









XYZ:6、海中之蛇:海蛇海蛇亦称"青环海蛇",是生活在海洋里的爬行动物。有毒,长1.5-2米,其躯干略呈圆筒形,体细长,后端及尾侧扁,背部深灰色。海蛇的食法很多,海蛇肉可清蒸、红烧、煲汤。其中海蛇炖火鸡是有名的"龙凤汤"。海蛇肉煲粥是清凉解毒之美食佳肴,海蛇汤鲜甜可口,海蛇酒可作为驱风活血、止痛良药。X Y:7、海中之马:海马。









英语中的十二生肖 “生肖”是代替十二地支、用来表示人们出生的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人属兔。“生肖”也就是俗话说的“属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座(双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、室女座、天秤座、天蝎座、人马座、摩羯麻、宝瓶座)。 英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,表达为“What animal sign were you born under? 你属什么?I was born in the year of the Cock / Mine is the Cock. 我属鸡。”汉语中,人们往往以十二生肖中的动物来比喻人,即把不同(性格、特征、习性等)的人比作动物,如常以“毒如蛇蝎”,“笨猪”、“胆小如鼠”来比喻心毒手辣的人、笨人、胆小怯懦的人等。英语中同样可用十二生肖中的动物喻人,其所表达的意思更加广泛而有趣。现简述如下: 一、鼠——Rat 英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人,告密者,密探,破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生。 当看到smell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在做错某事。a rat race 则表示激烈的竞争。rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。) 二、牛——Ox 涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。英语中涉及“Ox”的表达方式则不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短语The black Ox has trod on sb's foot. 表示灾祸已降临到某人头上。 三、虎——Tiger 指凶恶的人,虎狼之徒;英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛的劲敌。中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人。词组ride the tiger表示以非常不确定或危险的方式生活。


十二生肖在英文中的寓意 “生肖”是代替十二地支、用来表示人们出生的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人属兔。“生肖”也就是俗话说的“属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座(双鱼座、白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮子座、室女座、天秤座、天蝎座、人马座、摩羯麻、宝瓶座)。 当询问个人出生的属相时,英语表达为What animal sign were you born under ?(你属什么?)答语可以是:I was born in the year of the Cock 或 Mine is the Cock。(我属鸡。) 十二生肖的12种动物用英语说是:鼠:Rat,牛:Ox,虎:Tiger,兔:Hare,龙:Dragon ,蛇:Snake,马:Horse,羊:Sheep,猴:Monkey,鸡:Cock,狗:Dog,猪:Boar。汉语中,人们往往以十二生肖中的动物来比喻人,即把不同(性格、特征、习性等)的人比作动物,如常以“毒如蛇蝎”,“笨猪”、“胆小如鼠”来分别比喻心毒手辣的人、笨人、胆小怯懦的人等。英语中同样可用十二生肖中的动物喻人,其所表达的意思更加广泛而有趣。 一、鼠——Rat 英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人,告密者,密探,破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生、下流女人。 当看到smell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在做错某事。a rat race则表示激烈的竞争。Rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。) 二. 牛——Ox 涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。英语中涉及“Ox”的表达方式则不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短语The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示灾祸已降临到某人头上。 三. 虎——Tiger 虎指凶恶的人,虎狼之徒;英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛的劲敌。中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人。词组ride the tiger表示以非常不确定或危险的方式生活。 四. 兔——Hare 在英国俚语中,hare指坐车不买票的人。与hare组成的词组有:make a hare of sb。愚弄某人。start a hare,在讨论中提出枝节问题。例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting。每次讨论你都提出与题无关的问题。 英语中有许多关于兔的谚语,如: 1. First catch your hare。勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)。 2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounds。不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)。 五. 龙——Dragon 龙在中国人民的心目中占有崇高的位置,有关龙的成语非常多,且含有褒义。如“龙跃凤鸣”、“龙骧虎步”等。在英语中,赞扬龙的词语非常之少,且含有贬义。如“dragon”指凶暴的人,严厉的人,凶恶严格的监护人,凶恶的老妇人(尤指很少给在其看管下姑娘自由的老妇人)等。以dragon组成的词组也多含贬义。如dragon’s teeth :相互争斗的根源; the old Dragon:魔鬼。 六. 蛇——Snake


Chinese Zodiac Stories There are many legends and mythology related to Chinese zodiac and there are various versions and stories popular in different regions. Why were there twelve animals in the zodiac calendar and how did the scheme order come from? Here are the most well-know stories, as an important part of Chinese zodiacal culture. Order of the Animals This is the most widespread legend about Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor (The Emperor in Heaven in Chinese folklore) ordered that animals would be designated as calendar signs and the twelve that arrived first would be selected. At that time, the cat and the rat were good friends and neighbors. When they heard of this news, the cat said to the rat: 'We should arrive early to sign up, but I usually get up late.' The rat then promised to awaken his friend and go together. However, on the morning when he got up, he was too excited to recall his promise, and went directly to the gathering place. On the way, he encountered the tiger, ox, horse, and other animals that ran much faster. In order not to fall behind them, he thought up a good idea. He made the straightforward ox carry him on condition that he sang for the ox. At last, the ox and him arrived first. The ox was happy thinking that he would be the first sign of the years, but the rat had already slid in front, and became the first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac. Meanwhile his neighbor the cat was too late so when it finally arrived, the selection was over. That's why


与十二生肖有关的一些英语词组。 一、鼠(rat) 生肖中的"鼠"用rat这个单词来表达。 a rat leaving a sinking ship 不能共患难的人 Rats desert a sinking ship. 树倒猢狲散。 like a drowned rat 湿透了,像落汤鸡一样 like a rat in a hole 瓮中之鳖一般 rat out 夹着尾巴走、在尴尬中离去 have a rat in a garret 想入非非,在口语中表示难以实现的梦想 die like a rat 被毒死 smell a rat 感到不妙,感到可疑 Rats!胡说八道!(具有斥责、生气的意味) A rat race 激烈的竞争(尤指为保住职位和地位) 另外,表示"鼠"的单词还有mouse(复数为mice)。下面则是使用mouse这个单词的词组。 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 like a drowned mouse 狼狈不堪 play cat and mouse with sb. 对某人时好时坏 quiet as a mouse 不出声,无声响 二、牛(ox) 首先需要说明的是,ox是不分性别的牛的统称。 The black ox has trod on somebody's foot. 灾祸已经降临到某人头上了

ox-eyed 大眼睛的 而bull则表示公牛。 a bull in a china shop 鲁莽冲撞的人 throw the bull (美国俚语)一派胡言,胡言乱语,吹牛 take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 like a bull at a gate 狂怒地、凶猛地 milk the bull 做毫无意义的事情、徒劳无益 cow是"母牛、奶牛"。 till the cows come home 永远都不可能地 a sacred cow 可用于比喻神圣不可侵犯的人或事 三、虎(tiger) fight like a tiger 极力攻击某人或保护自己 a paper tiger 纸老虎 catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 四、兔(rabbit) like rabbits in a warren 挤得水泄不通 五、龙(dragon) 在西方国家,龙的形象与中国大有不同,这种差异在有关dragon 的英语词组的含义中充分体现出来了。在中国,龙是吉祥如意之兆,是历代帝王的象征,有神圣不可侵犯的感觉,正如印度人视牛为神圣的动物一样(正是前文提到的a sacred cow)。 但是,在西方国家,龙却被视为凶猛狠毒的动物。也正因此,我们所熟悉的"亚洲四小龙"的称呼,在英语中并不使用dragon这个单词,而是用tiger,成为"Asian Tigers"。


Character of Persons under Each Sign Year of the Rat –1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044 People under the rat sign are usually smart 聪明and willing to accumulate wealth and to make efforts to be successful成功. Throughout their lives, there will be many other people who can bring great fortune to them. Thus despite timidity胆小,most of them are happy 开朗and harmonious幽默with others. Compatibility - Best match: dragon, monkey, ox; Avoid: sheep, horse, rabbit, rooster Year of the Ox - 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045 People born in this year are probably honest诚实, laborious勤劳, patient耐心, obstinate倔强 (牛脾气), and poor at communication不 善与人沟通. Leaders in their career may not discover their abilities. In their old age, they would be bestowed with happiness. Women are usually good wives who pay attention to children's education,but are likely to believe others' cajolery容易听信别人的甜言蜜语, so should be cautious. Compatibility - Best match: rat, snake, rooster; Avoid: dragon, horse, sheep, dog, rabbit Year of the Tiger - 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046 People born in the year of the tiger are tolerant宽


十二生肖在英语中的寓意 志达学校郭玉双 “生肖”是人们用十二地支来表示他们出生年份的十二种动物,即鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪。如寅年出生的人属虎,卯年出生的人鼠兔。“ 生肖” 即“属相”,是中国人特有的一种 表示出生时间的方式,相当于西方的黄道十二星座(双鱼座,白羊座,金牛座,双子座,巨蟹座,狮子座, 室女座,天平座,天蝎座,人马座,摩羯座,宝瓶座)。 谈及个人出生的属相时,英语的表达方式为:“ What animal sign were you born under?(你属什么?)”“ I was born in the year of the Cock/Mine is the Cock.(我属鸡。)”将十二种动物译成英语时,应为:鼠:Rat,牛:Ox,虎:Tiger,兔:Hare,龙:Dragon, 蛇:Sn ake,马:Horse,羊:Sheep,猴:Mon key,鸡:Cock,狗:Dog,猪:Boar. 在中国,人们往往用这十二种动物来比喻人。英语中同样可用十二生肖中的动物喻人,其所表达的意思更加广泛而有趣。现简述如下: 一.鼠____ Rat:英语中用Rat比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人,告密者,密探等。“ rats Desert a sinking ship ”(船沉鼠先逃)这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲的老远 的人。 二.牛___Ox: 涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多。英语涉及的表达方式则不多。用ox-eyed 形容一个人的眼睛大;用“ The black ox has trod on sb ' foot ”则表示“灾祸已降临到某人的头 上” 。 三.虎__Tiger :通常指凶恶的人,虎狼之徒。英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛中的劲敌。中国人和东南亚国家的人常以“ Paper tiger ”比喻“貌似强大而实际虚弱的敌人”。“ ride the tiger ”表示“以非常不确定或危险的方式生活” 。 四.兔一Hare :在英国俚语中,指坐车不买票的人。英语中有许多关于兔的谚语,例 如: 1.First catch your hare. 勿谋之过早。(意指不要过于乐观) 2.You can ' t run with the hare and hunt with hounds. 不能两面讨好。(意指 不要 耍两面派。) 五.龙一Dragon :龙在中国人的心目中占有很崇高的地位,含有龙的成语也非常 多而且都含有褒义。在外国语言中,赞扬龙的词语非常少,且都含有贬义。如:drag_ on 指凶暴的人,严厉的人,凶恶严厉的监护人或凶恶的老妇人等。以dragon 组成的词语也多含贬义。如“ dragon 'steeth ”指“相互争斗的根源” 。The old Dragon “魔鬼”

中国文化 十二生肖介绍英文版

有关十二生肖的英文介绍 ●It's interesting that we have 12 Chinese zodiacs in China, and you have 12 signs in your culture. ●More than 30,000 years ago, the Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the western linear concept of time. The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the western solar calendar. In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the year falls somewhere between late January and early February. ●In traditional china, dating methods were cyclical, cyclical meaning something that is repeated time after time according to a pattern. ● A popular folk method which reflected this cyclical method of recording years are the twelve animal signs. Every year is assigned an animal name or sign according to a repeating cycle: mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. You might found out that many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics. ●According to one legend, Buddha invited all the animals to his


中国十二生肖英语单 词大全

中国十二生肖英语单词大全 作者:爆笑学英语 1、鼠 本义单词:mouse(家鼠)、rat(大老鼠),mole(鼹鼠)。 引申单词:Kangaroo(袋鼠)、squirrel(松鼠)。 2、牛 本义单词:cow(母牛)、bull(公牛)、buffalo(水牛)、Calf(牛犊)、bison(美洲野牛)、ox (雄牛)、bullock, steer (小阉牛) cattle (牛)、heifer(小母牛)、yak (牦牛)、rhinoceros[ra??n?s?r?s](犀牛)、Male bison (雄性北美野牛)、female bison(雌性北美野牛)。 引申单词:bullfrog(牛蛙)、Beef(牛肉)、Beef steak(牛排)、snail(蜗牛)、cowboy(牛仔)、 3、虎 Tiger(老虎)、小老虎(Little tiger)、A female tiger(母老虎)、tigress(母老虎)。 4、兔 Rabbit(兔子)、hare(野兔)、bunny(小兔、兔女郎)。 5、龙Dragon(龙)、dinosaur (恐龙)、Apatosaurus(迅猛龙)、Velociraptor (雷龙)。

6、蛇 snake(蛇)、boa;boa constrictor(莽蛇) 7、马 horse(公马)、Mare(母马)、Pony(小马)、hippopotamus(河马)、sea horse(海马)、 zebra(斑马)、hippo(河马)。 8、羊 本义单词:Sheep(绵羊)、Goat(山羊)、lamb(羊羔)、Ram(公羊)。引申单词:Lamb chops(羊排)、Mutton(羊肉)、。 9、猴 Monkey(猴子)、Male monkeys(公猴子)、Female monkey(母猴子) 10、鸡 cock(公鸡)、Hen(母鸡)、Chick(小鸡)、Chicken(鸡肉) 11、狗 Dog(公狗)、Bitch(母狗)、hyena, hyaena(鬣狗)、 pup (年幼的狗) 12、猪 Pig(猪)、Boar(公猪)、Sow(母猪)、Piggy(小猪)、Pork(猪肉)。 按中国十二生肖的顺序,十二生肖单词分本义单词和引申单词,让学习者全面掌握这些词汇,更多的节省时间。 注:male雄性和female雌性作为区别。 愿博友们能更多提供和完善。谢谢了!


中国十二生肖英语单词大全 作者:爆笑学英语 1、鼠 本义单词:mouse(家鼠)、rat(大老鼠),mole(鼹鼠)。 引申单词:Kangaroo(袋鼠)、squirrel(松鼠)。 2、牛 本义单词:cow(母牛)、bull(公牛)、buffalo(水牛)、Calf(牛犊)、bison(美洲野牛)、ox (雄牛)、bullock, steer (小阉牛)cattle (牛)、heifer(小母牛)、yak (牦牛)、rhinoceros[ra??n?s?r?s](犀牛)、Male bison(雄性北美野牛)、female bison (雌性北美野牛)。 引申单词:bullfrog(牛蛙)、Beef(牛肉)、Beef steak(牛排)、snail(蜗牛)、cowboy (牛仔)、 3、虎Tiger(老虎)、小老虎(Little tiger)、A female tiger(母老虎)、tigress(母老虎)。

4、兔Rabbit(兔子)、hare(野兔)、bunny(小兔、兔女郎)。 5、龙Dragon(龙)、dinosaur (恐龙)、Apatosaurus(迅猛龙)、Velociraptor(雷龙)。 6、蛇snake(蛇)、boa;boa constrictor(莽蛇) 7、马horse(公马)、Mare(母马)、Pony(小马)、hippopotamus(河马)、sea horse (海马)、zebra(斑马)、hippo(河马)。 8、羊 本义单词:Sheep(绵羊)、Goat(山羊)、lamb(羊羔)、Ram(公羊)。 引申单词:Lamb chops(羊排)、Mutton(羊肉)、。 9、猴Monkey(猴子)、Male monkeys(公猴子)、Female monkey(母猴子) 10、鸡cock(公鸡)、Hen(母鸡)、Chick(小鸡)、Chicken(鸡肉) 11、狗Dog(公狗)、Bitch(母狗)、hyena, hyaena(鬣狗)、pup (年幼的狗) 12、猪Pig(猪)、Boar(公猪)、Sow(母猪)、Piggy(小猪)、Pork(猪肉)。


.................................................Junior High School Edition Junior High “生肖”是表示人们出生年份的12种动物,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。“生肖”俗称“属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生年份的方式,询问出生属相用英语表达为: What animal sign were you born under?你属什么? I was born in the year of the Cock /Mine is the Cock.我属鸡。 十二生肖的12种动物在英语中只有一种表达,分别为:鼠:Rat ,牛:Ox ,虎:Tiger ,兔:Hare ,龙:Dragon ,蛇:Snake ,马:Horse ,羊:Sheep ,猴:Monkey ,鸡:Cock ,狗:Dog ,猪:Boar 。鼠———Rat 英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼、可耻的人、告密者、密探、破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生、下流女人。smell a rat 这一短语是指人们怀疑在做错某事。a rat race 则表示激烈的竞争。rats desert a sinking ship 意为 “船沉鼠先逃”指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。 牛———Ox 涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。英语中涉及“Ox ”的表达方式则不多。用Ox-eyed 形容眼睛大的人;短语The black Ox has trod on sb.’s foot 表示灾祸已降临到某人头上。 虎———Tiger 指凶恶的人,虎狼之徒;英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛的劲敌。 中国常以paper tiger 比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人。 词组ride the tiger 表示以非常不确定或危险的方式生活。 兔———Hare 在英国俚语中,hare 指坐车不买票的人。与hare 相关的短语有: 轻松趣读●趣味坊● 20


有关十二生肖的英文介绍 It's interesting that we have 12 Chinese zodiacs in China, and you have 12 signs in your culture. More than 30,000 years ago, the Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the western linear concept of time. The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the western solar calendar. In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the year falls somewhere between late January and early February. In traditional china, dating methods were cyclical, cyclical meaning something that is repeated time after time according to a pattern. A popular folk method which reflected this cyclical method of recording years are the twelve animal signs. Every year is assigned an animal name orsign according to a repeating cycle: mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. You might found out that many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics. According to one legend, Buddha invited all the animals to his


关于十二生肖的英文翻译 在中国汉语中,十二生肖中的动物常常被用来比喻人,比如胆小如鼠,蛇蝎心肠等一类的词,从这些词中就可以看出中国人对这些动物的印象。那十二生肖在国外是怎么翻译的呢,以及它所代表的含义又是什么呢? 下面就是十二生肖的英文翻译: Rat charm, 子鼠 Ox patient, 丑牛Tiger sensitive, 寅虎Rabbit articulate, 卯兔Dragon healthy, 辰龙 Snake deep, 巳蛇 Horse popular, 午马 Goat elegant, 未羊 Monkey clever, 申猴 Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡 Dog loyalty, 戌狗 Pig chivalrous. 亥猪 龙年来了,我们可以称之为龙之年,但是如果是鼠年或是猪年,我们能称之为“鼠之年”或“猪之年”吗?很明显这听上去很不悦耳。那外国是怎么看待十二生肖中的动物的呢? 老鼠:中国人认为老鼠数肮脏的,但中国人同时认为老鼠是聪明且机灵的。大部分西方人,和中国人的相反却是相反的,他们认为老鼠是“quiet as a mouse”,意思是老鼠非常的安静。每人有愿意被别人称做老鼠,比如鼠头鼠脑,贼眉鼠眼等。大部分形容老鼠的成语都是贬义的。老鼠还被认为是不诚实的和自私的。 牛:西方人认为牛是有力的并且勤劳的。但是,公牛常常被视作很多消极的意思,奶牛责备认为是他们三个当中最美好的一个。事实上,在美国,美国人在他们的家中常常会挂有奶牛的图片你。这种动物代表着舒适和家庭和谐。 老虎:如果你看到了一只老虎,你最好马上跑。在西方,老虎可能是一个漂亮的女人或一个很帅气的男人你。你叫一个人老虎这意味着他们可能很危险。老虎也被用作形容很淘气的小孩,他们看上去很可爱,但是却掉皮的让人受不了。 兔子:很多中国人认为兔子是可爱又温顺的。但是,几乎所有美国人提到兔


鼠年生人 Rat personality traits People born in the Year of the Rat are one of the most industrious and hardest working in the zodiac. 在鼠年出生的人是十二生肖当中最勤劳、工作最勤奋的人。 Forever busy in pursuit of an ambitious personal goal, at times they may become difficult to work with since they are born perfectionists. Rats must ensure that every "i" is dotted before completing an assigned task. As a result, they are often successful financially, and are good providers for their family and those they cherish most dearly. 永远忙于追求雄心勃勃的个人目标,有时他们可能变得难以共事,因为他们是天生的完美主义者。属鼠的人必须确保“我”一直都在严格督促每项分配的任务的完成。最终,他们往往都能赚到大钱,为他们的家庭和他们最珍爱的人创造良好的物质生活条件。 在鼠年出生的名人 Charlotte Bronte(夏洛蒂?勃朗特) Truman Capote(杜鲁门?卡波特) Prince Charles(查尔斯王子) Sasha Cohen(莎莎?科恩) Eminem(埃米纳姆) Peter the Great(彼得大帝) Scarlett Johansson(斯嘉丽?约翰逊) Wolfgang Mozart(沃尔夫冈?莫扎特) Plato(柏拉图) William Shakespeare(威廉?莎士比亚) Leo Tolstoy(列夫?托尔斯泰) George Washington(乔治?华盛顿) 牛年生人Ox personality traits People born in the Year of the Ox are the supremely self-assured, and as a result are noted for inspiring confidence in others. Generally patient and

中国文化 十二生肖介绍英文版学习资料

中国文化十二生肖介 绍英文版

有关十二生肖的英文介绍 ●It's interesting that we have 12 Chinese zodiacs in China, and you have 12 signs in your culture. ●More than 30,000 years ago, the Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the western linear concept of time. The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the western solar calendar. In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the year falls somewhere between late January and early February. ●In traditional china, dating methods were cyclical, cyclical meaning something that is repeated time after time according to a pattern. ● A popular folk method which reflected this cyclical method of recording years are the twelve animal signs. Every year is assigned an animal name or sign according to a repeating cycle: mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. You might found out that many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics. ●According to one legend, Buddha invited all the animals to his


鼠: 情感丰富/机会主义者天赋聪明,感觉敏锐,善于多方面发展.情感丰富,对爱侣更能体贴入微,敢于冒险,遇到困能亦能坚持下去,决不半途而废.行事多凭直觉,时亦会曲解事实而错怪他人. Rate Motional and opportunistic.the rat is clever,sensitive and always cares for his lover. He is ready to face challenges. Whenever there is diffculty , he will try best to work out , 牛: 不屈不挠/权威主义者天生领导人才,属权威主义者.待人处事需小心谨慎,再三考虑方可付诸实行.家庭观念浓厚,对生活抱有积极的态度.具有不屈不挠,贯彻始终的性格. Ox Powerful and faithful. The ox is a man of good leadership who Always believes in the saying: “look before you leap.”He also has positive attitude his work and cares about of his family. 虎: 勇敢乐观/人类保护者独立心旺盛,喜欢单独行动乃属虎的特征.生性乐观,具有坚毅不屈的精神.凡事胸有成竹,心藏谋略地守候着机会.虎乃吉祥的象征,一生运势顽强,但切忌自视过高. Tiger Independent and optimistic. He is well organized and often works alone. He is lucky and will enjoy success but refrain from being too selfcentred. 兔:高贵沉默/享乐主义者天生温顺老实,高贵大方,沉默寡言兼备巧妙的口才.深受他人欢迎及爱戴,但却易遭人嫉妒,具有独特的气质和鉴
