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备注:划双横线的词汇为必须拼写词汇。V. 表示是动词。重点句型应熟记,特别是能正确作答。

Unit 1 主题:Countries国家

重点单词:1、七个国家:China(中国)、Canada(加拿大)、the U.S.(美国)、Britain(英国)、Australia(澳大利亚)、India(印度)、France(法国)*每个单词首字母大写;每个国家的标志性建筑或国旗?

2:三个城市:Ottawa(渥太华)、London(伦敦)、Washington D.C.(华盛顿)*每个单词首字母大写;分别属于哪个国家?


重点句型:1.询问国籍:①Where are you from? - I’ m from...

②Where’ s she/ he/ 人名from? - She’ s /He’ s from...

③Is she/ he/ 人名from the...? -Yes, she/he is. /No, she/he isn’ t.

2.询问居住地:Where do you live? - I live in...

3.其他句型: Welcome to ...

Unit 2 主题:Housework家务劳动



clothes(衣服)、meal(一餐饭)、water(水)、flower(花)、dish (盘子)


重点短语:do housework(做家务)、clean your shoes (擦干净你的鞋子)、clean the windows(擦干净窗户)、clean the floor (擦干净地板)、clean the kitchen(清理厨房)、do it well (做得好)、wash clothes(洗衣服)、wash the dishes (洗盘子)、in the kitchen(在厨房里)、cook the meal (做一餐饭)、cook the chicken(做鸡)、water the flower(浇花)、play computer games (玩电脑游戏)、have a look(看一下)、make bread(制作面包)

重点句型:1. 询问能力:①Can you +V...? Yes, I can. / No. I can’t. ②I can +V... ③ I can’ t +Ving...

2. 询问某人正在做什么事:①What are you doing? -I’ m +Ving...

②What’s +人名+doing? - She’s /He’s +Ving...③Are you +Ving...? -Yes, we are./ No, we aren’ t.

3. 询问某人在哪里:Where’ s +人名?

Unit 3 主题:Restaurant餐馆

2.重点单词:1.食物:food(食物)noodle(面条)potato(土豆)soup(汤)tomato(西红柿)pizza(比萨饼)cake(蛋糕)fruit (水果)pear(梨子)banana(香蕉)



4.其他单词:out(到外面,在外)minute(分钟,片刻)something (某物)ouch(哎呀)

重点短语:Chinese food(中式食物)eat out(出去吃)tomato soup(西红柿汤)Wait a minute. (稍等片刻)pear juice(梨汁)Have some fruit.(吃些水果)

重点句型:点餐用语:1. What do you want to eat? - I want to eat+食物. 2. What would you like? I’ d like ... 3. Would you like +食物?-Yes, please/ No, thank you. 4. Would you like something to drink? -I’ d like some...(juice, water, milk, coffee)

Unit 4 主题:Weekend周末

2. 重点单词:1。动词:visit (V.参观,访问,拜访)help(V。帮助)take(V. 拿,取,买下)listen(V。听,仔细听)

3. 名词:weekend(周末)grandparent (祖父母)museum(博物馆)picnic(野餐)cinema(电影院)violin(小提琴)

4. 其他词汇:sometimes(有时)great(非常好的)usually(通常的)very(很,非常)

重点短语:at the weekend (在周末)visit my grandparents(拜访祖父母)do housework (做家务活)go to the museum (去博物馆)help my mum(帮妈妈干活)have a picnic(进行一次野餐)go shopping (去购物)go to the cinema(去电影院)go fishing(去钓鱼)play football (踢足球)take pictures(照相)

play computer games(完电脑游戏)write emails (写电子邮件)play the violin(拉小提琴)very well (非常好)play the piano (弹钢琴)listen to music(听音乐)climb the hill (爬山)

重点句型:询问周末做什么:1.What do you do at the weekend? -I often+动词或动词词组. /Sometimes I+动词或动词词组.

2. What does +人名/ she / he +do at the weekend? -She/ He often+动词或动词词组的单数形式. / Sometimes she/ he+ 动词或动词词组的单数形式.

3. Do you often+动词或动词词组? - 肯定:Yes, I do. 否定:No, I don’ t.

4. Does+人称/ she/ he +often +动词或动词词组?-肯定:Yes, she/he does. 否定:No, she/ he doesn’ t.

其他句型:1. Have a nice weekend! 祝你周末愉快!

2. Let’ s have a picnic on Saturday. 让我们在周六进行一次野餐。Unit 5 主题:Shopping 购物

重点单词:1. 交通工具:bus(公共汽车)car(小汽车)

2. 数字:twenty(二十)thirty(三十)forty(四十)fifty(五十)sixty(六十)seventy(七十)eighty (八十)ninety(九十)one hundred(一百)

3. 动词:buy(V。买)fit(V。使适合)

4. 其他单词:toy(玩具)fast(快的,迅速的)cheap(便宜的)trousers(裤子)one(代指上文中出现的物品)
