


综 合

题号 英语



英 语 一、 写出所给字母的前后字母的大小写。(5)

Dd Hh Kk Pp Tt

二、 为下面的单词选择正确的英文,将其正确的序号填入括号内。(10) ( )1.计算机 A. TV B. computer ( )2.汽车 A. car B. plane ( )3.图画 A. map B. picture ( )4.容易的 A. easy B. hard ( )5.游泳 A. run B. swim ( )6.午饭 A. lunch B. Breakfast ( )7.西红柿 A. tomato B. potato ( )8.商店 A. shop B. bookshop ( )9.火车 A. car B. train ( )10.回家 A. Go home B. Go to shool 三、 选出下面句子中划线单词的汉语,将其正确的序号填入括号内。(5) ( )1.I can see a blackboard .

A. 教室

B. 黑板

C. 操场 ( )2.May I use your ruler ?

A. 尺子

B. 橡皮

C. 钢笔

( )3.Can you play football ?

A. 打篮球

B. 打乒乓球

C. 踢足球 ( )4.I ’m from UK .

A. 美国

B. 英国

C. 联合国 ( )5.I ’m writing an email to my mum. A. 寄 B. 写 C.读

四、 把下面的英语短语和其汉语对应起来,,将其序号填入括号内。(5)

( )1.our new classroom A.我们的新教室 B. 我们的新学校 ( )2.four monkeys A.两只猴子 B. 四只猴子 ( )3.have a look at A. 看一看 B. 听一听 ( )4.winter camp A. 夏令营 B. 冬令营 ( )5.next year A. 去年 B.明年 五、给下面的问句找出正确的答语,将其序号填入括号内。(5)

( )1.Would you like some water? A. Sure .Here you are . ( )2.Thank you . B. No ,there isn ’t. ( )3.Where are you from? C. You are welcome . ( )4.Is there a computer ? D. I ’m from China . ( )5.May I use your eraser ? E. Yes ,please . 六、根据语言场景选择正确的英语句子,将序号填入括号内。(10) ( )1.当你想借别人的小刀时,你怎么问?

A. May I use your knife ?

B. Do you have a ruler ? ( )2.假如你是胖东来生活广场的一名售货员,你见到顾客,怎么说 ? A. Can I help you ? B.What would you like ? ( )3.当别人向你致谢,你该怎么回答:

A. You are welcome.

B. Thank you ,too.

( )4.你的朋友到你家去做客,你想知道他要点什么,你该怎么说? A.What would you like ? B. Would you like some water?. ( )5.你想知道现在几点了,你该怎么说: A. What are you doing now ? B. What time is it now ? .

______________乡(镇) ______________学校 班级_____________ 姓名_______________考号____________


湘鲁版小学 四年级英语 期中测验试卷

藕塘小学 四年级英语 期中测验试卷 听力部分(30分) . 一. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每题两分,共计计10分) ( ) 1. A. fifty B. fight C. forty ( ) 2. A. cloudy B. windy C. rainy ( ) 3. A. hat B. cat C. pat ( ) 4. A. cap B. lap C. map ( ) 5. A. boat B. coat C. goat 二. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(每题两分,共计10分) ( )6. A. It ’s windy today. B. It ’s sunny today. C. It ’s rainy today. ( )7. A. We need some food. B. We need some water. C. We need some medicine. ( )8. A. Are they taking a bath? B. Are they taking a photo? C. Are they taking a shower? ( )9. A. Is it in your bedroom? B. Is it on your bed? C. Is it under your bed? ( ) 10 .A. The roots can make food from the soil. B. The roots can get food from the soil. C. The roots can get water from the soil. 三.听录音,选出能回答该问题的最佳答语。 (每题两分,共计10分) ( )11.A.This is a farm. B. This is a sunflower. C. This is a tent. ( ) 12. A. We need a mop. B. We need a tent. C. We need a mobile phone. ( ) 13.A.We need a mop. B. We need some medicine. C. We need a broom. ( ) 14. A. Yes, they are. B B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it isn ’t. ××××密××××××封××××××线××××××不××××××得××××××答××××××题×××××


初一英语上册期末试卷 及答案 SANY GROUP system office room 【SANYUA16H-SANYHUASANYUA8Q8-

七年级英语上册期末测试卷 (时间:100分钟分值:120分) 一.听力( 20分)A.根据所听内容选择相应的图片( 5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B.听句子,选择所听到的选项( 5分) ( )1.A.parent B.present C.presents ( )2.A.under B.on C.beside ( )3.A.7:13 B.11:30 C.7:30 ( )4.A.computer rooms B.reading rooms C.dining hall ( )5.A.take the homework there B.take the newspapers home C.bring the books here C.听句子,选择合适的应答( 5分) ( )1.A.Yes , you are . B.Yes , I am . C.Yes , we are ( )2.A.No, there aren’t . B.No , they aren’t . C.No , there isn’t . ( )3.A.Yes , it is . B.Here they are . C.Here it is . ( )4.A.He’s a doctor . B.She’s a nurse . C.I’m fine . D.根据所听内容完成短文( 5分) There is a garden behind my classroom . It’s not very big , ___1___ it’s beautiful . There are many ___2___ in it . On the left ___3___ it , there are some tall trees .You can see some birds ___4___ the trees . My classmates and I often ___5___ games under the trees . 1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 二、词汇( 15 分 ) A.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子( 5 分) 1.I sit b_______ Millie and Jill . 2.Some _______ ( 儿童 ) are on the playground . 3.I have many comic books . What a_______ you? 4.We all have a good t_______ at the party . 5.His trousers are white . He likes t_______ very much . B.词类转换( 5 分) 1.This is your book . _______ ( I ) is on the desk . 2.There are many _______ ( family ) in this building . 3.Pat is a _______ ( China ) boy . 4.You can use a ________ ( shop ) basket . 5.Look ! The teddy bear is so ________ ( love ) ! C.用所给动词的适当形式填空( 5 分) 1.It’s late . Let’s _____ ___ ( go ) home . 2.You must not ______ __ ( bring ) your bag into the supermarket .


六年级英语期末试卷分析 一、整体来看。 本次命题体现素质教育要求,加强考试内容与学生生活实际的联系,重视对学生运用所学的基础知识和技能的考查,有利于促进学生生动、活泼、主动地学习。试卷从教材教学要求和学生的实际水平出发,着重考查学生听力、理解、运用语言的能力,试题难易适度,题型灵活多样,符合新课标的要求。 二、试题的特点。 (一)注重了基础知识的考查。 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容。如:听力题的一题、四题;笔试题的六题等,因为这些基础知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 (二)渗透了能力考查的要求。 英语作为语言,是一种交际的工具。英语教学根据学生的年龄特点和语言学习的规律,确立以听、说、读、写能力的培养为主要目标。六年级英语教学不仅要教给学生一些最基本的语言知识,而且要教给学生运用语言的方法和能力。本次测试在试卷的问题设计上,不仅突出了对学生听、读、写、能力的考察,而且增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。如:听力题部分;笔试题的6,7题等。 (三)、融英语教学与学生的生活实际,且体现了考查的全面性。 六年级英语的教学内容贴近学生生活,本次测试试题内容同样体现了贴近学生生活的原则,侧重用已学过的英语知识解决实际问题,既源于课本,又高于课本,充分体现了素质教育的内涵。同时,本次测试在全面考查学生基础知识及基本技能的基础上,重视对学生运用所学知识分析、解决实际问题的能力,对学生应具备的基本文化素质和能力进行了全面考查。总之,整个试题的布局合理,题量适中,对教师的教学及学生的后续学习都有一定的导向作用。 三、测试的总体情况分析。 本次测试,平均分82分,及格率为89.8%,优秀率为39%。 四、各大题的做题情况分析与探究。 (一)、听力部分。


作品编号:DG13485201600078972981 创作者:玫霸* 七年级英语试题 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分:卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等相关信息填写在试卷左侧密封线以内。 2. 请将卷I的所有试题答案A、B、C或D写在每一题前 面的括号里,答案写在横线上或是画对勾均为无效。 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在题前的括号里。( ) 1. —What’s this in English? —It’s ________ orange. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I have a cat. ________ name is Mimi. A. It B. It’s C. Its D. It is ( ) 3. —Who is the girl ________ red? —She is my cousin. A. on B. in C. with D. for ( ) 4. There is some________ on the table. A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. banana ( ) 5. —Are these Chinese books? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they’re D. those are ( ) 6. The shoes are too small, so I want a pair. A. long B. short C. big D. small ( ) 7. —________ is your football?


人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题(含答案)楼德镇中学试题库2010-10-04 11:29:59 阅读378 评论2 字号:大中小订阅 七年级英语期末考试试题 第一卷选择题(50分) I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is _________ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. We don’t like_________. A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolies ( )3. _________. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi ( )4. Do you have two ________? A. tennis racket B. tennis rackets C. tennis’ racket D. tennis’ rackets ( )5. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not ( )6. ________this your guitar? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do ( ) 7. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( ) 8. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars.


三年级英语期末试卷分析 一、整体来看。 本次命题体现素质教育要求,加强考试内容与学生生活实际的联系,重视对学生运用所学的基础知识和技能的考查,有利于促进学生生动、活泼、主动地学习。试卷从教材教学要求和学生的实际水平出发,着重考查学生听力、理解、运用语言以及书写的能力,试题难易适度,题型灵活多样,符合新课标的要求。 二、试题的特点。 1、注重了基础知识的考查 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容。如:听力题的一题、二题、三题、五题;笔试题的一题、三题、四题,因为这些基础知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 2、英语教学与学生的生活实际相联系 小学英语的教学内容贴近学生生活,本次测试试题内容同样体现了贴近学生生活的原则,侧重用已学过的英语知识解决实际问题,既源于课本,又高于课本,充分体现了素质教育的内涵,特别是笔试部分的二题中设计的仿例拼写地名,重视了对学生书写的能力,以及与语文学科的整合,对教师的教学及学生的后续学习都有一定的导向作用。 三、各大题的分析与探究。 1、听力部分 听力测试旨在考查学生听音、辨音及听力理解和快速反应能力。共六大块内容,分别为:一听音标号;二听音判断;三、听音连线;四、听音选择;五听音涂色;六、听音排序。其得分率为85%左右,失分较多的是第四大题题,失分的主要原因是录音不清晰。学生反映这一题的录音模糊不清。还有就是第四大题第四小题,文化部分内容,由于教师平时的教学不够重视导致部分学生没能较好完成选择。 2、笔试部分 笔试部分主要考查学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,包括字母、词、句的正确运用和读写能力的考查。共四大块内容,分别为:一、正确抄写下面字母。此题的得分率为90%。失分原因是部分学生书写印刷体。二、仿例拼写地名。此题的得分率是75%。部分学生拼音较差,不能拼出正确地名;大部分学生不了解书写地名的正确格式,如:开头第一个字母没大写;两个字空间空格等。学生平时没有接触过类似题型,教师也没有拓展,导致严重失分。三、看图选择正确的单词。此题的得分率为95%,学生整体完成情况较好,只是小部分学生将第六小题的hand选成head。四、连一连,此题的得分率是90%。 从整个笔试部分的分析来看,学生的基础知识与运用部分比期中要好,但普遍还存在着以下几方面的问题。1)学生掌握了基础知识,但还不能灵活运用。2)知识面狭窄,缺乏一定的生活常识。3)语言综合运用能力较差。以上这些还有待于在今后的教学中得到加强。 四、今后努力的方向 1、努力更新语言教学观念,以学生发展为主,注重学生听、说、读、写等各种能力的培养。 2、改革课堂教学模式,注重培养学生语言实践能力。在课堂教学中,尽量多给学生一些听、读和说的机会,让学生围绕所学内容,并给结合自己生活实际进行对话练习,将所学知识与学生日常生活融为一体,少一些机械记忆,多一些灵活运用。同时,课堂上尽量给学生创造一种宽松愉悦的学习氛围,利用游戏、对话表演等多种形式激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生感到学习英语既容易又有趣。


初一英语期末测试卷 一.选出下列单词中划线部分与其他不同的一项:(5’) 1.( )A.book B.look C.food D.foot 2.( )A.here B.hair C.hear D.ear 3.( )A.bed B.hat C.apple D.cat 4.( )A.there B.this C.these D.thank 5.( )A.it B.green C.feel D.knee 二.按要求写出相应单词:(10’) 1.that(复数)_______ 2.old(反义词)_______ 3.for(同音词)_______ 4.foot(复数)_______ 5.short(反义词)________ 三.按要求将下列单词归类(10’) Tuesday pants chair hamburger orange shoe desk Thursday sandwich peach 1.家具类______ ______ 2.食物类______ ______ 3.水果类______ ______ 4.星期类______ ______ 5.衣服类______ ______ 四.用下列单词的适当形式填空:(20’) 1.My name _____(be) Li Ming. I _____(be) a boy. 2.Shorts ______(be) my favourite clothes. 3.My coat ______ (be) purple. 4.Tenny ______ (have) short blond hair. 5.My ear ______ (hurt) 6.Do you ______ (like) pepper? Yes, I _____ (do) / No, I ______ (do not). 7.They are six _______ (glass) of milk. 五.为下面句子选择适当的疑问句,每词只限用一次:(20’) what how much how many what time where what colour how how tall who whose 1._______is the weather like? It’s sunny. 2._______is that boy? He is Tom. 3. _______are you? Fine, thank you. 4. _______is the cat? It’s on the desk. 5._______do you like? I like yellow. 6. _______are you? I am 1.6 metres tall. 7. _______bike is it? It is my bike. 8. _______apples do you have? six apples. 9. _______is it? It is 3:00. 10. _______is his pen? It is two yuan. 六.翻译句子:(英翻汉).(10’) 1.Open the door , please . 2.Pants are my favourite clothes. 3.Those are his eyes. 4.I do my homework in the afternoon. 5.I’d like noodles for breakfast . 七.阅读理解:(20’) (A) One morning, Maria finds an egg. She takes it to school. The children put the egg into a little box. In five days, the egg breaks open. Out comes a baby bird. The children call the bird Tommy. It has become their pet. Each day they give it food. The children say that school has more fun-now that they have a pet bird. 根据短文内容选择正确答案: ( )1. The best title is _______. A.Walking to School B.A Pet Bird C.Eating Eggs D.A New School ( )2. One morning , Maria finds _______. A.an egg B.a pet C.a baby D.a bird ( )3. The children call the bird _______. A.Old Boy B.Little Baby C.Tommy D.Mary ( )4.You can tell that the bird lives ________. A.on a boat B.on a farm C. in a wagon D.in a school (B) Today is Sunday. I do not go to school. I want to have a bus ride because my uncle is a bus driver. The bus starts to move, After some time, it stop at a small village. A very old woman is coming slowly from another road. My uncle wants to wait for her. When she gets on the bus. my uncle is going to close the door. But the old woman says,“Wait a minute, my mother is coming.” 1.What day is it today? ________ A.Monday B.Sunday C.Friday 2.I will not go to ________ A.school B.park C.zoo 3.Where does the bus stop? ________ A.a small village B.a big village C.a small school 4.Who is coming slowly from another road. _______ A.a small boy B.a old man C.a old woman 5.What is my uncle going to do? ______ A.open the door B.close the door C.close the window 八.作文:(5’) My English Teacher


精心整理 精心整理 湘鲁版英语四年级上册 一单元姓名:得分 一、慧眼识珠。(20分) ()1.一 一Icanseeabigdog! A.Wherearethey? B.Whatcantheysee? C.Whatcan yousee? A,NoB.YesC.no ()9.Theretwoblackboards intheclassroom. A.isB.amC.are ()10.--Whatcansee? Shecanseeamonkey. A.ZhouLinB.theyC.MsLi 二、情景交际。(10分) ()1.想要把你们的新教室介绍给别人,你应说: A.?Thisisyournewclassroom. B.?Thisisourn ewclassroom. ()2.?想知道对方看见了什么,你应问 A.Whatcanyousee? ()2.AturtleB.birdC.two ()3、https://www.360docs.net/doc/263738969.html,puter ()5、A.Z00B.monkeyC.dog 四、连词成句。(10分) 1.new,classroom,This,is,our(.) 2.see,I,a,blackboard,can(.)

精心整理 精心整理 3.you,What,see,can(?) 4.four,can,He,monkeys,see(.) 5.there,computer,Is,a(?) 五、给下列句子排序。(14分) ①Icanseeapanda. A.is B.are C.can D.isn't E.Is F.big G.Is H.an ()1.Thisournewclassroom. ()2.–Whatyousee? Icanseepanda. ()3.thereamonkey?一-No ,there. ()4.Buttheretwosnakes. ()5.Icanseeeraser. ()6.ThereisturtleintheZ00. 八.看图补全句子。(12分) 1.--Whatcanyousee? -Icanseea 2.一-Istherea 一Yes ,thereis.


初一上册人教版英语期末试卷及答案 I. 单项选择题(25)分 1.I think it is ________ interesting book. A a B an C 不填 D the 2.---Is this _______ dictionary?----No, it isn't.. It is _______ dictionary. A you,he B your , he C you ,his D your , his 3.Please_______ these things _____your classroom. A bring , to B take , to C bring ,for D take ,for 4.Let's_______ basketball. A plays B play, the C play D to play 5._____your brother_______English? A Do ,like B Do ,likes C Does ,like D Does, likes 6. My sister _____eggs ______breakfast. A have, for B has, for C have, to D has ,to 7.---Do you often _______a movie? ----No , I often ________TV. A see ,see B watch ,watch C see ,watch D watch ,see 8.Thanks________the photo _______your school. A of, for B for ,of C for, about D about, for 9.The boy is _______.He eats_____good food. A healthy , a lot B health ,a lot of C healthy , lots of D heath, a lot of


五年级英语期末试卷分析 这学期我在学校领导的正确领导下,和孩子们紧张而忙碌,轻松愉快的学习气氛中结束了五年级英语教学工作。以下是我对卷面的分析: 一、试题的特点: 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,突出考查了学生的语用能力和交流能力,并兼顾了对学生的实践创新能力的考查。题型中有对词汇、句型结构的考查,又有对日常交际用语及初步语法知识的考查。对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容,因为这些知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 二、答题情况分析 试题结构稳定。本次试卷同往年一样,从听力(30)和笔试(70)两方面进行考察。 (1)听力部分 听力测试旨在考查学生听音、辨音及听力理解和快速反应能力。满分为30点,共三个大题,分别为:第一题,听音,选单词;第二题,听问句,排序号;第三题,听音,选答语。从整体来看,听力部分得分率相对来说比较高,失分较多的是第三大题听问句选答句,这是听力中的一个难点,学生有的不能领会录音内容中的关键信息点,对四会句子的掌握不扎实。 (2)笔试部分 笔试部分主要考查学生的语言基础知识(单词)和基本技能(阅读理解能力)。从整体来看,第四题词汇找不同类大部分做的很好,一部分孩子学习意识薄弱的本体做的一般。在第五题上失分惨重虽然共五分字母组合的发音掌握的一般,学生对语音词汇的掌握不够扎实。第六大题是囊括了本册书的语法知识,考察学生对单词,句型,特殊疑问句等方面的记忆情况,从得分率来看,学生的综合能力差。造成这种情况的原因有很多,一是学生本身的学习意识影响了单词的记忆,二是学生的懒惰,懒于记忆单词,三是答题时太粗心。第七大题是单词适当形式填空,这是整张试卷失分最严重的一题。本题在平时教学中没有练习过,让很多中下学生乱了阵脚,得分率相当的低,大部分学生都在该题上失分了。一些学生连经常用到的be动词都不会写了。第八大题排列句子的顺序,排列句子本身就有一定难度,再加上这个大题中又出现了两个学生很容易混淆的句子,所以难度就更大了,得分率也不高。第九题是根据汉语选句子。本题丢分不是很严重。个别学生在there be 句型也就是本题的第四小题丢分了。第十大题阅读判断,应该来说文章并不难,大部分学生只要认真阅读短文,就能在原文中找出正确答案。但很多学生缺乏关键信息的捕捉能力和整合能力,因此失分的很多,得分率很低。 三、不足之处 班级后进学生严重脱轨,平时缺乏系统性的补救措施。由于班级多,落后学生多,造成后进学生恶性循环,一节脱一节。他们中多数能认读,就是不会写。缺少写的时间。学生缺少写的练习,一个星期三节课,课课都在赶进度,学生书写练习动脑思考的时间都无法保证。造成很多学生只会读不会做题目的原因之所在。


2014-2015学年第二学期期中测试试卷 七年级英语学科 客观题 2015年 4 月 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、听力部分(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A. 听对话,选择最佳答案 ( )1. A. The man's. B. The woman’s. C. The man's daughter's. D. The woman's daughter's. ( )2. A. Room 306. B. Room 304. C .Room 206. D .Room 406. ( )3. A. On the right. B. In front of the street. C. On the left. D. Next to the supermarket. ( )4. A. It's raining. B. It's fine. C. It's cold. D. It will rain and be cold. ( )5. A. He is in Beijing. B. He is in Nanjing. C. He is here. D. He lives in Shanghai. B .听短文,选择正确答案 ( )6. Which floor are the two rooms on? A. The 2nd. B. The 4th. C. The 3rd. D. The 5th. ( )7. How far is the hotel from the sea? A. Very far. B. Very near. C. We don't know. D. 1 kilometer from the sea. ( )8. How much does Peter have to pay for his rooms for a night? A. $ 200. B. $400. C. $600. D. $800. ( )9. Which meal doesn't Peter have to pay for? A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. C. Supper. D. Lunch & supper. ( )10. When can Peter arrive at this hotel? A.Today. B. Not decided. C. August 5th. D. August 15th 二、单选(20’) ( ) 11. There ’s ________ one-legged desk in ________ classroom. A. an; the B. a; the C. /; the D. an; a ( )12. Taiwan is ________ the east of China and _______the east of Fujian. A, in, in B. in, to C. to, on D. to, to ( ) 13. Walk ________ Guanqian Street and the shop is about ten ________walk. A. along; minutes ’ B. cross; minutes C. over; minute’s D. down; minutes ( ) 14. _________ cute the little panda is! It looks like its mother. A. What B. Why C. How D. If ( ) 15. --Must I finish my homework now, Mum? --No, you ________. A. mustn ’t B. needn ’t to C. don ’t have to D. don ’t have ( ) 16. --Excuse me. ____________? --Turn right, and you ’ll see it. Which of the following is NOT right? A. where is the post office B. which is the way to the post office C. how can I get to the post office D. the way to the post office ( ) 17. There are many shops on _____side of the road, and some restaurants on _____ side. A. one; another B. one; the other C. other; another D. one; other ( ) 18. Look, these are ___________ bicycles. They are cool. A. Jim and Tom ’s B. Jim ’s and Tom C. Jim ’s and Tom ’s D. Jim and Tom ( )19. The house is big enough for us ___________. 学 班级 姓 测试 ----------------------------------------------密---------------------------------封----------------------------------线---------------------------------------------------


Units1-3测试卷姓名 一、读一读,选出画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ( )1.A.potato B. island C. take ( )2.A.about B. uncle C. umbrella ( )3.Aidea B. leaf C. sea ( )4.A.library B. fight C. river ( )5.A.six B. rose C. see 二、按要求写单词(6分) 1.photo(复数) 2.potato(复数) 3.leaf(复数) 4.do(第三人称单数) 5.fight(现在分词) 6.swim(现在分词) 三、英汉互译(9分) 1.列清单 2.踢足球 3.乘上(车和船等) 4.take a photo 5.What about 6. take 7.What does she need? 8.I need a coat. What about you ? 9.The sheep is sleeping. 四、连线。(6分)五、看图写单词(10分) sunflowers grass tree flower bamboo potato 六、在适合句意的图片下方的括号里打对,并将相应的单词填在空格里。(12分) ()() 1.We want to play football .We need . ()() 2.It is windy. Why not take ? ( ) ( ) 3.It is raining. We need . ( ) ( ) 4.They want to have a picnic .They need . 七、用所给单词的恰当形式填空(10分) 1.There (be)an orange tree in my garden. 2.There (be)many flowers. 3. (be)there any snakes in your garden? 4.There (be)no snakes. 5. (be)there any bamboo? 八、用所给动词的恰当形式填空。(16分) 1.Ted is (sleep). 2.Are the birds (fight)? 3.They are (play). 4.Is the rabbit (jump)? 5.He is (run). 6.What are they (do)? 7.Is Wang Li( take)a photo? 8.Is she (cry)? 九、根据中文意思填空。(16分) 1.他需要什么? What he ? 2.他需要一个足球。 He a football. 3.有水吗? there any water? 4.他在睡觉。 He . 十、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F). Mike: What is in your garden, Bob? Bob: There is an apple tree, two sunflowers and some roses in my garden. I like my garden very much! Mike: Is there any grass in your garden? Bob: Yes, there is. What about you? Mike: There are two orange trees, some yellow roses and some grass in my garden. I like my garden, too. Bob: Let’s go to the park. Mike: Great! What do we need? Bob: It’s cloudy and cold. We need umbrella and warm coats. Mike: OK! Let’s go. ( )1.There is an orange tree in Bob’s garden. ( )2.There is grass in their gardens. ( )3.It’s cloudy and cold. ( )4.Mike’s roses are red. ( )5.Bob and Mike like their gardens.


初一上学期期末测试卷 第二部分基础知识(总分:80分,注:作文除外) 五.1.单项选择(选出与换线部分意思相近或相同的选项)4分 A. parents B.may C.everywhere D.not free ( )26. She is busy at school. ( )27.Her books are here and there. ( )28.Mother’s Day is the fifth month. ( )29.Jim’s father and mother are teachers. 2.选出正确答案(17分) ( )30.下列单词中划线字母与“F”有相同读音的是___________ A,red B.she C.see ( )31.----My dictionary is on the desk. What about ________? -----It’s under the desk. A.you B.your C.yours ( )32.Here are three ________my classmates. A.picture of B.photos of C. pictures of ( )33.Miss Gao has ________yellow swester.And ________yellow sweater is 15 dollars. A.a; an B.a; the C.the ; a ( )34.Tom and his friends _________playing baseball on Sunday afternoon. A.likes B.like C.loves ( )35.------________your father ? -------He’s fine, thanks. A.How are B.How is C.What is ( )36.-----Do you want to watch TV? ------__________. And it’s not good for our eyes. A.That sounds boring B.That’s OK C.It looks boring ( )37.-----________. ____It’s white. A.What’s this in English? B.What’s your last name? C.What color is it? ( )38.----We have a school trip next week. ------_______________. A.Have a good trip. B.You are healthy. C.See you ( )39.-----Where’s your grandpa? -----___________.You can ask my mom. A.He is in the room. B.He plays tennis. C.I don't know. ( )40.We have T-shirts__________all colors _________a very good price. A.in ; in B.on ; at C.in; at ( )41.-----________meet at one at your school. -----OK.


初二英语期中考试试卷分析 一、试题特点: 1. 本次考试题量合适,难度适中。注重基础题的活学活用,并且注重英语综合知识的运用。较平时月考来看,试卷难度降低,主要是单选题和阅读理解题难度降低,英语试卷考察综合的英语知识和学生审题能力,还有是对事物的理解能力。 2. 本试卷较全面地考查了学生听、说、读、写的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力,体现了任务型语言评价的理念。 3. 试题内容设计上很贴近教材的目标话题,既检查了已学语言目标,又考查了学生灵活运用语言的能力; 4. 试题关注了不同层次的学生。如,词汇运用大大降低了试题的难度,面向了基础中等的学生,另外,学习技能题使得不同层次的学生能够有不同的发挥,体现了评价的多元性。 二各题答题情况分析 1. 听力 语言材料贴近生活,具有真实性,让考生听起来亲切,熟悉。听力语速适当,能考出学生英语的真实水平。 2. 基础知识 难度适中且知识覆盖面大。这些知识点都是平时强调的和课后练习中出现过的,不应失分。个别学生由于粗心,在名词变复数方面丢分。 3.交际运用 交际运用的题注重实际情景和具体语境中考察学生对基础知识的理解与运用。充分突出了语言的交际能力,学生在第一部分完成对话这一题中答得相对较好。但在第二部分补全对话这一题中,由于灵活性比较高,学生在第42空答得一般,错误率较高。 4.阅读 难度适中,得分率较高。其中普遍得分稍低的是最后一小题,即阅读F,该阅读需要学生理解文章并用自己的话回答问题。学生理解文章不透,平时学的不扎实,学过的单词有些已忘记。 5.书面表达 第一篇书面表达是填空,关于垃圾食品,该题考察连词,频率副词以及动副短语,文章贴近生活并且可以培养孩子少吃垃圾食品的习惯。 第二篇书面表达是介绍好友Lucy和自己的情况,作文考察学生比较级和原级的
