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Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions

1. Use the information in the table on labor productivities in France and Germany to

answer the following questions.使用该信息表上关于法国和德国的劳动生产率,以回答以下问题。

Output per Hour Worked单


France Germany

Cheese 2 kilograms 1 kilogram

Cars 0.25 0.5

a. Which country has an absolute advantage in cheese? In cars?哪个国家有奶酪的绝


b. What is the relative price of cheese in France if it does not trade? In Germany, if it

does not trade?什么是奶酪在法国的相对价格,如果它不交易?在德国,如果不


c. What is opportunity cost of cheese in France? In Germany?法国奶酪的机会成本是


d. Which country has a comparative advantage in cheese? In cars? Show how you


e. What are the upper and lower bounds for the trade price of cheese?奶酪交易价格的


f.Draw a hypothetical PPC for France and label its slope. Suppose that France follows

its comparative advantage in deciding where to produce on its PPC. Label its

production point.画一条假设的法国生产可能性曲线并标出其斜率。假设法国根


If the trade price of cars is 5 kilos of cheese per car, draw a trade line showing how

France can gain from trade.如果贸易价格是每辆汽车换5千克奶酪,画出交易线



a. France has the absolute advantage in cheese and Germany in cars. This follows

because France’s productivity is higher in cheese and Germany’s is higher in cars.



b. The autarkic relative price of cheese in France is one-eighth car per kilogram; in

Germany it is one-half car.奶酪在法国的自给自足的相对价格是每公斤八分之一


c. Opportunity costs are equal to relative prices.机会成本等于相对价格

d. France has a comparative advantage in cheese because its opportunity cost is lower (one-eighth car versus one-half car in Germany). By the same reasoning, Germany has a comparative advantage in cars.法国有比较优势的奶酪,因为它的机会成本较低(八分之一的车与二分之一的汽车在德国)。同样的道理,德国在汽车的比较优势。

e. The trade price of cheese will settle between one-eighth and one-half car per kilo.奶



2. Suppose the table in Problem 1 looks like the following instead:假设问题1中的表格为


Output per Hour Worked

France Germany

Cheese 1 kilogram 2 kilograms

Cars 0.25 2

Answer questions (a)–(e) from Problem 1. For Part (f), assume the nations trade at 1 car for 2 cheese.回答1题中的1-5问题。假设国际交易是一辆汽车换2块奶酪,回答第6问题


a. Germany has an absolute advantage in both cheese and cars.德国都具有绝对优势

b. 1 cheese = 0.25 car in France; 1 cheese =1 car in Germany

c. same as Part (b).同上

d. France has a comparative advantage in cheese because its opportunity cost in terms of cars is lower (0.25 car vs. 1 car); Germany has a comparative advantage in car production (1 cheese vs. 4 cheese).法国有比较优势的奶酪,因为其机会成本的汽车而言是较低(0.25车与1辆);德国在汽车生产(1奶酪与奶酪4 )具有相对优势。

e. The trade price of cheese will settle between 0.25 car and 1 car.
