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一、标点符号的运用 1.引号的用法 (1用于引用某说话人或作者的话 1被引用的句子首字母需要大写e.g. Ben Franklin wrote, “To lengthen thy life lessen thy meals.” 2如果引用部分被隔开,后半部分的引用部分首字母不需要大些,除非前一部分的话已经说完整而引用的后半部分又是另一个新句子e.g. “Did you know,” said the nutrition expert, “that it’s healthier to be ten pounds overweight ?” “If I go with you to the dinner party,” my friend said, “you must promise not to discuss politics.” 3引用部分如需和句子其他部分隔开要使用逗号 4引号总位于句子标点符号的外面 (2用于标出短篇作品的名称文章标题、报纸、杂志、书名等一般需要用引号标出,也可以在名称下加下划线。在使用电脑写作时,可以用斜体字来表示这些名称。 e.g. the article “The Problem of Acid Rain” in the magazine Newsweek (3话里有话,或者话里需要引用使用单引号e.g. The physics professor said, “For class on Friday, do the problems at the end of the chapter titled ‘Work and Energy.’” 2.逗号的用法 (1在并列句中,连词(and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet的前面用逗号: He asked the question in a loud voice, but no one answered. Come early, or you’ll miss the show. (2状语从句或短语(介词短语、分词短语)在主语之前或在句子中间时,后面用逗号 e.g. When the bell rang, the teacher dismissed the class. The audience, interested in the topic, asked the speaker many questions. (3在句中起同样作用的一系列词语或短语要用逗号分开。e.g. The street vendor sold watches, necklaces, and earrings. The pitcher adjusted his cap, pawed the ground, and peered over his shoulder. Joe peered into the hot, still-smoking engine. *and前面的都好可以省去,不过一般都会使用逗号。 (4插入语的前后用逗号分开 T he director, in fact, has done very little work. Your work, I’m sorry to say, is not satisfactory. (5非限定性从句或短语和句子的主要部分之间要用逗号隔开 Wang Ling, who is the best singer of the class, will teach us to sing the song. 3. 冒号 (1引进解释e.g. Here’s a temporary solution to a dripping faucet: Tie a string to it, and let the drops slide down the string to the sink. Three causes have been given for the failure: poor planning, insufficient manpower, and the shortage of material. (2引进引语 e.g. My grandpa often mentions one saying b y Confucius:”To day you know when you know, and to say you do not when you do not, that is knowledge.” (3引进一个list e.g. The store

will close at noon on the following dates: November 26, December 24, and December 31. (4公事信函中的称呼之后;演讲稿中听众的称呼之后 e.g. Dear Mr. Brown: Ladies

and gentlemen: 4. 分号 (1两个并列从句之间如果不用连词(and, but or, nor, for, so, yet, 则应该用分号 e.g. No one is born with knowledge; knowledge must be taught and learned. 有些起联系作用的副词,如however, therefore, hence, nevertheless, moreover, thus, otherwise, besides等,不应该用作连词来联系并列从句。在它们之

前应该用分号而不是逗号。 e.g. The trip was not very well planned or prepared; therefore, it was not a pleasant one. She planned to go with them on the trip; however, her son’s sudden illness prevented her from leaving home. Bus are crowded; hence he pr efers to cycle. The invention brought him fame; moreover, it brought him money. (2若干分句项内已有逗号,可用分号将各项隔开Maya’s children are named Melantha, which means “black flower;” Yonina, which means “dove;” and Cynthia, which means “moon goddess.” (3如果从句内已有标点,即使句中有连词仍应用分号 e.g. Before he came, we had expected him to help us; but when he was with us, he didn’t do much. 5.破折号:表示比逗号长句号短的停顿,常用以凸显突然转折或戏剧性的效果 e.g. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep within seconds—standing up. He had many good qualities—sincerity, honesty, and thoughtfulness—yet he had few friends. The pardon from the governor finally arrived—too late.
