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assemble and provision 配置和补给

be home to 是......的家园(be home to abundant resources 有着丰富的资源)

be harvested and processed into 采集并加工成

the rages of inhumanity 种种非人道的灾难

sound bites (新闻采访中)原声摘要播出

cruelty and intolerance 残忍及偏狭

social climate 社会风气

display antagonistic attitudes 仇目相向

be insensitive to 对......麻木不仁

profanity 污言秽语

努力推进 strive to promote/push forward

司法体制改革 judicial system reform

保障公平和公正 guarantee fairness and justice

公正司法,严格执法 judicial justice and strict law enforcement

司法机关的机构设置 the setups of judicial organs

职权划分 the delimitation of functions and powers

权责明确,相互配合 specified powers and responsibilities, mutual coordination 相互制约,高效运作 mutual restraint and highly efficient operation

诉讼程序 judicial proceedings

合法权益 legitimate rights and interests

法人 legal person

执法难 difficult enforcement of judgments

加强对......的监督 tighten supervision over

一支......的队伍 a contingent of

政治坚定 politically steadfast

业务精通 professionally competent

作风优良 have a fine style of work

执法公正 enforce laws impartially

据我了解 My understanding is that...

卫生部副部长 Vice Minister of Health

简单介绍 brief

具体措施 specific measures

防止其在全球围恶化 prevent it from deteriorating worldwide

本着......的精神 in the spirit of

与会代表 participant

see of 了解

lag behind 落后

liberating force 解放力量

power democracy 促进事业

lightening speed of decision-making 闪电般的决策速度

Business world 商界

desperate to fend off 急欲抵抗......的攻势

shed bureaucratic aspects 摆脱官僚作风

Knife-edge 最前沿

in the interests of 为了......的利益

Shareholder 股东

Stock market performances 股市走势

Securities exchange 证券交易所

Bonds 债券

Stock exchanges 股票交易所

Spring up 兴起

Market process 市场机制

In an orderly manner 有序进行

Supervise and regulate 监督和规

为......提供...... generate conditions for

信息通信技术 information and communications technologies

信息化 informatization

极不平衡 be seriously unbalanced

差距 disparity

缩小直至消除 narrow and ultimately eliminate

数字鸿沟 digital divide

统一的多民族国家 a multi-ethnic country

藏族 the Tibetan people

不断交流 continuous exchange and contact

相互吸收与促进 mutually assimilate and promote

具有特色的灿烂文化 brilliant and distinctive culture

璀璨的明珠 a dazzling pearl

中央人民政府 the Central People’s Government

自治区人民政府 the People’s Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region

宪法 the Constitution

四十多年 40-plus years

日益增长的物质文化生活需要 increasing needs for rich material and cultural lives 人力、物力、财力 human, financial and material resources

弘扬 carry forward

优秀文化传统 fine aspects of traditional culture

新闻发布会,记者招待会 press conference

知识产权 intellectual property

宣传周 publicity week

维权活动 right enforcement event

副总理 Vice Premier

专项行动 special operations on...

普遍关注 There have been concerns that...

房屋政策 housing policy

旨在,着重强调 be directed at

监测和宏观调控 monitoring and macro-control

公平(正)的 equitable

实现...和...的平衡 strike a balance between...and...
