


本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束, 将答题卡和第二卷一并交回。

第一卷(三部分, 共115分)

第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分)

做题时, 先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。

第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)

请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What color of raincoat does the man want?

A.Brown B.Blue C.Green

2.why did the man apologize to the women ?

A.he lost the novel

B.he forgot to bring the novel

C.something was wrong with his mind

3.What’s strange to the woman’s dog ?

A.It looks like a cat.

B.It only eats cat’s food.

C.Its behavior is like a cat.

4.What is obvious from the conversation ?

A.The speakers shopped all over the town.

B.The woman went to many different stores.

C.The woman bought some bookcases on sale.

5.What is the woman’s husband doing ?

A.Reading B.Shopping C.Correcting papers.

第二节(共15小题; 每小题1 5分, 满分22 5分)

请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。

6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home B.In a classroom C.On the way to school 7.What subject won’t the girl take today?

A.P.E B.History C.Math

8.What is the boy’s favorite subject?

A.P.E B.Science C.History


9.What are the speaker talking about?

A.A story about a frienD..

B.How to keep a balanced diet

C.People should eat all kinds of food .

10.What happened to the man’s friend?

A.She was sick seriously.

B.She didn’t lose weight.

C.She was sent to hospital.

11.How did it happen ?

A.She ate too much vegetables .

B.She wanted to lose weight.

C.She only ate sweet potatoes.


12.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Lady first.B.Gender equality C.Sex discrimination(歧视). 13.What can we know about the woman?

A.She doesn’t like washing dishes.

B.She likes the customs of foreign countries.

C.She thinks men should take care of women.

14.What can be concluded from the conversation?

A.Men like to help women in many ways.

B.The woman thinks men should open doors for women.

C.The woman doesn’t think men should always care for women .


15.What vases does the man finally buy ?

A.Big , light blue background.

B.Big , pale blue background.

C.Medium sized, light blue background.

16.How much is the postage and packing?

A.100yuan B.200 yuan C.300 yuan

17.How will the vase be sent to the man ?

A.By train.B.By sea.C.By air.


18.What does the speaker tell us?

A.How to arrange work time.

B.What A.dentist’s workday is like.

C.How to make an appointment with a doctor.

19.What does the speaker usually do before late Monday afternoons?

A.Goes shopping

B.Attends a meeting.

C.Does the cooking.

20.Which days does the speaker like to finish his work early?

A.On Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

B.On Wednesdays and Fridays.

C.On Thursdays and Fridays.

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.—Good news! I’m going to have a job interview tomorrow!

—Oh, ______!

A.cheer up B.good luck C.don’t worry D.don’t be silly 22.Have you decided to see Lily off at the airport? If ______, you won’t be able to avoid ______ her brother Jim

A.so; meeting B.have; meeting C.so; to meet D.have; to meet 23.Young people don’t seem to ______ any importance to table manners no w

A.pay B.recognize C.attach D.minD.

24.The price of oil has fallen ______ fifteen percent, which is good news to the drivers A.at B.in C.of D.by

25.—I wonder ______ I can take my little sister to dinner tonight .Do you have any suggestions?

—Have you been to the new restaurant near our office? It is a nice place

A.where B.when C.whether D.how

26.______ Tom, have you heard that he is getting married?

A.Talk of B.To talk of C.Talked of D.Talking of 27.Although all of the apples ______, none of them ______ gooD.

A.has been tasted; are tasteD.B.have been tasted; taste

C.have tasted; taste D.has tasted; are tasted

28.—How about your school?

—Oh, very good .You can’t find ______ one in this city

A.the better B.the best C.a better D.better

29.I think cinemas ______ by TVs and computers in the next century

A.has been replaced B.will be replaced

C.were replaceD.D.had been replaced

30.Ten people got injured in the accident, ______ died on the way to the hospital A.four of which B.four of them C.of whom,four D.of them,four 31.—Can I go out to play, Mom?

—You can ______ you stay in the garden

A.as if B.as long as C.now that D.in order that

32.I am ______ collecting stamps while most of my fellows enjoy surfing the Internet A.fond of B.fit for C.sensitive to D.supposed to 33.Can anyone translate this for me? I would appreciate ______ if anyone could help me A.you B.this C.that D.it

34.He ______ the phone at once and dialed 110 when he found a thief had broken into his house A.picked up B.took up C.lifted up D.turned up 35.—Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?

—______, it was too hot

A.Yeah, why not B.No way C.Not really D.Have no ideA.

第二节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1 5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The idea of celebrating Father’s Day is very new in India.It has 36 from western countries mainly the USA, perhaps less than a decade ago 37 , the idea of celebrating A.day 38 fathers has been appreciated by Indians for a long 39 Today, millions of people in IndiA.40 Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June by 41 gratitude to their father or men 42 are like father

Father’s Day celebration in IndiA.43 on the same day as in the UK or The US 44 in a different way.Awareness about Father’s festiver is 45 stronger in bigger cities and towns 46 the greater chance for people to experience the western cultures in such places .But thanks to the fierce advertising campaign(活动) began by card companies 47 gift sellers, the idea of celebrating Father’s Day 48 quickly in smaller towns and cities of IndiA.Just as in the UK and the US, people in India celebrate Father’s Day 49 expressing love for PapA.too .Children give cards, flowers anD.50 gifts of love to their dad to show their love 51 in restaurants or going out for picnic or movie is another 52 way of celebrating Father’s Day in India.

Several schools anD.53 societies in India organize cultural programs on Father’s Day The 54 behind such programs is to inspire children to pay respect to their dad and take care of them Father’s are also 55 to spend time with their children and instill(灌输) in them noble values and manners

36.A.got B.come C.made D.become 37.A.So B.But C.Yet D.However 38.A.in honour of B.in favor of C.in charge of D.in need of 39.A.history B.stage C.time D.way 40.A.congratulate B.spend C.employ D.celebrate 41.A.appreciating B.announcing C.expressing D.achieving 42.A.who B.which C.when D.where 43.A.breaks out B.takes place C.lies in D.stands for 44.A.as if B.unless C.though D.until 45.A.much B.more C.very D.little 46.A.ahead of B.far from C.in addition to D.because of 47.A.as well B.and C.too D.rather than 48.A.replaces B.removes C.spreads D.advances 49.A.in B.by C.with D.for

50.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others 51.A.Reading B.Swimming C.Fishing D.Dining 52.A.reasonable B.familiar C.common D.informal 53.A.local B.cultural C.political D.environmental

54.A.attitude B.belief C.approach D.idea 55.A.encouraged B.determined C.devoted D.prevented

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Nowadays many people have to work very hard in order to live a better life And the harder they work, the less they pay attention to their health.But it’s very important for us to keep healthy in our everyday life .Here are some ways for you to follow.

First, you should have a healthy diet.It’s necessary to eat enough fish and vegetables, as they contain many kinds of vitamin you need every day.Do not eat too much fat, such as butter or anything too fatty Too many sweets can do harm to your teeth, so you’d better n ot eat too many sweets or chocolates and keep off coffee.

Second, good habits can help you keep fit.Doing regular exercise is certainly a good way to ensure that your body is healthy.After a day’s work, an eight-hour sleep is needed. And avoid working or studying too hard.

56.According to the passage, the reason .why.many people have to work hard nowadays is that they want to ______

A.earn a lot of money B.live a better life

C.pay attention to their healthy D.keep healthy

57.Eating too many ______ can do harm to your teeth

A.fish B.vegetables C.sweets D.carrots

58.Doing the following can help you keep fit except ______

A.doing regular exercise B.sleeping eight hours a day

C.Keeping good habits D.working too hard.

59.The best title might probably be ______

A.Keep fit B.Live a better life

C.Eat more fruit D.Study too hard


Hundreds of ESL students and other people ask me the same questions: how to speak English fluently, or how to improve their English skill

I used to answer them based on their difficulties until I discovered their common problems and finally came up with these easy--to remember steps Now, if anyone asks me, I would simply advise them to think of the word CEK, which stands for “change attitude, expose yourself and keep talking”

From my experience, a reluctance(不愿意) to speak English because of a fear of making grammatical mistakes is the most common problem for people who want to learn English The point is that you should realize your goal is to communicate with people in English.You do not want to be an English professor or a professional translator, so do not worry about 100% correct grammar.It is acceptable for the beginner to say “he don’t know” instead of “he doesn’t know” as long as the listener understands what you are trying to say.

You’re better expose yourself to an English environment Of course, it will be better if you could come to the US or the UK to study or learn English, but I would say you don’t have to Nowadays English is already everywhere Movies, music, newspapers, articles and

hundreds of tourists can be great learning sources Another easy way is to go through the content of this website and ask if you have any questions

Whenever you have a chance to talk or to test your skills, just do it You can even create situations and talk to yourself Do not worry about making mistakes Everyone makes mistakes, Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Madonna etC.Come on Let’s go out and creat e your own lessons

60.We can infer that ESL students most probably refer to students who ______ A.want to study abroad

B.study English to pass exams only

C.have been learning English for a long time

D.learn English a second language

61.A ccording to the other’s experience, the most common problem for English learners is ______ A.being afraid of making grammatical mistakes

B.being able to pronounce correctly

C.having no skill in remembering new words

D.having very few chances to practice

62.We learn that in the writer’s opinion, ______

A.nowadays it is not easy to find some good English learning sources

B.talking to yourself is also a good way to improve your English

C.reading English newspapers is a waste of time for ESL students

D.good English learners should make some mistakes when talking to English beginners 63.I n the last paragraph, the writer’s purpose in mentioning Tiger Woods, David Beckham and Madonna is to ______

A.tell us that they are not afraid of making mistakes

B.tell us that famous people are usually not as good as we think

C.show that everyone makes mistakes

D.advise us to learn from them


When my mom and dad said that we could adopt(收养)a couple of cats.I jumped at the chance to have some lovely animals around the house.So off we went to the Humane Society where there were a lot of animals up for adoption.The first thing I noticed was that there was not a lot of room for the animals and not a lot of supplies to care for them Even though they didn’t have much, the people who worked there cared about the animals more than anything Still, it seemed they had no enough food and medicine to keep the animals healthy

My family and I finally settled on adopting two cats we named Sox and Sierra.We went up to the front desk to sign the papers for them, and that’s when I noticed a box on the counter.The Humane Society was hoping to get enough donations to buy more supplies for the animals and also build a new building to help more animals

Later that day my mom and I went shopping, and as we were walking through the parking lot at the store, I noticed a green piece of paper not far from our car.It was kind of wet, but it looked like it could be a dollar bill, so I walked over and picked it up It wasn’t a dollar bill—it was a twenty-dollar bill!

When I got home, I dried it off and thought about what to do with it I considered spending it on a toy and a lot of other things Right then, Sox climbed up onto my lap, and I knew what I

was going to do with the money

I asked my mom to take me back to the Humane Society so that I could put the money in the donation box The lady at the counter thanked me, and I felt really good about what I did.64.When knowing they would have a couple of cats, the author felt ______

A.annoyed.B.excited.C.angry D.astonished.65.The box on the counter at the Humane Society was used to ______

A.store the donations B.keep the animals

C.hold water D.collect the waste paper

66.Where did the author find a twenty-dollar bill?

A.In the park B.On the way back home

C.At the parking lot D.At the gate of the Humane Society 67.How did the author deal with the money she found?

A.She spent it on some books B.She bought some food.

C.She returned it to the one who lost it D.She gave it to the Humane Society


We all know the impact(影响) of global warming and feel the urge to do something good for mother Earth Now, with the help of the Internet, green living just got easier Logging on to tree hudong.Com.is a great way to help the Earth.The concept of this green campaign, also known as the Internet Forest, is easy: you cut CO2 emissions(散发, 发射) by eating home-grown food or reducing the number of plastic bags you use each day In return, the website rewards you with virtual trees on your page The number of virtual trees is determined by calculating your carbon reduction (one tree burns up 18 3kg CO2 per year) At the end of the day, the website`s sponsors(赞助商) will go out and plant the same number of real trees as there are virtual ones Doesn`t it feel nice to make a difference to the world?

68.Green living just got easier by means of ______

A.the impact B.the urge C.the Internet D.the help

69.The number of virtual trees you are rewarded is determined by ______

A.eating home-grown food B.reducing the number of plastic bags

C.making a difference D.calculating your carbon reduction

70.If you get 3 virtual trees in a day, the websites sponsors will go out to plant ______ real trees in some place

A.1 B.3 C.6 D.9

71.The best title may probably be ______

A.Saving the Earth online B.Earning money online

C.Logging on to the Earth D.Shopping online


The general feeling in today’s society is that the more money and things a person has, the happier he is .Because of this belief we are very likely to focus our time and efforts on getting more and more “stuff”.We sometimes spend too much money while in the end we achieve exactly the opposite result we want.

What is the true source of happiness? Let’s think for a moment about happiness and where it comes from.First I want to do a little test to see how well your happiness prediction(预测) abilities are working .I want to present two different futures for you to think about and then

decide which one you would prefer.The first one is for you to win the lottery(彩票) of $100 million .The second one is for you to lose the use of your legs and be confined to a wheelchair Strange as it may seem, some researchers have actually done studies on these two groups of people.They studied how happy they were one year after either winning the lottery or becoming a paraplegic(下身麻痹患者) The fact was that one year later lottery winners and paraplegics were equally happy with their lives There was absolutely no difference in their level of happiness

When I asked a number of people where they thought true happiness came from, they mentioned their families, serving others, doing what’s right and being out among nature.So happiness isn’t found in more and better things It’s mostly found in things that are entirely free 72.This passage is mainly about ______

A.the true source of happiness

B.how to live a happy life

C.the importance of money in our life

D.the advantages and disadvantages of being rich

73.By mentioning the studies in paragraph 3, the writer most probably wants to show that ______ A.one should never dream of having a sudden fortune

B.having a lot of money may not make us happier

C.it is not that bad to be a paraplegic.

D.having a proper amount of money can bring you happiness

74.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word “confined” in Paragraph 2?

A.Moved.B.Surprised.C.Interested.D.Limited.75.From the last paragraph we can learn that ______

A.Many people don’t know what can bring them true happiness

B.family is the biggest source of happiness

C.there is a variety of sources of happiness

D.people can be very happy even without any money


第四部分:写作(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节单词拼写(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

Last summer I w_______ to America and studied at a language 76 _____ School.I had many wonderful experiences, but I a______ 77 ____

had a sad one。One day, the school held a p____, where 78 ______

I was i___ to talk about Pingdingshan.After that they asked me many 79 _____

things about China.But I couldn’t e____ them in English 80 _____ clearly.I felt sad.I learnt a l____ from this experience .I 81 _____ have already studied English for eight years,B___ I can’t use it82 ______ very well.I must work hard to i____ my spoken English 83 _____

so that I will be able to c_____ freely with foreigners 84 _______ I hope I can be a bridge b______ China and other countries in 85 ______ the future








Dear Zhang Ming












Li HuA.


1—5 ABCBC.6—10 ACBBC.11—15 CAACB.16—20 CCBAB.21—25 BACDA 26—30 DBCBC 31—35 BADAC 36—40 BDACD.41—45 CABCA 46—50 DBCBA 51—55 DCBDA 56—60 BCDAD.61—65 ABCBA 66—70 CDCDB 71—75 AABDC.

76 went 77 also 78 party 79 invited

80 explain 81 lesson 82 But 83 improve

84 communicate 85 between

书面表达One possible version

Dear Zhang Ming,

I’m so glad to receive your letter I’ve been home for almost a month fo r the summer holiday How much I miss you all!

You have complained in your letter that it is very hot in the city, so why don’t you come to

stay with me in the countryside for a few days? Contrary to the city, our village enjoys relatively fresh air and cool weather Also, shining stars, which can hardly be seen in the city’s gray sky, often show themselves here

If you come, we will be able to chat in the broad courtyard in the evening, or go to the river bank to catch some fireflies As the river is very clear, we can even swim in it

Isn’t it amazing? I’m looking forward to your coming


Li Hua.
