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As the arbiter of quality via the deviation from drawing procedure, quality planning has the database to evaluate performance of the various shop and support functions.作为产品设计与制造偏差的评判者,质量规划部门可以通过数据库对产品的各个加工工序及制造情况进行评估Annealing is a generic term denoting a heat treatment that consists of heating to and holding at a suitable temperature followed by cooling at a suitable rate 退火:热处理的一个通用术语,指的是加热到一定温度并保温,然后以合适的速度冷却Apart from the smoothenss of operation thus obtained, a great improvement is usually found in the surface finish on the work and the tool can make heavier cuts without detriment and will last considerably longer without regrinding除了能使机床运行平稳之外,液压驱动在机床上还有许多其他优越之处。例如,可以改善工件表面的光洁度;可以在不损坏刀具的前提下增大刀具上的作用载荷;可以进行长时间的切削加工,而无需再次刃磨刀具等A robot is an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulating machine with several reprogrammable axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for used in industrial automation applications机器人是一种自动控制,可编程,多功能的,由几个可重复编程的坐标系来操纵的机器装置,可固定或移动的方式应用于工业自动化中And, whether you know it or not, many papers are rejected by journal editors because of a faulty Discussion, even though the data of the peper might be both valid and interesting.不知你是否知道,尽管许多论文中的数据正确而有根据,且能够引起人们的兴趣,但讨论部分写得不好也会使其遭到期刊编辑的拒绝Because robots can perform certain basic tasks more quickly and accurately than humans, they are being increasingly used in various manufacturing industries.因为机器人可以比人更快更准确地完成某些基本任务,所以广泛地用于制造业By comparing those feedback signals with the values set by the programmer, the close-loop controller can conduct the robot to move to the precise position and assume the desired attitude, and effector can perform with very high accuracy as the close-loop control system can minimize the discrepancy between the controlled object and the predetermined references.通过将反馈信号与程序设定值相对比,闭环控制器能引导机器人向准确的位置运动并实现期望的状态。闭环控制系统可以使被控目标与预定值之间的误差达到最小,终端执行机构可以高度精确的运作Because it is not a sentence, with the usual subject, verb, object arrangement, it is really simpler than a sentence(or, at least, usually shorter), but the order of the words becomes even more important.它不必像通常的句子那样具有主语、谓语动词和宾语结构。它确实比句子简单(或者,至少通常比较短,但是也正因如此,词的排列顺序显得更为重要Don’t be shy;discuss the theoretical implications of your work, as well as any possible practical applicatons.大胆地论述研究工作的理论意义以及任何可能的实际应用Electrically driven oil pressure pumps establish an oil flow for energy transmission, which is fed to hydraulic motors or hydraulic cylinders,

converting it into mechanical energy.电力驱动的油泵驱使油液流动,进行能量传递,将能量传递给液压电动机或油缸,从而将液压能转换成机械能For example , new cab or shovel configurations for each Caterpillar moving equipment are tested by real drivers for possible imbalances while handing virtual bulldozers and trucks.例如,Caterpillar公司生产的每一辆汽车和每一台推土机都要经过实际驾驶人员的检测,目的是检测在它们在实际使用过程中是否出现运动不平衡的问题,而这种检测通常就是利用虚拟制造技术在计算机中完成For this reason, a test of the completed product is often nothing more than a contractual requirement that must be performed before the customer accepts the product.因此,产品质量的总体测试只不过是客户取货之前必须履行的合同要求First, you should give some kind of overall description of the experiments, providing the “big picture”, without, however, repeating the experimental details previously provided in Materials and Methods.Second, you should present the data.首先,应对实验进行全面描述,给一个“大的轮廓”,但不要重复已经在“材料与方法”一节中提到的实验细节。其次应该提供数据It allows for gathering data that support the design theory of the product, for interpretations to be made for further improvements in design so that future products will be better than present ones, and for evaluation of design evolution toward better performance and costs.通过产品检验能收集数据,这些数据可支持、验证产品设计理论;能为以后产品的改进设计提供依据,使产品的性能更加优越;能对产品的更新换代进行性能和成本评估It gives the company a high degree of confidence that the product will perform as the customer expects it to, and this is a valuable marketing tool as it helps to establish the proper reputation with the customers.它为公司提供了较高的可信度,使产品达到了客户所希望的性能。由于产品测试能帮助公司在客户中建立良好的声誉,因此,它是一个极有价值的市场调控工具It is known that the eutectoid steel(T8)under equilibrium conditions contains,all austenite above 727C

︒,whereas below,It is pearlite.知道共析钢(T8)在平衡条件下,在727C

︒以上时全为奥氏体,低于此温度则为珠光体If the quality plan is adequate and carried out properly, then the product’s performance should have been verified and a total test is redundant.如果产品质量控制计划制定合理,执行情况良好,那么其性能就会有保障,不需要对其进行总体性能测试It is also the nerves of the robot; it is reprogrammable to send out sequences of instructions for all movements and actions to be taken by robot.它也是机器人的神经系统,对机器人的所有运动及动作所发送的指令序列是可重复编程的If there is serious doubt that your experiments could, be repeated, the reviewer will recommend rejection of your manuscript no matter how awe-inspiring your results.如果他对于实验是否再现这一点很怀疑,不管研究成果多么令人信服,这个审稿人都会建议退回稿件Lin et al.[1995] defined a Virtual Enterprise as “rapidly configured multi—disciplinary network of small, process specific firms configured to meet a window of opportunity to design and produce a specific product.”1995年Lin et al 把虚拟企业定义为为了完成某种产品的设计和生产,快速组建的,多学科联合的,
