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英汉互译:P28 Task 5 ;P64 Task 1 ;P65 Task 2

课文里的句子:P61 11,13;P62 15,16;P63 19,20



Chinese culture

Section 1 Some Traits of Chinese Culture

1. What are the influences of China’s natural barriers on Chinese culture? P7第三段。

natural environment is responsible for Chineseculture in the following major aspects

firstly ,it allows a vast living space for large numbers of tribes to survive, to move and to intermingle in the north and south of China. secondly, it nurtures a continentalculture looking inward , farming culture bent on soil, discouraging the emergence of an adventurous sea-faringpeople. thirdly, the natural barriers within the vast territories block easy communication to help create cultures, subcultures and unintelligent dialects.

2. What is the traditional worldview of Chinese people? P13第一段“in terms of ... one’s lot”

In terms of their worldview and philosophy of life ,the Chinese developed a rational notion of seeking for harmony and maintaining equilibrium as well as an optimistic sentiment to be content with one's lot.

3. What are the national traits of Chinese people?P13第三段“the ultimate...a settle life.”

The ultimate motive in seeking for harmony and maintaining equilibrium is to maintain stability-one of Chinese people's major traits.with little aggressiveness they are inclined to be satisfied with a simple and placid life. they seldom lose control of themselves, neither over-delighted,nor over-sorrowful,but imbued with persistence.they have a serene and sober dignity,and an optimistic attitude to grievances and disasters.they are skillful in dissolving injustice and calamity with tolerance and humor

4. What is the nature of ancient Chinese society?P14第二段第一句以及划线部分。

China’s ancient society was patriarchal in nature, in which human relation were given priority. Mencius summed up human relations as “between father and son, there should be affection; between sovereign and minister, righteousness; between husband and wife, attention to their separate function; between old and young, a proper order; and between friends, fidelity”

5. What is Chinese Zodiac?p3第一段第一句和第二段的最后一句。

The Chinese Zodiac consists of a twelve—year cycle, with each year corresponding to one of the twelve Earthly Branches and represented by a different animal.The year in which a person is born is equated with one of these twelve

"Animal Year". The Chinese Zodiac is calculated according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar unlike the Western Zodiac, which uses the solar calendar.

Section 2 The Hundred Schools of Thought

6. Can you describe “Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought” in your own words?

P23第一段“the hundred...discussed freely.”

This period known in its earlier part as the spring and autumn period and the warring states period –in its latter part was fraught with chaos and bloody battles,it is also known as the Golden age of chinese philosophy because a broad range of thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed.

7.What are the major schools of thought during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period?

Confucianism; Legalism; Taoism; Mohism; Shool of Yin-Yang; Logicians.

第7题25 ,26页

8. Comparison and contrast between Confucianism and Taoism.

1, core thought: Confucianism concentrates on the human side,stressing the power of virtue in the human character.

Taoism focuses on the Heavenly Way, emphasizing naturalness and inaction,namely letting things take their own course.

2.From the political point of view, Confucianism advocates the role of rites and virtuous character. Confucianism is characterized by moral teaching and rules and regulations.

Taoism stresses the rule of inaction,making light of righteousness and punishments.

3.from the methodological point of view,Confucianism advocates the Golden Mean or Middle of the Road, opposing both going beyond and falling short.

Taoism suggests that people stick to one end or extreme, namely the weak,the quiet, and the void hoping to gain advantages by making concessions, to use inaction against action, to defeat the strong by the weak,and to cope with shifting events by sticking to fundamental principle.


Section 3 Harmony ---- The Fundamental Spirit of Chinese Culture

9. What is “harmony” in traditional Chinese philosophy? 第9题41页

Harmony seeks peace,compromise,concord,and unison. Balance between man and nature,among people and between man’s body and soul.

10. What do Yin and Yang represent respectively? 第10题45页

Under yang are the principles of maleness, the sun, creation, heat, light, Heaven, dominance, and so on, and under yin are the principles of femaleness, the moon,completion,cold,darkness, material, submission, and so on.

11. What are the Five Elements? 第11题44页

They are Wood,Fire,Earth,Metal and Water.

Section 4 Traditional Ethics and Ten Aspects of Righteousness
