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information store information word processing
Do you know who I am?
Can you tell the development of computers?
abacus calculator
artificial intelligence
What’s next?
huge computer
2.I totally changed my shape, because
my memory was first stored in tubes, then on transistors and later on very small chips.
I totally changed my shape!
Unit 3
Riddles (谜语)
I am very old now. I was born in China. Many people used me for calculating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they don’t like me now. Do you know who I am?
Reading Comprehension Match the main ideas and the paragraphs.
Para 1:
Para 2: Para 3:
These changes only became possible as my memory improved. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. Over time I have been changed quite a lot.
(translation) Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told.
随着时间的推移,我的记忆力发展 的如此之快,就像一头 大象,我从来不会忘记 告诉我的任何事情。
Para.3 Topic sentence
Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. Supporting ▪ communications details ▪ finance ▪ trade ▪ robots ▪ mobile phones ▪ medical operations ▪ space rockets provide a life of high quality ▪
3. Many new applications have been found for me, such as in communication/ finance/ trade/ robots/ mobile phones/ medical operations/ space Rockets.
A computer. 1. Who is the speaker in this story? 2. Find out the main idea of this passage.
Fast reading
A. The development of computers. B. The development and use of computers. C. A machine which is simple-minded. D. Computers may replace human beings. 3. The text is written in the order of . A. time B. space C. logic D. all the above
I’m a machine that works automatically. I can do different kinds of tasks, especially suitable for doing jobs too boring, difficult, or dangerous for human beings.
I can be used for calculating. Besides, I can also be used for watching video, sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet. However, I am not a PC, because I’m small enough for you to take me with you.
in brainpower. (Universal machine) 1940s: Computer had grown as large as a room.
1960s:The first family of computers was connected by a network.
1970s: Computers wenku.baidu.comere used in offices and homes.
While-reading(3):careful reading
Read the passage again carefully and finish Ex. 2 on P19 in the student book. Para.1 Over time I have been Topic changed quite a lot. sentence Supporting ▪ calculating machine details ▪ analytical machine ▪ universal machine ▪ PC ▪ laptop
Para.2 Topic sentence
These changes only became possible as my memory improved
Supporting ▪first stored in __ tubes details ▪ transistors ▪ chips ▪ network ▪ World Wide Web
While -reading(2): timeline 1642: The computer began as a calculating machine. 1822: The Analytical Machine was built by Charles Babbage.
1936: The computer grew rapidly both in size and
Do you know who I am?
I am very small. I can be used for calculating. In China, a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems.
Do you know who I am?
Many new applications have been found for computers.
Now: Computers connect people all over the world
Disadvantages listen to the music • play computer watch news/movies games too much communicate with • chat(聊天) on friends the Internet too buy things on line much search for • little time to study
2.Look at these pictures and guess what they are.
a calculating machine
analytical machine
universal machine solve difficult mathematical problems
computer as large as a room