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Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
1、单数:___egg, ___green desk, ____orange, _____yellow orange, ___interesting film, ___ eight-year-old boy
2、复数:词尾加 s 或 es
规则:bus, box; tomato, potato; radio, photo,piano; match, watch; wish, brush; baby,factory,party; monkey , day; life,thief, knife; 不规则:man, woman, child, foot, tooth, mouse, Chinese, Japanese,fish, sheep, deer 复合名词: A. Boy friend_____, apple tree______ B. Man doctor______, woman engineer_______
名词的可数与不可数 1、物质名词与抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,为不 可数名词。 不可数名词前不能加冠词a 或an来表示量, 也没有复数形式。要表示“一个(只,块, 张。。。)”的概念,须加 a piece of … , a bowl of …, a drop of …等。表示“一些,许多” 可用:some, any, a little, little, a lot of ,lots of , much, 等
2、集体名词象people, police,trousers, scissors只有复数 形式。Family, class等指个体成员时为——,指整体时 为——— 3、有的名词在表示某一词义时是可数名词,而表示另 一词义时又是不可数名词。
Glass, chicken, paper, exercise, orange
个体名词:nurse, house, horse, apple, pen
名 词 的 种 类
可数: 集体名词:people, family, class, trousers 物质名词: water, paper, air, milk
抽象名词: work, housework, homework, information, news, weather
A. many, many B. many, much C. much, many D. much, much
8. He doesn't know ____ English because he has studied it for only ____ weeks. A. much, a few B. little, few C. few, a little D. a few, a little
9. I asked her for ____water, but she didn’t have ___. A. any, some B. any, any C. some, some D. some, any 10. I can’t play because I have ____work to do and ___ books to read.
A. ten-days B. ten days’ C. ten day D. ten day’s
2. I don’t know whose motorbike it is. It might be my ______. \ A. neighbor’s B. neighbours’ C. neighbour D. neighbours 3.______it is ! A. What a fine weather B. What fine weather C. How fine weather D. How fine a weather 4. ______ are watching TV now. A. Mr. Green B. The Green C. The Greens D. Mrs. Green
5. Do you have ____ time to take some exercise? A. some B. many C. any D. a few
6. Sam is ____. But he is studying in China. A. England B. Englishman C. an English D. English 7. I am very thirty. Would you please bring me some_____? A. rices B. cakes C. orange D. a piece of bread
复 数 的 构 成
1、which of the following words are countable, which are uncountable? Give both the single forms and plural forms
Work, music, milk, homework,chalk, child, stamp, watch, match, housework, life, knife, man, policeman, news, paper, tomato, tooth, sheep, coffee, factory, tea, photo, boy, piano,mouse, photo, month, vegetable, newspaper, people, message, information, wolf, wife 2. Put the following into English 两张纸,一个姑娘的名字, 汤姆叔叔是 我爸爸的一位朋友, 二十分钟的走路路 程,这家医院有63名女医生和100男 医生,这是Sue 和Susan共有的房间 3. choice 1). During the _____trip, the children learnt a lot