


Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.

Unit 4 Section A教材全解

1.Don’t arrive late for class.上课不要迟到。

【重点注释】①这句是祈使句的否定形式(Don’t +行为动词原形+其他),用于表达命令、请求等。祈使句可以表达说话人的意愿、请求、叮嘱、号召、命令或建议,它的主语(听话人)通常省略,谓语动词用原形,句子末尾用感叹号或句号。例如:Don’t throw the ball like that.不要那样扔球。

②arrive late for与be late for同义,都表示“做某事迟到”。arrive late for侧重到达的时间晚,be late for侧重状态。例如:Don’t arrive late for the meeting next time.=Don’t be late for the meeting next time.下次开会别迟到了。

③arrive不及物动词,意为“到达,抵达,来到”,不能直接跟名词作宾语,但可以接介词at或in,构成短语“arrive at/in+地点(at+小地方,arrive at the bus stop;in+大地方,arrive in Beijing)”,意为“到达……”;arrive后若是here,there,home 等地点副词,则不需要加in或at等介词(arrive here/there/home)。例如:He arrives at the bus stop at 8 o’clock every morning.他每天早晨8点到达公共汽车站。When did you arrive in Beijing?你什么时候到北京的?I arrive home at 4:00 in the afternoon.我下午4点钟到家。


①arrive和get都是不及物动词,前者较正式,后者则较口语化。两者之后均不可直接接宾语,但可直接接here,there,home之类的表地点的副词作状语。例如:What time does the train arrive?火车什么时候到?We got /arrive here last night.我们昨晚到这儿的。

②要表示“到达某地”,需借助适当介词:arrive之后通常接介词at(一般用于较小的地方)或in(一般用于较大的地方),而get 之后通常接介词to。例如:We arrived at the station five minutes late.我们到车站晚了5分钟。They will arrive in Paris next Monday.他们将于下周一到达巴黎。When we got to the park,it began to rain. 我们到达公园时,就开始下雨了。

③reach通常是及物动词,(较get更正式),其后可直接跟地点名词做宾语(不能用介词)。reach之后也可接here,there,home等词。例如:He reached Beijing yesterday.他昨晚到达北京。When did he reach home yesterday?昨天他什么时候到家?[注意]reach除可表示到达某地外,还用于其他意义的到达。例如:Your letter reached me last week.我是上周收到你的信的。He reached school age.他已达到上学

——Sorry,I don’t know.


B.arrive at


(get为不及物动词,表示到达某地时用get to,故排除A;arrive为不及物动词,arrive at后接小地点,arrive in后接大地点,由空格后Shanghai(上海)可排除B;reach为及物动词,后可直接跟地点,答案:C。)

2.You must be on time.你一定要守时(你必须准时)。

【重点注释】①must为情态动词,意为“必须,务必,一定”。情态动词不能单独作谓语动词,必须和动词原形一起构成谓语。例如:You must read a book before you watch TV.

【拓展记忆】①must用于否定句时,mustn’t意为“千万不要,禁止”,而不表示“不必”。例如:You mustn’t be late for school.你千万不要上学迟到。②以must 开头的一般疑问句,若作否定回答,可以用needn’t或don’t have to,但不能用mustn’t(一定不,不允许,不得。如:You mustn’t smoke in the office.你不得在办公室吸烟。)。例如:——Must I clean all the rooms?我必须打扫所有的房间吗?——No,you needn’t/don’t have to.不,你不必。[该句肯定回答:Yes,you must.是的,你必须(马上打扫)。]

【试题链接】We be carefull when we’re walking across the road.There’re too many cars now.






②on time为固定短语,表示“按时;准时”,指按规定的时间或指定的时间做某事;而in time表示“及时”,指不迟到或在规定时间之前或接近所规定的时间做某事。例如:We must arrive there on time.我们必须按时到达那里。At last,we reached the factory in time.最后,我们及时到达了工厂。We were in just in time for the bus.我们正好赶上了汽车。The train came on time.火车整点到站。

3.Don’t run in the hallways.不要在走廊里奔跑。

【重点注释】此句是祈使句的否定形式。祈使句是表示请求、命令、劝说、建议等语气的句子。在祈使句中,通常省略第二人称主语you。其肯定句式以动词原形开头,否定句式是在动词原形前加don’t。常在句首或句末加please以示礼貌。句末用please时,前面通常加逗号。例如:Stop talking!停止谈话!Don’t play football in the street.不要在街上踢足球。Come in ,please./Please come in.请进来。Please don’t stand up./Don’t stand up,please.请不要站起来。

4.Don’t listen to music in class.不要在课堂上听音乐。

【重点注释】①listen to music意为“听音乐”,其中listen为不及物动词,其后接宾语时,要加介词to。例如:Listen!The girl is singing.听!那个女孩正在唱歌。Listen to the teacher carefully,please.请认真听老师讲课。Do you usually listen to music?你是不是经常听音乐呢?

下课后)。例如:Do you listen to your teacher carefully in class?你在课上认真听老师讲课吗?Let ’s talk about the singer after class.让我们课下讨论那个歌手吧。

【拓展记忆】in the class 意为“在这个班”。例如:There are forty students in the class.这个班有40个学生。类似的用法还有:in hospital 住院—in the hospital 在医院里 at table 吃饭—at the table 在桌子旁

5.Don ’t fight.不要打架。

【重点注释】①fight 此处作动词,意为“打架,争吵”,过去式是fought 。例如:Stop fighting,you two.你们两个人,别打了!②fight 还可作名词,意为“打架,战斗(力),斗志”,have a fight 打架,have a fight with sb.和……打架,win/ lose a fight 赢得/失去战斗。例如:Tom had a fight with his brother yesterday.昨天汤姆和他弟弟打架了。They had a fight last night.昨晚他们打了一架。

fight about the toys.这两个男孩常因这些玩具而争吵。We must fight with you.我们必须和你们一起并肩战斗。Why do you sometimes fight with others?你为什么有时和别人打架?I ’ll fight against you.我会反抗你。


【重点注释】①sorry 意为“对不起”,用于犯错误后或不能满足对方要求等时表示歉意。例如:Sorry,I

’m late.=I ’m sorry I ’m late.对不起,我迟到了。Sorry,I can ’t help you.对不起,我不能帮你。I feel sorry for him.对于他,我觉得很抱歉。②Ms.意为“女士”,用于姓氏前面,是对婚姻状况不明的女子的称呼。

7.——What are the rules?规章制度是什么?

——Well,we can’t arrive late for class.We must be on time.


【重点注释】rule名词,意为“规则,规章”。school rules校规,class rules班规,family rules家规,break the rules违反规定,obey/follow the rules遵守规定。


8.wear a hat戴帽子

【重点注释】wear为及物动词(同音词where;动词形式wear-wears-wearing-wore),意为“穿着;戴着”,表示状态。例如:He wears a black T-shirt.他穿着一件黑色的T恤衫。She likes wearing a red hat.她喜欢戴一顶红色的帽子。

【拓展记忆】put on意为“穿上;戴上”,强调穿、戴的动作;“be in+颜色/衣服”意为“穿着……颜色的衣服”,表示穿的状态(wear)。例如:It’s cold outside.Put on your coat,please.外面冷,请穿上你的外套。She is in red=She wears a red chothes.她穿着红色的衣服。

9.listen to music outside.在外面听音乐。

【重点注释】outside由out+side构成,此处用作副词,意为“在外面”,反义词inside意为“在室内,在……里面”。例如:It sonws outside外面下了雪。Let’s go outside.咱们到外面去吧。Don’t stay inside all the time.Let’s go outside to play.别一直呆在屋里。让我们到外面玩吧。

【拓展记忆】outside的其他用法:1)用作形容词,意为“外面的”。例如:an outside toilet户外厕所。Outside workers need warm clothes in winter.冬天,户外作业的工人需要暖和的衣服。2)用作介词,意为“在……外面;向……外面”。There is a new car outside the house.房子外边有一辆新车。You can park your car outside our house.你可以把汽车停在我们房子的外面。3)用作名词,意为“外部,外表”。例如:the outside of the house房子的外部。The outside of the house is red.这个房子的外表是红色的。

10.This is very important.这是非常重要的。

【重点注释】①inportant是形容词,意为“重要的”,常与连系动词be连用作表语,放在be后面,其前面也常加very来修饰,表示“非常重要”。常用句型为“It is important for sb.to do sth.”意为“做某事对某人来说是重要的;某人做某事重要”。例如:Rules are very important here.这里规则非常重要。It is very important for us to learn English well.对我们来说,学好英语是很重要的。②important也可作定语,放在所修饰的名词前面。例如:There is an important meeting this afternoon.今天下午有一个重要的会议。This is a very important meeting.这是一个非常重要的会议。.I have an important thing to do.我有一件重要的事情要做。③important的名词是importance,意为“重要性”。be of importance=be important 一般可通用。She doesn’t know the importance of math.她不知道数学的重要性。

11.Can we bring music players to school?我们可以带音乐播放器到学校吗?

【重点注释】①本句为含有情态动词can的一般疑问句,肯定回答用:Yes,…can.否定回答用:No,…can’t.。can在此处表示许可,意为“可以”。例如:We can’t listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.我们不能在走廊里听音乐,但我们可以在外面听。

【拓展记忆】can还有以下用法:1)表示能力,意为“能,会”。例如:We can speak a little English.我们会说一点儿英语。2)表示请求,用于疑问句,could比can更委婉。例如:Can you help me with my Chinese?你能帮我学习汉语吗?Could you tell him to call me back?你可以告诉他给我回电话吗?

【试题链接】——Dad,the bread is not enough.I am still hungry. I have something more?

——But there’s nothing in the fridge now.





(must“一定,必须”;need“需要”;will“将要”;can“可以,能”。由“I am still hungry.”可知下句为“我可以再吃点吗?”,故选D。)

②bring及物动词,意为“带来;取来”常与here连用;其反义词是take,意为“拿走;带走”,常与there,away(take away拿走,带走)连用。短语:bring sth./sb.to …意为“把某物/某人带(来)到……”;take sth./sb.to …意为“把某物/某人带(去)到……”。例如:Why don’t you bring your camera to the party?你为什么不把你的照相机带来参加聚会?She brought her friend to the party.她带着朋友来参加聚会。Please take these books to the libruary.请把这些书带到图书馆。Take your umbrella with you when you go.你走时带上你的伞。

【一言辨异】Take this empty box away and bring me a full one.把这个空盒子拿走,给我拿个满的来。

Please bring your

family photo here.

His father often

takes him to the zoo on


The box is too heavy for the boy to carry. Please fetch some chairs from the next room. 对那个男孩来说,这个箱子太重了,他搬不动。请到隔壁房间拿几把椅子来(fetch =get) 【试题链接】Why don’t you your friends to the party?I want to meet them.





(Why don’t you do sth.?相当于Why not do sth.?故排除B、C两项;bring意为“带来”;take意为“带走”。由句意“你为什么不把你的朋友们带来参加晚会呢?我想见见他们。”知选A。)

12.Oh,and we also have to be quiet in the libruary.


【重点注释】①have to意为“不得不,必须”,指客观上要求不得不……,有时态、人称和数的变化。当主语是第三人称单数时,用has to;一般过去时用had to。have to的一般现在时句型结构为:肯定句:主语+have/has to+动词原形……;否定句:主语+don’t/doesn’t+have to+动词原形……;一般疑问句:Do/Does+主语+have to+动词原形……?回答:Yes,主语+do/does.No,主语+don’t/doesn’t. must“必须”,指主观愿望,自觉地去做某事。例如:I must do homework now.我得做作业了(主动自觉去做)。

②quiet形容词,意为“安静的”,通常在句中作定语或表语。其反义词是noisy,意为“吵闹的”。quiet的副词形式是quietly,意为“安静地”。例如:Be quiet,please!请安静!He lives in a quiet place.他住在一个安静的地方。Don’t be noisy.You must be quiet.不要吵,你一定要保持安静。He closed the door quietly.他悄悄地关上了门。I open the door quietly.我悄悄地打开门。

【拓展记忆】1)be quiet相当于keep quiet。例如:I don’t know anything about it so I just kept quiet.我对那事一无所知,所以我一声也没有吭。quite意为“很,非常”,相当于very。


牛津英语七年级(下)期中测试二.笔试部分(120分) I.单项选择(20分) ()21. I don‘t like summer because there is____rain. A. much too B. too many C. too much D. many too ()22. Anna speaks quietly, so____students in our class hear her. A. few B. many C. all D.most ()23. My little brother went to school____it rained heavily. A. but B. although C.if D. because ()24. Which number is the closest to 1? A. 0.9 B. 0.87 C.1.5 D. 1.05 ()25. Thank you very much____me the good idea. A. to tell B. for tell C.for telling D. your telling ()26. Lin Tao and Li Ming____good at schoolwork.. A. is both B. all are C. are all D. are both ()27. Do you enjoy____in China? A. live B. to live C. living D. lives ( ) 28.--______ does your father do morning exercises?—Hardly ever. A. How B. How often C. When D. What time ( ) 29._____is important for us _______sports every day A. It; do B. That; to do C. This; to do D. It; to do. ( ) 30. --- _____________ ? – I have a sore back. A. What‘s the wrong B. What‘s matter C. What‘s trouble D. What‘s wrong ( ) 31. Mr Green ______for America the day after tomorrow. A. left B. leaves C. is leaving D. is going to leave ( ) 32. I‘m hungry. Would you please give me ______to eat? A. delicious something B. something delicious C. anything delicious D. nothing delicious ( ) 33.Tom goes to school ________every day. A. by a bus B. by his bike C. by buses D. on foot


Teaching Plan 学校:云南师范大学 学院:外国语学院 专业:英语教育 姓名:单坤妍&曹慧仙 学号:114050282&114050281 2013年10月19日星期六

Teaching Plan Name : Shan Kunyan & Cao Huixian No: 114050282& 114050281 Teaching Materials:Go for It (Unit 6 : Do you like bananas ?) ( period: 1 ) Students’ level : Junior 1 1:Teaching content :SectionA(1a-1c) (1)Vocabulary: food, hamburger, tomato, ice-scream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, ,apple, banana (2)Structure : Yes/No questions and short answers Affirmative and negative statement Examples : Do you like bananas? Yes , I do ./No , I don’t. Do you like salad ? Yes , I do ./No , I don’t. 2:Teaching aim : (1) To learn to use words about some foods . (2) To enable students to ask and answer easy questions about likes and dislikes . 3: Function : Talk about likes and dislikes about foods . 4: Teaching methods : 3P model 5: Teaching aids: pictures , real objects , stick figures 6: Teaching Time: 45 minutes


七年级英语下册语法总结 七年级下英语语法——词法 1.名词 名词的数我们知道名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词,而不可数名词它没有复数形式,但可数名词却有单数和复数之分,复数的构成如下: ●在后面加s。如:fathers, books, Americans, Germans, apples, bananas ●x, sh, ch, s, tch后加es。如:boxes, glasses, dresses, watches, wishes, faxes ●以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es 如:baby-babies, family-families, duty-duties, comedy-comedies, documentary-documentaries, story-stories ●以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s。如:day-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, ways 2. 以o结尾加s(外来词)。如:radios, photos, 但如是辅音加o的加es:如: tomatoes西红柿, potatoes马铃薯 3. 以f或fe结尾的变f为v再加es(s)。如:knife-knives, wife-wives, half-halves, shelf-shelves, leaf-leaves, yourself-yourselves 4. 单复数相同(不变的)有:fish, sheep, deer鹿子, Chinese, Japanese 5. 一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people,pants, shorts, shoes, glasses, gloves, clothes, socks 6. 单词形式不变,既可以是单数也可以是复数的有:police警察局,警察, class班,同学, family家,家庭成员 7. 合成的复数一般只加主要名词,多数为后一个单词。如:action movie-action movies, pen pal-pen pals; 但如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数则同时为复数。如:man doctor-men doctors, woman teacher-women teachers 8. 有的单复数意思不同。如:fish鱼fishes鱼的种类, paper纸papers报纸,卷子,论文, work工作works作品,工厂, glass玻璃glasses玻璃杯,眼镜, orange桔子水oranges橙子, light 光线lights灯, people人peoples民族, time时间times时代, 次数, chicken 鸡肉chickens 小鸡 9. 单个字母的复数可以有两种形式直接加s或’s。如:Is (I’s), Ks (K’s)。但如是缩略词则只加s。如:IDs, VCDs, SARs 10. 特殊形式的有:child-children, man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, mouse-mice, policeman-policemen, Englishman-EnglishmenB)名词的格当我们要表示某人的什么东西或人时,我们就要使用所有格形式。构成如下: ●单数在后面加’s。如:brother’s, Mike’s, teacher’s ●复数以s结尾的直接在s后加’,如果不是以s结尾的与单数一样处理。如:Teachers’ Day 教师节, classmates’; Children’s Day六一节, Wom en’s Day三八节 ●由and并列的名词所有时,如果是共同所有同一人或物时,只加最后一个’s,但分别拥 有时却分别按单数形式处理。如:Mike and Ben’s room迈克和本的房间(共住一间),Mike’s and Ben’s rooms迈克和本的房间(各自的房间) 11. 代词项目人称代词物主代词指示代词反身代词人称主格宾格形容词名词性第一人称单数I me my mine myself复数we us our ours ourselves第二人称单数you you your yours yourself复数you you your yours yourselves第三人称单数she her her hers herselfhe him his his himselfit it its its this that itself复数they them their theirs these those themselves3、动词A)第三人称单数当动词是第三人称单数时,动词应该像名词的单数变动词那样加s,如下:


人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案 Period One 教学目标: 1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! 2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 教学重点、难点: 1.词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Hello! Good morning! 教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. 课前—上课铃响教师就播放Good morning歌曲。 2. 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。 Step 2. Play a game. 绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。通过这个游戏首先可以锻炼他们迅速反应的能力;以英语名字作为奖励(老师提前准备好很多的英文名字),也使学生较有新鲜感,让他们自己选择自己的名字,使他们会更容易记住自己的名字。Play the game like this: Teacher says a letter, for example C, then let the Students tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first. Step 3. Presentation 1.用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。 2.出示Bob的图片,帮学生说Hello, Bob! 或 Good morning, Bob! 然后利用其他图片介绍其他七位人物的名字。 Step 4. Game 在幻灯片上通过闪现头像来测试学生对这八个人物的特征和名字的记忆,然后出示7位人物的头像,让同学们看看少了哪一位人物的头像,有助于锻炼他们的反应力和注意力。获胜者也以英语名字作为奖励。Step 5. Presentation. 出示Bob头像和时钟(早上),让同学们猜Bob会对我们说什么。然后帮助同学们练习说Hello!或者 Good morning!通过图画上的场景让学生进行猜测,满足学生的好奇心,也让他们了解Good morning的使用。


新课标人教版初中英语七年级下册英语精品试题及答案本试卷满分95分考试时间90分钟 第一卷(选择题共40分) 一.单项选择(每小题1分共 15分) 21.Bob couldn’t buy the dictionary becuase he had___money with him. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 22.The old teacher is a friend_____. A my brother’s B my brother C of my brother’s D of a brother 23.----Did you see the football match last night? -----Yes,I have never seen____. A such a B so a C such an D so an 24.----Is that red bike Miss Gao’s? -----Yes,it is____. Bautiful,is’t it? A his B our’s C hers Dshe’s 25.If you want to book a round-trip ticket,you will have to pay___200yuan. A more B other C the other D another 26.That’s the only thing_____can’t be forgotten in my life. A that B which C who D \ 27.Since you are______trouble, why not ask_____help. A in,for B in,to C with,for D with,to 28.It’s raining so____that we can____go out. A hard,hard B hardly,hardly C hard,hardly D hardly,hard 29.She prefers_____rather than_____. A write,read B to write,read C to write,to write D write,to read 30.----Do you know_____man on TV? -----Yes,he is_____active person. A the,the B a,an C the,an Da,the 31.Personal computers_____in1976,It has changed the whole world. A invented B are invented C have been invented D were invented 32._____he is only 8 years old,he knows more about science than his father. A but B though C so D because 33.-----Did you arrive late? ------No,I just managed______. A to make B to get it C to make it D to make them 34.His parents were worried that he____too much time chatting on line. A spend B cost C paid D had


七年级英语下期末测试卷 Ⅰ.选择填空(30分) ( )1.He likes interesting things with other people. A.to talk to B.to talk about C.to talk with D.discuss ( )2.Steve down and did the reading an hour ago. A.sit B.sits C.sitting D.sat ( )3.What about a walk after dinner? A.take B.took C.taking D.takes ( )4.We London. https://www.360docs.net/doc/2c2950987.html,es from B.are from C.be from D.was from ( )5.Do you want home now? A.go B.going C.to go D.to go to ( )6.They enjoy football every weekend. A.play B.playing C.to play D.plays ( )7.----What your parents ? ----They are both doctors. A.does, do B.do, do C.are, doing D.job, do ( )8.----Where is Gina? ----She . A.likes football B.often plays soccer C.is a good player D.is playing soccer ( )9.----How’s it ? ---Not bad. A.go B.going C.goes D.went ( )10.----I am going to Beijing for a holiday. ---- . A.Goodbye B.You are right C.It’s good D.Have a good time ( )11.The girl like her mother. She is short and heavy,but her mother is tall and thin. A.isn’t B.aren’t C.don’t D.doesn’t ( )12.Can you give me ?


新目标人教版英语七下 全册教案 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? Language goals: ●In this unit students learn to talk about countries, nationalities and languages. ●Ask and tell where people live. New languages: ●Where’s he / she from? ●He / She is from Australia / England / China / France / Singapore / Australia. ●Where does he / she live? He / She lives in Sydney. ●What language do you speak? I speak English. ●What’s your / his / her favorite subj ect? ●My / His / Her favorite subject is English. ●Does he / she have any brothers and sisters? Yes, he/ she does. / No, he / she doesn’t. Difficult points: 1. Listening for the information about countries, nationalities and languages. Write an e-mail about oneself. Describe the new students in class. 2. Where questions with from Where questions with live What questions Teaching aids: ● A tape recorder Teaching periods: ●Period 1:Section A中1a, 1b, 1c ●Period 2:Section A中2a, 2b, 2c,2d ●Period 3:Section A中3a, 3b, 4


新目标七年级暑期第一次测试 基础知识运用 六.选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) A.选出划线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换划线部分的选项。(共4小题,每小题1分,计4分) 31.Sorry, we are short of fish. ()32.What else did he say? ()33.we have no idea about the music festival. ()34.My parents aren’t at home. B.以下各题的A,B,C三个选中选出正确答案。 ()35.The girl with __________ umbrella is wearing __________ uniform of this middle school. A.an ; an B.a;an C.an;a ()36.---What did you do __________last weekend. ---I washed my father’s car __________ Sunday afternoon. A.on;on B./;on C.for;/ ()37.Things in the museum are __________ so I’m not __________ them. A.b boring;interested in B.excellent;getting popular C.interesting;interested in ()38.the dog was __________ when it cross the road. A.dangerous B.danger C.in danger ()39.---Could you tell him to call me back? --- __________ A.Sure,no problem B.No,I couldn’t. C.It’s my pleasure. ()40.---Mom remember to wake me up at 6 a.m. I have an important meeting. --- __________ A.Yes, pleasure. B.It’s hard to say. C.OK,I will. ()41.It’s raining heavily. __________go to the restaurant, Sandy. A.Why not B.Why don’t C.Would you like ()42.She worked __________ a waitress and every day, she needs 20 minutes to go to work__________. A.to; in bus B.like;take the bus C.as;by bus ()43.He __________ his home 5 years ago and he always __________ his family. A.leave;misses B.forgot;missed C.left;misses ()44.You must tell your parents __________. A.who you went with B.who did you go with C.who with you go ()45. __________number of the tall buildings in my hometown ________growing. A.The;is B.The;are C.A;is ()46.I’m new __________, I don’t know the way __________. A.in a town;on the station B.in town;to the station C.in a town;between the station C. 补全对话。(共4小题,每题1分,计4分) Tim:Hey,Ken! Summer holiday is coming! Ken:Yeah! __________ Tim:Well,I am going to Taiwan with my classmates.


七年级(下)期末试卷 英语 一、选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案. 14.(1分)Our classroom building has floors.Our class is on the floor.()A.three;third B.three;three C.third;third 15.(1分)My sister songs very well.She an English song at my birthday party yesterday evening.() A.sings;is singing B.sings;sang C.sang;sang 16.(1分)﹣Look at the sign,"No Parking". ﹣Oh,sorry.I see it.() A.don't B.didn't C.can't 17.(1分)My father is always .He has no time to help with my homework.()A.kind B.smart C.busy 18.(1分)﹣Do you want me to help you,Tom? ﹣No,thanks.I can make it .() A.myself B.himself C.yourself 19.(1分)You'd better on the bus.It's bad for your eyes.()A.read B.to read C.not read 20.(1分)your warm clothes.It's very cold today.() A.Put up B.Put on C.Put away 21.(1分)﹣How do you usually go to work? ﹣I usually go to work because it's easy to park.() A.by plane B.by bike C.by subway 22.(1分)﹣do you go to the library? ﹣Once a week.() A.How often B.How many C.How long 23.(1分)﹣May I use your eraser?


.初中英语人教版新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 3 How do you get to school?sectionA(2a-2e) 课例分析 一。对教学内容的反思 (一).教材分析:本课位于七年级英语下册第单三元的第二节。 1.主要通过学习出行方式 2.掌握重点句型 1.how far is it from…to…? It’s… 2.how long does it take …to…?it takes sb some time to do (二)学情分析: 1.出行方式比较贴近生活。 2. how far,how long 开头的句子及答语学生应用比较难,学习相对困难。 (三)教学目标:根据教材内容和学生情况确定以下几方面的教学目标。 1. 知识与技能 掌握本课的词汇和重点句型并学会应用 2.过程与方法 提高学生的听,说,读,写及培养学生运用所学知识,解决实际问题的能力。 3.情感态度与价值观能力。 使学生在人际交往中学会尊重,学会沟通,更学会交换不同的看法以增进情谊。 (四)教学重点:1本课词汇。 2. 运用主要语言结构:1.how far is it from…to…? It’s… 2.how long does it take …to…?it takes sb some time to do (五)教学难点:运用主要语言结构: 1.how far is it from…to…? It’s… 2.how long does it take …to…?it takes sb some time to do 二、对教学过程的反思在教授这一课时,我积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,以小组合作探究为主,学生为主体,教师为主导,以交流型课堂为特征,以激发学生的学习兴趣为为核心,以“让学生动起来,课堂活起来,效果好起来”为宗旨,对本堂课的教学进行了如下设计: 根据本课的学习内容分为自主学习,合作探究; 交流展示,精讲点拨;听力训练,能力提升;知识总结,系列训练当堂达标;教学反思。几个部分组成 (一)、情景导入、明确目标 【预习指导】自我预习: 一、扫清障碍 根据音标读出2a---2e的单词。 二、课本预习: 熟读2a 并完成填空,复习数词 熟读并翻译2e和grammar focus 组织2d对话。 三,预习效果检查。 1,写出基数词1----21 2,写出20------100(整十) 3,写出并读出下列单词或短语 分钟千米,公里每天新的,刚出现 骑自行车多远多久一百祝你玩得愉快 我不很肯定


My daughter I have a good daughter. She is a lovely girl. Her Chinese name is Wu Yu and her English name is Angelia. Now she is eight years old. Her birthday is on April 17th. She lives in Chengdu. She likes pink and white best. She has a good eating habit. She eats healthy food every day. For breakfast, she has an egg, some milk , two pieces of bread and some fruit. She has lunch at school, she likes chicken and some vegetables. For dinner, she likes some vegetables like carrots, tomatoes and broccoli(西兰花),but she doesn't like eating meat because she doesn't want to be fat. She has lots of hobbies. She likes doing sports. Ping-pong is her favorite sport. She often plays it with her father on weekends. She loves drawing, dancing and reading. And she is good at telling stories (讲故事). She wants to be a dance instructor (舞蹈老师)one day. From Monday to Friday, she has classes at school. Her first class begins at 8:00 and her last class finishes at 4:30. She thinks math is difficult but useful. And her math teacher is very kind and often helps her with math. So math is her favorite subject. At school, she has lots of good friends. She often plays with them after class. This is my daughter. Do you want to make friends with her? Task One 根据内容填写表格


This is a __________1 of Obama's family.This man __________2 Mr.Obama.__________3 is the two girls' father.__________4 woman is Mrs.Obama.__________5 is the two girls' mother.Who __________6 this girl and __________7 girl? This __________8 is Malia Obama, Mr.Obama's _________9 daughter.That girl is Natasha Obama, Mr.Obama's second daughter.Malia is __________10 elder sister.Natasha is the younger sister.They are beautiful. 1.A.map B.book C.photo D.room 2.A.am B.is C.are D.be 3.A.Her B.She C.His D.He 4.A.This B.These C.A D.An 5.A.Her B.She C.His D.He 6.A.am B.is C.are D.be 7.A.a B.an C.that D.these 8.A.boy B.boys C.girl D.girls 9.A.one B.first C.No.One D.firstly 10.A.the B.a C.an D./

答案 1.C点拨:a photo of 一张……的照片。 2.B点拨:用主谓一致法。主语This man是第三人称单数,故be 动词用is。 3.D点拨:用常识法。代指Mr.Obama用人称代词He。 4.A点拨:用句意理解法。句意:这个女人是奥巴马夫人。This 用于指代或修饰单数名词,故选A。25.B 6.C点拨:用主谓一致法。and连接前后两个并列的主语,故be 动词用are。7.C 8.C 9.B点拨:用前后关联法。此处first与下句中的second相对应,first daughter意为“第一个女儿”。 10.A点拨:用前后关联法。由下句中的the younger sister可知,此处要用the elder sister表示“姐姐”。


内容部分: 一:人教版初一初二初三各单元标题梳理 二:各单元单词汇总 三:初一初二初三全册词汇均有;请进入作者主页查看 四:配套单词音频朗读和视频;进入作者主页查看人教版七年级上册英语目录 Starter Unit 1 Good morning! Starter Unit 2 What's this in English? Starter Unit 3 What color is it? Unit 1 My name's Gina. Unit 2 This is my sister. Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag? Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Unit 7 How much are these socks? Unit 8 When is your birthday? Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 人教版七年级下册英语目录 Unit 1 Can you playthe guitar? Unit 2 What timedo you go toschool? Unit 3 How do youget to school?Unit 4 Don’t eatin class. Unit 5 Why do you Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Unit 7 It’s raining! Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Unit 9 What does helook pke? Unit 10 I’d pkesome noodles. Unit 11 How was yourschool trip? Unit 12 What didyou do lastweekend 人教版单词-七年级上册 Starter Unit 1 good /gud/ adj. 好的 morning /'m?:ni?/ n. 早晨;上午 Good morning! 早上好! hi /hai/ interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂 hello /h?'l?u/ interj. 你好;喂 afternoon /,a:ft?'nu:n/ n. 下午 Good afternoon! 下午好! evening /'i:vni?/ n. 晚上;傍晚 Good evening! 晚上好! how /hau/ adv. 怎样;如何 are /a:/ v. 是 you /ju:/ pron. 你;你们 How are you? 你好吗?


初中英语七年级下册教案 Unit1 Where is your pen pal from? Teaching Goal: Topic:Countries, nationalities, and languages General aims: A. Talk about where people are from B. Talk about nationality, nation and language C. Talk about where people live Functions: Talk about countries, nationalities and languages Ask and tell about where people live Target language: A. Language Focus. (1). Talk about nationality, peoples and languages/ (2). Ask and answer where people live. B. Language goals (1). Change your own information with your pen pals. (2). Ask some questions using where. (3). Ask words somebody talk about. C. Language structure: Where’s/Where’re ...from? Where does/do ...from? What questions----What language does/do ...speak? D. Language points: Where is she from? She is from.... Where does she live? She lives in.... What language does she speak? She speaks.... Vocabulary:Words about countries, languages Teaching design:The whole unit needs 5 periods, 4 for new lessons and 1 for test Period 1 ( 1a----Grammar Focus ) Key points: Where is your/John's pen pal from? He/She is from... Where does he/she live? He/She lives in.... Pre-task (Homework for preview):


七年级英语人教版 (上册) Unit 1 My name is Gina be 动词的用法 Unit 2 Is this your pencil 代词的用法(人称代词和物主代词) Unit 3 This is my sister 名词的复数用法(一) Unit 4 Where is my backpack 介词短语的用法(on,in,under,behind,next to,between)Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 动词have的用法。 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 动词like的用法和一般现在时的用法 Unit 7 How much are these pants? 数词的用法 Unit 8 When is your birthday 序数词的用法 Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie 表达愿意、爱好和want的用法 Unit 10 Can you play the guitar 情态动词can的用法 Unit 11 What time do you go to school 时刻表达法和感叹句的用法 Unit 12 My favorite subject is science 特殊疑问词的用法 (下册) Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from? 一般现在时 Unit2 Where is the post office? There be 句型 Unit3 Why do you like koalas? 形容词的用法 Unit4 I want to be an actor 动词不定式的用法 Unit5 I am watching TV 现在进行时 Unit6 It’sraining! 关于天气的日常用语,关于现在进行时 Unit7 What does he look like? 动词Have的用法,描述人的外貌 Unit8 I’d like some noodles? 可数名词和不可数名词的用法 Unit 9 How was your weekend?
