


作文在考试中占有20 分,十分重要。作文题目一般是由一段英文的要求和一个中文的提纲两部分组成(参见样题),如果在英文要求中有letter 或者email 一词,请用书信的格式写,否则没有分

(书信格式为开头写称呼,结尾要落名),作文一般要求80 个词左右。现将可能会出到的作文题及其范文列出。

A 1 、日常活动



Dear bob,

I 'll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will find it interesting.

I usually get early and go to work at 8 o 'clock. I have lunch in the office. And I come back home at six. As a secretary, I deal with phone calls, emails and faxes during work hours. I also do the paper work for the manager. After work, I like to do shopping with friends or watch TV at home. Sometimes, I also like to chat on the internet.

Best regards,


B 1 、自主学习与远程教育



Autonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education. It is an essential skill for distance learners because they study alone most of the time. They do not meet their tutors or classmates very often. However, distance learners can learn a lot from each other. So autonomous learning and collaborative learning go hand in hand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks by myself. Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning tasks or share experiences. I have found both forms of learning very helpful.

C. 1、有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村生活好



Some people belief that town life is better than country life. I don 't think so. Town life can be convenient to us in many aspects. For example, you can move around easily, shopping can be more fun in a big shopping mall and you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife. But there are also many disadvantages. It is much nosier than in the country. Air pollution is more serious. It is not easy to park your car. It can cost more to live in town. To name but a few is enough. Therefore, I prefer country life.

D. 1 、哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式



In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi, bus and so on. But my favorite means of transportation is by bike. Firstly, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend one hour riding the bike to my office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical

exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. recently, the private car driver always complain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a “great”form of transportation. Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best.

E. 1、描述你家的位置



My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city. We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom. The first room is the main room or living room. It is for having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It is the busiest room in the house. The second room is my daughter 's bedroom. She sleeps and dresses there. The third room belongs to my wife and me. It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture. We sleep, prepare lessons and generally relax there. I think my home is cozy and I like my home.

F. 1.你最喜欢的电视节目是什么

2. 你喜欢它的理由

3. 作出结论

There are thousands and thousands of wonderful programs on TV everyday. Of these, news program has always been my favorite. I like this program because I think this program is more than just a TV program itself. In fact, it is a way of communication. From this program, people can be well informed about the affairs both at home and abroad in time. The world is developing fast, but if you watch this program everyday, you will feel that you are always in pace with the development of the world.

G. 1、你理想的工作是什么



Everybody has his dream for his career in the future. He or she might be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is in business. The idea came into being when I was a child. With the development of market economy, there are many opportunities in business. I like reading stories about some successful business man such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man like them some day. Now, I am majoring in Computering. I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job.

H. 1 、因特网与现代社会



The internet has become a symbol of modern society. For example, via the internet, we can send a message to a friend or a relative in a distant place within seconds; we can talk to each other or even see each other; we can do shopping without going out; we can stay home and do business with foreign companies. In fact, we can do many things more easily and more cheaply using the internet. So, I cannot imagine what society would be like without the internet.




Distance learning is for those who cannot study full time for some reasons. Many of them have a job, and some have to take care of a family. But they can study and meanwhile work or do other things. They can study with the help of a tutor and contact the tutor or other learners when having difficulties. They can study at any time and anywhere. For example, I work in a company during the day, but I am taking a course in law in the evening. I find distance learning is suitable for me.

J. 1.有一种观点认为没用钱就没用爱情



Some people believe that there is no love without money. I don 't agree. Money is important, but it can not buy everything. For example, it can not buy love. If there were no love without money, all the poor would have no love and all the rich would have love. But this is not true. Many poor people live happily because they have love, and many rich people live unhappily because they do not. Therefore, I think there can be love without money.

K. 1 、介绍你自己的情况



Dear Joan,

Hi, I 'm Kate. I 'm 23 years old. I graduated from Guangzhou university in 2001 and now I work in a post office. I 'm interested in English, so I am learning English in my spare time at Chongqing TV University. I was glad to meet you on the internet. I 'd like to know more about your job, hobbies, etc.

I 'd also like to know about your county.

I hope we can write to each other more often and become good friends.

Love, Kate

L. 1.接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游



Dear Robert,

I 'm very please to accept the kind invitation you extended in your last email. I 'm planning to spend my holiday in britain next week. Since it is my first visit to your country, I hope you will be able to meet me at airport.

My plane leaves beijing at 12 o'clock next Thursday and arrive in London at 14:30(local time).the flight number is CA1347.

Thank you and looking forword to meeting you in London.

With best wishes, Zhang Lin

M. 1 .你刚接到妻子电话



Dear Mr.Burns,

I 'm sorry to say that I can not attend this afternoon 's meeting. I just received a phone call from my wife. She told me our child had a fever and is coughing all the time. He has refuse to eat or drink antthing since this morning, so I will have to go back home now and drive them to hospidtal. I will phone you this evenning to discuss my new business plan. Sorry for the inconvenience.


N . 1 ?事件发生的时间和地点

2 .人物


One morning last week, I ate breakfast in a small restaurant not far from my school. Unfortunately, I found that I have not any money with me. I had forgotten my wallet at home. I tried to explain this to the manager of the restaurant, but he did not believe me and wanted to call the police. I tred to call my wife, but she was not at home. Just then, I saw a former classmate walking past the restaurant, and I asked him to pay for my breakfast.

O. 1 .事件的经过


3 .感想

Last month, my computer broke down, so I sent it to a repair store. The staff said it would take two days to repair, and I said that was not a long time. But when I came home, I didn 't know what to do without my computer. I stored all my data in the computer. I contacted the outside world by computer.

I was used to writing via my computer. In the end, I realized we must not depend on computers all the time if we want to be their master.

P. Directions: For Ibis part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to slate your views on the topic: How to keep healthy. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below:

1 .保持身体健康的重要性

2 .保持身体健康的方沾

3 .重申保持身体健康的意义

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy body, we can do nothing. For me, there are three main ways to keep healthy.

First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health. It is better for us to have more fruit and vegeta bles everyday. Secondly, it ' is important to lake regular exercises,

such as swimming, jogging and so on. Last but not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our swess.

When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.

Q. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to a new friend, telling him/her about your ambitions and dreams. You should write at least 80 words and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:

1. 童年的梦想。

2. 目前的情况。

3. 对未来的希望。

Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for telling me about yourself. I'd like to let you know more about me too. As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. But my dream never came true. I ' m now a librarian, dealing with books every day. The work is nothing thrilling, but I like it. Since there are more and more electronic materials, I hope that we will have an e library built soon.

Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Best wishes,

R. Direetions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to state your views on the topic: My ideal job. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below: 1.你理想的工作是什么?


Everybody has his dream for his career in the future. He or she might be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is in business. The idea came into being when I was a child. With the development of market economy, there are many opportunities in business. I like reading stories about some successful business man such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man like them some day. Now, I am majoring in Computering. I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job.

S. 1. 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么

2 .你喜欢它的理由

3 .作出结论

There are thousands and thousands of wonderful programs on TV everyday. Of these, news program has always been my favorite. I like this program because I think this program is more than just a TV program itself. In fact, it is a way of communication. From this program, people can be well informed about the affairs both at home and abroad in time. The world is developing fast, but if you watch this program everyday, you will feel that you are always in pace with the development of the world.


我最敬佩的一个人是妈妈,妈妈长着乌黑的头发,一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,一对浓浓的眉毛。 一天下午,我睡醒时,有些不舒服,妈妈帮我量了一下体温,四十度一,妈妈把我带到医院。开始打针了,我的手上,不知不觉涂上了黄黄的药水。妈妈说“你闭上眼睛。”我闭上眼睛,针扎进了我的手里,妈妈关心的问我“疼吗?”我对妈妈说:"不疼。"妈妈又怕我渴了,就去买了一些水和水果。 一天上午,我和妈妈去买菜。妈妈看到邻居家的阿姨在找东西,妈妈就问阿姨“怎么了?”阿姨说“我不小心把钱包弄丢了。”妈妈对阿姨说“那我来帮你找吧。”随后,我们便去找钱包了。我们找了半天,也没见钱包的踪影。最后,在一棵大树下的草丛里找见了。 这就是我敬佩的人——妈妈。妈妈,不仅心地善良,还乐于助人。 数学虐我千百遍,我对数学如初恋。 上小学时,我是个学水,班里同学都不和我玩。上四年级时,我是个学沫,我和一个女孩交了朋友。她是第一个愿意教我和我玩的同学,后来我们成为了好朋友,一起聊了许多。因为有她的帮助,我进步了许些。我不太喜欢学习数学,是她一直在鼓励我。后来,我有了学习的年头。于是,我先从基础--计算开始,每天练习计算题一天加一题,渐渐地我学好了计算。我知道学习是急不得的,需要一天天的积累。但最令

我厌烦的莫属应用题了,每次我都想跳过,可是梁说:"诺,你若想跳过他们,那你学会的可能性就会很小,但你如果尝试或许会有进步的,加油。"听了梁的话,我想了很多。 之后,我们没被分到一个班,我很难过。 我想谢谢梁,谢谢她一直鼓励我。 世界上所有母亲都有一双勤劳而又灵巧的手,为了孩子不惜一切,默默奉献。我妈妈的手是一双粗糙的手,不时地在我眼前浮现…… 妈妈的手很勤劳,每天忙碌着,真辛苦。 记得有一次,我放学的时候,当时是下雨,妈妈冒着斜风细雨来到我的学校,接我回家。一回到了家,我就看见了桌子上有一桌大餐。我惊喜万分,连忙问妈妈“今天是什么日子呀?怎么有一桌大餐?”妈妈笑眯眯地说“傻孩子,今天是你的生日,你忘了吗?”接着,妈妈那双粗糙的手捧出了一个大蛋糕,笑嘻嘻地说“孩子,祝你生日快乐!”我深情地说“妈妈,您辛苦了。” 记得还有一次,妈妈在煮晚饭的时候,不小心被长长的指甲挠伤了。妈妈叫我来帮她剪指甲。


(4) Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage on the topic My Home. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below. 1.描述你家的位置 2.各个房间的功能 3.表达你对你们家居条件的态度 参考范文: My Home 1.My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city. We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom. 我的家是一个新建的房子在城市的北边。我们有除了厨房和卫生间有3间房间。 2.The first room is the main room or living room. It is for having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It is the busiest room in the house. The second room is my daughter’s bedroom. She sleeps and dresses there. The third room belongs to my wife and me. It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture. We sleep, prepare lessons and generally relax there. 第一个房间是一个主要生活间或者说是客厅。这是用来吃饭、休息、读书、看电视或者其他一些活动的地方。这是房子里最忙的房间。第二个房间是我女儿的卧室。她在里面睡觉、换衣服。第三个房间属于我的妻子和我。它看起来相当宽敞因为家具很少。我们在里面准备课程、普遍都在里面休息。 3.I think my home is cozy and I like my home. 我觉得我的家很舒适,我喜欢我的家。 (5) Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to a new friend, telling him/her about your ambitions and dreams. You should write at least 80 words and base your letter on the Chinese outline below. 1. 童年的梦想 2. 目前的情况 3 对未来的希望 参考范文: 5th January 2010 Dear Mary, Thank you for telling me about yourself. I’d like to let you know more about me too. 亲爱的Mary,谢谢你告诉我关于你的事情。我也想让你更了解我。 1.As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. 从小,我就想变成一个侦探。我觉得一个侦探非常棒,因为他能公平的解决刑事案件。 2.But my dream never came true. I’m now a librarian, dealing with books every day. The work is nothing thrilling, but I like it.


1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you. Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University,but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate (回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Li Hua 2. 道歉信 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:1. 词数120~150;2. 可适当增加细节。


高中作文万能开头30篇大全 这篇关于高中作文万能开头30篇大全,是笔者特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 高中作文万能开头30篇大全 1、信念是巍巍大厦的栋梁,没有它,就只是一堆散乱的砖瓦;信念是滔滔大江的河床,没有它,就只有一片泛滥的波浪;信念是熊熊烈火的引星,没有它,就只有一把冰冷的柴把;信念是远洋巨轮的主机,没有它,就只剩下瘫痪的巨架。(《信念》) 2、站在历史的海岸漫溯那一道道历史沟渠:楚大夫沉吟泽畔,九死不悔;魏武帝扬鞭东指,壮心不已;陶渊明悠然南山,饮酒采菊……他们选择了永恒,纵然谄媚诬蔑视听,也不随其流扬其波,这是执著的选择;纵然马革裹尸,魂归狼烟,只是豪壮的选择;纵然一身清苦,终日难饱,也愿怡然自乐,躬耕陇亩,这是高雅的选择。在一番选择中,帝王将相成其盖世伟业,贤士迁客成其千古文章。(《选择》) 3、只有启程,才会到达理想和目的地,只有拼搏,才会获得辉煌的成功,只有播种,才会有收获。只有追求,才会品味堂堂正正的人。(《追求》) 4、如果说友谊是一颗常青树,那么,浇灌它的必定

是出自心田的清泉;如果说友谊是一朵开不败的鲜花,那么,照耀它的必定是从心中升起的太阳。多少笑声都是友谊唤起的,多少眼泪都是友谊揩干的。友谊的港湾温情脉脉,友谊的清风灌满征帆。友谊不是感情的投资,它不需要股息和分红。(友谊可以换其他词语)(《友谊》) 5、盈盈月光,我掬一杯最清的;落落余辉,我拥一缕最暖的;灼灼红叶,我拾一片最热的;萋萋芳草,我摘一束最灿的;漫漫人生,我要采撷世间最重的———毅力。(《毅力》) 6、如果说生命是一座庄严的城堡,如果说生命是一株苍茂的大树,如果说生命是一只飞翔的海鸟。那么,信念就是那穹顶的梁柱,就是那深扎的树根,就是那扇动的翅膀。没有信念,生命的动力便荡然无存;没有信念,生命的美丽便杳然西去。(《信念》) 7、毅力,是千里大堤一沙一石的凝聚,一点点地累积,才有前不见头后不见尾的壮丽;毅力,是春蚕吐丝一缕一缕的环绕,一丝丝地坚持,才有破茧而出重见光明的辉煌;毅力,是远航的船的帆,有了帆,船才可以到达成功的彼岸。(《毅力》) 8、爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光,使贫病交迫的人感到人间的温暖;爱心是一泓出现在沙漠里的泉水,使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望;爱心是一首飘荡在夜空的歌


A day to remember /an unforgettable day(你一生中一个无法忘怀的日子) September the 10th is a day to remember, Because it‘s a day to thank those who care us ,teach us, and the most important , educate us to be useful to the society. I stillremember it clearly when I was denied the opportunity to participate in the writing contest, my heart sank. The frustration and sadness almost overwhelmed me as I felt I was discarded and I thought for sure I would never pick up my pen to write. At that time, my teacher gave me power and energy to regain my confidence. Immediate help and advice on writing were also offered,which made me realize my weakness and know how to improve. Through the encouragement, I soon picked up my pen . And also I learned to enjoy writing instead of focusing on prize. Wonderful Sunday(你度过的快乐一天) Last Sunday, I got up late a bit than the usral time because it‘s the weekend. I called my friend Jack andinvited him to play with me in a park together. About ten o‘clock, we got to the park. The park is full of people already due to the sunshine. Some elderly people were doing exercises. Some young people were reading the books on the green grass under the tree. In the distance, and some boys and girls are playing the boats in the lake. They looked so happy. Jack and I played the badminton on the green grass under the sunshine. We had a wonderful time on that day. The Book I like Best/My Favorite Book(你喜欢的书) The Book I like best is ―Three Days to See‖ written by Helen Keller, and American author, political activist and lecture. I like the book partly because of the author –the courangeous and hard –working woman.She was the first deaf and bling person to earn a Bachelor of Artsdegree.I like the book also because it offers us a different view on life—―to live each day as if we should die tomorrow‖.It tells us to value and cherish what we have today, to appreciate the beauty of nature, to feel grateful to the warmth you‘re given by friends and family, etc.


今天是母亲节。假定你是李华,请给你的美国笔友John写一封电子邮件,谈谈你将如何与母亲一起度过这个特别的日子。要点如下: 1. 表述你与母亲间的情感; 2. 为母亲制作一张卡片; 3. 帮助母亲做点事; 4. 陪母亲散步等。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 3.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear John, It’s Mother’s Day today. It’s a special day, isn’t it? I think we should do something to show our love to our mothers on this special day. My mother and I are good friends. Whenever I meet with difficulties, she is always there, ready to help me. 1.Today I will make a beautiful card for her, with my thanks and best wishes on it. 2. Then I will help her wash the car this afternoon and cook her favourite food in the evening. 3.Besides, I’ll take a walk with her after dinner and then play chess with her, for she likes it very much. I’m sure she’ll be very happy. What’s your plan for Mother’s Day? I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua


英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不


童年傻事 童年的生活就像一道闪电,在眼前划过,可是,我童年的傻事却好象刻在我的脑海里,抹也抹不去,挥也挥不走,有时想起来还会忍不住哈哈大笑。 有一次,我来到了乡下外婆家,当时我才四岁,到了吃午饭的时间了,外婆要杀鸡,于是我发现了一个“秘密点”——鸡窝。吃完饭后,外婆把鸡放在楼上,让鸡活动活动,我蹑手蹑脚地来到了楼上,生怕让外婆发现。 来到楼上,我学着外婆的样子,也来轰鸡,轰着轰着,有一只鸡被我轰下了楼,我赶紧跑到它被迫“跳楼”的地方,一看,一点事没有,它的两个翅膀一扑腾,便安全地着了地,我一边蹦着一边着鸡说:“哎,鸡飞了,鸡飞了,飞鸡,飞鸡!”大人们都说飞机能飞上天,我一直不理解这个意思,正巧这鸡也能,于是,我就把飞机理解成了“飞鸡”。 第二天,我打着去给鸡喂食的“招牌”来到鸡窝,我看上了一只大雄鸡,那只雄鸡也看着我,好像它也知道它的“末日”到来了。我和鸡展开了“激烈的决斗”,终于我把鸡捉住了,我骑在它的身上,鸡的腿本来就断过,刚长好一点,可是,只听“啪”得一声,鸡的腿又断了。鸡一声惨叫,惊动了外婆,外婆一路小跑着过来,看着我呆呆地骑在鸡身上,又气又恨又想笑,她问我:“你在干什么?”我大约等了十来多秒才回答:“我要坐‘飞鸡’!”外婆刚开始还很困惑,

最后终于明白了,外婆捧腹大笑,可我呢?嘴里还在喃喃自语:“我要坐‘飞鸡’,我要坐‘飞鸡’……” 直到现在我想起来还觉得很傻,还能笑出声呢!同学们,你们觉得这件事傻吗?

烧螺壳 在漫长的暑假里,我经历了许许多多有趣的事,其中有一件事令我回味无穷,那就是我在外公家烧螺壳。 一天,我在外公家无事可做,便喊来表弟表姐,说:“咱们玩烧螺壳吧!”表姐表弟异口同声地说:“好!” 说干就干,我去准备砖头瓦片并在二楼阳台上摆支架,表弟去准备枯枝、麦秸,而表姐去河边找螺壳。过了一会儿,准备工作做好了,我们开始行动了,我把螺壳放在被砖块支撑着的瓦片上,抓了一大把麦秸塞到瓦片下,点燃麦秸,可麦秸的燃烧速度太快了,一眨眼就烧完了,火熄灭了,而螺壳还没有烧热,表弟说,应该把麦秸和枯枝平均地放进去一些,这样麦秸才能把枯枝引燃,才能使火燃烧的时间更长。我按照表弟说的去做,果然成功了。又烧了十几分钟,我用手轻轻地碰了碰瓦片上的螺壳,螺壳有点微微发烫,为了使螺壳更烫,我又往里面添了点干柴,表姐又下楼拿了把扇子,使劲对着火扇,扇得灰烬乱飞,我的眼都被迷住了,眼泪流了下来。我赶紧用手去擦,这一擦可不大紧,我变成了大花猫,表姐表弟都笑得直不起腰,我赶快到楼下去洗脸,突然听到有脚步声越来越近,我慌了神,也顾不上洗脸了,大声说:“外公回来了!”表弟表姐听了,赶快跑下楼和我接了


电大英语作文 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

“It’s nothing serious.Take the medicine and have a good rest.” Besides,the doctor gets high pay.Everyone likes to be such a doctor.So do I.(题目The job I like) Dear Sam: I have just received your letter and know that you are going to come to China to see me. I am really excited by it. You know I miss you so much. In your letter, you mentioned your travel plan. I advise you to go to Beijing and Xi’an. There are many royal buildings in Beijing like Palace Museum, Summer Palace. Xi’an is typical of old China. There are lots of historical buildings there, especially those of Qin Dynasty. I hope you enjoy your stay in China. I am looking forward to your coming. Yours ever John(题目A letter to A foreign friend) In my spare time, I can do many things, such as playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much. I have a friend. His name is Nick. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. If we have free time, we often play pingpong together. One summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, "I will beat you in a month.""OK. We will have a match at that time."After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered,"I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you." I was


初中与节日有关的英语作文范文大全 初中英语作文精选 以下是从初中英语学习网站上面精选的与传统节日有关的英语作文,大家可以看看。以后再遇到与节日有关的英语作文就不用怕了。 范文一:Spring Festival(春节) The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now,although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes. I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is! 范文二:Qingming Festival(清明节) Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers. With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children. 范文三:On Mother's Day (母亲节) In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers. Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said "Happy Mother's Day"! to her and gave her the flowers. My mother was very happy; she smiled and said, 'How wonderful the flowers look! Thank you! Also, we told her we were going to do all the housework for our beloved mother, and she could take a rest for a day. In the beginning, we were excited about all the work we can do at home. Before long, we found that the housework seemed to be endless, There was cooking and washing, and cleaning to do, and there was shopping to do, too . During the dinner hour, the kitchen seemed so busy. My father was making a salad, my sister was baking a pie for dessert, and I was washing rice and vegetables, and there were many other things to do. Finally, the dinner was ready; it was two hours behind the usual schedule. The food was not as delicious as


作文大全600字写事(20篇) 作文大全600字写事第1篇: 赠人玫瑰,手有余香 这是晴朗的一天。天空万里无云,小鸟在树叽叽喳喳的唱着动听的歌曲,告诉人们它心中的喜悦。 我穿戴整齐,怀着悠闲地心境走出家门,要往菜市场去买早饭。 一路微风轻轻地吹在脸,感觉甚是舒服。晴朗的天气、清新的空气仿佛有一种魔力,就像是一位法力高强的魔法师,瞬间将人们所有的烦恼都随风飘走,让人心旷神怡。 来到卖早饭的地方,看到卖早饭的叔叔阿姨们脸都洋溢着灿烂而热情的微笑,我想,倘若人间的每个人心里都充满阳光,那世界将会多完美啊! 买完早饭,我走在回家的路,眼睛时不时地看着街道来来往往的人群。我正走着,突然看到了和我一栋楼的一位老奶奶,她的岁数已经很大了,可手里还提着一个大麻袋,里面装着很重的东西,正吃力地朝着我家那栋楼的方向走去。我看了后,心里产生的犹豫,觉得老奶奶很是辛苦,到底该不该帮忙她呢?我消停片刻,大迈步地向前走去。先是喊了声奶奶好,之后就对奶奶说:“奶奶,我来帮你提吧!” “这怎样好意思啊!”奶奶回答道。 我说:“没事的。” 于是我提起麻袋,向前走去。边走边觉得无比欢乐。 走到了她家楼道口,奶奶说:“真真,真是太多谢你了!”

我笑了笑说:“没事!”就迈着轻快的脚步朝着我家的方向走去,心想,帮忙别人真的会很欢乐! 我脸带着笑容,心思渐行渐远…… 这件事使我懂得“赠人玫瑰,手有余香。”,即使是一件不起眼的小事,也会给人留下一个深刻的印象。我相信,只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成完美的人间! 作文大全600字写事第2篇: 给自我一个微笑 微笑是甘露,滋润人们干涸的心灵;微笑是阳光,照亮心灵中每一个阴暗的角落;微笑是春风;吹醒心灵的每一方土地;微笑是绿茶,荡涤心灵的每一块净土。 俗话说“一日之计在于晨。”早晨起来给自我一个微笑,让自我带着一天的好心境,出门读书,这样的学习效率会更高;晚读书回来给自我一个微笑,祝福自我做一个甜甜的美梦,把每一次归结为尝试,不要自卑,每一次取得的成绩,想象成一种幸运,不要自傲。给自我一个微笑,打开心胸阳光不请自来。 学习需要微笑。记得有一次:我在校中软笔书法获得了令我满意的成绩二等奖,我给自我一个甜甜的微笑,这种微笑对自我是一种鼓励,是一种鞭策,同时也告诫自我不要骄傲;有一次:科学考试考砸了,心境十分郁闷、沉重,整天无精打采、垂头丧气,并且抱怨学习给自我太多的压力,太多的磨难,但抱怨、后悔又有什么用呢?请给自我一个微笑,让自我从失败的阴影中走出来,振作精神,重头做起。生活


1、(1)日常活动(2)主要工作(职业活动)(3)社交生活 Sample Dear Bob: I’ll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will find it interesting. I usually get up early and go to work at 8 o’clock.. I have lunch in the office. And I come back home at six. As a secretary, I deal with phone calls, emails and faxes during work hours. I also do the paper work for the manager. After work, I like to do shopping with friends or watch TV at home. Sometimes, I also like to chat on the Internet. Best regards, Michelle 2、(1) 童年梦想(2)目前的情况(3)对未来的希望 Sample 1st August 2005 Dear Jennifer: Thank you for telling me about yourself. I’d like to let you know more about me too. As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. But my dream never came true, I’m now a librarian, dealing with books every day. The work is nothing thrilling, but I like it. Since there are more and more electronic materials, I hope that we will have an e-library built soon. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Best wishes, Ian 3、(1)事件发生的时间和地点(2)人物(3)事件的经过 Sample One day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashion house. As soon as she was inside, two men opened the car door, started the engine and drove away in just one minute. When the girl recovered from the shock, she called 110. Luckily, there was a police patrol car nearby. So the girl got in the police car and they drove in the direction where the thieves escaped. Twenty minutes later, they found the car waiting at a busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn green. Needless to say, the car thieves were caught red-handed. 4、(1)自主(autonomous)学习与远程教育(2)自主学习与合作(collaborative)学习(3)你自己的学习情况 Sample Autonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education. It is an essential skill for distance learners because they study alone most of the time. They do not meet their tutors or classmates very. However, distance learners can learn a lot from each other. So autonomous learning and collaborative learning go hand in hand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks by myself. Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning tasks or share experiences. I have found both forms of learning very helpful. 5、(1)有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村生活好(2)你对这种观点的看法(3)你的结论 Sample Some people believe that town life is better than country life. I don’t agree with this. Town life can be convenient to us in many aspects. For example, you can move around easily, shopping can be more fun in a big shopping mail and you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife. But there are also many disadvantages. It is mush nosier than in the country. Air pollution is more serious. It is not easy to park your car. It costs more to live in town. To name but a few is enough. Therefore, I prefer country life. 6、(1)保持身体健康的重要性(2)保持身体健康的方法(3)重申保持身体健康的意义 Sample Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy body, we can do nothing. For me, there are main ways to keep healthy. Fist, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health. Is is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on. Last but not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress. When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy. 7、(1)哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式(2)阐述你的理由(3)作出结论 In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi, bus and so on.. But my favorite means of transportation is by bike. Fist, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. Recently, the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a “green” form of transportati on. Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best. 8、(1)描述你家的位置(2)各个房间的功能(3)表达你对你家居条件的态度 My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city. We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom. The fist room is the main room or living room. It is for having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It is the busiest room in the house. The second room is my daughter’s bedroom. She sleeps and dresses there. The third room belongs to my wife and me. It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture. We sleep, lessons and generally relax there. I think my home is cozy and I like my home. 9、(1)你最喜欢的电视节目是什么(2)你喜欢它的理由(3)作出结论 CCTV today offers a great variety of programmes to meet different needs and tastes. For example, the weather forecast, serials, films, sports and so on. My favorite TV programme, however, is the news. There are several points that are worth mentioning. For one thing, it covers news about important events both at home and abroad. Besides, the news it provides is timely and reliable. Finally, it broadcasts in the evening during the so-called “golden time”. It saves me much time reading through newspapers for current affairs. In short, watching the news on CCTV has become part of my daily life. 10、(1)你理想的工作是什么样(2)你的理由(3)如何实现你的理想 Everybody has his dream his career in the future. He or she might want to be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is in business. The idea came into being when I was a child. With the development of market economy, there are many prosperous opportunities in business, I like reading stories about some successful businessmen such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man like them some day. Now, I am majoring in Computering. I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job. 11、假设你市王华,想去北京21ST报社应聘,感激表格想一封应聘信,包括出生日期,个人简介等(形成性考核1) Dear Sirs, My name is Wuhua, born on July 6th, 1965 inChangchun, Jilin Province, China. I am a journalist and have already had eleven years of working experience. I can speak Japanese and Germany
