



1. It took Jack two hours climb the mountain . _______

2. The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours . ______

3. They have never had the chance to be there ago .______

4. Even he is old , my grandpa works on the farm . ________

5. You are terrible ill . You’d better stay in bed . ________

6. The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away ._________

7. I don’t like goi ng out lonely after dark ._________

8. I’m fed up waiting for her letter . ________

9. Birds flew back because the fine environment . _________

10. The students entered into the classroom one by one . ________ Keys:

1. climb ___ to climb

2. much more redder ____ much redder

3. ago ____ before

4. Even ____ Even if / Even though

5. terrible _____ terribly

6. far away ____ away

7. lonely ____ alone

8. fed up ____ fed up with

9. because ____ because of

10. entered into ____ entered

1. His story is more interesting as my sister’s . ________


2. Please return my dictionary back soon . _______ 3. When he heard the news , he got angrily ._______ 4. They have some problems get there . _______ 5. Tom was just falling asleep then the telephone rang . ________ 6. Sometimes we take walk by the river . _______ 7. Mr More took well care of his car . _______ 8. We are going to Hainan the next holiday . ______ 9. I don’t agree to you , twins . _______ 10. Though children are young , they should be listened carefully . _____ keys: 1. more interesting as ____ as interesting as / more interesting than

2. return my dictionary back ______ return my dictionary 3. angrily ____ angry 4. get___ getting 5. then ____ when 6. take walk ____ take a walk 7. well ___ good 8. the next holiday ____ next holiday 9. agree to ____ agree with 10. listened ____ listened to


英语中考单句改错500题 1. It took Jack two hours climb the mountain . _______ 2. The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours . ______ 3. They have never had the chance to be there ago .______ 4. Even he is old , my grandpa works on the farm . ________ 5. You are terrible ill . You’d better stay in bed . ________ 6. The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away ._________ 7. I don’t like going out lonely after dark ._________ 8. I’m fed up waiting for her letter . ________ 9. Birds flew back because the fine environment . _________ 10. The students entered into the classroom one by one . ________ 11. From what I have seen and heard, I must say Chinese people are living happily. 12. Everyone agreed to his suggestion which we should hold a meeting to talk about the problem. 13. Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan. 14. Why don’t you ask anybody else to help you? 15. The pen is missing, for we cannot find it everywhere. 16. Sorry, I have a such book. 17. The two languages are not at all the same in neither spelling or grammar. 18. Most people can quick get help from a doctor when ill. 19. He told me that how important it is to learn English. 20. Can’t you remember tell me that the other day? 11.must-can 12.which-that.13.drop “he”14.anybody-somebody 15.anywhere 16.a-an 17.neither-either 18.quick-quickly 19 drop “that”20. tell-telling 21. She asked me if I had found out my new pen. 22. He had changed so much that I could hardly know him.


中考英语复习临考前单句改错100题 句子改错:每小题有一个错误(多词、缺词或错词),多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在右边横线上写出该加的词;在错的词下划一横线,在右边横线上写出改正后的词 1. It took Jack two hours climb the mountain . _______ 2. The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours . ______ 3. They have never had the chance to be there ago .______ 4. Even he is old , my grandpa works on the farm . ________ 5. You are terrible ill . You’d better stay in bed . ________ 6. The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away ._________ 7. I don’t like going out lonely after dark ._________ 8. I’m fed up waiting for her letter . ________ 9. Birds flew back because the fine environment . _________ 10. The students entered into the classroom one by one . ________ Keys: 1. climb ___ to climb 2. much more redder ____ much redder 3. ago ____ before 4. Even ____ Even if / Even though 5. terrible _____ terribly 6. far away ____ away 7. lonely ____ alone 8. fed up ____ fed up with 9. because ____ because of 10. entered into ____ entered


2019中考英语短文改错题解析 短文改错多词考点解析一: 多词错误是受汉语的干扰和影响,而出现的汉语式表达方式,这些词多为冠词、介词、代词或连接词等。 例1 Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 分析:catch sight of为固定词组,意为“看到”,故将不定冠词a去掉。 例2 But we don’t seem to get much time to talk about together. 分析:句中未交代谈话内容,介词about是多余的。故去掉。 例3 I hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon. 分析:句中both与two并用,属意义重复。表示“你们俩”可以说you two或you both, 故应将both去掉。 例4 I’ll spend all the whole weekend reading and preparing for it. 分析:all与whole 连用,造成语义重复,故将all去掉。 例5 In some places you may borrow as many books as you want, in other places where you are limited to a certain number, of which some may be novels. 分析:此句是简单句,不含有定语从句,in other places是句子的地点状语,故应将where 去掉。 短文改错缺词考点解析二: 句中漏掉了必不可少的词语,导致句子结构和意义不完整,这些词多为功能词,如系动词、冠词、物主代词、介词及不定式符号“to”等。 例1 It’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. 分析:可数名词表泛指,前面要加不定冠词,故在famous前加a。 例2 I was happy with any program the others spent a lot time arguing. 分析:a lot加of才能接名词,故在time前加of。 例3 The day before the speech contest English teacher talked to me. 分析:可数名词前应有限定词修饰。根据文意应为“我的英语老师”,故在English前加my。例4 I’ll take this chance to wish you wonderful time on your birthday. 分析:time本为不可数名词,但当它表示“一段时间”时,前面要加不定冠词a,故在time前加a。 例5 My parents love me dearly of course and will do what they can make sure that I get a good education. 分析:本句中can后省掉了与前面相同的实义动词do,后面的不定式to阶段make作状语,故应在make前加to。教育中考频道为大家提供的中考英语短文改错专项训练的内容,希望能够对大家有用,更多相关内容,请及时关注!


中考英语单句改错题探究 凤冈县王寨中学万有强 改错题是中考英语的常见题型。今年遵义市中考英语试题中,也将首次出现改错题。这种题型主要是考查学生的识别能力、分析能力和综合运用英语知识的能力。但在平时的测试中,笔者发现许多同学很难判断出句中的错误,主要原因是同学们对中、英文表达的差异缺乏了解。本文拟从语法和逻辑的角度,探析中考英语单句改错题中最常见的几类错误。 一、多词错误(words redundant) 多词错误又叫冗词错误。由于中国学生很少用英语进行交际,他们总是用汉语思维模式及思路来组句子,所以英语句子出现的多词现象难以察觉。常见的考点有: 1、介词、副词多余现象 ①一些及物动词受汉语思维的影响,而在其后加上了本不需要的介词或者副词,从而造成语义重复。 【例1】The students entered into the classroom one by one. 【分析】enter本身含有“come / go into”的意思,因此它不可与介词into连用。类似容易设置语义重复错误的词还有:repeat(=say or do sth. Again),之后不可再与again连用;visit (=come or go to see a person or place)之后不能与see连用;serve (=work for )之后不可再接for;repay(=pay back),后面不再接back;return(=give back或者go/come back),后不能再与back连用;follow(=go/come after)不能与after 连用;improve(=make…better),不能再用better;raise不能和up;hear from(=receive or get a letter from sb.),后面也不能再与letter连用。 ②某些以介词结尾的动词短语,若其后的介词没有宾语,则后面的介词是多余的。 【例2】He listened to carefully,but could hear nothing. 【分析】动词短语listen to后没有介词宾语,故无需使用介词to。类似的还有:look at,,take part in,live in等等。 ③一些特殊名词结构前边需要省略介词而没有省略。 【例3】In fact,they are planning to visit China in next year. 【分析】由“one/ this/that/next/last/ every + 名词” 表示时间的状语前常省略介词,如:on one day(去掉on ), on that evening(去掉on ), in every week(去掉in),其前常省略介词,故例句中in多余。 2冠词多余现象 由于汉语中没有冠词的概念,因此英语中冠词的使用成为中学生容易出错的地方。改错题也正是针对考生在思维上的误区设置错误,把不需要使用冠词的地方却使用了冠词,从而造成冠词多余。 【例4】He promised to come and see us after the supper. 【分析】在英语中,表示星期、月份、季节、三餐和球棋类运动的名词前边和一些固定词组中的名词前边,如:go to school, at work, in bed,go to hospital, at first, most of them,at noon, plenty of,by the bus,无需冠词。故例中的the应该去掉。 3修饰语多余现象


中考英语短文改错考点详解及真题解析  一.中考英语短文改错考点·非谓语动词错误 非谓语动词包括不定式、分词、动名词3种形式。如: (1) In 1943 Jacques Coustean and his friend made it possible by invent the scuba machine. (杭州市中考题) 「说明」invent改为inventing,inventing是动名词,作介词by的宾语。 (2) Many people like travel by air, but Jim‘s family think that traveling by train is the best. (杭州市中考题) 「说明」travel改为to travel或traveling,不定式或动名词作动词 like的动词宾语。 (3) Many countries began look for ways to go into space. (广元市 中考题) 「说明」look改为looking或to look,不定式或动名词作动词began的 动词宾语 (4) School children walked with their shirts,coasts and anything else they could find pull up over their noses. (苏州市中考题) 「说明」pull改为pulled,“with+宾语+动词的过去分词”结构作伴随状语,with结构中宾语与动词之间是逻辑被动关系。 (5) The people of the desert have to keep move from place to place. (重庆市中考题) 「说明」move改为moving,keep doing sth有“继续做某事”的意思。 二. 中考英语短文改错考点·比较等级错误 (1) It is much cheap and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air. (杭州市中考题) 「说明」cheap改为 cheaper, much, far, still, a little, a bit修饰形容词或副词的比较级,加强语气。 (2) They made people healthier and live long. (广元市中考题)


中考英语复习单句改错100题 句子改错:每小题有一个错误(多词、缺词或错词),多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在右边横线上写出该加的词;在错的词下划一横线,在右边横线上写出改正后 的词 1. It took Jack two hours climb the mountain . _______ 2. The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours . ______ 3. They have never had the chance to be there ago .______ 4. Even he is old , my grandpa works on the farm . ________ 5. You are terrible ill . You’d better stay in bed . ________ 6. The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away ._________ 7. I don’t li ke going out lonely after dark ._________ 8. I’m fed up waiting for her letter . ________ 9. Birds flew back because the fine environment . _________ 10. The students entered into the classroom one by one . ________ 1. His story is more interesting as my sister’s . ________ 2. Please return my dictionary back soon . _______ 3. When he heard the news , he got angrily ._______ 4. They have some problems get there . _______ 5. Tom was just falling asleep then the telephone rang . ________ 6. Sometimes we take walk by the river . _______ 7. Mr More took well care of his car . _______ 8. We are going to Hainan the next holiday . ______ 9. I don’t agree to you , twins . _______


单句改错100题 句子改错:每小题有一个错误(多词、缺词或错词),多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在右边横线上写出该加的词;在错的词下划一横线,在右边横线上写出改正后 的词 1. It took Jack two hours climb the mountain . _______ 2. The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours . ______ 3. They have never had the chance to be there ago .______ 4. Even he is old , my grandpa works on the farm . ________ 5. You are terrible ill . You’d better stay in bed . ________ 6. The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away ._________ 7. I don’t like goi ng out lonely after dark ._________ 8. I’m fed up waiting for her letter . ________ 9. Birds flew back because the fine environment . _________ 10. The students entered into the classroom one by one . ________ Keys:


中考专题:单句改错题解题技巧 【解题技巧】 单句改错题是考查学生的识别能力、分析能力和综合运用英语知识能力。 做单句改错题首先要读通句子,在此基础上,根据不同的情况,用所掌握的语法、词汇知识为标准,具体排除干扰,判断、找出错误,予以改正。 一、有些句子学生十分熟悉,根据所学知识,一眼就可识破,则不必顾及其他。如 : I must try my best learn English well. try one’s best后应跟不定式。故在 best后应加“to”。 二、有些题目要从时态、语态、语气或主谓一致等方面来判断。如 : 1. We have studied most of Book by the end of last week. by后跟表示过去的时间状语时,对应的时态该用过去完成时,因此,该句中have应改为 had。 2. Those novels wrote by Lu Xun 60 years ago. 句中 wrote应改为 were written。因为 these novels是动作的承受者。 三、有些题目要从动词的用法,词组搭配以及用词的知识方面考虑。如 : —Where’s the boy student? —He has been to the library. 句中 has been to表示“去过某地,已回来”,而这里的男同学显然没回来,所以该处需改为“has gone to”。 四、越来越多的辨认错误题,综合了尽可能多的语法、词汇知识,因而同学们不能只从某项语法或词汇用法方面去判断,更应从各方面来判断错误的可能性。如 : He broke the window when he was playing football and he paid of the glass the next day. 这一句不但要考虑broke、paid是否正确,而且要判断football, next day前是否有定冠词,更要核对“paid of”的准确性,因为 of与 for较相似,故此句paid of应改为paid for。 【经典范例引路】 例1 Lily has reached home three hours ago. A B C D 简析 :此题选A。可将 has reached改为reached,即一般过去时。另一种改法是将句尾的three hours ago去掉,因涉及到不止一个选项,故在此题中不能这么改。 例2 You can’t get across when the lights are green. A B C D 简析 :此题选D。此题语法上并没有错,只是不符合事实,应将D项的 green改为red,才符合“红灯停,绿灯行”的交通规则。 例 3 Don’t get into the gate before they tell you do that.


中考英语单句改错题的题型分析 单句改错题是考查学生的识别能力、分析能力和综合运用英语知识能力。以下是我为大家推荐有关中考英语的重点单句改错题题的练习和答案,希望对大家有所帮助! 中考英语单句改错题的题型 做单句改错题首先要读通句子,在此基础上,根据不同的情况,用所掌握的语法、词汇知识为标准,具体排除干扰,判断、找出错误,予以改正。 一、有些句子学生十分熟悉,根据所学知识,一眼就可识破,则不必顾及其他。如 : I must try my best learn English well. try one’s best后应跟不定式。故在 best后应加“to”。 二、有些题目要从时态、语态、语气或主谓一致等方面来判断。如 : 1. We have studied most of Book by the end of last week. by后跟表示过去的时间状语时,对应的时态该用过

去完成时,因此,该句中have应改为 had。 2. Those novels wrote by Lu Xun 60 years ago. 句中 wrote应改为 were written。因为 these novels是动作的承受者。 三、有些题目要从动词的用法,词组搭配以及用词的知识方面考虑。如 : —Where’s the boy student? —He has been to the library. 句中 has been to表示“去过某地,已回来”,而 这里的男同学显然没回来,所以该处需改为“has gone to”。 四、越来越多的辨认错误题,综合了尽可能多的语法、词汇知识,因而同学们不能只从某项语法或词汇用法方面去判断,更应从各方面来判断错误的可能性。如 : He broke the window when he was playing football and he paid of the glass the next day. 这一句不但要考虑broke、paid是否正确,而且要判断football, next day前是否有定冠词,更要核对“paid of”的准确性,因为 of与 for较相似,故此句paid of应改为


句子改错题的解题技巧 综观近几年英语中考题,采用“句子改错”这类题型的省、市很多。尽管这类题目难度不是很大,但由于设置了三个干扰项,致使一部分考生丢分。那么,怎样才能答好这类题呢?请大家悉心关注本期的解题技巧指导。 【范例展示给你】 下列句子均有一处错误,请指出并改正。 1. Doing(A) morning exercises(B) are(C) good for(D) our health. ________ 2. The teacher said that(A) light travelled(B) much(C) faster(D) than sound. ________ 3. The language(A) speaks(B) in(C) the United States is(D) English. ________ 【答案与分析告诉你】 第1题选C,are改为is。动名词短语作主语时谓语动词应用单数形式。第2题选B,travelled改为travels。宾语从句表达的是自然现象、客观事实、真理等时,谓语动词不受主句时态的限制而用一般现在时。第3题选B,speaks改为spoken。表示被动意义时,要用过去分词形式。 【解题技巧说给你】 1. 分析句意审为先看清句式巧划线 审好题是答好题的前提。在做“句子改错题”时,要认真审视题目要求,更要审好题干部分,也就是具体内容,然后根据句子的类型和意义将句子合理分段。将复合句的主句与从句用竖线分隔开,将简单句的主、谓、宾等句子成分找出来,尤其注意一些词组和习惯用法,这对答好题目大有好处。如:第1题为简单句,主语部分为Doing morning exercises,谓语动词为are,这就看清了主语和谓语两部分。第2题为复合句,The teacher said为主句部分,that light travelled much faster than sound为从句部分。这样就弄清了主句和从句,便于观察主、从句的时态。 2. 联系整体抓关键分析错误来判断 句子总是一个整体。通过观察,我们不难发现句子的奥秘,几乎每个小题都有一个关键的词或短语,我们称之为“关键词”,利用好这个关键词顺藤摸瓜,有助于得出正确的推论。有些题目能够直接看出错误之处。比如第1题的Doing morning exercises就是个短语,应看作一个整体,即关键词语。然后展开联想并确定为:整体作主语的是动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句时,谓语动词应用单数形式,这就是人们常说的“主谓一致”。故C项错误,应改为is。


状语从句练习题 一、用适当的连词填空 1. Dr. Bethune (白求恩) came to China __________ he was fifty. 2. He began to work __________ he got there. 3. Let's begin our meeting __________everyone is here. 4. I like the English people, __________ I don't like their food. 5. __________ you go in China, you can see smiling faces. 6. He didn't come to the lecture, __________ he was very busy. 7. __________we had enough time, we walked to the cinema. 8. They will help you __________ you meet with difficulty. 9. _________ we came to the university, we have learnt quite a lot. 10.I didn't join them yesterday evening __________ I had to go to an important meeting. 11. We would try to get a car __________we could all travel together more easily. 12. She wouldn't forget her mother's birthday __________ she seldom wrote to her family. 13. We're doing everything we can to make things as easy for you ___________we can. 14. The meeting became so disorderly __________ the speaker had to shout the audience down.


中考英语单句改错100题 中考英语复习临考前单句改错100题句子改错每小题有一个错误多词缺词或错词多余的词用斜线\划掉在右边横线上写出该词并也用斜线划掉缺词处加一个漏字符号∧在右边横线上写出该加的词在错的词 下划一横线在右边横线上写出改正后的词 1 It took Jack two hours climb the mountain _______ 2 The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours ______ 3 They have never had the chance to be there ago ______ 4 Even he is old my grandpa works on the farm ________ 5 You are terrible ill Youd better stay in bed ________ 6 The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away _________ 7 I dont like going out lonely after dark _________ 8 Im fed up waiting for her letter ________ 9 Birds flew back because the fine environment _________ 10 The students entered into the classroom one by one ________ Keys 1 climb ___ to climb 2 much more redder ____ much redder 3 ago ____ before 4 Even ____ Even if Even though 5 terrible _____ terribly 6 far away ____ away 7 lonely ____ alone 8 fed up ____ fed up with 9 because ____ because of 10 entered into ____ entered 1 His story is more interesting as my sisters ________ 2 Please return my dictionary back soon _______ 3 When he heard the news he got angrily _______ 4 They have some problems get there _______ 5 Tom was just falling asleep then the telephone rang ________ 6


中考英语句型转—改写句子 I. 改写句子在改写后的句中空白处填入一个适当的词,使该句意思与原句意思相同或相近。 1. Jack is the tallest boy in our class. Jack is taller than _____ other _____ in our class. 2. Mrs Smith is busy now. She is doing her housework at home. Mrs Smith is _____ _____ her housework at home. 3. "Did you have a good sleep last night?" David asked Jim. David asked Jim _____ he _____ well last night. 4. The motorbike cost him 8000 yuan last year. He _____ 8000 yuan _____ the motorbike last year. 5. He came to the city two years ago. He ______ _____ in the city for two years. 6. In our hometown, spring usually lasts from March to May. In our hometown, spring usually starts in March and __________ __________ to May. 7. Most children begin school when they are seven. Most children begin school __________ the __________ of seven. 8. Uncle Wang has been our neighbour for years. Uncle Wang has lived __________ __________ us for years. 9. The digital camera is too expensive for me. I can't __________ to have the digital camera because its price is too __________. 10. Mount Qomolangma is the tallest mountain in the world. Mount Qomolangma is __________ than __________ other mountain in the world. 11. ·"Don't play football on your way home,"the teacher said. The teacher told us ____ to play football on your way home. 12·I don't think his father knows English.


语篇翻译 语篇翻译 一、出题形式 1.以一篇短文的形式出现: 3个:英译汉 2个:汉译英 2.考纲要求 考查对中西文化差异的了解; 对常用短语、习惯用语和重要句型的运用; 对句子结构、语法知识的掌握 对简单的翻译技巧的掌握。 二、考查重点 1、各类重要句型结构(定语从句等) 2、搭配(动词短语,名词短语)、 3、重点词的用法及习惯表达、 4、主要语法规则及其运用等 5、简单的翻译技巧(省略、补充,词义选择引申、词性转换、长句拆分、逆序翻译等)。 三、解题指导 1.通读短文,了解大意。 2.分析要求翻译的句子的结构、类型、时态

3.调序、润色。 4.切不可逐字逐句地翻译 四、翻译技巧指导:(易错点、难点) 1.连词的翻译 and : 和、与 (1)Lucy and her mother often go shopping on weekends. 露西和她妈妈经常周末去购物。(不可省) (2)Young people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. (3)The sun is bright,and the sky is clear. 太阳是明亮的,和天空是干净的。(X) (4)He left the company in March last year and went to Harvard as a visiting scholar. (5)However ,they worry about their schoolwork and can't fall asleep quickly. (6)他不开心,不知道如何处理这件事。 注:解题策略 英语中连词用得多,汉语中连词用得少。英译汉时,有些连词可以省译。汉译英,要适当增加连词,成文连贯。如:


中考英语单句改错题 1. It took Jack two hours climb the mountain . _______ 2. The tomatoes I picked are much more redder than yours . ______ 3. They have never had the chance to be there ago .______ 4. Even he is old , my grandpa works on the farm . ________ 5. Y ou are terrible ill . Y ou’d better stay in bed . ________ 6. The nearest village is about one hundred miles far away ._________ 7. I don’t like going out lonely after dark ._________ 8. I’m fed up waiting for her letter . ________ 9. Birds flew back because the fine environment . _________ 10. The students entered into the classroom one by one . ________ 1. His story is more interesting as my sister’s . ________ 2. Please return my dictionary back soon . _______ 3. When he heard the news , he got angrily ._______ 4. They have some problems get there . _______ 5. Tom was just falling asleep then the telephone rang . ________ 6. Sometimes we take walk by the river . _______ 7. Mr More took well care of his car . _______ 8. We are going to Hainan the next holiday . ______ 9. I don’t agree to you , twins . _______ 10. Though children are young , they should be listened carefully . _____ 1.The monkeys climbed the trees quick . ________ 2.I don’t think he can be on time , can I ? ________ 3.Everyone in our class like take-away food . _________ 4.The twins didn’t feel well , but they didn’t come . ________ 5. Jack’s uncle joined in the army three years ago . ________ 6. Could you give me anything to eat ? __________ 7. It was too hot last night tha t I couldn’t sleep well . _______ 8. To have a twin brother is little strange . ________ 9. There is going to have a dolphin show in the zoo . ________ 10. Could you repeat it again , please ?__________ 1. Can you guess how many years I have been to this city ? _______ 2. Surfing looks so excited that I want to have a try .___________ 3. To make a lot noise at night is not polite . _________ 4.There will have a strong wind to the north of Huai River . ________ 5. The number of the students in our school are more than 2,000 .______ 6. The poor man needs a house to live . ______
