



Catalytic strategies for industrial water re-use


The use of catalytic processes in pollution abatement and resource recovery is widespread and of significant economic importance [R.J. Farrauto, C.H. Bartholomew, Fundamentals of Industrial Catalytic Processes, Blackie Academic and Professional,1997.]. For water recovery and re-use chemo-catalysis is only just starting to make an impact although bio-catalysis is well established [J.N. Horan, BiologicalWastewater Treatment Systems; Theory and Operation, Chichester, Wiley,

1990.]. This paper will discuss some of the principles behind developing chemo-catalytic processes for water re-use. Within this context oxidative catalytic chemistry has many opportunities to underpin the development of successful processes and many emerging technologies based on this chemistry can be considered .

Keywords: COD removal; Catalytic oxidation; Industrial water treatment


Industrial water re-use in Europe has not yet started on the large scale. However, with potential long term changes in European weather and the need for more water abstraction from boreholes and rivers, the availability of water at low prices will become increasingly rare. As water prices rise there will come a point when technologies that exist now (or are being developed) will make water recycle and re-use a viable commercial operation. As that future approaches, it is worth stating the most important fact about wastewater improvement–avoid it completely if at all possible! It is best to consider water not as a naturally available cheap solvent but rather, difficult to purify, easily contaminated material that if allowed into the environment will permeate all parts of the biosphere. A pollutant is just a material in the wrong place and therefore design your process to keep the material where it should be –contained and safe. Avoidance and then minimisation are the two first steps in looking at any pollutant removal problem. Of course avoidance may not be an option on an existing plant where any changes may have large consequences for plant items if major flowsheet revision were required. Also avoidance may mean simply transferring the issue from the aqueous phase to the gas phase. There are advantages and disadvantages to both water and gas pollutant abatement. However, it must be remembered that gas phase organic pollutant removal (VOC combustion etc.,) is much more advanced than the equivalent water COD removal and therefore worth consideration [1]. Because these aspects cannot be over-emphasised,a third step would be to visit the first two steps again. Clean-up is expensive, recycle and re-use even if you have a cost effective process is still more capital equipment that will lower your return on assets and make the process less financially attractive. At present the best technology for water recycle is membrane based. This is the only technology that will produce a sufficiently clean permeate for chemical process use. However, the technology cannot be used in isolation and in many (all) cases will require filtration upstream and a technique for handling the downstream retentate containing the pollutants. Thus, hybrid technologies are required that together can handle the all aspects of the water improvement process[6,7,8].

Hence the general rules for wastewater improvement are:

1. Avoid if possible, consider all possible ways to minimise.

2. Keep contaminated streams separate.

3. Treat each stream at source for maximum concentration and minimum flow.

4. Measure and identify contaminants over complete process cycle. Look for peaks, which will prove costly to manage and attempt to run the process as close to typical values as possible. This paper will consider the industries that are affected by wastewater issues and the technologies that are available to dispose of the retentate which will contain the pollutants from the wastewater effluent. The paper will describe some of the problems to be overcome and how the technologies solve these problems to varying degrees. It will also discuss how the cost driver should influence developers of future technologies.

2. The industries

The process industries that have a significant wastewater effluent are shown in Fig. 1. These process industries can be involved in wastewater treatment in many areas and some illustrations of this are outlined below.

Fig. 1. Process industries with wastewater issues.

2.1. Refineries

The process of bringing oil to the refinery will often produce contaminated water. Oil pipelines from offshore rigs are cleaned with water; oil ships ballast with water and the result can be significant water improvement issues.

2.2. Chemicals

The synthesis of intermediate and speciality chemicals often involve the use of a water wash step to remove impurities or wash out residual flammable solvents before drying.

2.3. Petrochemicals

Ethylene plants need to remove acid gases (CO2, H2S) formed in the manufacture process. This situation can be exacerbated by the need to add sulphur compounds before the pyrolysis stage to improve the process selectivity. Caustic scrubbing is the usual method and this produces a significant water effluent disposal problem.

2.4. Pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals

These industries can have water wash steps in synthesis but in addition they are often formulated with water-based surfactants or wetting agents.

2.5. Foods and beverages

Clearly use water in processing and COD and BOD issues will be the end result.

2.6. Pulp and paper

This industry uses very large quantities of water for processing –aqueous peroxide and enzymes for bleaching in addition to the standard Kraft type processing of the pulp. It is important to realise how much human society contributes to

contaminated water and an investigation of the flow rates through municipal treatment plants soon shows the significance of non-process industry derived wastewater.

3. The technologies

The technologies for recalcitrant COD and toxic pollutants in aqueous effluent are shown in Fig. 2. These examples of technologies [2,6,8] available or in development can be categorised according to the general principle underlying the mechanism of action. If in addition the adsorption (absorption) processes are ignored for this catalysis discussion then the categories are:

1. Biocatalysis

2. Air/oxygen based catalytic (or non-catalytic).

3. Chemical oxidation

1. Without catalysis using chemical oxidants

2. With catalysis using either the generation of _OH or active oxygen transfer. Biocatalysis is an excellent technology for Municipal wastewater treatment providing a very cost-effective route for the removal of organics from water. It is capable of much development via the use of different types of bacteria to increase the overall flexibility of the technology. One issue remains –what to do with all the activated sludge even after mass reduction by de-watering. The quantities involved mean that this is not an easy problem to solve and re-use as a fertilizer can only use so much. The sludge can be toxic via absorption of heavy metals, recalcitrant toxic COD. In this case incineration and safe disposal of the ash to acceptable landfill may be required. Air based oxidation [6,7] is very attractive because providing purer grades of oxygen are not required if the oxidant is free. Unfortunately, it is only slightly soluble in water, rather unreactive at low temperatures and, therefore, needs heat and pressure to deliver reasonable rates of reaction. These plants become capital intensive as pressures (from _10 to 100 bar) are used. Therefore, although the running costs maybe low the initial capital outlay on the plant has a very significant effect on the costs of the process. Catalysis improves the rates of reaction and hence lowers the temperature and pressure but is not able to avoid them and hence does not offer a complete solution. The catalysts used are generally Group VIII metals such as cobalt or copper. The leaching of these metals into the aqueous phase is a difficulty that inhibits the general use of heterogeneous catalysts [7]. Chemical oxidation with cheap oxidants has been well practised on integrated chemical plants. The usual example is waste sodium hypochlorite generated in chlor-alkali units that can be utilised to oxidise COD streams from other plants within the complex. Hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate are all possible oxidants in this type of process. The choice is primarily determined by which is the cheapest at the point of use. A secondary consideration is how effective is the oxidant. Possibly the most

researched catalytic area is the generation and use of _OH as a very active oxidant (advanced oxidation processes) [8]. There are a variety of ways of doing this but the most usual is with photons and a photocatalyst. The photocatalyst is normally TiO2 but other materials with a suitable band gap can be used [9,10]. The processes can be very active however the engineering difficulties of getting light, a catalyst and the effluent efficiently contacted is not easy. In fact the poor efficiency of light usage by the catalyst (either through contacting problems or inherent to the catalyst) make this process only suitable for light from solar sources. Photons derived from electrical power that comes from fossil fuels are not acceptable because the carbon dioxide emission this implies far outweighs and COD abatement. Hydroelectric power (and nuclear power) are possible sources but the basic inefficiency is not being avoided. Hydrogen peroxide and ozone have been used with photocatalysis but they can be used separately or together with catalysts to effect COD oxidation. For ozone there is the problem of the manufacturing route, corona discharge, which is a capital intensive process often limits its application and better route to ozone would be very useful. It is important to note at this point that the oxidants discussed do not have sufficient inherent reactivity to be use without promotion. Thus, catalysis is central to their effective use against both simple organics (often solvents) or complex recalcitrant COD. Hence, the use of Fenton’s catalyst (Fe) for hydrogen peroxide [11]. In terms of catalysis these oxidants together with hypochlorite form a set of materials that can act has ‘active oxygen transfer (AOT) oxidants’ in the presence of a suitable catalyst. If the AOT oxidant is hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide then three phase reactions are avoided which greatly simplifies the flowsheet. Cheap, catalytically promoted oxidants with environmentally acceptable products of oxidation that do not require complex chemical engineering and can be produced efficiently would appear to offer one of the best solutions to the general difficulties often observed.

3.1. Redox catalysis and active oxygen transfer

The mechanism of catalytically promoted oxidation with hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite cannot be encompassed within one concept, however there are general similarities between the two oxidants that allows one to write a series of reactions for both (Fig. 3) [5]. This type of mechanism could be used to describe a broad range of reactions for either oxidant from catalytic epoxidation to COD oxidation. The inherent usefulness of the reactions is that;

1. The reactions take place in a two-phase system.

2. High pressure and temperature are not required.

3. The catalytic surface can act as an adsorbent of the COD to be oxidised effectively increasing the concentration and hence the rate of oxidation.

The simple mechanism shows the selectivity issue with this type of processes. The oxidant can simply be decomposed by the catalyst to oxygen gas – this reaction must be avoided because dioxygen will play no role in COD removal. Its formation is an expensive waste of reagent with oxygen gas ($20/Te) compared to the oxidant ($400–600/Te). To be cost competitive with alternative processes redox catalysis needs excellent selectivity.

3.2. Technology mapping

The technologies so far described can be mapped [12] for their applicability with effluent COD concentration (measured as TOC) and effluent flow rate (m3 h-1). The map is shown in Fig. 4. The map outlines the areas where technologies are most effective. The boundaries, although drawn, are in fact fuzzier and should be only used as a guide. Only well into each shape will a technology start to dominate. The underlying cost model behind the map is based on simple assertions – at high COD mass flows only air/oxygen will be able to keep costs down because of the relatively low variable cost of the oxidant. At high COD concentrations and high flows only biological treatment plants have proved themselves viable –of course if done at source recovery becomes an option. At low flows and low COD levels redox AOT catalysis is an important technology – the Synetix Accent 1 process being an example of this type of process (see Fig. 5 for a simplified flowsheet). The catalyst operates under very controlled conditions at pH > 9 and hence metal leaching can be avoided (<5 ppb). The activity and selectivity aspects of the catalyst displayed in Fig. 3 can be further elaborated to look at the potential surface species. This simple view has been extended by a significant amount of research [3,4,5]. Now the mechanism of such a catalyst can be described in Fig. 6. The key step is to avoid recombination of NiO holes to give peroxy species and this can be contrasted with the hydrogen peroxide situation where the step may be characterized as oxygen vacancy filled. From both recombination will be facilitated by electronic and spatial factors. The range of application of the process is outlined below. From laboratory data some general types of chemical have been found suitable –sulphides, amines, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, phenols, carboxylic acids, olefins and aromatic hydrocarbons. From industrial trials recalcitrant COD (nonbiodegradable) and sulphur compounds have been successfully demonstrated and a plant oxidising sulphur species has been installed and is operational.

4. Conclusions

Wastewater treatment processes are in the early stages of development. The key parameters at present are effectiveness and long term reliability. Many processes operating are in this stage, including the redox Accent TM is a trademark of the ICI

Group of Companies. catalysis systems. However,once proven, redox catalysis offers many advantages for COD removal from wastewater:

1. The low capital cost of installation.

2. Simple operation that can be automated.

3. Flexible nature of the process – can be easily modified to meet changing demands of legislation.

Hence it will be expected to develop into an important technology in wastewater improvement.


The author is grateful to Jane Butcher and Keith Kelly of Synetix for discussions on this paper. References

[1] R.J. Farrauto, C.H. Bartholomew, Fundamentals of Industrial Catalytic Processes, Blackie Academic and Professional, 1997. F.E. Hancock / Catalysis Today 53 (1999) 3–9 9

[2] J.N. Horan, Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems; Theory and Operation, Chichester, Wiley, 1990.

[3] F.E. Hancock et al., Catalysis Today 40 (1998) 289.

[4] F. King, F.E. Hancock, Catal. Today 27 (1996) 203.

[5] J. Hollingworth et al., J. Electron Spectrosc., in press.

[6] F. Luck, Environmental Catalysis, in: G. Centi et al. (Eds.), EFCE Publishers, Series 112, p. 125.

[7] D. Mantzavinos et al., in: V ogelpohl and Geissen (Eds.), in: Proceedings of the Conference on Water Science and Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, May 1996, J. Int. Assoc. Water Quality, Pergamon, 1997.

[8] R. Venkatadri, R.W. Peters, Hazardous Waste Hazardous Mater. 10 (1993) 107.

[9] A.M. Braun, E. Oliveros, Water Sci. Tech. 35 (1997) 17.

[10] D. Bahnemann et al., Aquatic and surface photochemistry, Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. (1994) 261.

[11] J. Prousek, Chem. Lisy 89 (1995) 11.










1. 尽可能避免污染,考虑所有使污染最小化的措施。

2. 隔离受污染水体。

3. 源头处理河水,高浓度低流量。

4. 在完整的处理周期中测量和鉴定污染物。找到运行管理费用的最高值,尽量使其与常规费用相接近。



2.1 精练厂


2.2 化学药品


2.3 石油化工产品


2.4 药物和农用化学品


2.5 食品和饮料


2.6 纸浆和造纸





1. 生物催话作用

2. 以空气/氧为基础的接触反应

3. 化学氧化

4. 无催化作用的化学药剂氧化

5. 利用_OH或活性氧转移的催化作用







3.1 氧化还原催话作用和AOT


1. 反应发生在两相系统当中。

2. 不需高温高压。

3. 接触反应表面可起到COD吸收剂作用,有效提高浓度和氧化速率。


3.2 技术图

至此,所描述的技术勾画出了其对出流COD浓度和出流流速的适应性。技术图如图所示。概述了技术的有效应用领域,其边界是模糊的,只能作为指导。只有在理论系统成型之后,技术才能居于主导地位。图示后面划线的成本模型基于一种简单的主张,即只有空气/氧气才能控制COD的处理成本,因为氧化剂的不稳定成本相对较低。在水源水质恢复具有选择性的条件下,对于COD浓度高流量大的污水,只有生物处理设备是可行的。低流量低COD值时,氧化还原AOT 催化是一种重要的技术。图5所示的SA过程就属于这一范畴。


非洲生物工程卷。7(15),第2621至2629年2008年8月4https://www.360docs.net/doc/1315840068.html,/AJB ISSN 1684-5315 2008学术期刊约旦污水处理厂处理性能及水回用的适宜性 无论是在城市还是农村环境,水资源的更有效地利用都有一个增长的趋势。在约旦,水的需求增加,水资源短缺,导致人们对废水回用产生了兴趣。在这项工作中,分别测定四个废水处理厂的水质特点,并对废水特性进行了评估。在选定的污水处理厂中测量其进出水水质的生化需氧量,化学需氧量,总悬浮固体,总溶解固体,氨氮,和溶解氧。经过处理后的出水水质与约旦的标准进行了比较。结果表明:在约旦城市废水中的生化需氧量,化学需氧量,总悬浮固体,NH4等污染物的浓度很高,所以它是一个较大的浪费。评估了四个污水处理厂的性能,常规和改良活性污泥表现出良好的性能,而低水质则是通过稳定塘产生的。活性污泥污水处理厂的出水水质符合约旦标准。为了防止其对人类健康和环境的影响,在重复使用前,二级出水需要进行深度处理。 关键词:废水,处理厂,水回用,废水特点,废水处理,约旦 前言 约旦人口迅速增加,在1950年到2006年从58万增长到560万。这一增长导致每年提高 3.1%的增长速度,并且从1948年巴勒斯坦连续移民,90年代从1967年科威特开始移民(统计处2006年)。约旦多年来一直面临着水资源短缺的问题,提高水资源的利用效率作为其努力的重要组成部分,从而来处理水资源短缺的问题。总平均降水总量约为8.5 × 109立方米/年,但这一数量的92%是通过蒸发损失掉的(铝Zboon,2002)。耗水量的增加,是人口增长和发展项目的必然结果,而水资源的有效利用却是年复一年的被限制。在2000年,每年的需水量,估计为1100万立方米,而从各种渠道的可供水量(地表水和地下水)却小于850 万立方米,这表明了250万立方米的缺水问题。这种水资源的短缺同时也影响了个人消费。例如,在1998年耗水量约为160m3/capita/y,预计在2020年将下降到90m3/capita/y,这是一个非常低的比较对于人均消费水平在1000立方米/年(铝Zboon,2002)城市农业需水量占总用水量的73%,而22%的水是用于国内需求,只有5%是用于工业部门(WAJ,2006)。 这种水资源的需求增加与限制相结合导致水资源的可利用量的发展。目前,世界各地的废水资源的再利用促进了废水有限水资源和


机械设计 摘要:机器是由机械装置和其它组件组成的。它是一种用来转换或传递能量的装置,例如:发动机、涡轮机、车辆、起重机、印刷机、洗衣机、照相机和摄影机等。许多原则和设计方法不但适用于机器的设计,也适用于非机器的设计。术语中的“机械装置设计”的含义要比“机械设计”的含义更为广泛一些,机械装置设计包括机械设计。在分析运动及设计结构时,要把产品外型以及以后的保养也要考虑在机械设计中。在机械工程领域中,以及其它工程领域中,所有这些都需要机械设备,比如:开关、凸轮、阀门、船舶以及搅拌机等。 关键词:设计流程设计规则机械设计 设计流程 设计开始之前就要想到机器的实际性,现存的机器需要在耐用性、效率、重量、速度,或者成本上得到改善。新的机器必需具有以前机器所能执行的功能。 在设计的初始阶段,应该允许设计人员充分发挥创造性,不要受到任何约束。即使产生了许多不切实际的想法,也会在设计的早期,即在绘制图纸之前被改正掉。只有这样,才不致于阻断创新的思路。通常,还要提出几套设计方案,然后加以比较。很有可能在这个计划最后决定中,使用了某些不在计划之内的一些设想。 一般的当外型特点和组件部分的尺寸特点分析得透彻时,就可以全面的设计和分析。接着还要客观的分析机器性能的优越性,以及它的安全、重量、耐用性,并且竞争力的成本也要考虑在分析结果之内。每一个至关重要的部分要优化它的比例和尺寸,同时也要保持与其它组成部分相协调。 也要选择原材料和处理原材料的方法。通过力学原理来分析和实现这些重要的特性,如那些静态反应的能量和摩擦力的最佳利用,像动力惯性、加速动力和能量;包括弹性材料的强度、应力和刚度等材料的物理特性,以及流体润滑和驱动器的流体力学。设计的过程是重复和合作的过程,无论是正式或非正式的进行,对设计者来说每个阶段都很重要。 最后,以图样为设计的标准,并建立将来的模型。如果它的测试是符合事先要

污水处理 英文文献3 翻译

丹宁改性絮凝剂处理城市污水 J.Beltrán-heredia,J.ánche z-Martin 埃斯特雷马杜拉大学化学工程系和物理化学系,德埃娃儿,S / N 06071,巴达霍斯,西班牙 摘要 一种新的以丹宁为主要成分的混凝剂和絮凝剂已经过测试用以处理城市污水。TANFLOC 证实了其在浊度的去除上的高效性(接近100%,取决于剂量),并且近50%的BOD5和COD 被去除,表明TANFLOC是合适的凝集剂,效力可与明矾相媲美。混凝絮凝剂过程不依赖于温度,发现最佳搅拌速度和时间为40转/每分钟和30分钟。多酚含量不显著增加,30%的阴离子表面活性剂被去除。沉淀过程似乎是一种絮凝分离,所以污泥体积指数和它随絮凝剂剂量的改变可以确定。证明TANFLOC是相当有效的可用于污水处理的混凝絮凝剂。 关键词: 基于丹宁的絮凝剂城市污水絮凝天然混凝剂 1.简介 人类活动是废物的来源。特别是在城市定居点,来自家庭和工业的废水可能是危险有害的产品[ 1 ],需要适当的处理,以避免对环境[ 2 ]和健康的影响[ 3,4 ]。2006年12月4日联合国大会通过决议宣布2008为国际卫生年。无效的卫生基础设施促使每年220万人死于腹泻,主要在3岁以下儿童,600万人因沙眼失明,两亿人感染血吸虫病,只是为了给出一些数据[ 5 ]。显然,他们中的大多数都是在发展中国家,所以谈及城市污水,必须研究适当的技术来拓宽可能的处理技术种类。 在这个意义上,许多类型的水处理被使用。他们之间的分歧在于经济和技术特点上。了摆脱危险的污染[ 6 ],一些令人关注的论文已经发表的关于城市污水处理的几种天然的替代方法,包括绿色过滤器、化学初步分离、紫外消毒[ 7 ]和多级程序[ 8 ]。 几个以前的文件指出了城市污水管理[9,10]的重要性。这种类型的废物已成为社会研究的目标,因为它涉及到几个方面,都与社会结构和社会组织[11 ]相关。根据这一维度,必须认识到废水管理作为发展中国家的一种社会变化的因素,事关污水处理和生产之间的平衡,是非常重要的,一方面,人类要发展,另一方面,显而易见。 对水处理其它程序的研究一直是这和其他文件的范围。几年来,研究者关注的是发展中国家间的合作,他们正在致力于水处理的替代过程,主要考虑可持续发展,社会承受能力和可行性等理念。在这个意义上,自然混凝絮凝剂这一广为传播,易于操作的资源即使是非专业人员也不难操作。有一些例子,如辣木[ 14 ]和仙人掌榕[ 15 ]。丹宁可能是一个新的混凝剂和絮凝剂。 一些开拓者已经研究了丹宁水处理能力。 ?zacar和sengil [ 16 ]:从瓦罗NIA获得的丹宁,从土耳其的autoctonous树的果壳中获得丹宁,并用于他们的–污水混凝絮凝过程。他们表明,丹宁有很好的效果,结合Al2(SO4)3可进一步提高污泥去除率。 詹和赵[ 17 ]试着用丹宁为主要成分的凝胶作为吸收剂除去水中的铝,丹宁凝胶改进了金属去除过程,一定意义上也可参照Nakano等人的[ 18 ],Kim 和Nakano[ 19 ]。 ?zacar和sengil [ 20 ]加强以前的文章给出了关于三卤甲烷的形成和其他不良化合物特殊的数据,以及处理后的水质安全。他们始终使用丹宁与Al2(SO4)3的组合。 帕尔马等人将丹宁从辐射松的树皮为原位提取,用于重金属去除中聚合固体。树皮本


运作整合 供应链协作的首要问题是提高运作整合的程度。供应链协作课达到的好处,直接关系到捕捉效率之间的职能的企业,以及全国的企业,构成了国内或国际供应链。本章重点阐述的挑战,一体化管理,由研究为什么一体化创造价值,并通过详列的挑战,双方的企业集成和供应链整合。必不可少的供应链流程是确定的。注意的是,然后向信息技术提供,以方便集成化供应链规划。本章最后审查了定价。在最后的分析,定价的做法和政府是至关重要的供应链的连续性。 为什么整合创造价值 基本的优点与挑战的综合管理介绍了在第1章。进一步解释整合管理的重要性,有用的指出客户都至少有三个角度的价值。 传统的角度来看,价值是经济价值。第二个价值的角度来看,是市场价值。 实现双方经济和市场价值是很重要的客户。然而,越来越多的企业认识到商业上的成功也取决于第三个角度来看,价值,被称为关联性。 物流一体化目标 为实现物流一体化的供应链背景下,6个业务目标必须同时取得:( 1 )响应,( 2 )差额减少,( 3 )库存减少,( 4 )托运巩固,( 5 )质量,( 6 )生命周期支持。的相对重要性,每个直接关系到公司的物流战略。 响应 一公司的工作能力,以满足客户的要求,及时被称为反应。作为一再指出,信息技术是促进反应为基础的战略,允许业务的承诺被推迟到最后可能时间,其次是加速投放。实施对应策略服务,以减少库存承诺或部署在预期客户的需求。响应服务转向业务重点从预测未来的需求,以容纳顾客对快速订单到出货的基础上。理想的情况是,在一个负责任的系统中,库存是没有部署,直到客户承诺。支持这样的承诺,公司必须有物流的属性,库存的可用性和及时交付,一旦客户订单收到。 差异减少 所有经营领域的物流系统很容易受到差额。方差结果从未能履行任何预期的层面后勤业务不如预期。举例来说,毫不拖延地在客户订单处理,意想不到的干扰,以便选择,抵港货物损坏,在客户的位置,和/或未能提供在适当的位置上的时间,所有创造无计划的差异,在订单到交货周期。一个共同的解决办法,以保障对不利的差异是使用库存安全库存,以缓冲行动。这亦是共同使用的首选运输,以克服意想不到的差异延误交货计划。这种做法,鉴于其相关的成本高,可以尽量减少使用资讯科技,以维持积极的物流控制。向程度的差异是最小化,物流的生产力将提高。因此,差异减少,消除系统中断,是一个基本的目标,综合物流管理。 库存减少 要达到的目标,库存减少,一个综合物流系统必须控制资产的承诺,并把速度。资产的承诺,是财政的价值部署清单。把速度,反映了利率,这是充实库存随着时间的推移。高转率,再加上预期的库存供货,平均资产用于库存正在迅速而有效利用,这就是整体资产承诺支持一个综合运作减至最低。 库存能够而且确实方便可取的好处这是很重要的要请记住。库存是至关重要的实现规模经济,在制造业和采购。目的是要减少和管理存货,以尽可能最低的水平,同时实现整体供应链绩效的目标。


污水处理英文翻译解析 河流污水处理的相关论述 1 前言 随着工业化和城市化的发展,水环境污染、水资源紧缺日益严重,水污染控制、水环境保护已刻不容缓。我国现在新建城市或城区采用雨污分流制,但老城市或老城区大多仍然是雨污合流的排水体制。许多合流污水是直接排放到水体。而将旧合流制改为分流制,受现状条件限制大许多。老城区建成年代较长,地下管线基本成型,地面建筑拥挤,路面狭窄,旧合流制改分流制难度较大。合流污水的一大特点是旱季和雨季的水质、水量变化大,雨季污水 BOD 浓度低,不利于生化处理。国家提出 2010 的我国城市污水处理率要求达到 40%, 因此研究有效的合流污水处理方法对加快城市污水处理步伐具有重要的意义。本文针对合流污水处理的有关情况,谈一些个人看法。 2 污水处理工艺要求 我国目前不少城市,新城区与老城区并存,合流制与分流制并存。因此,新建或扩建的污水处理厂,在满足城市总体规划和排水规划需要的同时,还应能达到如下要求: 1. 具备接纳旧城区合流污水的能力,具有较强的适应冲击负荷的能力。污水处理厂污水来源包括两部分,一是新城区分流污水,二是老城区合流污水。与合流污水相比,分流污水水质、水量变化幅度小得多,对污水处理厂调节缓冲的要求小得多。对于合流污 水,降雨前期因雨水冲刷街区,合流污水较脏,但水量相对较小,降雨后期水量较大,但污水中有机物浓度相对较小。因此,降雨前期合流污水,可考虑与分流污水一起经预处理后进入污水处理构筑物。降雨后期合流污水,除一部

分与分流污水一起经污水预处理构筑物进入污水处理构筑物外,另一部分可考虑通过雨污溢流构筑物进入雨污溢流沉定池后排入附近水体。为了对进入污水处理构筑物的合流污水高峰流量、水质波动进行缓冲调节,污水处理构筑物前端可设缓冲调节池以均衡水质、储存水量。 2. 具有可靠的 BOD、 COD、 SS 去除功能及氮磷去除功能,保证最终出水水质稳定。通常情况下,城市污水中难降解有机物较少, BOD、 COD 去除比较容易实现,而氮磷去除则较复杂。我国现行的污水排放标准对污水处理厂出水氮磷指标有严格的要求,故城市污水处理都必须达到氮磷的有效去除。在现行城市污水脱氮除磷工艺中, A2/0 采用较为广泛。针对 A2/0 工艺存在的问题目前出现了许多改进工艺,每种工艺又都存在各自的特点和局限。由于合流污水引起的水质、水量波动较大,对污水厂各处理单元产生冲击,为了适应受纳水体的要求,为使 BOD、COD 等指标进一步降低,进一步去除污水中的细菌及氮、磷等植物性营养物质,在污水厂与受纳水体之间可设氧化塘。 3. 具有灵活多变的运行方式,可根据收集的污水量、进水水质以及季节变化调整运行方式。常规 A2/0 工艺,很难做到灵活方便地调整运行方式。但 A2/0工艺从构成原理上讲,是在曝气段前 加厌氧段和缺氧段。这一原理用于氧化沟技术,便可形成各种适应不同水质、水量、季节变化的运行方式。污水厂可根据实际情况设两个以上的氧化沟,每个沟设一定数量的水力推进器,池底均匀分布微孔爆气器。通过调整氧化沟污水进水管阀门、曝气器的开及关的区域、内回流比大小、污泥回流比大小及水力推进器运行个数,便可形成串联、并联等若干种运行方式。每种运行方式具有各自区域大小不同的厌氧段、缺氮段、曝气段。当旱季污水量小则采用串联运行方式,雨季污水量大,则采用并联运行方式。夏季温度高,硝化反应速度快,则采用具有较小曝气区域、较小硝化段的运行方式,相应反硝化区域


氧化沟处理技术现状说明 美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区水环境保护署办公室 一、总论 氧化沟是一种改良的活性污泥生物处理工艺,它是利用较长的固体停留时间(SRT)来去除可生物降解的有机物。氧化沟是典型的完全混合系统,但他们可以修改塞流条件。(注:由于塞流,必须通过空气扩散来保证完全的混合。该系统也将不再作为一个氧化沟)。典型的氧化沟处理系统包括一个或多个环形、椭圆形或马蹄形的渠道。因此,氧化沟被称为“跑道式”反应。通过安装水平或垂直的曝气机在氧化沟中曝气来提供氧气。 通常情况下在氧化沟之前设置预处理单元,如格栅、沉砂和沉淀等,但这也不是必须设置的。根据出水要求,可能需要在出水前设置三级过滤器,在最终排放之前有必要进行消毒。污泥从二沉池污泥回流到氧化沟再一次曝气和混合。典型的氧化沟工艺流程图如图1所示。 图1 典型氧化沟工艺流程图 表面曝气器,如转刷曝气器,转盘曝气器,导流管,或微小气泡扩散器可以保证污泥和水的充分混合。混合过程中氧气就进入到混合液中促进微生物新陈代谢,同时也保证了微生物与废水充分接触。通过曝气,增加了混合液中的溶解氧(DO)的浓度,但是随着混合液在氧化沟中流动,可供微生物吸收的溶解氧浓度逐渐降低,固体在氧化沟中保持着悬浮状态。可以通过硝化作用来设计停留时间,那样就会有很高的硝化程度,氧化沟出水通常是单独排到二沉池里,同时也可以在氧化沟之前增加一个厌氧池来提高除磷效果。 氧化沟也可以通过操作实现部分脱硝。常见的一种通过改进来强化脱氮效果的工艺,称为卢德扎克-艾丁格(MLE)过程。在这一过程中,如图2所示,通过

好氧区混合液的内回流来实现更高水平的反硝化。在好氧区,自养型细菌(硝化菌)将氨氮转化为亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐。在缺氧区,异养菌将硝态氮转化为氮气释放到大气中。一部分混合液从好氧区回流到缺氧区,给缺氧区提供了高浓度的硝态氮。 图2 改进的卢德扎克-艾丁格工艺示意图 为了去除停留在氧化沟中或在缺氧区和好氧区之间循环的营养物质,一些制造商已经找到了改良的办法。而不同制造商的方法不同,一般来说,整个过程包括两个独立的池子,第一个为缺氧池,第二个为好氧池。污水和回流活性污泥首先进入缺氧池,在缺氧条件下进行反应,随后混合液进入到好氧池进行第二反应。改良后,这一过程将会逆转,也就是说,第二反应将在缺氧条件下进行。 二、适用性 氧化沟工艺是一种活性污泥法(常规或延时曝气)处理废水的二次处理技术,适用于任何情况,任何废水都是合适的。通过选择合适的混合液最低温度和改变沟渠的大小选择适当的停留时间(SRT),可以达到预期的硝化效果。该技术在小型装置,小社区和偏远地区是非常适合的,因为它比传统的污水处理厂需要更多的土地。 氧化沟技术起源于荷兰,1954年,第一个具有完整规模的工厂安装在荷兰的福尔斯霍滕小镇。截止1998年,在美国就有9200多个城市配有氧化沟设施。为了脱氮设计和运行的氧化沟,通过硝化作用,可以使氨氮含量低于1 mg/L。 三、优缺点 3.1优点 氧化沟的主要优点是操作要求和运行维护成本低,有很高的去除能力。氧化沟的一些具体的优点包括:


附录Ⅰ: Wastewater Biological Treatment Processes The objective of wastewater treatment is to reduce the concentration of specific pollutants to the level at which the discharge of the effluent will not adversely affect the environment or pose a health threat. Moreover , reduction of these constituents need only be to some required level. For any given wastewater in a specific location , the degree and type of treatment are variables that require engineering decisions . often the degree of treatment depends on the assimilative capacity of the receiving water . DO sag curves can indicate how much BOD must be removed from wastewater so that the DO of receiving water is not depressed too far . The amount of BOD that must be removed is an effluent standard and dictates in large part the type of wastewater treatment required . To facilitate the discussion of wastewater , assume a “ typical wastewater ”and assume further that the effluent from this wastewater treatment must meet the following effluent standards : BOD≤15mg/L SS≤15mg/L P≤1mg/L Additional effluent standard could have been established , but for illustrative purposes we consider only these three . The treatment system selected to achieve these effluent standards includes 1. Primary treatment : physical processes that nonhomogenizable solids and homogenize the remaining effluent . 2. Secondary treatment : biological process that remove most of the biochemical demand for oxyen . 3. Tertiary treatment : physical , biological , and chemical processes to remove nutrients like phosphorus and inorganic pollutants , to deodorize and decolorize effluent water , and to carry out further oxidation .


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文资料对照外文翻译 Catalytic strategies for industrial water re-use Abstract The use of catalytic processes in pollution abatement and resource recovery is widespread and of significant economic importance [R.J. Farrauto, C.H. Bartholomew, Fundamentals of Industrial Catalytic Processes, Blackie Academic and Professional,1997.]. For water recovery and re-use chemo-catalysis is only just starting to make an impact although bio-catalysis is well established [J.N. Horan, BiologicalWastewater Treatment Systems; Theory and Operation, Chichester, Wiley,

1990.]. This paper will discuss some of the principles behind developing chemo-catalytic processes for water re-use. Within this context oxidative catalytic chemistry has many opportunities to underpin the development of successful processes and many emerging technologies based on this chemistry can be considered . Keywords: COD removal; Catalytic oxidation; Industrial water treatment 1.Introduction Industrial water re-use in Europe has not yet started on the large scale. However, with potential long term changes in European weather and the need for more water abstraction from boreholes and rivers, the availability of water at low prices will become increasingly rare. As water prices rise there will come a point when technologies that exist now (or are being developed) will make water recycle and re-use a viable commercial operation. As that future approaches, it is worth stating the most important fact about wastewater improvement–avoid it completely if at all possible! It is best to consider water not as a naturally available cheap solvent but rather, difficult to purify, easily contaminated material that if allowed into the environment will permeate all parts of the biosphere. A pollutant is just a material in the wrong place and therefore design your process to keep the material where it should be –contained and safe. Avoidance and then minimisation are the two first steps in looking at any pollutant removal problem. Of course avoidance may not be an option on an existing plant where any changes may have large consequences for plant items if major flowsheet revision were required. Also avoidance may mean simply transferring the issue from the aqueous phase to the gas phase. There are advantages and disadvantages to both water and gas pollutant abatement. However, it must be remembered that gas phase organic pollutant removal (VOC combustion etc.,) is much more advanced than the equivalent water COD removal and therefore worth consideration [1]. Because these aspects cannot be over-emphasised,a third step would be to visit the first two steps again. Clean-up is expensive, recycle and re-use even if you have a cost effective process is still more capital equipment that will lower your return on assets and make the process less financially attractive. At present the best technology for water recycle is membrane based. This is the only technology that will produce a sufficiently clean permeate for chemical process use. However, the technology cannot be used in isolation and in many (all) cases will require filtration upstream and a technique for handling the downstream retentate containing the pollutants. Thus, hybrid technologies are required that together can handle the all aspects of the water improvement process[6,7,8]. Hence the general rules for wastewater improvement are: 1. Avoid if possible, consider all possible ways to minimise.


毕业论文外文文献翻译 毕业设计(论文)题目关于企业内部环境绩效审计的研究翻译题目最高审计机关的环境审计活动 学院会计学院 专业会计学 姓名张军芳 班级09020615 学号09027927 指导教师何瑞雄

最高审计机关的环境审计活动 1最高审计机关越来越多的活跃在环境审计领域。特别是1993-1996年期间,工作组已检测到环境审计活动坚定的数量增长。首先,越来越多的最高审计机关已经活跃在这个领域。其次是积极的最高审计机关,甚至变得更加活跃:他们分配较大部分的审计资源给这类工作,同时出版更多环保审计报告。表1显示了平均数字。然而,这里是机构间差异较大。例如,环境报告的数量变化,每个审计机关从1到36份报告不等。 1996-1999年期间,结果是不那么容易诠释。第一,活跃在环境审计领域的最高审计机关数量并没有太大变化。“活性基团”的组成没有保持相同的:一些最高审计机关进入,而其他最高审计机关离开了团队。环境审计花费的时间量略有增加。二,但是,审计报告数量略有下降,1996年和1999年之间。这些数字可能反映了从量到质的转变。这个信号解释了在过去三年从规律性审计到绩效审计的转变(1994-1996年,20%的规律性审计和44%绩效审计;1997-1999:16%规律性审计和绩效审计54%)。在一般情况下,绩效审计需要更多的资源。我们必须认识到审计的范围可能急剧变化。在将来,再将来开发一些其他方式去测算人们工作量而不是计算通过花费的时间和发表的报告会是很有趣的。 在2000年,有62个响应了最高审计机关并向工作组提供了更详细的关于他们自1997年以来公布的工作信息。在1997-1999年,这62个最高审计机关公布的560个环境审计报告。当然,这些报告反映了一个庞大的身躯,可用于其他机构的经验。环境审计报告的参考书目可在网站上的最高审计机关国际组织的工作组看到。这里这个信息是用来给最高审计机关的审计工作的内容更多一些洞察。 自1997年以来,少数环境审计是规律性审计(560篇报告中有87篇,占16%)。大多数审计绩效审计(560篇报告中有304篇,占54%),或组合的规律性和绩效审计(560篇报告中有169篇,占30%)。如前文所述,绩效审计是一个广泛的概念。在实践中,绩效审计往往集中于环保计划的实施(560篇报告中有264篇,占47%),符合国家环保法律,法规的,由政府部门,部委和/或其他机构的任务给访问(560篇报告中有212篇,占38%)。此外,审计经常被列入政府的环境管理系统(560篇报告中有156篇,占28%)。下面的元素得到了关注审计报告:影响或影响现有的国家环境计划非环保项目对环境的影响;环境政策;由政府遵守国际义务和承诺的10%至20%。许多绩效审计包括以上提到的要素之一。 1本文译自:S. Van Leeuwen.(2004).’’Developments in Environmental Auditing by Supreme Audit Institutions’’ Environmental Management Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 163–1721


带有支路流的固定膜反应器的强化脱氮除磷工艺 H. U. NAM, J. H. LEE, C. W. KIM M and T. J. PARK* M 环境工程系,釜山国立大学,釜山,609-735,韩国 于1999年3月1日首发,于1999年7月1日修订 摘要——在一个固定膜反应器内以支路流的操作方式来有效使用碳源内部来脱氮除磷的可能性正在被研究。有关证实在附有支流的固定膜反应器中,随着支流比例从0增加到0.4,城市污水中的氮磷是否能被有效去除的试验正在进行。被用在这个实验中的固定膜反应器是一种结合A 2 /O工艺和生物膜过程的反应器。支流被应用在这个实验中,部分出水直接被排入缺氧池中来有效的脱氮。根据出水流量的比例,支路流的比例在0,0.3和0.4中调节。在整个过程中,能观察到COD,NH+4-N,和T-P分别的去除效率超过87.2%,75.2%和52.8%。进一步说,依据入流速度,除磷的最佳运行条件预测是在支路流比例为0.4,且内外循环比都为0.5的时候。在支路流比例为0.4时,NH+4-N的去除率为88.0%,T-P的去除率为68.0%。由于支路流比例的不同,除磷效果也会大大不同。在支路流比例为0,0.3和0.4时,T-P的去除效率分别为52.8%,61.6%和68.0%。有人指出,带有支路流的固定膜反应器能实现完全脱氮,并且有助于提高磷的去除。2000 Elsevier 科学有限公司,版权所有。

关键词——合并的固定膜反应器,支路流,脱氮,磷的吸收,A2/O工艺,内循环,外循环,缺氧状态。 简介 从观察营养成分所产生的有机物质的数量和未处理的污水所产生的有机物的数量的对比,可以阐述受纳水体的氧源所排出的营养物质的潜在影响。韩国未经处理的污水所含的COD通常在200—250mg/L,根据是否磷酸盐洗涤剂在当地的禁令上磷的成分在4—6mg/L左右浮动,氮的含量在20—40mg/L之间(Choi, 来表示,如果1kg磷被藻1996)。假设藻类的组成能用化学式P C N H O 106 110 16 263 类完全同化并且在光合作用和无机元素的作用下被生成新的生物质,那将生成111kg生物质和138kg的COD。因此,每5mg/L的磷的排放会潜在的导致690mg/L 的COD的生成,或者相当于超过2倍的未经处理的污水中的有机物产生的COD 量。 据推测限制氮和磷的排量能控制富营养化因为相对硫、钾、钙、镁来说,生物质的生长所需氮磷的量相当大。近年来学术界认为在淡水环境中磷是最主要的限制营养物,而氮则是河口和海洋水域中的主要限制营养物(Sedlak,1989)。生物膜工艺有许多特点和优势(Park et al 1995,1996): (1)系统中使用的薄膜能有效的去除氮是由于所使用的菌类像硝化细菌之类有很缓慢的生长速率和很长的代谢时间;(2)由于薄膜上有更多生物物种的存在和活性污泥法的结合,能够实现广谱污染物的去除;(3)由于单元里有较大的生物量,每单元工艺的处理容量比活性污泥法要高出很多;(4)相较于活性污泥法,产生的剩余污泥量少。更多的污泥被存在于该膜上的高热带水品生物体所消耗,于是产生的剩余污泥量就变少了;(5)该工艺能稳定操作。该工艺能维持和适应液压波动和有机负荷,因为该工艺相对活性污泥法来说有大量的生物质和更长的食物链。另一方面,生物膜工艺也存在着一些缺点:(1)由于需要很多的支撑物和媒介,所以需要大量的初始资金;(2)打破厌氧薄膜层的微小颗粒非常活跃,会使出水的浊度变得很高。(Lee et al,1996; Su and Ouyang,1996) 本文的目标是开发一个新的带有支路流的固定膜反应器来去除污水中的营养


铝、钙对熔融铁的复合脱氧平衡 天鸷田口,秀ONO-NAKAZATO,Tateo USUI,Katsukiyo MARUKAWA,肯KATOGI和Hiroaki KOSAKA。 研究生和JSPS研究员, 工程研究院,大阪大学,2-1山田丘, 吹田,大阪565 - 0871日本。 1)材料科学与工程课程,材料科学和制造分支,工程研究院,大阪大学, 2-1山田丘, 吹田, 大阪565 - 0871日本。 2)高端科技创新中心、大阪大学,2-1山田丘,吹田,大阪565 - 0871日本。 3)Electro-Nite贺利日本,有限公司,1-7-40三岛江,高槻,大阪569 - 0835日本。 4)TOYO工程研究中心有限公司,2-2-1春日,茨城,大阪567 - 0031日本。 (发表2005年6月17日,刊发于2005年7月20日) 氧夹杂对钢液的炼钢反应的影响是很显著的,例如脱硫。控制钢液氧含量是很重要的。使用良好的脱氧剂(如铝、钙),有效减少钢液的氧含量。研究者已经在复合脱氧方面做了一些探究。然而,实验数据不完全符合热力学数据计算值。因为没有具体可以利用的熔融铁钙脱氧的确切热力学数据。在本研究中,铝、钙对熔融铁的复合脱氧平衡控制在1873K。Al-Ca在熔铁脱氧中氧活度通过测量电动势(EMF)的方法求得。Al-Ca复合脱氧平衡实验的有效性由过去的和现在的研究结果共同综合判断的,本实验的Al-Ca脱氧平衡能够比过去的研究更好地反应Fe-Al-Ca-O系的关系。 关键词:复合脱氧,铝合金,钙,氧活度,电动势方法,炼钢,生石灰,氧化铝。 1前言 近年来,随着对超洁净钢的要求越来越高,需要更严格地控制钢中夹杂物。降低和控制钢中夹杂物含量在几个ppm以内。特别地,氧夹杂在钢液炼钢反应中的影响(例如脱硫)是非常大的,控制钢液中氧含量是非常重要的。使用强脱氧剂(如铝、钙)有效降低钢液的氧含量。Al-Ca复合脱氧是更有效的,已经做了一些关于复合脱氧的实验。然而,实验结果不完全符合热力学计算值,因为钙在熔铁脱氧平衡的热力学数据被认为由于测量困难是不可靠的。基于这个


河流污水处理的相关论述 1 前言 随着工业化和城市化的发展,水环境污染、水资源紧缺日益严重,水污染控制、水环境保护已刻不容缓。我国现在新建城市或城区采用雨污分流制,但老城市或老城区大多仍然是雨污合流的排水体制。许多合流污水是直接排放到水体。而将旧合流制改为分流制,受现状条件限制大许多。老城区建成年代较长,地下管线基本成型,地面建筑拥挤,路面狭窄,旧合流制改分流制难度较大。合流污水的一大特点是旱季和雨季的水质、水量变化大,雨季污水BOD浓度低,不利于生化处理。国家提出2010 的我国城市污水处理率要求达到40%,因此研究有效的合流污水处理方法对加快城市污水处理步伐具有重要的意义。本文针对合流污水处理的有关情况,谈一些个人看法。 2污水处理工艺要求 我国目前不少城市,新城区与老城区并存, 合流制与分流制并存。因此,新建或扩建的污水处理厂,在满足城市总体规划和排水规划需要的同时, 还应能达到如下要求: 1. 具备接纳旧城区合流污水的能力,具有较强的适应冲击负荷的能力。污水处理厂污水来源包括两部分,一是新城区分流污水,二是老城区合流污水。与合流污水相比,分流污水水质、水量变化幅度小得多,对污水处理厂调节缓冲的要求小得多。对于合流

污水,降雨前期因雨水冲刷街区,合流污水较脏, 但水量相对较小, 降雨后期水量较大,但污水中有机物浓度相对较小。因此, 降雨前期合流污水,可考虑与分流污水一起经预处理后进入污水处理构筑物。降雨后期合流污水,除一部分与分流污水一起经污水预处理构筑物进入污水处理构筑物外, 另一部分可考虑通过雨污溢流构筑物进入雨污溢流沉定池后排入附近水体。为了对进入污水处理构筑物的合流污水高峰流量、水质波动进行缓冲调节,污水处理构筑物前端可设缓冲调节池以均衡水质、储存水量。 2. 具有可靠的BOD、COD、SS 去除功能及氮磷去除功能, 保证最终出水水质稳定。通常情况下, 城市污水中难降解有机物较少,BOD、COD 去除比较容易实现,而氮磷去除则较复杂。我国现行的污水排放标准对污水处理厂出水氮磷指标有严格的要求,故城市污水处理都必须达到氮磷的有效去除。在现行城市污水脱氮除磷工艺中,A2/0采用较为广泛。针对A2/0工艺存在的问题目前出现了许多改进工艺,每种工艺又都存在各自的特点和局限。由于合流污水引起的水质、水量波动较大,对污水厂各处理单元产生冲击,为了适应受纳水体的要求, 为使BOD、COD 等指标进一步降低,进一步去除污水中的细菌及氮、磷等植物性营养物质,在污水厂与受纳水体之间可设氧化塘。 3.具有灵活多变的运行方式,可根据收集的污水量、进水水质以及季节变化调整运行方式。常规A2/0工艺,很难做到灵活方便地调整运行方式。但A2/0工艺从构成原理上讲, 是在曝


摘要 A novel oxidation ditch system using anaerobic tanks and innovative dual dissolved oxygen (DO) control technology is proposed for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal from domestic sewage. A continuous bench-scale experiment running for more than 300 days was performed to evaluate the system. Monitoring and controlling the airflow and recirculation flow rate independently using DO values at two points along the ditch permitted maintenance of aerobic and anoxic zone ratios of around 0.30 and 0.50, respectively. The ability to optimize aerobic and anoxic zone ratios using the dual DO control technology meant that a total nitrogen removal efficiency of 83.2–92.9% could be maintained. This remarkable nitrogen removal performance minimized the nitrate recycle to anaerobic tanks inhibiting the phosphorus release. Hence, the total phosphorus removal efficiency was also improved and ranged within 72.6–88.0%. These results demonstrated that stabilization of the aerobic and anoxic zone ratio by dual DO control technology not only resulted in a marked improvement of nitrogen removal, but it also enhanced phosphorus removal. 关键词 Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal, dual DO control technology, oxidation ditch 介绍 Removal of biological nitrogen and phosphorus from domestic sewage is an important consideration for avoiding serious eutrophication problems in closed water ecosystem (Metcalf & Eddy 2003). Oxidation ditch (OD) technology is a modified activated sludge system that has been extensively applied for the removal of pollutants given the advantages associated with the process characteristics and ditch configurations. Typical oxidation ditches are completely mixed systems, and horizontally or vertically mounted aerators provide circulation and oxygen supply in the ditch simultaneously. The conventional oxidation ditch systems have been commonly operated with influent BOD loading (0.24 kg BOD/m3d) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) as long as 6–30 h (USEPA 2000). Since nitrogen removal potential is dependent upon the aerobic phase for nitrification and the anoxic phase for denitrification, the dissolved oxygen (DO) distribution in the ditch is an important control parameter for optimal nitrogen removal (Brouwer et al. 1998; Furukawa et al.
