硕士研究生入学考试大纲-620 《基础英语》

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1. 语法与词汇选择题


2. 短文冠词填空(包括定冠词、不定冠词与零冠词)


3. 短文动词适当形式填空(包括时态与非谓语形式、个别需加情态动词或助动词)


4. 选词提空(从提供的单词或短语中选取合适的填入文章空缺处,无需改变词形)


5. 联句(利用并列、从属等手段将一组简单句连成一个结构合理的复杂长句)


6. 阅读理解选择题(阅读4-5篇文章,回答文章后的问题)


7. 根据所读文章回答问题/写文章概要




8. 理解并翻译(将复杂长句译成汉语,重点考察是否正确理解句意)



1. 词汇知识及其应用

2. 语法知识及其应用能力

3. 阅读理解能力

4. 逻辑思考能力




Part I Choose the ONE that best completes each sentence below from the four choices given. (30 points)

1. I still remember the day I first met her, she ____.

A. had long hair

B. has long hairs

C. had long hairs

D. has long hair

2.____, he is appointed as general manager of the company.

A. Be a man ever so young

B. So young as a man ever is

C. No matter he is young

D. A man ever so young

3. Nothing but some chairs____in the room.

A. has found

B. had found

C. were found

D. was found

4. More than one company____involved in this transaction.

A. was

B. were

C. to be

D. /

5. It is said that his father____ for several years.

A. had died

B. has been dead

C. died

D. has dead

6. Water is to fish ____air is to man.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. how

7.____trouble, I‘ll forget the whole thing.

A. Rather than caused

B. Than rather caused

C. Than rather causing

D. Rather than cause

8. The football match is scheduled to be televised ________.

A. live

B. lively

C. alive

D. life

9. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ____the advertiser pays for the

message to be delivered.

A. in this way

B. in that

C. in which

D. in order to

10.____is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion

produce no concrete proposals.

A. As

B. That

C. Which

D. What

11. It was requested that all of the equipment ____ in the agreed time.

A. erected

B. would be erected

C. be erected

D. will be erected

12. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if ____ something pleasant in the past.

A. to remember

B. remembered

C. having been remembered

D. remembering

13. Setting up a committee might be a way ____ the project more efficiently.

A. to be doing

B. doing

C. to do

D. being done

14. It turned out that the children were not ____ for the accident.

A. to blame

B. to be blamed

C. to be blaming

D. to have been blamed

15. The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles, ____ been mentioned in

previous chapters.

A. a few of which

B. a few of them

C. a few of those

D. a few of that

16. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any____of it at all.

A. explanation

B. meaning

C. sense

D. interpretation

17. You should have your eyes tested every year in case the_______of your spectacles need


A. lenses

B. glasses

C. sights

D. crystals

18. The school committee hoped that their choice of play would be____with the students and their


A. recognized

B. popular

C. favorable

D. fascinated

19. By cutting down trees we_______the natural home of birds and animals.

A. harm

B. hurt

C. injure

D. damage

20. Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a____if approached with


A. prize

B. reward

C. refund

D. bonus

21. I hope you don‘t think I‘m_______ but I‘ve had the electric fire on for most of the day.

A. exquisite

B. extravagant

C. exotic

D. eccentric

22. He argued forcefully and _______ that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.

A. bluntly

B. convincingly

C. emphatically

D. determinedly

23. People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a

______ in the pan.

A. flare

B. glitter

C. spark

D. flash

24. During the summer holiday season there are no _____ rooms in this seaside hotel.

A. empty

B. blank

C. deserted

D. vacant
