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如今,Internet的发展及普及已经深深的影响到我们的生活。本论文根据现实环境中已存在的问题,对基于web的网上报名培训系统做了全面的分析和整体的介绍。本系统使用了3.5+SQL Server 2008作为核心技术开发该系统的各个功能的整个过程,即基于web网上报名的培训网站。该系统结合3.5强大的网络数据库访问技术,实现web 交互功能。系统设计是根据B/S的体系架构实现终端访问。各个模块发挥不同的作用与功能,并以C#语言为实例进行了系统设计实现。

本系统的开发使用Microsoft SQL Server 2008作为系统开发的数据库工具,它是一个支持多用户的新型数据库,适用本系统开发的数据量需求。并且使用Visual Studio 2008作为系统开发的开发工具,它提供强大的指令控制语句、类与对象的支持及丰富的数据类型,为开发高性能系统提供保障,开发满足客户要求的系统,实现了代码的模块化要求,而代码模块化,有助于对新系统功能的扩展与修改。


关键词:网上报名,B/S架构,,VS2008 ,SQL2005


Today, the development and popularity of the Internet has deeply affected our lives. In this paper, based on real-world problems that already exist on the web-based training online registration system to do a comprehensive analysis and overall presentation. The system uses the 3.5 + SQL Server 2008 as the core technology to develop various functions of the system throughout the process, namely web-based training online registration site. The system combines 3.5 powerful network database access technology, web interactive features. System design is based on the architecture of Terminal access on B / S. Various modules play a different role and function, and C # language for the example system design and implementation.

The development of this system using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database as a system development tool, it is a new multi-user database for data needs of the system development. And system development using Visual Studio 2008 as a development tool that provides a powerful command and control statements, support classes and objects and rich data types, to provide protection for the development of high-performance systems, the development of systems to meet customer requirements, to achieve a code module requirements, and the code is modular and can help extend the capabilities of the new system and modify.

Paper introduces the topic development background, system requirements analysis, technical requirements, design and implement a database system.

Keywords: online registration, B / S architecture, , VS2008, SQL2005


1绪论 (1)

1.1题目 (1)

1.2课题背景 (1)

1.3研究意义 (1)

1.4研究现状 (2)

1.5设计时间 (2)

1.6课题内容及成果 (2)

1.6.1课题内容 (2)

1.6.2课题成果 (2)

2应用技术及开发环境 (3)

2.1 应用技术 (3)

2.1.1 B/S结构模式 (3)

2.1.2 3.5技术 (4)

2.1.3 SQL Server数据库 (5)

2.2 开发环境 (6)

2.2.1系统硬件环境 (6)

2.2.2系统开发工具 (6)

3系统需求分析 (9)

3.1可行性分析 (9)

3.1.1 技术可行性 (9)

3.1.2 经济可行性 (9)

3.1.3 操作可行性 (10)

3.2系统的UML建模 (10)

3.3业务流程分析 (11)

3.3.1基本信息业务流程 (11)

3.3.2信息管理业务流程 (12)

3.3.3教学安排业务流程 (13)

3.3.4教师信息业务流程 (13)

3.3.5咨询信息业务流程 (14)

3.3.6论坛管理业务流程 (14)

4系统详细设计 (15)

4.1 概述 (15)

4.2系统架构 (15)

4.3系统结构设计 (15)

4.3.1用户注册模块 (16)

4.3.2教学安排模块 (17)

4.3.3学员论坛模块 (18)

4.3.4课程信息模块 (19)

4.3.5网上报名模块 (20)

4.3.6在线咨询模块 (21)

4.3.7新闻公告模块 (22)
