with people can cause you to lose friends.

Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them.

The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can never make them better. Getting angry is not a natured(本性......的) way to act, the book says. It is just a bad habit, like smoking. The book says,you can control your anger easily-all you have to do is tell yourself not to be angry.

When a baby falls over,it only cries if people are watching it. Like a baby, you should only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.

The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. Here are our top three: ① Keep a record. Every time you get angry write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.

② Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.

③ Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem or go somewhere else. Try to laugh!

1.What is the passage mainly about?

________________________________________ _

2.What will happen to you if you get angry with others?


3.Is getting angry a natural way to act?

______________________ _

4.List two tips the book gives on how to control your anger.




Li Wei’s College Dream

Li Wei, a 22-year-old young man is named “Strong Brother”by netizens (网友). He walked on his knees all the

way to the 2011 national college entrance examination(高考)room. He was born in a poor family in Shanxiprovince. But unluckily, a traffic accident took away his legs when he was only 3 years old. His life has changed since then. Without feet, he had to spend most of his time practicing walking on his hands and knees. Everybody who sees Li Wei for the first time is surprised to see that he can easily pl ay tennis or climb up stairs without feet. Some people even think he still has feet, but has short legs.

With hard work, Li Wei finished all his school study. In 2011, he became a college student in Chongqing NormalUniversity. Now he has been enjoying his college life. And he received a new pair of artificial legs(假肢) from China Disabled Person’s Federation(残联).

2. How old was Li Wei when the traffic accident took away his legs?

3. Can he walk or play sports without feet?

4. When did he become a college student in Chongqing Normal University?

5. What do you think of Li Wei from his story?


A student who teaches how to give

Taking part in charity(慈善) is not just for grown- up people. Children can do it too!Melvin Sheppard, 14, an American student, has done charity work for eight years. He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.

Melvin studies at William Allen Middle School in Philadelphia Recently, he collected $1,500 by himself and $487 from his classmates to donate(捐赠) to Cooper University Hospital.

Melvin was born nine weeks premature(早产的) in Cooper University Hospital, weighing 2.6kg. His father told him how Cooper saved his life, so he feels thankful to the hospital.

Melvin's classmates joined him as soon as they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Mic hael Berner, also held a class with them about helping others. “It wan't really about the money,” Berner said. “It was about the face that they were doing something good.”

“It is great, helping someone that I know,” said Jordan, Melvin's classmate. Melvin's neighbors also helped out.

Since Melvin was 8, he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year. This year, Gary E. Stahl, the head of Cooper's division of neonatology(新生儿科学部门), went to Melvin's school to accept the money.

The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients every year. “When they leave, we call them graduates,” Stahl said, “We are pleased when our graduates and their families do well, like Melvin and his family.”

1How old was Melvin when he started to do charity work?


2.What caused Melvin to raise money for Cooper University Hospital?

___ _

3.What did Melvin's teacher and classmates think of his behavior?


4.“When they leave, we call them graduates.” Who does “they” refer to?


5. What can you learn from Melvin?

___ _


人教新目标英语九年级 全册教案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 How can we become good learners 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白 “一份耕耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with… pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型:How do you study English I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法或 途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:动词后加动名词doing,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3b) Period 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus—4c) Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period 5 Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck) Unit 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1 Warming up T: How do you study English Do you study English by the following ways (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English S: I study English by ______. by working with friends. by making word cards. by asking the teacher for help. by reading the textbook. by working with a group. by listening tapes. Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. ___ a. by working with friends. ___ b. by making word card. ___ c. by reading the textbook. ___ d. by listening to tapes


九年级下册英语作业本答案北师大版Ⅱ、1、C 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、C Ⅲ、1、B 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、C Ⅳ、 1C6A 2A7D 3B8D 4C9A 5A10C Ⅴ、 1B9D 2D10A 3D11A 4A12C 5C13D 6B14B 7C15B 8C

Ⅵ、 1C9D 2C10B 3B11C 4A12F 5D13A 6C14B 7A15E 8D Ⅶ、1、shoulders 2、instructions 3、Lately 4、plastic 5、thirsty/hungry 6、disappeared 7、overslept 8、responsible 9、kings 10、President Ⅷ、One possible version: My junior high school life is coming to an end. In the past 3

years, we all experienced a lot. My parents always pushed me to take many after-school classes and didn’t allow me to have outdoor activities, especially this year. Besides, the life at school was also hard for me. It seemed we should spend all the time studying. I got really tired of it. Luckily, my teacher had a long talk with me.She agreed that I could have spare time and do something I like. She hoped I could make good use of time. Later, I had a communication with my parents and understood them. I’II study in a senior high school soon. I hope I can get along well with teachers and classmates and have a colorful school life.


Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白“一份耕耘, 一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with…pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: How do you study English? I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation? One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法 或途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:


2021九年级下册英语作业本答案浙教版 Unit3答案 Vocabulary A:1、c 2、a 3、c 4、b 5、a B:1、increase 2、proper 3、makes a difference 4、act as 5、recycled 6、in danger 7、role model 8、guess 9、habit 10、took action Grammar A:1、the same 2、different

3、different 4、the same B:1、the same, as 2、 different from 3、the same 4、the same as 5、the same 6、like 7、the same, as 8、different 9、the same, as Listening A:1、b 2、c 3、b 4、b 5、d 6、c B:(1) is native to (2) fastest growing (3) as short as (4) 40 metres (5) 100 feet

(6) in many ways (7) delicious to eat (8) it was believed Reading A:1、d 2、c 3、d 4、c 5、a 6、d B:1、b 2、c 3、b 4、a 5、b Writing A:1、Can you guess the result of this match? 2、She has mountains of homework to do tonight. 3、His words made a difference to my decision. 4、This car was destroyed in the accident. 5、Can you act as a secretary? B:1、She was late for the meeting because of the heavy snow. 2、These cleaning materials do no harm to the environment.


2017-2018年人教版新目标英语九年级全册 教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白“一份耕 耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with… pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型:How do you study English I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法或途 径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:动词后加动名词doing,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、 表语、定语等。 课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3b) Period 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus—4c) Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period 5 Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck) Unit 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1 Warming up T: How do you study English Do you study English by the following ways (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ______. by working with friends. by making word cards. by asking the teacher for help. by reading the textbook. by working with a group. by listening tapes. Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. ___ a. by working with friends. ___ b. by making word card. ___ c. by reading the textbook. ___ d. by listening to tapes ___ e. by asking the teacher for help. …


九年级 Unit14 Section A 3a. 1. It’s a poem. 2. Missing junior high school time. 3. I think the writer is a student who will graduate. 3b. rings fear pass understand cool ours 4a. 6 1 3 5 4 2 Section B 2b. 1. It’s a speech. 2. The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it. 3. It is for the graduating students of the school. 2c. 1. They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. 2. They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future. 3. They should thank the important people in their lives—their parents, teachers and friends—because these are the people who have helped and supported them. 4. Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them. 5. They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and not


九年级英语下·RJ Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Language Goal 【语言目标】 Talk about how things affect you Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words drive,friendship,king,power,banker,pale,queen,examine,nor,palace,wealth,grey,lemon,uncomfortable,weight,shoulder,goal,coach,kick,courage,pull,nod,agreement,disappoint Key Phrases would rather,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more…the more…,be friends with sb.,leave out,call in,neither…nor…,to start with,let…down,kick sb.off,be hard on sb.,rather than,pull together Key Sentences 1.The loud music makes me nervous. 2.Sad movies don't make John cry. 3.Money and fame don't always make people happy. 4.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. Key Grammar Learn to use “make+sb.+infinitive without to; make+sb.+adj.” Ability Goals 【能力目标】1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages. 2.Learn to talk about how things affect you by using “make sb.do sth.” and “make sb. adj.”. Moral Goals With the help of this unit's study,students should


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 九年级全一册英语学案及教学设计 unit 1 How do you study for a test? 一、教学目标 1、语言目标1)询问别人的学习方法 2)学习讨论各种学习方法和策略,学会评价各种学习方法的优劣 2、知识目标1)How do you study for a test? I study by ving . 2) the way to do sth the way of doing sth memorize grammar frustrating quickly spoken pronounce mistakes challenge solution realize matter afraid complete impress trouble soft deal unless regard influence friendship development face 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。 2、重点短语 make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth the way to do sth English practice doing sth too much look up make vocabulary lists try one`s best to do sth 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。 3、重点语法1)How 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth A ● 例析导学 1、They also 。 fun n. 乐趣,玩笑 【拓展】1)意为―过的快活‖相当于enjoy oneself at the party 。


九年级英语配套作业本答案参考 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.360docs.net/doc/128146130.html,ter on https://www.360docs.net/doc/128146130.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does 五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves


新版新目标英语九年级 知识点总结 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

1. used to 过去常常 2. be afraid of 害怕 3. from time to time 时常,有时 4. turn red 变红 5. take….up 开始做 6. deal with 对付、应付 7. not….anymore 不再 8. tons of attention 很多关注 9. worry about 为…..担忧 10. be careful 当心 11. hang out 闲逛 12. give up 放弃 13. think about 考虑 14. a very small number of…. 极少数的…… 15. be alone 独处 16. give a speech 做演讲 17. in public 当众18. all the time 一直,总是 19. on the soccer team 在足球队 20. be proud of 为……骄傲 21. no longer 不再 22. be interested in 对…….感兴趣 23. make a decision 做决定 24. in person 亲自 25. to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是 26. change one’s life 改变某人的生活 27. even though 尽管 28. take care of 照顾 29. think of 关心、想着 30. take pride of 为……感到自豪 31. pay attention to 对…..注意,留心 32. one of…… …….之一 33. in the last few years 在过去的几年里 固定词组: 1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 2. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 3. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 4. have to do sth. 必须做某事 5. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 6. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 7. adj. + enough to do sth. 足够……而能做某事 8. be prepared to do sth. 准备做某事 9. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事 10. take up doing sth. 开始做某事 11. begin to do sth. 开始做某事 12. require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 13. decide to do sth. 决定做某某 14. make a decision to do sth. 决定做某事 15. It’s hard to believe that…… 很难相信………. 16. It has been + 一段时间 + since + 从句自从……以来已经有很长的时间了 17. dare to do sth. 敢于做某事 18. It’s + adj. sb. + to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是……的 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A 1. Mario, you used to be short, didn't you 马里奥,你以前个子矮,是吗 (1)used to do 的反意疑问句。 used to do 的反意疑问句的附加疑问句部分要使用didn't。He used to play the piano, didn't he? 他过去常常弹钢琴,是吗? (2)used to“以前经常;过去常常”。 used to do sth to 为不定式,后跟动词原形,used to do sth. 过去经常做某 事 be used to to 为介词,后跟动名词,be used to doing sth. 习惯做某


1. by + doing 通过……方式如:by studying with a group by 还可以表示:"在…旁","靠近","在…期间"、"用,""经过","乘车"等如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o'clock. The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus. 2. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论 如:The students often talk about movie after class. 学生们常常在课后讨论电影。talk to sb. === talk with sb. 与某人说话 3. 提建议的句子: ①What/ how about +doing sth.? 如:What/ How about going shopping? ②Why don't you + do sth.? 如:Why don't you go shopping? ③Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping? ④Let's + do sth. 如:Let's go shopping ⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.? 如:Shall we/ I go shopping? 4. a lot 许多常用于句末如:I eat a lot. 我吃了许多。 5. too…to 太…而不能常用的句型too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:I'm too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说。 6. aloud, loud与loudly的用法三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。 ①aloud是副词,重点在出声能让人听见,但声音不一定很大, 常用在读书或说话上。通常放在动词之后。aloud没有比较级 形式。如: He read the story aloud to his son.他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。 ②loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级,须放在动词之后。如: She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点。 ③loudly是副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,但往往 含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,可位于动词之前或之后。 如: He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不当众大声谈笑。 7. not …at all 一点也不根本不如: I like milk very much. I don't like coffee at all. 我非常喜欢牛奶。我一点也不喜欢咖啡。 not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾 8. be / get excited about sth.=== be / get excited about doing sth. === be excited to do sth. 对…感兴奋如: I am / get excited about going to Beijing.=== I am excited to go to Beijing. 我对去北京感到兴奋。 9. ①end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事如: The party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束。 ②end up with sth. 以…结束如: The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。 10. first of all 首先. to begin with 一开始later on 后来、随 11. also 也、而且(用于肯定句)常在句子的中间 either 也(用于否定句)常在句末 too 也(用于肯定句) 常在句末 12. make mistakes 犯错如:I often make mistakes. 我经常犯错。


Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 综合能力演练附详细参考答案 【巩固练习】 Ⅰ. 单项选择。 1. The book is on Lily’s desk. _________it is hers. A. Maybe B. May be C. Can D. Might 2. —Do you know who the pen_______? —Sorry, I don’t know. A. belong B belong to C. belongs to D. belongs 3. The woman said she saw the thief ____from the shop. A. escaped B. escape C escapes D. to escape 4. If I ______you, I would give some flowers to her. A. am B .was C. are D. were 5. You’d better not read today’s newspaper beca use there is _________in it. A. something interesting B. anything new C. important thing D. nothing special 6. He pretends _______this thing. A. not know B. not knowing C.not to know D.to know not 7. The headmaster _______be in the office because the light is off. A. can’t B might C. could D. must 8. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _____she could ask for help. A. that B. from whom C. whom D. to whom 9. It’s too late, I ________go home now, or my pa rents will be angry with me. A. have to B. have C. may. D. can 10. It’s so cold and you’ve walked a long way. You ______be tired. Have a rest. please. A. can’t B. might C. must D. can 11.—Open the door! Someone is knocking at it. —It ______ Mr. Zhang. He said he would come to see me. A. might be B. maybe C. must be D. may be 12.-Must I hand in my composition today? -NO, you ____ . You can give it to me tomorrow. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. won’t 13.-What is mum cooking in the kitchen? -Fish, I guess. How nice it ______ ! A. smells B. tastes C. sounds D. looks 14.-Look at the boy running on the ground. Is it David? -It ______ be him. I saw him go to the teacher’s office just now. A. must B. can’t C. could D. might 15.-David, is that man your head teacher? -It _____ be him. He is the tallest in our school. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. won’t Ⅱ. 完形填空。【2011 鸡西】 Every child has his own dream. Every child hopes to be an adult. 1 , is it really like what they imagine? As a boy 2 lives in modern times and in a modern city, I feel 3


155******** 一单元 SECTION A 1a 我通过制作抽认卡来学习。通过和朋友一起学习。通过听磁带。通过做抽认卡。通过向老师求助。通过读课本。通过制作单词本。 1c A:你怎么为考试而学习。B:我通过参加学习小组来学习。 2a 1、你是通过看英文录像学英语的吗? 2、你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗? 3、听磁带怎么样? 4、大声朗读以练习发音怎么样?5、我曾经通过参加学习小组的方式学习过吗? 2b A是的,我通过那种学习方式学到了很多。B、哦,是的,它提高了我说英语的能力。C、有时那样做。我觉得他有用。D、不。(通过看英语录像学习)太难了,无法理解录像中的人所说的话。 2c A你曾经通过参加学习小组来学习吗?B、是的,我参加赤字,通过那种方式我学到了很多。 Grammer Focus 你怎么为准备一场考试而学习?我靠听磁带。你怎样学习英语?我通过参加学习小组来学习。你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?是的,我是。你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗?哦,是的,他提高了我说英语的能力。你曾经通过参加学习?小组来学习吗?是的,我参加过。通过那种方式我学习到了很多。 3a如何才能学得最好 这星期我们询问了新星高中的同学关于学习更多英语的最佳方法的问题。许多同学说他们通过使用英语为学习它,一些还有很特别的建议。比如,李莉莲说学习新单词的最好的方法是阅读英语杂志。她说记忆浒音乐的歌词也有一些作用。当我们问及学习语法的问题时,她说:“我从不学习语法。它太枯燥了。” 魏明有不同的看法。他学习英语已经6年了,并且确实喜欢英语。他认为学习语法是学习一门语言的一种好方法。他还认为观看英语电影也不错,国灰他可以看到演员说话的情形。但是,有时候他发现看英语电影是件很头痛的事情,因为那些演员说话太快了。 刘畅说加入学校英语俱乐部是提高英语最好的方法。学生有很多练习的机会并且他们也有很多乐趣。她补充说和朋友练习会话一点用处也没有。“我们会因为某件事变得很激动,最后用汉语来讲,”她说。 3b A:我正在作一个关于学习英语的调查。我能问你一些问题吗?B:当然。A:太好了!你叫什么名字?B:魏明。A:那么你是怎样学习英语的,魏明?B:…… 4 A:你列词汇表吗?B:噢,是的。我常那样做。SECTION B 1a我不会发其中一些单词的音。我不会拼写一些英语单词。我听不懂英语口语。我在语法上犯错误。我读得很慢。1b我不知道怎么使用逗号。2a 1、不能正确发音。 2、忘记很多生词。 3、人们和我说话时我不能每次都听懂。 4、不能理解杂志中的单词。 5、没有获得很多写作训练。 2B A、你可以一直将生词写在你的笔记本里,并在家学习它们。B、你应该找一个笔友。C、听力能起作用。D、为什么不加入一个英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢? 2C A:我没有搭档来练习英语。B、也许我应该加入一个英语俱乐部。 3a我是怎样学习英语的 去年英语课对我来说很难。首先,对我来说听懂老师说话很难。开始,她说的太快,我不能听懂每个单词,后来,我意识到如果你听不懂每个单词并没有关系。而且我害怕在班上说话,因为我认为同学们可能会嘲笑我。我也不是总能造出完整的句子。然后我开始看英文电视。那很有用。我认为做大量听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘决之一。另一件我觉得很难的事是英语语法。所以我决定在每节课上记大量语法要点。然后我开始用我正在学的语法自己写新句子。这样作用处之大令人惊奇。现在我很喜欢学英语并且这学期我得了个A。我的老师对我印象很深。作者觉学英语很难是因为……1、老师发音差。2、她说话时人们总是嘲笑她。3、她在造完整的句子方面有困难。4、英语语法很难。当她开始…她的英语提高了。5、和说英语的朋友一起出去。6、大量的听力练习。7、在自己组织的句子里使用语法。 3b 亲爱的,我知道学英语不容易,但我有一些想法可能有用。你说你不能理解说话太快的人。那么,你可以尽量听最重要的单词,而不是每个单词。 4 1、关于学英语什么不容易。2、就这一点你作了什么? 3、你最喜欢的学习更多英语的方式是什么?韩文说如果人们语速太快听力有时就很难。 SELF CHECK 1 你应该在词汇表中写下新的英文单词。2、如果你不知道怎样拼写生词,就查词典。3、最好的提高你的英语(水平)的方法是加入英语俱乐部。4、另一件他觉得很困难的事是英语语法。5、这种纸摸上去非常柔软。 2 READING Section 2使用词典词典是有用的学习工具,但许多英语单词有不同的含义和用法。我们需要确定我们从词典中找到的含义与语境匹配。 我们该怎样解决我们的烦恼? 无论贫富、老少,我们都有烦恼。并且除非我们解决了问题,否则我们会轻易变得不开心。为我们的问题担忧会影响我们在学校的表现。它也会影响我们同家人相处的方式。所以我们该怎么解决我们的烦恼呢?有许多方法。它不是烦恼----它是挑战。享受面对它(的过程)。 通过学会忘记


第六单元 SECTION A 1a我比较喜欢歌词优美的音乐。我喜欢能随着唱的音乐。我喜欢不太喧闹的音乐。我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。 1c你喜欢哪种音乐?我喜欢能随着唱的音乐。你呢?我比较喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 2a 1.卡门喜欢能演奏不同乐曲的音乐家。2.徐飞喜欢丹·德维什。3.卡门喜欢喧闹的音乐。4.徐飞比较喜欢演奏轻柔优雅歌曲的乐队组合。 2c徐飞喜欢现代乐队吗?不,他不喜欢。他喜欢…… Grammar Focus你喜欢哪种音乐?我喜欢能随着唱的音乐。罗萨喜欢轻柔优雅的音乐。我喜欢自己写词作曲的歌手。我们更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 3a你最喜欢的CD的名字是什么?它的名字是《跳,跳,跳》。你为什么喜欢这张CD?这些音乐好极了,因为你可以跟着跳舞。你可以用它来举办舞会。而且,这些音乐家自己写歌词。关于这张CD,你不喜欢什么?有些歌太长。有些歌手吐词不清。它让你想起了什么?这段音乐让我想起了巴西的舞蹈。 3b最近你听了什么CD?我听了一张名叫《心弦》的CD。你觉得它怎么样?我非常喜欢。为什么呢?这个歌手自己写歌。我比较喜欢自己写歌词的歌手。 4 我喜欢穿着确实很酷的组合。那对我来说真的不重要。我喜欢会唱歌的组合。你最喜欢的组合是哪个?我最喜欢的是…… SECTION B 2b他喜欢与众不同的衣服。 2c我喜欢悲剧电影。我喜欢《沉船》。噢,我不喜欢。我喜欢又可怕的怪兽的电影。我的确喜欢…… 3a《黄河渔夫》这是洪涛的最新电影。我喜欢洪涛。这些年来他拍了一些很好的电影。不幸的是,这是他最糟糕的电影。如果你要寻找乐趣,待在家里看电影。如果你要寻找乐趣,待在家里看电视吧。《黄河渔夫》太长了,而且它也确实烦人。可是,它确实有一些特色。我认为那位渔夫的妻子真的很好笑。埃米·金,摄影一定要去利都画廊看这个展览。埃米·金是当今世界上最有名的中国摄影家之一,她最著名的一些照片会在这次展览中展出。她确实能给每个人带来某些东西。这里有许多人物和农村的精美照片。那几幅城市的照片不怎么成功。我每天都看到这些东西,它们使我不太感兴趣。但是,这是一个世界及摄影者的极好的展出。无论你做什么,都不要错过这个展览。野性狂风多年来,我们见过一些名字相当奇怪的音乐组合来往于乐坛。几乎没有比这个乐队的名字更奇怪的了。这个名字表明这个乐队精力充沛。他们演奏那种我喜欢听的音乐。每首歌都很响亮,你经常听不懂那些歌词,但这没问题,因为这些歌词不是很好。然而,这些是使我们快乐的音乐家——即使是在一个周一的早上! SELF CHECK 11.我更喜欢古典音乐而不是流行音乐。2.那个人使我想起我的英语老师。他们穿同样的衣服。3.我们正在寻找一个安静的地方度假。你知道一个好地方吗?4.我喜爱在天气热的时候吃冰激淋。没有比它更好的了!5.我不能忍受汉堡包!它们使我感到恶心。 2主题:香港发件人:玲玲亲爱的笔友:我在香港玩得很开心,可是我必须坦诚地说我更喜欢上海。尽管如此,它是一个游览的好地方,并且我很幸运在这
