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1 not so…as & not so much …as London isn’t so big as Tokyo.伦敦没有东京
It wasn’t so much his appearance I liked as his personality.(与其说我喜欢他的外表, 不如说我喜欢他的为人。)
John is not better than Tom. (否定前者,肯定 后者)
John is no better than Tom.(对前后者都否定)
Over population pose a terrible threat to human race. Yet it is probably not more a threat than environmental destruction.(07.62)
2. That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness so much as by his laΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduk of talent.(04,41)
2.not more/-er than 与 no more/-er than
基本模式:as+adj/adv (原级)+as… 否定形式:1) not as/so+adj/adv (原级)+as…
2)也可用 less…than…
e.g John is as bright as Bob. (否定)John is not as bright as Bob.
John is less bright than Bob.
economic crisis. 当前的危机与其说是经济危机,不 如说是政治危机。 此用法也可用于less…than…结构,但得出相反的含 义。
The present crisis is much less a political than an economic crisis.当前的危机与其说是政治危机,不 如说是经济危机。
前一例相当于一般的比较结构,后一例相当 于less…than 的含义。
not so much as是一个专四常考结构。
1.It is not so much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.(99,45)(07.57) 【注:同一个句 子专四考了两次,这说明了反复看往年题的 重要性】
脂肪不能变成肌肉,就如同肌肉不能变成脂 肪一样。
4. the more…the more…与 more and more
the more...the more…表示两个过程中同时递增, 是主从结构。more and more 只表示一个过程 的不断增长。如
另一种模式:as much/many + n +as… 否定形式:not as/so much/many + n +as…
1) He took as much butter as he need.
He didn’t take as/so much butter as he needed.
2) She has written as many essays as her brother (does).
用法: 1.主语不同,比较项目相同。
This parcel is as heavy as that one. 2. 主语相同,比较项目不同。 The girl was as brilliant as she was beautiful.
3.主语和比较项目都不同。 The swimming pool isn’t twice as wide as that one is long.(倍数+as+adj/adv+as..)
2. more …than…结构
1) 用于在两个人或物之间作同一方面的比较。 The concert was more enjoyable than lecture. 2)用于同一个人或物的本身作不同方面的比较。 The present crisis is much more a political than an
比较级形式表示最高级意义时,比较对象的 范围应用: any other +单数名词 the other +复数名词 the others anyone/anything else 上述词是用来将比较级结构转变成最高级意 义的关键词语,切不可遗漏,否则会造成逻 辑混乱的错误 。
She hasn’t written as many essays as her brother (does).
变体形式:as + adj(原级)+名词词组 + as… (注意下列句子的语序) 1.George is as efficient a worker as Jack.
(名词的意义受到强调) or George is a worker (who is) as efficient as Jack. (形容词的意义受到强调) 2. I don’t want as expensive a car as this.
3.no more …than (=not…any more than)两 者一样都不
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
Fat cannot change into muscle any more than muscle changes into fat.(99.44)
以下总结的专四常考点,我们不着重与详 尽的语法介绍,只是对历年专四常考的语 法进行总结。我们的目标是对于必考语法 点完全拿下。
一 比较结构 (comparative Construction)
1. as…as… 结构 2. more…than… 结构 3. the most…结构