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Intern ati onal Procureme nt Con tract


Con tract No : _________________

合同编号: ___________

Con tract Signing Date :_________________

合同签订日期: ____________

Con tract Signed at : ________________

合同签约地:____________ Procureme nt Con tracts


Buyers: _____________________________________________


Sellers: : ________________________________________


The Con tract, made out, in Chin ese and En glish , both version being equally authe ntic , by and betwee n the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the un derme nti oned goods subject to terms and con diti ons set forth here in after as follows : 本合同由买卖双方缔结,用中、英文字写成,两种文体具有同等效力,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下商品:

_________ 。商品价格包括运抵___________ 的一切费用,同时包括在__________ 境外预付的包

装、标记、装运、保险的费用,以及设备安装调试费用。(Total Amount: Price and the total contract amount set forth in the list of goods, U.S. dollar / yua n-denomin ated. The total con tract

amount: _________ 。

6. 包装(适合海洋运输)(Packing (seaworthy)):

7. 装船时间(Shipment date):

8. 装运口岸(Port of Loading):

9.目的口岸 (Port of Destination)



和其它买方要求的标记。如系危险及有毒货物,卖方负责保证在每件货物上明显地标明货物的性质说明及习惯上被接受的标记。(Shippi ng mark: The seller is

resp on sible for the goods with each solid color is not faded or marked clearly Shuay in the following marks, and the port of destination, piece number, gross weight, net weight, size, volume (in cubic meters of that) and other markers buyer requireme nts .In the case of dan gerous and toxic goods, the seller is resp on sible for en suri ng the goods in each clearly marked with the goods on the n ature and the accepted mark.)

11.交货条件: FOB/CFR/CIF , . 除非另有规定,“ CFR/CIF” 均

应依照国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS 190)办理(delivered terms: FOB / CFR / CIF

, . Un less otherwise specified, "CFR / CIF"

shall be in accorda nee with Intern ati onal Chamber of Commerce "I ntern ati onal In coterms"

(INCOTERMS 1900) apply.)

12.货物生产标准(Goods production standards):

13.保险(in sura nee):

当交货条件为FOB或CFR寸,应由买方负责投保(When delivery is FOB or CFR terms, the buyer should be responsible for insuring);

当交货条件为CIF时,应由卖方按发票金额110液保险;附力口险;。(Whe n the delivery con diti on is CIF, the seller of the in voice value shall be 110% of in vestme nt in sura nee; additi onal risks; .)

14.付款条件(Payment Terms:):

14.1 信用证(L/C)支付方式(Letter of Credit)

买方应在货物装船时间前一个月通过_______ 银行开出以电传/电汇方式开立以卖方为抬头的不可撤销信用证,卖方在货物装船启运后凭本合同交货单据条款第24条A款所列单据在开证银行议付贷款。上述信用证有效期将在装船后15

天截止。(One month prior to the time of shipme nt the Buyer shall ope n with the Bank of

_______ an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issu ing bank aga inst presentati on of documents as stipulated under Clause 18. A. of SECTION II , the Terms of Delivery of this Con tract after departure of the carry ing vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall rema in in force till the 15th day after shipme nt.)

14.2 托收(D/P 或 D/A)支付(Collection (D / P or D / A) paid)
