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六年级英语讲学稿Unit 2 What’s the matter,Mike? 第六课时

执笔:丛丽梅审核:马芳课型:新授课时:1 时间:xx.3.21


能够听说认读Let’s read部分,并能回答短文后的问题。


重点是能听说认读Let’s read部分的故事并回答问题。

难点是能充分理解并大致讲述Let’s read的故事。



1天气____________ 2 比赛__________ 3 在…(两者)之间________ 4 传递;通过,及格_______ 5踢______________ 6(球赛等)得分________ 7反弹__________ 8离开_______________ 9猜测_____________

10 赢__________ 11 比赛_________

12 因…而发笑_________ __________

二读课本21页Let’s read, 在文中找出下列短语,并译成汉语。

1 between …and __________________

2 pass… to ________________

3 fly… into __________________

4 a little ________________

5 bounce off __________________

6 laugh at _______________

7 football match __________________ 8 kick the ball _______________

9 funny goal __________________ 10 another goal ______________

11 win the game __________________ 12 a llittle angry _______________

13 at the end of _____________________ 14 Class 2 ___________________

三把课本21页Let’s read 译成汉语。

第一段:______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 第二段:_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 第三段:_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 第四段:

_____________________________________________________________________ 四读课本21页Let’s read,回答以下问题。

1 How do the students feel when the football game starts?

_____________________________________________________________________ 2 How does John feel when the ball hits his head?

____________________________________________________________________ 3 How does Class 3 feel at the end of the game?

____________________________________________________________________ 教学过程:

1 复习

How are you feeling?

Do you like sports?

What’s your favourite sport?

Do you like football?

What class are you in?

What class is ……in?(询问别班的同学)

2 T:(呈现图片)Look, This is Zhang Peng. This is John. What class is Zhang Peng/John in? There is a football match between Class 1 and Class 3.Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies into the goal. (用简笔画出一个龙门)。Which class won the game?

How many goals did they get?

Who get the first goal?

Who got the second goal?

How did they get the second goal?

3 教师放Let’s read 的录音,学生听录音,理解课文,完成句子练习。教师检查。

4 教师放录音,学生跟读两遍后全班齐读。

5 总结所学内容。


一根据课本21页Let’s read内容填空,每空一词。

It’s__________ __________. The weather _______ fine. There ia a football match _______ Class 1 _______ Class 3. They are excited.

Now John _______ the ball. He _________ it ________ Mike. Mike ________ the ball. It’s a ________.

Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He kicks it. The ball _________ __________ John’s face!John is_____ ________ angry. But the ball _______________his head. It ______ ______ the goal. ________
