

Chinese Y uan (CNY)人民币Hong kong Dollar (HKD) 港币

United States Dollar (USD)美元EURO (EUR)欧元

Great Britain Pound (GBP)英镑Japanese Yen (JPY) 日元

French Franc (FRF)法国法郎New Taiwan Dollar (NTD)新台币Canadian Dollar (CAD) 加拿大元NetherLandish Guilder (NLG)荷兰盾Australian Dollar. (AUD)澳大利亚元Belgischer Franc (BEF)比利时法郎Deutsche Mark * 德文(DEM)德国马克sCHweizer Franken *德文(CHF)瑞士法郎Brazil (BRA) 巴西Danish krone (DKK)丹麦克朗

Korea Won (KRW) 韩国Italian Iira (ITL)意大利里拉


报关常用英语大全 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

accepingbank呈兑银行acceptinghouse呈兑行 actualtare实际皮重 acctualweight实际重量 advaloremduty从税价 advaloremfreight从税运价 adviceofshipment装运通知,装船通知 airbilloflading空运提单

airfreight空运费 airwaybill航空运单airportofdestination目的地Art.No.货号 atsight见票即付authorizedagent指定的代理人banker\\’sbill银行汇票bearer持票人

billoflading提单 bookinglist定舱清单,装货定舱表cargoinbuld散装货 cargoinsurance货物运输保险 caseNo.箱号 cashagainstbilloflading凭提单付款cashagainstdelivery货到付款cashagainstshippingducuments凭单付款cashanddelivery付款交货,货到付款

certificateoforigin产地证明书certificateofquality货物品质证书,质量证书certificateofquantity货物数量证明书,数量证书CFR成本加运费到.......价 chargeableweight计费重量 charges费用 cleanbilloflading清洁提单 commission佣金


单证( Documents) 1、进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1。金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票) 2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3。用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原 产地证明、商检证等)declaration form 报关单 Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。the person in charge of the declaration invoice 负责的人的声明发票发票ocean bill of lading 提单air waybill 空运提单packing list 或packing specification (装箱单)shipping order(装货单) letter of cred it (L|C )(信用证)in sura nee policy (保险单)sales con firmati on 售货确认书contract (合同)(commod ity (货物),quantity (数量),unit price (单价),total amount (总价),country of ori gin and manufacturer (生产国和制造厂家), packing(装箱单), shipping mark(运输标志), date of shipment (装船日期,装船期,装运期),port of shipment (装货港;出发港;起运港),port of dest in ation (目的港,目的地,目地港),in sura nee (保险;保险费;保险契约;赔偿金), Payment 付款,支付,付款方式down payment 定金,首期,头期款deferred payme nt 延期付款,延付货款,分期付款, shipment 装运,装船,装载的货物partial shipment 分批装运,分批装船,分批Short shipment 短装,装载不足,装货不足shipping advice 装船通知,装运通知,已装船通知shipping text advice 装船通知shipping craigslist advice 装船通知, guara ntee of quality (质量的保证),claims索赔,债权要求Claims adjuster 公证行,理赔人,索赔调查人broad claims 宽泛的论点force majeure (不可抗力),late delivery and penalty (迟交货及罚款), arbitration 仲裁certificate(commodity inspection certificate 商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin 原产地证) place o f dispatch 起运地,Date of completion of discharge 卸货日期,date of inspection 检验日期,place of arrival 到货地点,date of arrival 到货日期,means of conveyance 运输工具,B/L or way bill NO.提单或运单号,in voice No.发票号,con tract No.合同号,Qua ntity /We ight declared 报检数量/重量,description of goods 品名,consignor 品名,consignee 收货人,place of issue 签证地点,date of issue 签证日期,authorized officer 授权签字人,s ignature 签名,conclusion 评定,official stamp 印章, 报关英语常用词汇 import 进口export 出口import & export corporation(Corp.) import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback 出口退税import & export licence processing with imported ( supplied) materials 进(来)料加工buyer 买方seller 卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-owner 货物是在集装箱 What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released. 货物现在被释放 Commodity(commodity inspection) 商品检验merchandise 泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles )


61 Where can I get my baggage? 我到哪里去拿我的行李呢? 62 Is the departure time on schedule? 起飞时间准时吗? 63 How long will the flight be delayed? 班机诞误多长时间? 64 What's the cause of the delay? 什么原因延误? 65 Will the flight be delayed? 这班机会延误吗? 66 May I have baggage tags? 给我行李标签好吗? 67 Excuse me, what time will the plane arrive in Tokyo? 对不起,请问飞机何时到达东京呢? 68 Could you explain how to fill this out? 请你说明一下怎样填这张表好吗? 69 May I have a customs declaration form, please? 请给一份海关申报表好吗? 70 May I have a disembarkation card? 请给我一张离机卡好吗? 71 Is this within the tax-free limit? 这个在免税限额内吗? 72 Where's a tax-free shop? 免税店在哪儿? 73 What time should I be at the departure gate? 我在什么时间到登机门? 74 Could you help me find my baggage? 请你帮我找我的行李好吗? 75 Will the flight be canceled? 这班机会取消吗? 76 Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow? 请帮我预订明天去芝加哥的座位好吗? 77 Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10 a.m. Next Monday? 78 What's the fare to New York, Economy Class? 去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱? 79 Where do I pick up the ticket? 我什么地方拿机票?




一、报关英语常用单词词组 accepting bank承兑银行 accepting house承兑行 actual tare实际皮重 actual weight实际重量 ad valorem duty从价税 ad valorem freight从价运费 advice of shipment装运通知,装船通知 air bill of lading空运提单 air freight charge航空运费 air fieight空运费 air waybill航空运单 airport of departure始发站 airport of destination目的站 Art.No.货号 at sight见票即付 authorized agent指定的代理人 banker's bill银行汇票 bearer持票人 bill of lading提单 booking list订舱清单,装货订舱表 cargo in bulk散装货 cargo insurance货物运输保险 case No.箱号 cash against bill of lading凭提单付款 cash against delivery货到付款 cash against shipping documents凭单付款 cash and delivery付款交货,货到付款 certificate of origin产地证明书,原产地证明书certificate of quality货物品质证书,质量证书certificate of quantity货物数量证明书,数量证书CFR成本加运费到…价 chargeable weight记费重量 charges费用 clean bill of lading清洁提单 commission佣金 commodity code商品编码 compensation赔偿,补偿 complaint投诉 conditions of carriage货运条件 confirmation确认 confirmed credit保兑信用证 confirming bank保兑银行 confirming house保兑商行 consignee收货人 consignee's address收货人地址consignment agent寄售代理人 consignment business寄售业务 consignment contract寄售合同 consignment invoice寄售发票 consignment note发货通知书 consignment sales寄售 consignor发货人,寄售人 consular invoice领事签证发票,领事发票 container bill of lading集装箱提单 container depot集装箱装卸站 container集装箱,包装容器 container-carrying vessel集装箱船 containerize用集装箱发运 cost, insurance and freight(CIF)成本,保价加运费(价),到岸价 county of origin生产国,原产国 coverage保险范围 customs bonded warehouse海关保税仓库 customs drawback报关单 customs duty rate海关退税 customs duty关税税率 customs entry进口报关 customs formalities海关报关手续 customs free depot海关免税仓库 customs house海关 customs import tariff海关进口税则 customs invoice海关发票 customs quota关税配额 customs valuation海关估价 date of arrival到达日期 date of delivery交货日期 date of shipment装船日期/装运期 delivered duty paid完税后交货价 delivered duty unpaid未完税交货价 delivered alongside the vessel船边交货 description品名,商品名称 direct steamer直达船 dirty bill of lading不清洁提单 discharging port卸货港口 documentary acceptance跟单承兑 documentary bill跟单票据 documentary collection跟单托收 documentary credit跟单信用证 documentary draft跟单汇票 documents against acceptance(D/A)承兑交单 documents against payment(D/P)付款交单

海关 报关员常用英语术语

海关报关员常用英语术语 海运费ocean freight 集卡运费、短驳费Drayage 订舱费booking charge 报关费customs clearance fee 操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge 商检换单费exchange fee for CIP 换单费D/O fee 拆箱费De-vanning charge 港杂费port sur-charge 电放费B/L surrender fee 冲关费emergent declearation change 海关查验费customs inspection fee 待时费waiting charge 仓储费storage fee 改单费amendment charge 拼箱服务费LCL service charge 动、植检疫费animal & plant quarantine fee 移动式其重机费mobile crane charge 进出库费warehouse in/out charge 提箱费container stuffing charge 滞期费demurrage charge 滞箱费container detention charge 卡车运费cartage fee 商检费commodity inspection fee 转运费transportation charge 污箱费container dirtyness change 坏箱费用container damage charge 清洁箱费container clearance charge 分拨费dispatch charge 车上交货FOT ( free on track ) 电汇手续费T/T fee 转境费/过境费I/E bonded charge 空运方面的专用术语 空运费air freight 机场费air terminal charge 空运提单费airway bill fee FSC (燃油附加费) fuel surcharge SCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge 抽单费D/O fee 上海港常用术语


外贸常用术语大全 装运shipment. loading 装上货轮to ship, to load, to take on a ship 装运费shipping charges, shipping commission 装运单||载货单shipping invoice 装运单据shipping documents 大副收据mates receipt 装船单shipping order 提货单delivery order, dandy note 装船通知shipping advice 包裹收据parcel receipt 准装货单shipping permit 租船契约charter party 租船人charterer 程租船||航次租赁voyage charter 期租船time charter 允许装卸时间lay days, laying days 工作日working days 连续天数running days, consecutive days 滞期费demurrage 滞期日数demurrage days 速遣费dispatch money 空舱费dead freight 退关short shipment, goods short shipped, goods shut out, shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity, trust receipt 装载loading 卸货unloading, discharging, landing 装运重量shipping weight, in-take-weight 卸货重量landing weight 压舱ballasting 压舱货in ballast 舱单manifest 船泊登记证书ships certificate of registry 航海日记ships log 船员名册muster-roll (船员, 乘客)健康证明bill of health 光票clean bill 不清洁提单foul bill 有疑问提单suspected bill 包装用语 用木箱包装to be cased. to be encased 用袋装to be bagged


仓储费: WAREHOUSING FEE 运输费: TRUCKING FEE 港口操作费: THC-terminal handling charge 换单费: DOCUMENTATION FEE 单证费--Documentation charge 滞报金: LATE CLEARANCE PENALTY 报关费: CLEARANCE FEE 报关费---Charges of Customs declaration 码头附加费 ORC Origin Receiving Charge 电放费--Telex release charge 场站费--Terminal Surcharges 关税: DUTY 卫检费: QUARANTINE FEE 还箱费: CONTAINER RETURN FEE 港杂费---THC--Terminal Handing charges 超期费: OVERDUE FEE 海关查检费: CUSTOMS INSPECTION FEE 加封费: CUSTOMS SEAL FEE 动卫检场地费: QUARANTINE FIELD FEE 疏港费:PCS:port congestion surcharge 修(污/坏)箱费: CONTAINER REPAIRING FEE 旺季附加费 Wharfage : A charge assessed by a pier against freight handled over the pier 始发接单费CUC Chassis Usage Charge 拖车运费IAC Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S. Inland Surcharge) 内陆运输附加费ERS Equipment Re-positioning Surcharge 集装箱回空费PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 疏港费PCF Panama Canal Transit Fee HDS Hot Delivery Service 快速卸货服务(日本港)费 Document Fee单证费 AMS Advance Manifest Surcharge 舱单预报费 MAF Manifest Amendment Fee 舱单改单费C.O.D. Collect (cash) on Delivery 到付Differential Rate:An amount added on or deducted from base rate to make 差额运价 Port miscellaneous expense港杂费Signs the charge for documents签单费Gathers the ticket expense 合票费CFS expenseCFS费 THC是码头操作费(Terminal Handling Charges)THC是付给船公司的,在签单或电放时付,有的船公司自己收,有的由外代代收,货代只是代付代收.也许每个地方可能有所不同,但同一地方都一样.上海的话,进出口都要,小箱370RMB大箱560RMB,如果是特种箱的话,费用还要多点,不过美国线没有THC费用. CFS是集装箱货运站(CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION): 是处理拼箱货的场所,它办理拼箱货的交接,配载积载后,将箱子送往CY,并接受CY交来的进口货箱,进行拆箱,理货,保管,最后拨给各收货人.同时也可按承运人的委托进行铅封和签发场站收据等业务.CFS的费用,通常是以一个立方多少来算的.THC(TERIMINAL HANDLING CHARGE)码头作业附加费CFS container FREIGHT STATION 集装箱货运站因为CFS是拼箱产生的费用,所以在装运港和目的港都有发生。在FOB条件下,CFS这一项费用单独列出来向出口商或工厂收取。(因为FOB是运费到付的,所以装运港的费用不计算在运费内)而在CIF条件下,装运港的CFS费用已经包含在货代报给你的海运价之内,所以在装运港不再单收CFS。但进口商在目的港那边还是要付他们那边的CFS费用的


海关常用英语词汇 报关单delcaration form 海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。 Three steps-declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods. 报关员the person in charge of the declaration 发票invoice 提单ocean bill of lading 空运提单air way bill 装箱单packing list 装货单shipping order 信用证letter of credit(L/C) 保险单insurance policy 销售确认书sales confirmation 商检证commodity inspection certificate 动植物检疫证animal or plant quarantine certificate 原产地证certificate of origin 进口import 出口export 进出口公司import & export corporation (Corp.) 进出口许可证import & export licence 进料加工processing with imported materials 或来料加工processing with supplied materials 货物/商品goods (import & exports goods, All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) 货物cargo


报关常用英语大全 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

accepingbank呈兑银行acceptinghouse呈兑行 actualtare实际皮重 acctualweight实际重量advaloremduty从税价advaloremfreight从税运价adviceofshipment装运通知,装船通知airbilloflading空运提单 airfreight空运费 airwaybill航空运单airportofdestination目的地

. 货号 at sight 见票即付 authorized agent 指定的代理人 banker\\’s bill 银行汇 票 bearer 持票人 bill of lading 提单 booking list 定舱清单,装货定舱 表 cargo in buld 散装货 cargo insurance 货物运输保险 case No. 箱 号 cash against bill of lading 凭提单付款 cash against delivery 货到付 款 cash against shipping ducuments 凭单付款 cash and delivery 付款交货,货到付 款 certificate of origin 产地证明书 certificate of quality 货物品质证书,质量证 书 certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书,数量证书 CFR 成本加运费到....... 价 chargeable weight 计费重量 charges 费用 clean bill of lading 清洁提 单 commission 佣金 commodity code 商品编码 compensation 赔偿,补 偿 complaint 投诉 condisions of carriage 货运条件 confirmation 确 认 confirmed credit 保兑信用证 confirming bank 保兑银行 confirming house 保付商行 consignee 收货人 congsignee\\’s address 收货人地址 consignment agent 寄售代理人 consighment business 寄售业


报关单常用英文缩写 单证(Documents) 1、进出口业务涉及的单证总的包括三大类:1。金融单证(信用证、汇票、支票和本票) 2、商业单证(发票、装箱单、运输单据、保险单等)3。用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等) declaration form报关单ν Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, areνtaken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。 the person in charge of the declarationν invoice发票ν ocean bill of lading提单ν air waybill空运提单ν packing list或packing specification(装箱单)ν shipping order(装货单)ν letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)ν insurance policy(保险单)ν sales confirmation售货确认书ν

contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of or igin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipme nt, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarant ee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration) certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证 animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证 certificate of origin原产地证) import进口 export出口 import & export corporation(Corp.) import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export busine ss) export drawback出口退税 import & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工 buyer买方 seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the sel ler. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject t o Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-o wner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released.) Commodity(commodity inspection)


常用外贸服装英语词汇 3-plys export carton 三坑出口纸箱 a pair of braces 一副裤子背带 accessory 辅料 acetate lining 亚沙迪里布,亚沙地里布 air freight 空运费 allover embroidery 全身绣花,[粤]全身车花 anti-pilling agent 抗起毛剂 antistatic finish 防静电处理 automatic lock (zip) 自动锁拉链 apparel 成衣 applique 贴布绣 appearance quality 外观质量 approved swatch 确认的样布 armhole,scye 袖窿,[粤]夹圈 [欧].,[美]style No. 款号 assembling of front & back part 前后幅合并 assorted color 混色 assorted size混码 assorted color assorted size 混色混码 attach collar 上领,绱领 attach cuff to sleeve 车袖头到袖子上,[粤]车鸡英到袖子上attachment (安装在衣车上辅助车缝的)附件 attention card 注意 autolock zipper 自动锁拉链 azo dye 偶氮染料 back cover front 后搭前,后盖前 back rise 后直裆,[粤]后浪 back stitch 回针,倒针,[粤]返针 back 后片,后幅 backless dress 露背裙 barb wire,loop pin 行李索 bar code sticker 条码贴纸,条形码贴纸 bargaining 讨价还价 base layer (多层服装的)内层 basting 疏缝,假缝 bead (装饰用)有孔小珠 bell bottom 喇叭裤脚 belt 带,腰带 belt loop,(belt-loop,beltloop)腰带袢,裤带袢,[粤]裤耳,耳仔bias cut 斜纹裁,[粤]纵纹裁 binder 滚边器,[粤]拉筒,包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶 binding 滚边 binding tape 滚条


报关英语词汇高分子化学词汇手册 报关员报关英语 1 高分子macromolecule, polymer 又称“大分子”。 2 超高分子supra polymer 3 天然高分子natural polymer 4 无机高分子inorganic polymer 5 有机高分子organic polymer 6 无机-有机高分子inorganic organic polymer 7 金属有机聚合物organometallic polymer 8 元素高分子element polymer 9 高聚物high polymer 10 聚合物polymer 11 低聚物oligomer 曾用名“齐聚物”。 12 二聚体dimer 13 三聚体trimer 14 调聚物telomer 15 预聚物prepolymer 16 均聚物homopolymer 17 无规聚合物random polymer 18 无规卷曲聚合物random coiling polymer 19 头-头聚合物head-to-head polymer 20 头-尾聚合物head-to-tail polymer 21 尾-尾聚合物tail-to-tail polymer 22 反式有规聚合物transtactic polymer 23 顺式有规聚合物cistactic polymer 24 规整聚合物regular polymer 25 非规整聚合物irregular polymer 26 无规立构聚合物atactic polymer 27 全同立构聚合物isotactic polymer 又称“等规聚合物”。 28 间同立构聚合物syndiotactic polymer 又称“间规聚合物”。



二.报关英语常用词汇 import进口export出口 importn & export corporation(Corp.) importn & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税n importn & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工n buyer买方seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo, cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo, bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released. Commodity(commodity inspection) merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品 article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles) luggage 行李物品 postal items 邮递物品 You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty. means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel船名 packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages 合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet 托盘,container ,in bulk) weight重量 gross weight毛重net weight净重 tare皮重 quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名 name and specifications of commodity品名及规格 type类型 mode (term)of trade贸易方式 name of trading country贸易国 date of importation进口日期 value价值 total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying value The duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value


报关英语: a) Customs-clearance 或declaration(“申报”) https://www.360docs.net/doc/248794043.html, at the customs(“报关”:名词) b) apply(申请)to(向)the customs. Declare at the customs(以上为动词“报关”) c)另:clearance of goods或entry也可指“报关”(n.) (clear the goods from customs:为货物报关) d)“报关单”:bill of entry或application to pass goods through customs或customs debenture或customs declaration或entry(一个词)或report e)报关费:customs clearing fee f)报关行:customs broker或customs house broker g)报关经纪人:customs agent h)报关港口:port of entry i)报关文件:entry ○8有关概念间的区别:

a)通关:指全过程(申报→查验→征税→放行→结关)https://www.360docs.net/doc/248794043.html, b)通关单:注“通关单”与“报关单”迥然不同。含义 大相径庭!它为植检,商检,卫检合格后,中国检验检疫 局(CCIQ)发给的。(由它印制)(而“报关单”由 海关印制的)。 通常,对转关者。举例说明。e.g.于Zhongshan(中山) 启运,于Shekou(蛇口)出境。通常于Zhongshan通过商、 植检后,拿到“出境货物换证凭条”(内容:转单号, 报检号,报检单位,品名,出口合同,HS(即商品编码) , 金额,评定意见(是否合格)。末尾有句“请凭此单到 ____局(这儿填蛇口验疫局)办出境验证手续”还有有 效期至_____”当货运至蛇口转关凭此“凭条”换取“植, 商检证”(通常收取几十至100元的“换证费” 有的写为“货物出境时请持此凭单(凭条)到出境口岸


报关常用英语大全 acceping bank 呈兑银行accepting house 呈兑行 actual tare 实际皮重 acctual weight 实际重量 ad valorem duty 从税价 ad valorem freight 从税运价advice of shipment 装运通知,装船通知air bill of lading 空运提单 air freight 空运费 air waybill 航空运单 airport of destination 目的地Art.No. 货号at sight 见票即付authorized agent 指定的代理人banker\\“s bill 银行汇票 bearer 持票人bill of lading 提单booking list 定舱清单,装货定舱表cargo in buld 散装货 cargo insurance 货物运输保险case No. 箱号 cash against bill of lading 凭提单付款 cash against delivery 货到付款cash against shipping ducuments 凭单付款 cash and delivery 付款交货,货到付款 certificate of origin 产地证明书certificate of quality 货物品质证书,质量证书 certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书,数量证书 CFR 成本加运费到.......价chargeable weight 计费重量charges 费用 clean bill of lading 清洁提单commission 佣金 commodity code 商品编码compensation 赔偿,补偿complaint 投诉 condisions of carriage 货运条件confirmation 确认 confirmed credit 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行confirming house 保付商行consignee 收货人congsignee\\”s address 收货人地 址consignment agent 寄售代理人 consighment business 寄售业 二.报关英语常用词汇 import进口export出口 importn & export corporation(Corp.) importn & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business) export drawback出口退税n importn & export licence processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工n buyer买方seller卖方 The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination) cargo (bulk cargo, cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo, bonded cargo, cargo-owner What cargo is inside the container? The cargo is now released. Commodity(commodity inspection) merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一 商品 article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles) luggage 行李物品 postal items 邮递物品 You don’t hav e to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty means of transport(conveyance)运 输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory. ocean vessel船名 packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil 圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件 数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单 位,drum桶,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet托盘, container ,in bulk) weight重量 gross weight毛重 net weight净重 tare皮重 quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases. description of goods货名 name and specifications of commodity品名及规格 type类型 mode (term)of trade贸易方式 name of trading country贸易国 date of importation进口日期 value价值 total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying value The duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty. The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs. price价格 unit price单价 total price总价 total amount总价 consignor发货人consignee收货人 While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packing Declaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the
