

Unit 5 Theme parks

Section ⅢLearning about Language & Using Language


1.Some people have naturally beautiful voices,while others have rich facial expressions.

2.He hasn't slept at all for three days. No wonder that he is tired out.

3.The old woman is warm-hearted.She is always ready to help whoever is in trouble.

4.Blue whales are the largest creatures (create) ever to have lived.

5.Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.

6.A few days later,Robert received a letter offering him the admission (admit) to the university.

7.The boy wishes to be a famous translator (translate) when he grows up.

8.Not only did we forget to turn off the lights in the kitchen,but we also failed to lock the front door.

9.It is such a well-known tourist attraction (attract) that millions of people pour in every year.

10.Not only did we forget to turn off the lights in the kitchen,but we also failed to lock the front door.



The state of Colorado has four of the 58 national parks in the United States. These have been judged the best places of all the national parks.

Black Canyon (峡谷) of the Gunnison National Park

This park lies in western Colorado and offers the most impressive views from up in the mountains into the canyons below. While exploring the canyons, you will find that the walls drop nearly straight down into very narrow valleys with snake-like rivers below. Visitors are offered more than 100 camping sites, and a lot of bird species and many animals are native to the area.

Rocky Mountain National Park

It is the only national park in the north central region in the state of Colorado. Elevations (高地) in this park you will find are anywhere from 8,000 feet to 14,259 feet at the top of Longs Peak. While travelling throughout this park, you will find there are two very different climates because of the fact that the tops of the Rocky Mountains make a difference. With 359 miles of trails for hiking, there are a lot of places for camping, horseback riding and just enjoying the sights of nature.

Mesa Verde National Park

This is probably the most interesting of all the national parks, offering an extremely interesting trip back in time to 600 A.D. up to 1300 A.D. This park was declared (宣布) a protected national park in 1906 because of the cliff dwellings (住人的崖洞) that were found throughout the park area, which was once home to American Indians. Visitors can actually walk through these dwellings, and they may imagine what each room may have been used for so many years ago.

Great Sand Dunes (沙丘) National Park

The Great Sand Dunes National Park lies in south central Colorado, about 127 miles from Pueblo. This park has the tallest sand dunes in all of North America,

with trails for hiking. Natural sandy beaches there are good for people who want to swim around the small rivers and lakes.


1.A person who enjoys mountains and rivers will visit ________.

A.Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

B.Rocky Mountain National Park

C.Mesa Verde National Park

D.Great Sand Dunes National Park

解析:A 细节理解题。由Black Canyon (峡谷) of the Gunnison National Park部分介绍可知,该公园有高山和弯曲的小河,因此A项为正确答案。

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Rocky Mountain National Park?

A.It has the tallest mountains in the USA.

B.It has very different weather conditions.

C.It is the most interesting national park.

D.It is about 359 miles from Pueblo.

解析:B 细节理解题。由Rocky Mountain National Park部分介绍的there are two very different climates可知答案。

3.Mesa Verde National Park has been a protected national park for around ________ years.

A.1,000 B.1,500

C.110 D.200

解析:C 数字计算题。由Mesa Verde National Park部分第二句可知,该公园于1906年被宣布成为国家级保护公园,距今约110年,因此C项为正确答案。

4.The national park in south central Colorado is famous for its ________.

A.beautiful canyons B.Longs Peak

C.cliff dwellings D.sand dunes

解析:D 细节理解题。位于south central Colorado的国家公园是Great Sand Dunes National Park,由最后一段中的This park has the tallest sand dunes...可知答案选D。


A healthy lifestyle includes many choices. Among them, choosing a balanced diet or healthy eating plan is of the greatest importance. But how do you choose a healthy eating plan? Let's begin by explaining what a healthy eating plan is.

A healthy eating plan that helps you manage your weight includes different kinds of foods you may not have considered. If “healthy eating” makes you think about the foods you can't have, try refocusing on all the new foods you can eat.

Fresh, Frozen, or Canned Fruits-don't think about just apples or bananas. All fresh, frozen, or canned fruits are great choices. Be sure to try some fruits from other countries, too. How about a mango, a juicy pineapple or kiwi fruit? What you should pay attention to about canned fruits is that they may contain added sugars. You'd better choose canned fruits packed in water or in their own juice.

Fresh, Frozen, or Canned Vegetables-try something new. Don't eat the same kinds of vegetables all the time. You can try to eat different kinds of vegetables, which is important for a good diet. When trying canned vegetables, look for vegetables without added salt or butter. You can go to the produce department (果蔬部) and try a new vegetable each week.

Calcium-rich foods-you may firstly think of a glass of low-fat or fat-free milk when someone says “Eat more dairy products.” But what about low-fat and fat-free yogurts without added sugars? There is a wide variety of flavors and they can be a great dessert instead of those with a sweet tooth.

What's more, you don't need to give up your favorite comfort food. You can enjoy your favorite foods even if they are high in calories, fat or added sugars.

The key is eating them only once in a while, and balancing them out with healthier foods and more physical activity.

The point is that you can figure out how to include almost any food in your healthy eating plan in a way that still helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

【文章大意】文章围绕什么是健康饮食展开,分别从Fruits, Vegetables and Foods 几方面介绍了怎么吃才是健康的。最后结论:只有健康的饮食和适宜的运动才能带来健康的体重、健康的身材。

5.According to the passage, what is the most important about a healthy lifestyle?

A.Having a healthy eating plan.

B.Eating something that you like.

C.Asking for a low-fat diet.

D.Improving special diets.

解析:A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的Among them, choosing a balanced diet or healthy eating plan is of the greatest importance.可知,健康生活方式其核心是有一个健康的饮食计划。

6.The author says “try something new” in Paragraph 4 to tell us that ________.

A.vegetables are important for our health

B.we can not choose fruits with added sugars

C.a good diet should include different vegetables

D.we'll keep fit if we are interested in non-sweet fruits

解析:C 细节理解题。依据第四段的Don't eat the same kinds of vegetables all the time. You can try to eat different kinds of vegetables, which is important for a good diet.可知,作者建议我们不能总吃那几种蔬菜,要尝试各种新品种,这对一个好的饮食计划是有帮助的。

7.How can you enjoy your favorite foods high in fat or sugar?

A.By eating them in the morning.

B.By taking fat-free yogurts in place of dessert.

C.By enjoying them together with healthier foods.

D.By balancing them out with healthier foods and physical activity.

解析:D 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的The key is eating them only once in a while, and balancing them out with healthier foods and more physical activity 可知,对于你所喜爱的食品关键是偶尔食之且与健康食品平衡食用,多运动。


Imagine sitting in a classroom and not being able to see a picture that your teacher is showing. Imagine driving a car, not knowing that your vision is so bad and that driving is dangerous to you and others. __1__

That is because there are not enough eye specialists (眼科医生) to find and treat eyesight problems in many poor nations. In some developing countries, there is only one eye specialist for every eight million people. __2__ He started the group Global Vision 2020, which is working to bring eye tests and low-cost eyeglasses to people in developing countries.

__3__ That is too much for most people in many developing countries where many earn $2 a day or less, White said. White has d eveloped a low-cost tool that teachers, nurses, and almost anyone can be trained to use and quickly learn if children or adults need glasses.

White showed his system at a coffee shop near Global Vision's office in Easton, Maryland. In less than five minutes, he tested the eyesight of a woman who could not see things well a short distance away. He then picked out the correct lenses (镜片) for her, and placed them into a frame. __4__ This meant she could see a group of letters about six meters away.

__5__ For example, White said, studies show that people with vision problems drop out of school at higher rates than those with normal vision. He believes many car accidents are caused by people who need but do not have glasses. So people with eyesight problems should be helped to see normally.

A.She could then see normally.

B.That's what J.Kevin White found.

C.It is helpful to be able to see clearly.

D.The woman loved wearing at very much.

E.Not every child can afford a pair of glasses.

F.For millions of people, that condition is normal.

G.A person can expect to pay $100 for an eye test and a pair of glasses.


1.解析:F 第一段主要描写了一些因视力差而会导致的一些后果,故很多人都视力差最符合语境。

2.解析:B 根据第二段的In some developing countries, there is only one eye specialist for every eight million people. 以及He started the group Global Vision 2020可知,这些数据正是J.Kevin White收集发现的。

3.解析:G 根据第三段的That is too much for most people in many developing countries where many earn $2 a day or less, White said. 可知,这里是在讲做一次眼睛测试及配一副眼镜所需要的价格。

4.解析:A 根据第四段的This meant she could see a group of letters about six meters away. 可知,那个女人戴上眼镜后就能看清楚了。

5.解析:C 根据末段那些例子可知,能够看清楚东西很有用。


语篇分析在高中英语完型教学中的应用 发表时间:2019-01-25T10:49:06.233Z 来源:《知识-力量》2019年4月上作者:彭菲[导读] 在英语测试中,完形填空是一种极其常见的题型,该题型能够检测学生的英语文本理解能力,强化学生的英语阅读技巧。但是从实际的教学过程来看 (河北容城中学,071700) 摘要:在英语测试中,完形填空是一种极其常见的题型,该题型能够检测学生的英语文本理解能力,强化学生的英语阅读技巧。但是从实际的教学过程来看,很多学生都不能够把握英语完形的做题方法,针对这一问题,本文首先阐述语篇分析与完形填空之间的关联,然后将重点对语篇分析应该如何在高中英语完形教学中应用进行探讨,从而帮助学生强化对语篇分析技巧的应用能力。关键词:语篇分析;完形教学;高中英语 前言 完形填空题型的设计,所应用的科学原理完全符合人们的思维模式,能否把握好完形填空,是英语应试的关键之一。高中英语完形填空和语篇分析结合在一起,能够帮助教师在实际教学过程中进一步强化学生语篇意识,并能够在英语测试中灵活应用,提高完形填空的解答能力。完形填空题设计容易且操作简单,对其评分难度相对较小,因而评分结果更加客观,该题型可以用于母语和外语教学。想要做好完形填空题,要求学生除了需要具备一定的英语基础,还需要不断的强化训练,为帮助学生提升完形填空的解题能力,熟练掌握英语应试过程中完形填空这一重点,必须要加强语篇分析的应用。 一、语篇分析与高中英语完形填空 分析完形填空和语篇分析两者之间的关系,首先必须要初步了解完形填空的学习原理。作为一种最常见的英语测试题型,它源自于完形程序,该程序应用于教学的其中一种表现形式即为完形填空。起初,泰勒提出了这种模式,他在了解格式塔心理学派理念的基础上,首次提出了完形填空的概念,即:一篇完整的英文在删除某些单词之后就如同一幅完整的画面缺少了一部分,再由接受测试的人将其填补完整。从完形填空的产生过程来看,我们不难发现其与语篇分析之间的关系,做好完形填空的前提是加强语篇分析的锻炼。通常情况下,学生在锻炼阅读理解时,必须要将全文通读一遍,大概了解文章讲述的内容,然后根据上下文内容和语法关系,判断需要填写的空缺单词,因此,完形填空必须要进行语篇分析。 二、语篇分析在完形填空中的实际应用 (一)注意语法内容的关联 为了更好地把握完形语讲述的内容,必须要全面把握整片文章的内容,尤其需要注意语法内容之间的关联。在语法衔接这一方面,主要包括替代、照应以及省略等几种。由于被照应、替代过这事被省略的内容需要答题人在通读上下文之后在回答,因而以上几种方式被称作是语篇衔接的其中一种,在将空缺单词填补之后,会在自己脑中初步形成一篇完整的文章。而如果学生并未掌握这个技巧,那么他对文章的理解也将是片面的,也将会使他不能够更好地把握完形填空。例如:A:Can’t you wear a flower? B:No,I can’t do that. Others will be wearing jewel. A:Can’t you borrow some? Maybe your friend who might have some.在该选段中,就牵涉到语法衔接的替代与省略。其中do that 就是替代上文出现的wear a flower ,而把some后边的jewel省略了。如果学生可以熟练地把我这种语法技巧,他们将可以更好地理解文章中出现的这种类型的句子。 (二)注意语篇中的逻辑联系词 学生在做语段分析过程中,还有一个关键的内容必须要注意,即:关联词语,它的主要作用是链接两个或者两个以上的句子。学生掌握好逻辑关系词对把握文章的含义至关重要,例如:but、although、if、and、after、so以及however等一些常见的逻辑关系词。为了考察学生是否把握了语篇的逻辑关系,关联词成为考察的重点内容之一,所以,这就要求学生可以在日常的训练过程中,能够结合材料强化关联词句的联系,从而完整的把握整个语篇传达的内容。 (三)注意词汇之间的衔接 在进行一遍全文通读之后,学生基本上能够初步了解文章讲述的内容,第二遍就需要精读全文,并在解答的过程中,细化对文章的理解,具体到每一个空缺位置需要填写的内容。在练习完形填空过程中,学生尤其需要注意词汇之间的衔接问题,例如:在but I found that was taught at university was really boring and decided that I would purse a way, find unkonwn powers,and explore the deepest mysteries of the nature这样一段话中,就应用了部分近义词衔接两个句子。比如find与explore以及unkonwn powers 与the deepest mysteries of the nature含义基本一致,再次以表达过程中都属于近义词范围内,如果将这一段选段作为考察的内容,出题人将会让学生选填这一部分呃逆荣,因此,学生想要挑选出最佳答案就必须要充分了解语篇的含义,而且还需要熟练掌握词汇连接的分析技巧,利用近义词汇连接的方式快速准确的挑选出最佳答案。 结束语 综上所述,学生在练习完形填空这一题型时,必须要充分了解到完形填空所应用的原理。在全面把握完形填空所利用的原理之后,才可以更加快速地掌握高效合理的训练方式。而语篇分析就是完形填空训练中的重点内容,在充分考虑到词汇之间、语法内容,包括逻辑关系词等技巧之后,强化日常的完形填空练习,将能够有效的提升学生完形填空的解题能力,提高完形填空的得分率。参考文献 [1]马贞.语篇分析在新疆乌鲁木齐市高中生完形填空中的应用研究[D].新疆师范大学,2015. [2]周燕.高考英语完形填空试题及语篇分析所引出的思考——以2014年高考英语完形填空为例[J].中小学教材教学,2015(04):68-71. [3]马海容. 提高高中学生英语语篇分析能力的实证研究[D].内蒙古师范大学,2013.


2013高中英语教师个人专业发展规划 自走上工作岗位才两年的时间,已深觉教书育人任重而道远。就如我们经常所说,“学高为师、德高为范”。只有教师自己的素质提高了,才能更好地给予学生引导。因此对自己未来的发展做一个整体的规划是十分有必要的。下面就我做为一名高中英语老师对接下来两年内的专业发展做出规划: 一、对教师专业发展的认识 在课改的推动下教育领域无疑在发生着一场巨变。教学三维目标在教学中的不断体现、落实,为学生的发展带来了广阔的前景,我们看到了学生的思维活了、涉及的视野广了、参加社会实践的机会多了、敢于表达自己想法的勇气足了,但是作为教师也越来越感觉到驾御课堂越来越难了、学生的需求越来越大了,这对教师自身提出了更高的要求。 教师自我专业发展应该根植于自己的教育教学实践中,在自己熟悉的领域中探究、反思和理论提升。要学会规划自身的教师生涯,在不断实现规划目标中完善自己、发展自己,成为一名称职的好教师。 二、自身状况分析 1、自身背景及成绩分析: 在教学中我一直培养学生自主学习的好习惯,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,教学之余我不断进行学习,提升自身素养。学习的过程是一个不断充实的过程,为自己的教师专业成长奠定了基础。 2、对自身问题的分析 在领导和同事们的支持帮助下,教学方面我取得了一些成绩,获得了一些荣誉,要跨越目前的状况需要付出更大的努力。随着教育改革的深化和推进,感性的教学经验需要有科学的方法和理性的分析做指导,来服务教学服务学生。 三、自身专业化发展目标: 1、整体性目标: 力求自己由专业型向经验型教师转变。 2、阶段性目标: 第一阶段:以自主学习提升理论素养专业化为主的目标 美国著名学者波斯纳曾经提出教师成长的公式为:教师成长=经验反思。这个教师成长的公式揭示了教师专业发展的本质。校本研究则可以从“提高经验认识水平”和“强化教学反思能力”这两个方面促使教师理论素养的专业化。 具体措施: (1)认真读好以下书籍,并作好理论学习笔记: 《教育新理念》、《给教师的一百条新建议》、《教师专业化的理论与实践》、《新课程中教师行为的变化》、《教学理论:课堂教学的原理、策略与研究》、《多元智能》; (2)记录整理个人成长的足迹; (3)争取学习机会,充实自己,开阔自己的思路; (4)养成预习的习惯。 第二阶段: (1)提高课堂教学艺术强化教学反思能力 在日常教学活动中,要养成随时记录教学中的感想和学生的创新片段,学会积累,学会研究。 (2)加强教育科研能力重构自身专业知识结构


英语高考选择题选萃 1. As a result of destroying the forests, a large of desert covered the land. (2001年高考上海卷) A. number, has B. quantity, has C. number, have D. quantity, have 2. Every new has the possibility of making or losing money. (2002年高考上 海卷) A. event B. venture C. adventure D. expectation 3. I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but ______ of them came. (2004年高考北京卷) A. neither B. either C. none D. both 4. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday yet. (2003年上海市春季考) A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decide D. has not been decided 5. Jumping out of airplane at ten thousand feet is quite exciting experience. (NMET2002) A. /, the B. /,an C. an, an D. the, the like to take a week’s holiday. (2004年高考广西卷) 6. —I’d —_____, we’re too busy. A. Don’t worry B. Don’t mention it C. Forget it D.Pardon me 7. —The room is so dirty. we clean it? (2003年北京春季考) —Of course. A.Will B.Shall C.Would D.Do 8. —Where is my blue shirt? (2003年春季考) in the washing machine. You have to wear different one. —It’s A. any B. the C. a D. other 9. Don't be afraid of asking for help _______ it is needed. (NMET2003) A. unless B. since C. although D. when 10. I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will________. (2004高考江 苏卷) A. anyone B. anyone else C. no one D. no one else 11. — How often do you eat out ? (2004年高考天津 卷) —, but usually once a week . A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D. Generally speaking


听课记录 听课对象:七(四)班英语黄老师 Unit5:Why do you like koalas? Section A: 1a—1c 主要内容: Step1:Greetings Step2:Teaching aims 1.learn animals 2.Descriptions: cute,fun,interesting,smart,lazy,beautiful,scary 3.tell the reason Step3:Lead in Let the students say out the pictures:cat,dog,koala,panda,elephant, giraffe,lion,tiger Step4:Play a game Go to the zoo to get close to the animals.Can you guess? What are they? You can ask like this. For example:----Is it a dog? -----No,it isn’t. -----Is it a giraffe? -----Yes,it is. Step5:Pairwork (practice the dialogue with the pictures on the blackboard) --What animals do you like? -- I like pandas. -- Why do you like pandas?

-- Because they are cute. How about you? -- I like pandas , too. -- Oh , let’s see the pandas first! -- That sounds good! -- OK. Let’s go! Step6:Do 1a(Match and read the dialogue) Step7:Listen 1b Step8:Read 1c Step9:Do the exercise Step10:Make a conclusion.(Just as the teaching aims) 1.Animals 2.Descriptions: cute fun interesting smart lazy beautiful scary(a little=kind of very) 3. Make a dialogue 4. 重点语法: ▲why----because ▲let + V原形 ▲kind of= a little 有点儿 ▲a kind of 一种 ▲kinds of 多种多样的 Step11:Learn more meaning from this lesson from a piture. (Animals are our friends.We should treat them well.---“Love animals ,Love ourselves!”) Step12:Homework


高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建 浙江省桐乡市高级中学 2003年11月8日

目录 1、《高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建》开题报告 3 2、注重语篇教学,发展学生能力 ----《高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建》课题研究结题报告7 3、有关语篇教学的论文 1)高中英语语篇教学课堂模式探讨16 2)语篇教学模式在中学英语阅读教学中的运用20 3)注重语篇教学,提高写作能力27 4、教案 1)Chapter Three, Oxford English S2A 32 2)Lesson 18, Unit5, SEFC1A 34 3)Sample articles of MNET 38 4)Lesson 33, Unit 9, SEFC 2A 41 5、获奖证书 6、专家鉴定证书

高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建 开题报告 一.问题的提出 1. 课题的提出 英语是一门工具性的学科,英语教学的主要目的在于能使学生用英语进行交流,也就是说用英语来表达自己和用英语来理解别人,这就需要我们教师在课堂上调整教学目的,以话语训练为基础,突出基于信息获取的阅读(information-based reading)为语篇教学的主要目的。 2.现状 长期以来,英语教师始终没能,也不敢摆脱升学的指挥棒,热衷于“一支粉笔一本书,教师在讲台上滔滔不绝,学生在底下埋头笔记”的课堂教学模式和教学方法,教师只注重字、词、句的分析和语法讲解,学生的总体英语水平偏低,使用英语的能力差,许多学生只粗略懂一点语法,能辨认一些单词,听、说、读、写能力低下。这一现象极不利于当前的素质教育的开展,极不利于学生英语能力的培养。在这种模式下,往往使学生形成一种听不懂、看不懂、写不出、讲不出的畸形英语。因此,我们要改变这一现状,就必须改变课堂教学模式。 3. 本课题研究的意义 通过对课堂教学模式的改变,能改变学生被动地听的教学形式,能调动学生的积极参与课堂活动,通过听、说等语篇训练来提高学生的英语水平,使英语学习更具有实用性,能改变“哑吧”英语的现状。 二.对语篇教学的课堂模式主要内容的思考 《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲》提出高中英语教学目的主要是:“在义务教育初中英语教学的基础上,巩固、扩大学生的基础知识,发展听、说、读、写的基础上,培养在口头上和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力,侧重培养阅读能力,并使学生获得一定的自学能力,为继续学习和运用英语切实打好基础……”。 “巩固、扩大学生的基础知识”,我们认为是巩固、扩大学生的词汇知识和语法知识,这一部分无需在课堂上进行大量的讲解,作为教师可侧重进行学法指导;这样“侧重培养阅读能力”就成了课堂教学的主要任务。阅读能力的培养主要是加强对学生语篇理解的培养;只有在语篇理解的前提下,才能发展学生的口头上和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力。而交际能力的培养正是英语学科培养创新能力的核心之所在。因此,我们主张在英语课堂上构建以图式理论和认知理论为指导,以学生为中心,以培养交际能力为目的,以语篇教学法为手段,以发展学生的英语能力为目


高中英语教师个人专业发展规划 走上工作岗位已经七年,深觉教书育人任重而道远。就如我们经常所说,“学高为师、德高为范”。只有教师自己的素质提高了,才能更好地给予学生引导。因此对自己未来的发展做一个整体的规划是十分有必要的。下面就我做为一名高中英语老师对接下来两年内的专业发展做出规划: 一、对教师专业发展的认识 在课改的推动下教育领域无疑在发生着一场巨变。教学三维目标在教学中的不断体现、落实,为学生的发展带来了广阔的前景,我们看到了学生的思维活了、涉及的视野广了、参加社会实践的机会多了、敢于表达自己想法的勇气足了,但是作为教师也越来越感觉到驾御课堂越来越难了、学生的需求越来越大了,这对教师自身提出了更高的要求。 教师自我专业发展应该根植于自己的教育教学实践中,在自己熟悉的领域中探究、反思和理论提升。要学会规划自身的教师生涯,在不断实现规划目标中完善自己、发展自己,成为一名称职的好教师。 二、自身状况分析 1、自身背景及成绩分析: 从事英语教学工作七年,在教学中我一直培养学生自主学习的好习惯,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,教学之余我不断进行学习,提升自身素养。学习的过程是一个不断充实的过程,为自己的教师专业成长奠定了基础。 2、对自身问题的分析 从教七年来,在领导和同事们的支持帮助下,教学方面我取得了一些成绩,获得了一些荣誉,要跨越目前的状况需要付出更大的努力。随着教育改革的深化和推进,感性的教学经验需要有科学的方法和理性的分析做指导,来服务教学服务学生。 三、自身专业化发展目标: 1、整体性目标: 力求自己由专业型向经验型教师转变。 2、阶段性目标: 第一阶段:以自主学习提升理论素养专业化为主的目标 美国著名学者波斯纳曾经提出教师成长的公式为:教师成长=经验反思。这个教师成长的公式揭示了教师专业发展的本质。校本研究则可以从“提高经验认识水平”和“强化教学反思能力”这两个方面促使教师理论素养的专业化。 具体措施: (1)认真读好以下书籍,并作好理论学习笔记: 《教育新理念》、《给教师的一百条新建议》、《教师专业化的理论与实践》、《新课程中教师行为的变化》、《教学理论:课堂教学的原理、策略与研究》、《多元智能》; (2)记录整理个人成长的足迹; (3)争取学习机会,充实自己,开阔自己的思路; (4)养成预习的习惯。 第二阶段: (1)提高课堂教学艺术强化教学反思能力 在日常教学活动中,要养成随时记录教学中的感想和学生的创新片段,学会积累,学会研究。


高一英语单项选择题训练 1.Thirty passengers were hurt, five children ________. A. containing B. including C. contained D. included 2.She was not ________ frightened, in fact she was nearly frightened to death. A. a bit B. at all C. a little D. much 3.I advised he _______ for a holiday. A. went B. go C. going D. to go 4._______ done for us? A. What do you think he has B. What do you think has he C. Do you think what he has D. Do you think what has he 5.He ________ 10 kilos. A. is weighed B. is weighted C. weighs D. weights 6.That young man has made so much noise that he ______ not have been allowed to attend the concert. A. could B. must C. would D. should 7.The doctor recommended I ____________ here for the sunshine before I started for home. A. would come B. will come C. should come D. shall come 8.What should we do if it ________ tomorrow? A. should snow B. would snow C. snow D. will snow 9.I have had my hair _________. A. cutted short B. cut short C. cut shorted D. cut shorting 10.We must be _________ the worst. A. preparing B. preparing for C. prepared D. prepared for 11.The cock _______ the egg was _______ by him. A. lied; laid B. lied; lain C. lay; laid D. lay; lain 12.He taught us the way ________ we grow _________. A. which; potatos B. which; potatoes C. in which; potatos D. in which; potatoes 13.________, and you’ll know which one is good. A. Compared with these two ones B. Compare this one with that one C. Compare this one to that one D. Compared to this one with that one 14.________ houses were knocked down in the earthquake. A. A great many B. The number of C. A great many of D. A great deal of 15.He goes to attend night—class Monday. Wednesday and Eriday. That is to say, he go to class every ________ day. A. another B. two C. the second D. other 16.________ you start doing something, you mustn’t stop half—way. A. While B. Though C. As D. Once 17.–We haven’t heard from him for a long time. --What do you suppose ________ to her? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened 18.I’m sure _______ the old lady said is right. A. that B. all what C. what D. all which 19.He stepped into the room, _______ his seat taken. A. find B. found C. finded D. only to find 20.He spent as much time as he ______ English. A. could learning B. learned C. would learn D. had learned


听课记录表 听课人:王佳欣单位:重庆师范大学 时间2013 年11月17 日星期四上午第二节地点璧山中学 任课教师张老师课题名称Unit4 A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep 班级高一(4)班 高中一年级英语下册Unit 4 A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep?听课记录 教学过程: StepⅠ.pre-reading Ask the students read the text loudly in 10 minutes Ask students a Question Question:Have you known some words about disasters? And show them some pictures about natural disasters. Show the key vocabulary words on the screen Read these words and make students repeat twice times The key vocabulary words are follows: tsunami 海啸 flood 洪水 drought 干旱 mudflow 泥石流 hurricanes 飓风 earthquake 地震 Ask students a question Question: how many several terrible earthquakes do you know in the world? And The teacher guide the students to talk about WenChuan Earthquake to lead to the topic. StepⅡ.1a T:please look at the TVs in the illustration.In picture a ,we can see a person playing baseball.It is a sports show.Now you can name the other kinds of TV shows by yourselves


浅析语篇分析在高中英语阅读教学中的应 用 " 论文关键词:语篇分析高中英语阅读 论文摘要:在高中英语阅读教学中应用的方法长期以来主要为传统教学法,忽视了文章的整体结构。将语篇分析的理论应用于高中英语阅读教学能够使学生把握整个语篇,有助于提高学生的阅读能力和写作能力。 在英语阅读教学中,传统的阅读教学法只注重单词、短语和句子层次上的讲解,这不利于学生语篇能力的培养。语篇分析法则不仅重视对文章知识点的讲解,还重视文章整体结构的分析。本文基于语篇分析的基本理论,结合具体的英语课文,试图概括出将语篇分析应用于高中英语阅读教学的基本步骤。 一、语篇分析的基本理论衔接是语篇特征的重要内容,它体现在语篇的表层结构上。语法手段(如照应、替代、省略等)和词汇手段(如复现关系、同现关系)的使用,都可以表现结构上的粘着性,即结构上的衔接。衔接是语篇的有形网络。(黄国文,1988,10)例如: Several people approached. They seemed angry. 我们能够看出,第二句中的"they"指的是第一句中的"several people"。 连贯指的是语篇中语义的关联,连贯存在于语篇的底层,通过逻辑

推理来达到语义连接;它是语篇的无形网络。(黄国文,1988,11)衔接是篇章的一种特征,连贯则是对篇章的评价的一个方面,它只能由读者的评价来衡量。例如: A man walked into a bar. Bars sell good beer. It's brewed mostly in Germany. Germany went to war with British. 这是一个很衔接的语篇,然而语义上却是不连贯的。又如: There are five people in our family. They all work in this city. My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. My brother is a policeman. My sister is a student. 在这里,列举的顺序符合逻辑发展顺序,因而语篇的连贯性较好。体裁分析涉及语篇分析,高中英语课文可以分为四类常见的语篇体裁记叙文(narration)、描述文(description)、说明文(exxposition)和议论文(argumentation)。在教学中应用体裁分析法,有助于引导学生掌握属于不同语篇所具有的不同篇章结构。 二、语篇分析在高中英语阅读教学的应用步骤 以高中英语必修四(人教版)unit4为例,具体应用可分为以下几个基本步骤。 第一,对文化背景知识的介绍。在reading这部分开始前,教师应先给学生补充一些关于国外的社交礼仪和风俗习惯方面的背景知识,让学生充分了解到不同国家间的文化差异。 第二,针对文章内容进行课前热身。教师应该针对文章的具体内容对学生进行提问。在讲解reading之前,教师可以问学生这样的一些


高中英语教师的工作计划 一、指导思想 在本学期的英语教学中,坚持以下面的教学理念为指导:第一,在切实了解学生的真实 水平和结合学生学习成绩的的基础上,适当改变教学方法,加强学法指导;第二,教学要面 向全体学生,关注学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣;第三,以学生为主体,尊重个体差异,因材施教;第四,在新课标的指导下,倡导学生体验参与学习,完成设计目标;第五,注重 过程性评价, 建立能鼓励学生自主学习能力发展提高的综合评价体系。 二、学生情况分析 a)本届高一学生在英语基础方面很薄弱。在词汇,语法规则等方面存在很多缺漏。 所以,在听、说、读、写这四项技能上,学生水平存在很大差异。 b)学生在学习策略和情感态度方面也存在需要进一步解决的问题。例如:学习缺乏 主动性、自觉性;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能主动做好课前预习和课后复 习工作,学习没有计划性和策略性,也不注意知识的积累和巩固。 c)在课堂上,习惯于以往被动地接受所传授的知识,不善于发现和总结语言规律, 学习的主体性不突出。 三、教材与教辅的分析 所以本学期教学任务繁重,时间紧迫。每一单元除了关注阅读、写 作、听力、视听说等语言实践活动,还关注语言知识、情感态度、文化意识和学习策 略等。其中,通过并利用教材培养和坚强学生的阅读理解能力和以前的必修教材有很大的 不同。本学期的选修教材强调学生综合语言运用能力的’培养和提高,所以重点在于培养 学生用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力;用英语分析问题、解决问题的能力;用英语进行 思维和表达的能力。难点在于学生在情感态度和学习策略上的改变,达到用英语思维和表 达的目标。 四、教学目标 通过学习让学生有丰富的生活常识、多文化背景的积累,并形成正确人生观、价值观,有积极的情感态度和跨文化的交际能力。同时培养自主学习能力,积累学习方法。更重要 的是培养学会僧的阅读理解能力,提高学生的应试水平。 五、教学措施


高中英语单项选择题精选 1. A: I am going to the post office. B:-------you are there,can you get me some stamps? A.as B. while C. until D. if 2. These stories were made------his own head. A. out of B.up of C. into D. up out of 3. The cave------very dark , he made some candles-----light. A. was; given B. was ; being given C. being ; to give D. being ; give 4. Which is -------country , Canada or Australia ? A. large B. larger C. a larger D. the larger 5. In the dark , there wasn’t a si ngle person ------she could turn for help. A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom 6. In my opinion , it is the best use that could be------of the money. A. turned up B. turned out C. spent D. Made 7. Jenny liked Fred-------all the boys he was the most honest one .


初二英语听课记录范文 初二英语听课记录范文篇1 上午,来到**中学参加初三英语教研活动。参加本次活动的市镇中心英语教研组的成员和全镇初三英语老师。 本次活动首先听了六峰中学朱杰红老师的一杰初三教研课,然后,大家开展了积极的教研讨论活动,最后,曾衍明主任就初三英语复习工作做了一些工作部署。下面是这节课的听课记录和听后随感。 Teaching procedure 1. 课前朗读,复习单词 2. Greetings ---- What s the weather like today? Sunny. 紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词。cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, fine, etc. 然后,启发学生说出另外一些表示天气的单词:warm, cold, cool, hot, etc. 启发的方法是通过师生问答开展的。教师问:What s the weather will be like if it s rainy? 然后学生回答说:It ll be wet. 3. 由It s a fine day. 复习感叹句的表达形式。 How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过What a fine day it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子:How fine it is! 接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出下列单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说:He is a hard-working student. I ll learn from him. 4. 朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多。如:首先,我们见到图画中有什么?像这样的句子完全可以直接用英语组织进行。教师通过幻灯片呈现故事,在故事的呈现中渗透语言知识,形式很好。如果能就图片提出一些目的性更强、有效性更


高中英语教师工作计划四篇 篇一:20xx年高中英语教师工作计划(1182字) 一、指导思想 在本学期的英语教学中,坚持以下面的教学理念为指导:第一,在切实了解学生的真实水平和结合学生历次考试成绩的的基础上,适当改变教学方法,加强学法指导;第二,教学要面向全体学生,关注学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣;第三,以学生为主体,尊重个体差异,因材施教;第四,在新课标的指导下,倡导学生体验参与学习,完成设计目标;第五,注重过程性评价, 建立能鼓励学生自主学习能力发展提高的综合评价体系。 二、学生情况分析 a)本届高二学生在英语基础方面很薄弱。尽管经过一年又半的学习,但是在词汇,语法规则等方面存在很多缺漏。所以,在听、说、读、写这四项技能上,学生水平存在很大差异。 b)学生在学习策略和情感态度方面也存在需要进一步解决的问题。例如:学习缺乏主动性、自觉性;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能主动做好课前预习和课后复习工作,学习没有计划性和策略性,也不注意知识的积累和巩固。 c)在课堂上,习惯于以往被动地接受所传授的知识,不善于发现和总结语言规律,学习的主体性不突出。 三、教材与教辅的分析

本学期采用的仍然是外研社的英语教材,包括选修修模块7和8。所以本学期教学任务更加繁重,时间更加加紧迫。每一单元除了关注阅读、写作、听力、视听说等语言实践活动,还关注语言知识、情感态度、文化意识和学习策略等。其中,通过并利用教材培养和坚强学生的阅读理解能力和以前的必修教材有很大的不同。本学期的选修教材强调学生综合语言运用能力的培养和提高,所以重点在于培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力;用英语分析问题、解决问题的能力;用英语进行思维和表达的能力。难点在于学生在情感态度和学习策略上的改变,达到用英语思维和表达的目标。 四、教学目标 通过对选修模块7、8的学习,让学生有丰富的生活常识、多文化背景的积累,并形成正确人生观、价值观,有积极的情感态度和跨文化的交际能力。同时培养自主学习能力,积累学习方法。更重要的是培养学会僧的阅读理解能力,提高学生的应试水平。 五、教学措施 a)让学生每天积累几个单词,利用“互测及教师抽查”及时检查,保证效果并坚持下去。 b)认真贯彻晨读制度:规定晨读内容,加强监督,保证晨读效果。 c)实行过程性评价,调动学生积极性,通过不同方式的检测,让进步的同学体会到成就感,让落后的同学找出差距,感受压力。


高中英语单项选择题精选(9) 1. To my great frustration, the computer I had ____ went wrong again. A. to repair B. repairing C. had repaired D. repaired 2. Emergency line operators must always ____ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. A. grow B. appear C. become D. stay 3. Even today I still remember the great fun we had ____ games on the beach on those happy days. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 4. He was the first to enter the classroom the morning, ____ with him. A. as usually B. as is usual C. that is usual D. what is usual 5. Although he is very busy every day as manager of the company, he spends as much time as he can ___ with his family. A. stays B. stay C. to stay D. staying 6. Proper exercise is good ___ your health, and a scientific diet does good ___ you , too. A. to, to B. for, for C. to , for D. for, to 7. The dog seems very quiet now, but he still ___ go by. A. dare not to B. dare not


高中英语听课记录范文 假如你是高中英语的新老师,去听其它老师的课堂学习时,我们的听课笔记如何 记录?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理了高中英语听课记录模板,供大家参阅! 高中英语听课记录范文1 一、首先于老师设置了Presentation 环节,让学生上台通过PPT展现欧洲城市。两个组各派一名学生代表上台展现他们组的PPT. 同时于蕾老师让台下的学生在观看PPT 的时候做好笔记。 二、第一位学生呈现PPT后,于蕾老师带着学生一起回顾PPT内容,并把回顾 的内容的关键词写在黑板上,如:place,tourist attraction, building, celebrity ; 对于 第二位学生的PPT,于蕾老师带着学生总结出了关键词,如:location, population, climate, festivals. 三、于蕾老师引导学生在介绍城市时可以包括的内容有: history, culture, customs, landscape. 四、于蕾老师让学生进行小组讨论,重新组织城市介绍内容,选择关键点和介绍 顺序。同时请学生表达她们的想法。 五、于蕾老师给学生准备了Pre-writing的内容。拓展气候、地域、人口等方面的英语表达,一方面拓展了学生的词汇,另一方面帮助学生更好地理解句型。 六、接着于蕾老师给了学生一篇写作范文,通过分析欣赏范文,带动学生一起总 结欧洲城市介绍话题的写作要点。 于蕾老师的发音很清晰,跟学生互动很自然,课堂设计很有逻辑性, 在与学生互动和教学设计方面有很多值得我们学习的地方。 高中英语听课记录范文2 本周,英语科组对高二课堂教学情况进行了检查。高二年级有七个班,共有五位 英语老师。从听课情况看出,老师们都能精心备课,用心上课。具体反馈如下:首先,集体备课,教学同步。高二备课组的英语老师们在集体备课、统一教学进 度方面做得比较好。这周是本学期第十周,教学进度统一在选修7第四单元的教学。 其次,因材施教,各取所需。高二英语老师在集体备课的同时,注重在不同的班 用不同的教学方法传授相同的知识。本单元的课题是Sharing,谈及有关与人分享、 助人为乐的话题。在基础较好的四班,钟华老师上了一节口语写作课,启发学生发散
