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1. ——You like singing and dancing.

A. So do I

B. So I do

C. I do so

D. Do I so

2. Her mother is a warm-hearted old lady. _________ .

A. So my mother is

B. So is my mother

C. Is my mother so

D. my mother so is

3. ——The fairy story Snow White is very interesting.

A. So it is

B. So is it

C. It is so

D. Is it so

4. You didn't go for an outing at the seashore. _________ .

A. Neither do I

B. Neither did I

C.I didn't neither

D. Did neither I

5. Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language.

A. So it was with Engels

B. So was Engels

C. So Engels was

D. Was Engels so

6. ——Look. There _______ .

——Oh, there _________ .

A. comes the bus ;comes it

B. the bus comes ;it comes


comes the bus ;it comes D. the bus comes ;comes it

7. Not until __________ s ixte e n ________ to school.

A. he was ;did he go

B. he was ;he went

C. was he ;he did go

D. was he ;went he

8. Not until the next morning ___________ .

A. did Mary come back

B. Mary came back

C. came Mary back

D. came back Mary

9. Hardly __________ when it began to rain.

A. had he got home

B. he had got home

C. had got home he


he home had got 10. ___________________ N o sooner than he fell asleep.

A .his head had touched the pillow B. had his head touched the pillow

C. touched the pillow his head had

D. touched the

pillow had his head

11. ______________ Little .

B. I thought of it

C. did think I of B. did show Lily her feelings

D. did Lily show

her feelings

such beautiful and precious

14.Many a time the chess competition. A. had taken he part in B. he taken part in had


had he taken part in D. he had taken part in

15.So busy ____________ that he has no time to spare.

A. he was

B. was he

C. he is

D. is he 16. ___________ with a bunch of flowers in her hand.

A.A girl in came

B. Came in a girl

C. In came a girl

D.A girl came in

17.Out ___________ .

A. from behind a tall tree ran a little boy

B. from behind a tall tree a little boy ran

C. ran a little boy from behind a tall tree

D. a little boy ran from behind a tall tree 18.In the clear blue sky

A. does shine the bright moon. A. did I think of it it D.

thought of it I

12.Seldom ____________ . A. Lily her feelings showed C. Lily showed her feelings 13.Never before in her life __ jewelry.

A. he saw

B. did he see

C. has she seen

D. she has seen B. the bright moon does shine
