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茶叶科学 2012 , 32 ( 4 ) : 325~330 Journal of Tea Science
投稿平台: http://cykk.cbpt.cnki.net
1,2Baidu Nhomakorabea
,徐咏全 3 ,李长文
1. 天津市食品生物技术重点实验室,天津 300134 ; 2. 天津商业大学生物技术与食品科学学院,天津 300134 ; 3. 云南天士力帝泊洱生物茶集团有限公司,云南 普洱 665000
目 录
一、理论篇 不同种类微生物对普洱茶发酵过程的影响 1 采油微生物发酵液中各组分对原油量测定的影响 7 传统发酵成熟期豆瓣酱醅中的微生物群落分析 11 发酵车间的微生物管理左頔 16 发酵剂对发酵香肠微生物变化的影响 17 发酵肉制品中微生物的分离及肉制品发酵剂的研究进展 19 发酵制氢废液的微生物电解池产氢 22 国外发酵肉制品微生物限量标准研究 27 基于粒子群优化算法的微生物发酵过程控制 31 几种普洱茶发酵微生物对茶多酚代谢的初步研究 33 微生物发酵白酒糟的研究郭素环 37 微生物发酵法提取甘薯渣果胶及其对凝固型酸奶稳定性的研究 40 微生物发酵工程的应用 43 微生物发酵工艺优化研究进展 44 微生物发酵桂圆壳制取高水溶性膳食纤维的研究 48 微生物发酵过程的细胞密度在线检测与底物浓度实时控制 51 微生物发酵过程的细胞密度在线检测与底物浓度实时控制郭庆强 57 微生物发酵罗非鱼骨粉工艺条件的优化 63 微生物发酵生产 3 羟基丙酸 68 二.发展篇 微生物发酵食品风味的研究 70 微生物发酵提高玉米豆粕型日粮营养价值的初步研究 72 微生物发酵形成食品风味的研究 76 微生物发酵烟梗水提物的制备及其在再造烟叶中的应用 78 微生物发酵腌制优质泡菜的研究 83 微生物发酵乙醇浓度在线检测模型及其应用 85 微生物发酵制药的研究 96 微生物发酵制药的研究孙静 97 微生物发酵制药技术分析 98 微生物发酵中药的应用研究 99 微生物固态发酵茶叶食醋的工艺研究 100 微生物混菌发酵法提纯油茶皂素的工艺研究 104 微生物连续发酵酶催化动力系统的鲁棒性与并行计算 108
摘要: 为阐明微生物在普洱茶发酵过程中作用机制,进行了普洱生茶单菌发酵实验,通过跟踪不同菌种对普洱 茶发酵过程中感官品质和理化指标的影响,发现不同微生物对普洱茶发酵的作用,并对优势菌种进行混菌发酵实 验,以期为工业化微生物发酵普洱茶提供理论和数据支持。结果表明,普洱茶发酵过程中,叶色由黄绿变为猪肝 色,茶汤的苦涩感逐渐减弱,汤色红浓明亮,理化成分中茶多酚和水浸出物含量均减少,茶褐素和咖啡碱含量增 加,且霉菌对这些成分的影响最大,酵母次之,细菌最小。混菌发酵茶样 20 d 即具有普洱熟茶的品质。结果证 明采用合理配比微生物发酵普洱茶可以缩短发酵时间,而且能更好地控制和规范普洱茶的发酵趋势和结果。 关键词: 普洱茶;定向发酵;霉菌;酵母;细菌 中图分类号: TS272.5 + 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-369X ( 2012 ) 04-325-06
Effects of Different Microorganisms on the Fermentative Process of Pu-erh Tea
FU Xiu-juan 1,2 , SONG Wen-jun 1,2*, XU Yong-quan3 , LI Chang-wen 3
1. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, Tianjin 300134, China; 2. College of Biotechnology and Food Science, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China; 3. Yunnan Tasly Deepure Bio-tea Group Co.,Ltd, Puer 665000, China
Abstract: In order to explain the effects and mechanisms of microorganisms on the fermentative process of Pu-erh tea, For the purpose of providing the theory and data support for industrialized fermentation of Pu-erh tea, the monoxenie fermentation under individual microorganism and mixed fermentation experiments of Pu-erh tea were carried out. The experiments discovered the effects of different microorganisms by tracing the influences of different strains to sense quality and physics and chemistry index in the fermentative process of Pu-erh tea. The results showed that in the fermentative process of Pu-erh tea, the color of tea became to hepatic from green, the bitter sense of tea soup taperred, the tea soup was red and bright. The contents of tea polyphenol and water extract were decreased, while the contents of theabrownin and caffeine were increased. Furthermore, the influence of fungi to these components was largest, yeast was less than fungi, bacteria was least. Mixed fermentation tea possessed ripe tea quality when fermented 20 d. Forementioned results proved that fermenting Pu-erh tea with reasonable matching can not only shorten fermentative time, but also preferably control and benchmarking the fermentative trend and result of Pu-erh tea. Keywords: Pu-erh tea, orientation fermentation, fungi, yeast, bacteria