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Money _p_r_o__v_id__e_r, was p__r_e_s_e_n_t_ when the tomb was opened
Carnarvon’s _fr_i_e_n_d_, _v_is_i_te_d_ the tomb
_R_i_c_h_a_r_d_ _B_e_t_h_e_ll__ _A_u_th_u_r__
Amazing people Reading
The curse of the mummy
The connections between the title and the famous explorer.
What might be dealt with in the following article?
2. Don’t d__________ her; she is doing her homework.
3. The d__________ of gold in California made people rush to the west.
4. The Great London Fire, which began on 2nd September 1666, r__________ in huge damage to the city of London.
The _d_e_a_th_ of Carter’s teammates.
Character Connection with
How did he die?
Carter and the tomb
Pet bird Being left in Cairo
eaten by a _s_n_a_k_e
L_o_r_d____ C_a_r_n_a_r_v_on _ George Gould
In order to succeed, what kind of personalities should we develop?
• Curiosity • Bravery • Strong will • Team spirit • A good state of mind
Part 3: _D_i_ff_e_r_e_n_t _e_x_p_la_n_a_t_io_n__s _ about the deaths
Para 6-8
1. Children are c__________ about everything. They are always asking a lot of questions.
Summaries of the paragraphs
Paragraph 1 __e__ Paragraph 3 __d__ Paragraph 5 __g__ Paragraph 7 __a__
Paragraph 2 __b__ Paragraph 4 __c__ Paragraph 6 __h__ Paragraph 8 __f__
Can you predict what the following paragraphs will tell us?
Carter’s hobbies Carter made some unexpected discoveries Carter’s family Carter’s school life
The curse of the mummy
Part 1: Howard Carter’s e_x_p_e_r_i_en__ce_ and his d_i_s_co_v_e_r_y
Para 1-3 Part 2: _S_t_ra_n_g_e__d_e_a_th_s_after the discovery Para 4-5
gold coffin ear rings
gold mask bracelet
What does this part of the film tell us?
The death of Carter’s teammates. They fell ill and died after the discovery.
Greatest discovery:King Tutankhamun’s tomb Year of the discovery:1922 Where:Valley of the Kings, Egypt
The tomb of King Tutankhamun Tutankhamun
black diaamTgrotoehnleaddksbiounxgr’cesosinntsaiidneing
Carter’s _s_e_c_r_e_ta_r_y_, _e_n__te_r_e_d_ the tomb
Team _m__e_m_b_e_r_
fell ill with a _f_e_v_e_r
had a high _f_e_v_e_r
died ofh_e_a_r_t_ t_r_o_u_b_le Not mentioned
_D_i_f_f_e_r_e_n_t_ _e_x_p__la__n_a_t_iΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduo_n_s__ about the deaths.
1. Coincidence 2. The mummy’s curse 3. A scientific explanation (viruses) Conclusion: The mystery has remained a __r_id__d_l_e_____.
Howard Carter (__1_8_74__- _19_3_9__)
Education: didn’t go to school, was taught
to draw by his father
Interest:loved visiting new places
Went to Egypt:1891 Job: explorer (by the 1920s) Discoveries:many amazing things