

On Inevitability of Gatsby’s Tragedy

I. Introduction

Scott. Fitzgerald is a prominent novelist in the American literature, owned the title of the spokesman of the Jazz Age and the laurel of poet. From the contents and thoughts, the creative traits, his book the Great Gatsby is a real masterpiece of Fitzgerald, which made him get success in writing. As soon as it was published publicly in 1925, the Great Gatsby gained many critics’ affirmation and praise, becoming as one of the most excelle nt works in the 20th century. “The famous poet and critic Aerate said that the Great Gatsby took a great progress in American novels since Henry James.”(Donaldson, 1984: 283) In this novel, with a brief and serious style, the author vividly described a tragedy caused by American Dream, and successfully molded a suffered figure Gatsby. He was the author’s favorite character, in that they had many things in common such as many experiences and spiritual virtues that are different from the comprehension and chase to American life of common people. Gatsby owned marvelous genius, incomparable resolute romantic volition to his dream as well as his loyalty to his ideal, which won high praise of the author. The essay, on one hand, gives deep sympathy to Gatsby about his tragedy, on the other hand, it indicates that it is vain and dangerous to seek American Dream at that time.

The paper is analyzing the inevitability of the hero Gatsby’s tragedy by examining the essence of Gatsby’s dream, the potential destructiveness in Gatsby’s characters and social-backgrounds that lead to Gatsby’s destruction.

II. Description of Gatsby’s Dream

2.1 Origin of Gatsby’s Dream

Gatsby’s dream originated from the American dream, and the so-called “American Dream”, in Am erican society, especially in the period of exploiting the New Continent, formed and developed a rather commonly attracting ideal. It has long history dating from the period of European emigrants exploiting the New Continent, and this dream owns tremendous enough connotations of American desire and hope to spirits and materials. Consequently, many people defined it as the synthesis of Wealthy Dream, Transcendent Dream and Love Dream.

The novels describing American Dream were best-sellers, but they gave the preaching contents: As long as one person was honest, patient and independent, he would have the equality with every one to do everything, namely, it is possible for him coming from the poor family to become a rich and noble person, while Gatsby was one of the believers of it. The dream which seemed to happen in fairy tales was the endless infinite power that encouraged Gatsby struggle for it. The author contact Gatsby’s pursuit with European emigrants’ ancient desire to New Continent, and Franklin, repres enting American Dream and its invert forms later, defined Gatsby’s tragedy as huge historical background and deep typical senses. It made a point of evidence that Gatsby made a fortune, relying on personal virtues, diligence and frugality. Since his childh ood, Gatsby used to abide by Franklin’s teaching, and try to practice the main inquire of the traditional model, following his own comprehension and the background of 20-century society in U.S. By all appearances, as were same with other magnates at that time, Gatsby still understood and practiced following principles. Theoretically, borderland, (here referred to the whole American) were equal paradise to every one, and the reward completely owed to diligence, frugality and good luckiness, but in fact, the rewarding often depended on trickiness, greed and mercilessness, as well as cruel ruthlessness and completely rotten means.

American dream, but it is the origin of Gatsby’s dream.

2.2 Essence of Gatsby’s Dream

Even if his dream originated from American dr eam, the essence of Gatsby’s dream is the essence of American dream. With his growing, Gatsby’s American Dream went by an evolution when he was young. He dreamed making a good fortune, transcending common people and getting rid of poorness as much as the heroes written by Ben Franklin and Horatio Alger. Later he met Daisy by chance and then lost his heart to her, thus Daisy became the personification of his perfect ideal and the embodiment of concentrating his entire ideal, and the he endeavored to do everything in the direction of them. Because in his mind, Daisy represented all beautiful creatures of the upper class society in America, and in his memory, the first love between Daisy and him seemed to be a human fairyland, whereas, the cruel reality was that he lacked rich family supporting him and his love. The great disparity of their status made him sense that he had no right to touch her hand.

So having lost Daisy, he desperately earned much more money, and fantasized about recapturing his beloved—Daisy with money when he was rich enough, afterwards, he really made a fortune. Luxurious life could not bring Gatsby a little happiness, since in essence; he was different from those who sought for benefits and fames. In Jazz Age, wealth was not the most significant to Gatsby, while what he only recalled was to repeat the past with Daisy day and night and to get the lost pure love. After he got rich, he bought a luxurious mansion in front of Daisy’s house across the bay. Almost five years, Gatsby never stopped recalling his first lover Daisy.

As a result, the more perfect his ideal became, the more far away reality was.

2.3 Symbol of Gatsby’s Dream

In the novel, the green light represented that innocent Gatsby looked forward to the future, and at the same time longed for the history, namely, the green light represents his dream.

American Dream actually originated from the past, and made him sincerely persist in the traditional ideal foundation; however, when he was borne back ceaselessly into the past, he made efforts for exploring various possibility in the future. To some extent, Gatsby’s love to Daisy reflected his wonderful memory of the past. The distinction between ideal and reality was huge.

The author gave highly emphasis to the figure of Gatsby, as if American Dream between golden past and golden future always suffered from the realistic betrayal and crush—the realistic world appearing in front of people was bleakness and dejection. Gatsby could not build his hope future on the basis of cruel reality. He could not face squarely the reality of uniting the past with the future in the realistic environment. These reflect the essence of Gatsby’s dream.

III. Potential Destructiveness in Gatsby’s Characters

The inevitability of Gatsby’s tragedy was related to the potential destructiveness in his character, namely, some factors in his character caused his life and ideals destroyed.

3.1Obstinate Character

Gatsby was the believer and follower of American Dream who thought the opportunity was equal to everyone in the society and fantasized to prompt into upper class society like Daisy. Nevertheless, the upper class society which represented by Daisy and Tom never put up with Gatsby as well as his being. Tom was very proud

selfish and cruel, lacking essential virtues and moralities. However rich he was, however his name and luxurious cars he exchanged, he was still an unimportant person who came from the low class society, consequently, he was always attacked and squeezed out. Doubtlessly, it is inevitable that his American Dream was disillusioned.

3.2 Foolish Character

Actually, Gatsby is a real foolish gentleman, because he fantasized about getting a pure love, and thought of a worldly beauty as the symbol of perfect ideal. In order to get his ideal love, Gatsby struggled his feet from the low class society and devoted himself to Daisy. Different from other people in Jazz Age, Gatsby was a pure romantic gentleman. Although Daisy once returned to his body, he could not satisfy it. However, the essence o f Daisy decided that the dream of Gatsby’s pure love was inevitably disillusioned.

3.3 Ignorance

In fact, Gatsby was serious ignorance of the upper class society for he did not recognize the essence of the upper class society clearly. For Gatsby, the realistic background of Daisy’s family and her social intercourse actually became a kind of ideal symbol that is beyond reality and agreement with the myth circumstances. After he was dead, no telephone message arrived, but the butler went without his sleep and waited for it until four o’clock—until ling after there was any one to give it to if it came. On Gatsby’s funeral ceremony,

Gatsby’s funeral ceremony was rather lonely. Perhaps, it was the essential face of upper class society. Gatsby was so lack of mind and discerning power that he was fatally destroyed. His destruction was not only in physic but in spirit or morality; unfortunately he did not realize it when he was died.

3.4 Innocence

The most obvious destructiveness in his characters is that Gatsby was very innocent. It is a poetic and romantic scene that hid serious facts. Under the wasted and luxurious surface hidden, Gatsby’s inner heart went by cruelty—he must think and build desire for reality of ideals in the fantasy and impractical scene, and finally find someplace beneficial for him to become practical possibility. It was the focus of the question that all his efforts were to attract a his original lover Daisy’s attention and to make her return to his body, but Gatsby made an ostentations show of one’s wealth with

beyond words describing and the ostentation contained fatal factors, so luxurious party made the focus of the question ambiguous.

In this novel, using a superb metaphor, the author shows to readers that the most suitable place to record t hese guests’ names was on the empty spaces of an old and broken timetable, because these guests the world their embodying were fantasizing as short as time, a flash in the pan, and they would never came back with time passing at last, as a piece of overdue train timetable left people a little dim memory. What they represented was only some misshapen scraps crushed by reality of American Dream. It was a fact that Gatsby needed them to decorate mansion for his face and in turn they needed Gatsby’s hospitality to raise their status. So their mutual needs made them go together, nevertheless, their own goals were completely different, and their life experiences were also more different.

The obstinate, foolish, ignorant and innocent characters are destructive characters, and they make Gatsby’s tragedy become more possible.

IV. The Decadent and Ruthless Social Reality

Superficially, Gatsby was only the sacrifice of a tri-angle love, nonetheless, the author did not only describe fate that a young and penniless man spent all his energy earning enough money and then won the lost real love, but what’s more important, deeply reacted to the social reality the author lived in, and revealed American complex modern experience and sharp social contradiction, namely, it was the struggle between the New Bourgeoisie and the old bourgeoisie whose statuses were stable. American people living in Jazz Age looked down on the traditional faiths and revealed against the moralities and customs that their ancestors used to abide by.

4.1 Cruel social Society of U.S.A

In the society of the lost ideals, Gatsby was a hot and romantic idealist, and his marvelous genius to the hope and romance made him turn a blind eye to American cruel social reality and desperately sought after impractical romantic love, even tried redeeming his lost pleasure together with Daisy in the past by a plenty of money; besides, he still obstinately believed that one person could fulfill the dream through his own ideal by hook or by crook, and even if he met huge trouble or problem, he would take his heart to fulfill his own dream with all his efforts, whereas, the power of opposing Gatsby was bourgeoisie groups represented by Tom and Daisy. The novel

really responded to the struggle for statuses between the new noble men and the old groups. Gatsby wan the absolute victory when he competed with Tom to gain Daisy’s love, but Tom was not willing to give it up, furthermore, he took mean measures and decided to kill Gatsby to death.

It was like this, becau se of Tom’s conspiracy and betrayal, Gatsby was tragic death. At last, the symbol meaning of Gatsby’s experiences and his broken dream is very clear.

Therefore, he could not see through the cruel society in America at that tim e.

4.2 Social Value Trend

At that time, people abandoned the traditional industriousness and thrift and began to enjoy life. Common people’s social value trend was the hedonism that money is first and materials are supreme; however, Gatsby, different from them, attached more importance to enjoy life in spirit than in material. What he always sought for is romantic and perfect ideal, i.e. repeat the past with Daisy and live a happy life with her. Owing to lack of self-comprehension, Gatsby innocently comprehended the social value and greatness, and desired for the future; Gatsby unconsciously fell into the tragic consequence that the social evil power trapped for him. At the end of the novel, Gatsby’s lonely funeral ceremony and people’s indifference completely reflected the American soci ety’s coolness and ugliness in 1920’s. In this society, Gatsby was destined to be isolated helpless and to fail in all.

Gatsby was one of typical representatives of American Dream that all generations of American people pursued. People could learn somethin g from the Gatsby’s tragedy that the upper class society in America was affected by American rotten life for pleasure, the world was the place where rich men could share life, and that was a daydream for any one who wanted to seek for the pure love and sincere happiness there. Because Gatsby held different social value from common American people, the tragedy of believer and follower —Gatsby persistently seeking for American Dream asserted the bankruptcy of American Dream.


Gat sby’s final destructiveness was the consequence of Tom’s plotting and framing. It was superficial phenomenon that Tom, the real murderer of murdering Gatsby, represented the upper class society and committed the crime, but the deep connotation was that upp er class society ruined Gatsby’s dream in spirit. Gatsby’s falsity was that he

was too innocent to see through that his beloved Daisy was as dishonest and unconscientiously as Tom, and they unique possessed selfish, cruelness, falsity, deceit as well as narrowness.

The description of American Dream was perfect, but the realistic world represented by Tom and Daisy was too absurd to withstand a single blow. Gatsby’s lack of mind and discerning power led to his final destructiveness——his destructiveness was not only in physic but also in spirit. It is human being’s tragedy.


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论现实主义之《了不起的盖茨比》 目睹世界,尽失初样,金迷纸醉,靡靡奢华。时光在这首主题曲中倒回20世纪20年代的纽约长岛,随着尼克的视角,我们目睹了一场名为“了不起的盖茨比”的梦之悲剧。 《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉德的杰出作品,讲述了20世纪的美国社会,美国人民在物欲横流的社会中,在金钱至上的价值国度里,逐渐迷失里自我,失去了精神追求。以盖茨比为典型,最终梦想幻灭,其中,不无体现着现实主义特征。 从时代背景来看,当时美国在第一次世界大战中大发横财,经济发展迅速,出现了空前繁荣的局面,而小说正是以20年代这种繁荣的局面作为故事发生的环境背景。欢歌载舞,奢华狂欢,纸醉金迷,灯红酒绿,这是对美国当时“爵士乐时代”的准确刻画。就其故事取材上说,据说小说主人公盖茨比便是作者菲茨杰拉德,他们一样贫穷,一样经历过战争,一样是获得财富后才获得了爱情,因此,在情节安排上,感情流露上便多了几分真实。 对于人物形象的塑造,黛西是青春与财富的象征,是金钱的具体化。或许之前她是爱过盖茨比的,但嫁做人妇后,他生活在优裕的生活中,她与再见的盖茨比玩起感情游戏,尽管盖茨比说:“她的声音充满了金钱。”可他依然义无反顾的投入到与黛西的恋爱中,或许时过境迁,他并不是那么爱黛西了,他爱的是自己成功后可以追回逝去爱情的决心,他爱的是想要证明能力与金钱都拥有的自己。可是不管怎样,黛西都是必要的证明,于是他爱黛西胜过爱自己了。 可是黛西并不这么想,他想要两个男人的爱,这种虚荣导致他不能舍弃汤姆太太的称号,在车祸事件后,黛西和汤姆退缩到金钱或者麻木不仁或者不管什么使他们留在一起的东西了,让盖茨比以死亡为代价替他们收拾烂摊子。黛西的这种做法未免让我们有点心寒,但是我们没有权利去指责他。人性都是自私的,爱别人前首先要爱自己,黛西只不过是爱自己胜过了爱爱情。现在依旧也有很多女孩,宁可在宝马车里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑。这是一个现实而又势利、物质到骨子里的社会,拜金主义之风肆虐横行,吞噬着人内心中的温暖与道德。黛西如此,她懦弱自私,她贪慕虚荣,她附庸风雅;盖茨比是如此,他伪善,她为财富不择手段,为名声不断强调自己是牛津人,甚至像“杀过人”一样;汤姆亦是如此,他虚伪,他狡诈,他善于捏造与欺骗。可也因为这些,故事人物才有些有肉,有了真实而立体的生活百态,让人们感觉这些曾经真真切切的存在过。 特定环境下会有时代的人物来反映这个时代,而盖茨比就是20年代的写照。他是典型的美国青年,是千千万万个青年中最具代表性的一个,他迫切地想要实现自我与成功,而黛西则被他当做美好的化身,当成他的美国梦,可黛西的离开标志着盖茨比梦的终结,他经历了漫长的道路来到他的梦面前,可他不知道他的梦,早就被丢在过去,被混沌颓靡的金钱主义掩埋。盖茨比追求的毁灭也标志着千千万万人的梦想破灭,“美国梦”幻灭了,而这正是该小说最大的现实主义主题。 再次回顾小说,作者通过自身经历,用生活化的语言,描写了以盖茨比为典型的美国人从追梦到梦想幻灭,以黛西为典型的女孩的现实与物质化,反映了美国梦必然会破灭的的社会现实,严厉批判了爵士乐时代美国腐朽的资本主义意识形态,揭示了美国理想主义的悲剧。因此,《了不起的盖茨比》无论是从内容,还是本质都体现着现实主义的艺术特征,包括爱情。


浅析《窦娥冤》的悲剧性及原因 【摘要】《窦娥冤》是关汉卿的代表作之一,同时也是一出杰出的古典悲剧,是中国历史上悲剧的典型代表作品。窦娥最大的悲剧,源于封建社会的各种弊端,源于元朝官僚制度的腐败。对《窦娥冤》文本进行具体的分析,从悲剧性质的界定、悲剧的题材、激烈的悲剧冲突、悲剧的结局、悲剧的效果、典型化的悲剧形象这六个方面来探讨《窦娥冤》的悲剧性。 【关键字】悲剧性质题材冲突结局效果形象 关汉卿是我们中华民族的骄傲,他对中国戏剧的发展做出了卓越贡献,奠定了中国。戏剧发展的基础。王国维《宋元戏曲考元剧之文章》中说“关汉卿一空依傍,自铸伟词,而其言曲尽人情,字字本色,故当为元人第一”。指出了他对中国戏剧的开创奠基之功。一悲剧性的表现 1.1悲剧的性质 在中国戏剧史上,剧作所体现的不同的作家的创作风格特征,要比体现的戏剧分类中悲剧、喜剧、正剧的戏剧类型特征鲜明得多。但《窦娥冤》却是一部学术界公认的、特征鲜明的悲剧杰作。王国维说;“其最有悲剧之性质者,则如关汉卿之《窦娥冤》,纪君祥之《赵氏孤儿》。剧中虽有恶人交构其间,而其蹈汤赴火,仍出于主人翁之意志,即列之于世界大悲剧中,亦无愧色也。”这是从中国和世界戏剧史的高度作出的评价。对于“悲剧”的定义,前哲时贤多有探讨。我认为最具权威和经典性是恩格斯和鲁迅的话。恩格斯说悲剧是“历史的必然要求和这个要求的实际上不可能实现之间的悲剧性冲突”。鲁迅说;“悲剧是将人生的有价值的东西毁灭给人看”。所谓“历史的必然要求”,所谓“有价值的东西”,具体到《窦娥冤》中便是窦娥的生活愿望。戏里写了她两个愿望。 窦娥是人生苦难的化身。她三岁丧母,七岁成了高利贷的牺牲品,被父亲用来抵债,


盖茨比悲剧的必然性分析 摘要:《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉德的代表作,也是20世纪美国最优秀的作品之一。小说描写了盖茨比追求梦想最终破灭,并被陷害死亡的故事,本文结合20世纪20年代的时代背景,分析美国梦的虚无和盖茨比悲剧的必然性。 关键词:盖茨比;悲剧;美国梦 弗朗西斯·司各特·菲茨杰拉德(1896—1940)是上世纪最杰出的美国作家之一。《了不起的盖茨比》是他的代表作,这部小说被公认为20世纪美国文学中最优秀的作品之一。小说生动的向读者讲述了主人公盖茨比为梦想而努力奋斗却被所有的人抛弃,最终被陷害至死的悲剧命运,揭示了爵士时代美国梦的幻灭,表现了盖茨比必然的悲剧结局。 一、盖茨比的追求与美国梦 盖茨比出自贫困家庭,在部队服役时认识并爱上了年轻美貌的富家小姐黛西,黛西也爱上了盖茨比,但是由于两人社会地位悬殊,她最后抛弃了盖茨比,嫁给了有金钱、有地位的富家子弟汤姆·布坎南,夫妻两人过着富有但空虚的生活。盖茨比认识到只要他有足够的金钱,他就能把黛西夺回来。为了获得金钱,夺回往日的恋人,盖茨比投靠百老汇的赌棍沃尔夫山姆,通过非法手段,贩卖私酒,大发横财,有了钱的盖茨比在黛西家对面买下了豪宅,挥金如土,每晚设宴款待四面八方的宾客,来吸引黛西的注意,希望有一天黛西会出现在他的晚会上。可是黛西却一直没有出现。夜晚,他望着海湾对面黛西家门前的一盏遥远的绿色的灯光,伸出手臂,试图拥抱那遥远的灯光。盖茨比如此执著于自己的梦想,在他身上,我们看到了在世世代代的美国人身上的那种对美国梦的执著精神。 美国梦作为一种精神伴随着美国这个国家的产生、发展和强大。在西进运动中,美国人正是依赖这种精神,通过自己的劳动和努力奋斗获得了想得到的一切,这一切给了美国人乐观、积极的精神,这种精神正是美国梦的精神。美国历史上的杰出人物富兰克林、林肯等更是将这种乐观的精神深深的植根于美国人民心中,那就是只要诚实,肯努力,有信心,人人都可以成功。这种精神激励着一代一代的美国人为梦想而奋斗,促使美国从独立逐渐走向强大,最终发展成为强大的工业国家,拥有了极大的物质财富。 二、盖茨比的悲剧命运 在《了不起的盖茨比》中,小说的叙述者尼克就住在盖茨比的豪宅旁边,他也是黛西的远房表兄。在迟迟等不到黛西出现后,盖茨比请求尼克安排他和黛西见一面,在见到自己梦中的情人时,盖茨比异常紧张,失去了常态,他不敢相信这个事实,不敢相信黛西真的会出现在他面前,因为黛西是他的梦想,只存在于他的想象中,这多年的梦想已经真实到超过了黛西本人。在他给黛西展示他各种各样的衬衣时,他无比骄傲。黛西似乎被他的金钱打动了,对盖茨比充满了爱慕之情,但是汤


浅析《窦娥冤》的悲剧特征 《窦娥冤》是元代戏曲家关汉卿的经典作品,也是元杂剧的代表作品,更是戏曲史、文学史上的著名悲剧之一。在王季思先生主编的《中国十大古典悲剧集》中,它名列第一。近代学者王国维在《宋元戏曲考》中,曾给予这部名剧以很高的评价,认为它“即列之于世界大悲剧中,亦无愧色!”《窦娥冤》作为一部戏曲名剧,它的思想内涵是深刻的,艺 术形象是具有典型性的,其艺术感染力更是超越时空的,这一作品,体现了中国古典悲剧的一些重要特征。 《窦娥冤》剧情简介:山阴书生窦天章因无力偿还蔡婆的高利贷,把七岁的女儿窦娥送给蔡婆当童养媳来抵债。窦娥长大后与蔡婆儿子成婚,婚后两年蔡子病死。后来蔡婆向赛卢医索债,被赛卢医骗至郊外谋害,为流氓张驴儿父子撞见。赛卢医惊走后,张驴儿父子强迫蔡婆与窦娥招他父子入赘,遭到窦娥的坚决反抗。张驴儿为了威逼窦娥成婚,想用毒药毒死蔡婆,不料把他老子毒死了。张驴儿以“药死公公”为名告到官府,贪官桃杌横加迫害,屈斩窦娥。后来窦天章考取进士,官至肃政廉访使,到山阴考察吏治。窦娥的鬼魂向她父亲诉冤,窦天章查明事实,为窦娥昭雪了冤案。 关汉卿在这个传统故事里,紧紧扣住当时的社会现实,真实而深刻的反映了元蒙统治下中国社会极端黑暗、极端残酷、极端混乱的悲剧时代,表现了中国人民坚强不屈的斗争精神和争取独立生存的强烈要求。它成功地塑造了“窦娥”这个悲剧主人公形象,使其成为元代被压迫、被剥削、被损害的妇女的代表,成为元代社会底层善良、坚强而走向反抗的妇女的典型。 一、《窦娥冤》的创作背景 (一)《窦娥冤》的故事取材——“东海孝妇”的故事 《窦娥冤》最早的题材来源于“东海孝妇”这个故事。其叙述东海有孝妇“无子、少寡、养其姑甚谨。其姑欲嫁之,终不肯。”婆婆怕耽误她的青春,上吊自杀。她姑子却以孝妇杀母告官,竟被煅练成词。于公虽对此有疑义,但“数争不能保”,“太守竟杀孝妇。郡枯旱三年。”后来于公在新太守前为孝妇陈述冤情,天降大雨。关汉卿对其进行加工改编,把它写成了一部反映社会黑暗,官吏腐败的社会悲剧。 《窦娥冤》中的窦娥三岁丧母,七岁被卖,十七丧父,二十遭刑宪。为了表现剧作的悲剧性,关汉卿巧妙的运用叙事策略和技巧,使整部作品戏剧冲突强烈,高潮迭起,强化了悲剧意蕴。从剧作的叙事时间结构上分析:《窦娥冤》根据时间发展的进程依次展开叙述,


英美文学期末论文 论文题目:The theory of the exquisite design of color in“The great Gatsby” 年级专业: 姓名: 学号: 任课老师: 年月

The theory of the exquisite design of color in “The great Gatsby” Abstract “The great Gatsby” is regarded as the masterpiece of the famous Fitzgerald,which is regarded as “one of the greatest novels in the 20th century”. When you are reading the “The great Gatsby”, do you have noticed a disti nction of it ,the utilization of various colors,and every color in the novel has its own profound meaning.In this paper,we will appreciate four colors of “The great Gatsby” together. Key words:The great Gatsby Fitzgerald Color Metaphor “The great Gatsby” is regarded as the masterpiece of the famous Fitzgerald,which is regarded as “one of the greatest novels in the 20th century”,and it is also the most favorite novel of Haruki Murakami ,the famous contemporary Japanese novelist. Its fancinnating plots, picturesque descriptions and profound expose, which all embody Fitzgerald’s transcendental talent, can not content the whole execellence of this great novel——the novel’s splendidness is much more than that.When you are reading the “The great Gatsby”, I do n’t know whether you have noticed a distinction of it ,the utilization of various colors, and the interleaving of colors reveals the leitmotiv of the novel, that the huge gap of the ideal and reality would break the vacuous American dream. In this paper, w e will analyze “The great Gatsby” from the point of view of colors and choose 4 commonly used colors of the it, which include green, white, yellow and blue, to understand the role of colors in this novel. Green Green is the color of the vegetation in the natural, which can remind people of the growth of the grass and trees, and it has the meaning of health, energy, hope and https://www.360docs.net/doc/2f18527312.html,ter , the growth of the vegetation is used to describe the growth of people themselves, and green started to be describe the specially youthful spirit of the youngest, however at the same time ,green also has the metaphor meaning of immatureness, naivete, and inexperience. In the novel, the main incarnate of green is the green light ,which is as a symple of the pursuit of Gatsby, and green is dominant tone of Gatsby’s whole life, which implies the immature procession of the protagonist of setting the goal,pursiting the dream and his dream’s disillusionment . The first apparence of green is in Gatsby’s seventeen years old, and at tha t time

了不起的盖茨比 女性形象解读

解读《了不起的盖茨比》中的女性形象 朱碧荣201314703004 [摘要]作为爵士时代的代言人,菲茨杰拉德的小说《了不起的盖茨比》被公认为美国文学史上的经典之作,菲茨杰拉德在作品中描写了一个来自社会底层的青年人盖茨比的人生奋斗历程,同时作品也反映出在物质丰富和精神喧嚣的年代,在父权文化的压制下女性的生存空间依然狭窄,随着女权运动的兴起,在很多妇女恪守传统的同时新女性不断涌现它展现了一幅轻浮放浪、玩世不恭的女性群像。本文尝试从女性主义视角来分析解读《了不起的盖茨比》中的女性人物,并得出女性的自私、空虚、金钱至上等悲剧性格的根源在于物质至上主义的制度及作者的男权主义、厌女症和对新女性出现的恐惧。有助于女性反思自己的生存现状,追求经济和思想的独立,这也是小说了不起的盖茨比的现实意义所在。 [关键词]父权文化; 女权运动; 新女性; 独立 《了不起的盖茨比》在美国最优秀的100 部小说中排名第二,而小说的作者也被誉为桂冠诗人的称号在小说中,作者以主人公盖茨比的人生奋斗历程为线索,描写了其爱情梦和财富梦的破灭,反映了美国梦的虚幻性。《了不起的盖茨比》在今天仍然具有非常重要的现实意义,在物质高度发达的美国社会,人们的精神迷失和道德崩溃是人物悲剧命运的根源,在小说中作者还塑造了很多自私虚荣追求物质享乐的寄生虫样的女性形象,她们的命运也以悲剧收场,同时作者还塑造了一个具有独立精神的新女性乔丹·贝克,在作品中,乔丹与其他的女性形象形成鲜明对比因此本文将通过对作品中的女性形象分析,来说明父权文化下传统女性的悲剧命运,以及在这种压制下,新女性正逐渐崛起从女性主义解读这部小说将有助于妇女反抗父权文化的压迫,勇敢地面对生活的挑战,从而找到属于自己的幸福。 一父权文化下女性的悲惨命运 父权文化在人类社会中具有很长的历史,《圣经》可以说是这种两性关系失衡的根源众所周知,在《圣经》中夏娃是上帝用亚当的一根肋骨制成,这为男女关系的失衡奠定了基础。从此,男人在男女关系中拥有至高无上的地位,男人作为支配者决定了女人的命运和人生价值,而女人只是男人的附属品。《了不起的盖茨比》创作于20 世纪20 年代,这一时期的美国经历了一段经济的快速发展时期,人们的物质生活富足安逸但是女性的社会地位依然低下,她们仍然保持着传统父权社会中的男女两性的关系特征,整个社会对女性的歧视和压迫仍非常普遍。[1]从《了不起的盖茨比》中我们可以非常容易解读出父权文化对女性的压迫。 小说中的女主人公黛西出身于上流社会,她美丽单纯,在众多的追求者中选择了青年军官盖茨比。黛西厌恶上流社会的虚荣、欺骗和无情,她本以为善良诚实的盖茨比是她将来人生的依靠。可是事实上,盖茨比向黛西隐瞒了他的社会底层的出身,单纯的黛西不过是他跻身于上流社会的最好的捷径。当黛西与盖茨比谈婚论嫁时,盖茨比却因军队的调遣远赴国外。伤心的黛西在心灰意冷的情况下,被家人安排要嫁给上流社会的富家子弟汤姆,而盖茨比根本无力实现他答应给予黛西幸福的承诺,在婚礼当天还给黛西写了一封祝贺信。而此时的黛西还在伤心欲绝地等待着盖茨比。黛西虽然出身高贵,衣食无忧,但是在一个父权制社会中,她却无力选择自己的幸福,而黛西婚后的生活更加显示了父权文化对女性的压迫。 黛西在嫁给汤姆之后,不久就发现她的丈夫对婚姻不忠汤姆与酒店的服务员有染的事


On Inevitability of Gatsby’s Tragedy I. Introduction Scott. Fitzgerald is a prominent novelist in the American literature, owned the title of the spokesman of the Jazz Age and the laurel of poet. From the contents and thoughts, the creative traits, his book the Great Gatsby is a real masterpiece of Fitzgerald, which made him get success in writing. As soon as it was published publicly in 1925, the Great Gatsby gained many critics’ affirmation and praise, becoming as one of the most excelle nt works in the 20th century. “The famous poet and critic Aerate said that the Great Gatsby took a great progress in American novels since Henry James.”(Donaldson, 1984: 283) In this novel, with a brief and serious style, the author vividly described a tragedy caused by American Dream, and successfully molded a suffered figure Gatsby. He was the author’s favorite character, in that they had many things in common such as many experiences and spiritual virtues that are different from the comprehension and chase to American life of common people. Gatsby owned marvelous genius, incomparable resolute romantic volition to his dream as well as his loyalty to his ideal, which won high praise of the author. The essay, on one hand, gives deep sympathy to Gatsby about his tragedy, on the other hand, it indicates that it is vain and dangerous to seek American Dream at that time. The paper is analyzing the inevitability of the hero Gatsby’s tragedy by examining the essence of Gatsby’s dream, the potential destructiveness in Gatsby’s characters and social-backgrounds that lead to Gatsby’s destruction. II. Description of Gatsby’s Dream 2.1 Origin of Gatsby’s Dream Gatsby’s dream originated from the American dream, and the so-called “American Dream”, in Am erican society, especially in the period of exploiting the New Continent, formed and developed a rather commonly attracting ideal. It has long history dating from the period of European emigrants exploiting the New Continent, and this dream owns tremendous enough connotations of American desire and hope to spirits and materials. Consequently, many people defined it as the synthesis of Wealthy Dream, Transcendent Dream and Love Dream.


窦娥冤的悲剧特征探析 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

浅析《窦娥冤》的悲剧特征 《窦娥冤》是元代戏曲家关汉卿的经典作品,也是元杂剧的代表作品,更是戏曲史、文学史上的着名悲剧之一。在王季思先生主编的《中国十大古典悲剧集》中,它名列第一。近代学者王国维在《宋元戏曲考》中,曾给予这部名剧以很高的评价,认为它“即列之于世界大悲剧中,亦无愧色!”《窦娥冤》作为一部戏曲名剧,它的思想内涵是深刻的,艺术形象是具有典型性的,其艺术感染力更是超越时空的,这一作品,体现了中国古典悲剧的一些重要特征。 《窦娥冤》剧情简介:山阴书生窦天章因无力偿还蔡婆的高利贷,把七岁的女儿窦娥送给蔡婆当童养媳来抵债。窦娥长大后与蔡婆儿子成婚,婚后两年蔡子病死。后来蔡婆向赛卢医索债,被赛卢医骗至郊外谋害,为流氓张驴儿父子撞见。赛卢医惊走后,张驴儿父子强迫蔡婆与窦娥招他父子入赘,遭到窦娥的坚决反抗。张驴儿为了威逼窦娥成婚,想用毒药毒死蔡婆,不料把他老子毒死了。张驴儿以“药死公公”为名告到官府,贪官桃杌横加迫害,屈斩窦娥。后来窦天章考取进士,官至肃政廉访使,到山阴考察吏治。窦娥的鬼魂向她父亲诉冤,窦天章查明事实,为窦娥昭雪了冤案。 关汉卿在这个传统故事里,紧紧扣住当时的社会现实,真实而深刻的反映了元蒙统治下中国社会极端黑暗、极端残酷、极端混乱的悲剧时代,表现了中国人民坚强不屈的斗争精神和争取独立生存的强烈要求。它成功地塑造了“窦娥”这个悲剧主人公形象,使其成为元代被压迫、被剥削、被损害的妇女的代表,成为元代社会底层善良、坚强而走向反抗的妇女的典型。 一、《窦娥冤》的创作背景 (一)《窦娥冤》的故事取材——“东海孝妇”的故事 《窦娥冤》最早的题材来源于“东海孝妇”这个故事。其叙述东海有孝妇“无子、少寡、养其姑甚谨。其姑欲嫁之,终不肯。”婆婆怕耽误她的青春,上吊自杀。她姑子


The Great Gatsby F.Scott.Fitzgerald . Character List Daisy Buchanan - Nick’s cousin, and the woman Gatsby loves. As a young woman in Louisville before the war, Daisy was courted by a number of officers, including Gatsby. She fell in love with Gatsby and promised to wait for him. However, Daisy harbors a deep need to be loved, and when a wealthy, powerful young man named Tom Buchanan asked her to marry him, Daisy decided not to wait for Gatsby after all. Now a beautiful socialite, Daisy lives with Tom across from Gatsby in the fashionable East Egg district of Long Island. She is sardonic and somewhat cynical, and behaves superficially to mask her pain at her husband’s constant infidelity. Daisy Buchanan (In-Depth Analysis) Tom Buchanan - Daisy’s immensely wealthy husband, once a member of Nick’s social club at Yale. Powerfully built and hailing from a socially solid old family, Tom is an arrogant, hypocritical bully. His social attitudes are laced with racism and sexism, and he never even considers trying to live up to the moral standard he demands from those around him. He has no moral qualms about his own extramarital affair with Myrtle, but when he begins to suspect Daisy and Gatsby of having an affair, he becomes outraged and forces a confrontation. Jordan Baker - Daisy’s friend, a woman with whom Nick becomes romantically involved during the course of the novel. A competitive golfer, Jordan represents one of the “new women” of the 1920s—cynical, boyish, and self-centered. Jordan is beautiful, but also dishonest: she cheated in order to win her first golf tournament and continually bends the truth. Myrtle Wilson - Tom’s lover, whose lifeless husband George owns a run-down garage in the valley of ashes. Myrtle herself possesses a fierce vitality and desperately looks for a way to improve her situation. Unfortunately for her, she chooses Tom, who treats her as a mere object of his desire. Analysis of Major Characters Daisy Buchanan Partially based on Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda, Daisy is a beautiful young woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She is Nick’s cousin and the object of Gatsby’s love. As a young debutante in Louisville, Daisy was extremely popular among the military officers stationed near her home, including Jay Gatsby. Gatsby lied about his background to Daisy, claiming to be from a wealthy family in order to convince her that he was worthy of her. Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy’s heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents. After 1919, Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy back, making her the single goal of all of his dreams and the main motivation behind his acquisition of immense wealth through criminal activity. To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her. In reality, however, Daisy falls far short of Gatsby’s ideals. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, bored, and sardonic. Nick characterizes her as a careless person who smashes things up and then retreats behind her money. Daisy proves her real nature when she chooses Tom over Gatsby in Chapter VII, then allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle Wilson even though she herself was driving


开题报告 英语 简析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的悲剧成因 一、论文选题的背景、意义(所选课题的历史背景、国内外研究现状和发展趋势) 一战结束后,美国在战争中不仅未伤筋骨,反而大发了一笔军火财。庞大的战时利润和充足的贸易机会使它很快进入了经济快速增长期,二十年代的美国出现了“飙升的年代”(The Roaring Times),经济空前繁荣。在这一时期上升到极端重要地位的新工业不仅推动了其它部门的经济繁荣,也构成了改变美国人民的生活习惯和价值观念的主要动力。这个时候的美国,空气里弥漫着欢歌与纵饮的气息,传统的清教徒道德已经土崩瓦解,清教主义和新教的价值观念和道德风尚受到了强烈的震撼,勤俭、节约、自控的价值标准面临奢华、享乐、放纵等观念的挑战,享乐主义开始大行其道。弗·斯格特·菲茨杰拉德最著名的小说《了不起的盖茨比》就设定在20世纪20年代的美国社会里。菲茨杰拉德将这一时期命名为“爵士时代”,是美国“历史上最会纵乐,最讲炫丽的年代”。 弗·斯格特·菲茨杰拉德是美国20世纪20年代文坛上杰出的小说家。素有“爵士时代”的代言人称号。“爵士时代”是指自一战结束至经济大萧条(1929)的一段时间,也就是20世纪20年代。用菲茨杰拉德自己的话来说,“这是一个奇迹的时代,一个艺术的时代,一个挥金如土的时代,也是一个充满嘲讽的时代。”《了不起的盖茨比》是美国现代小说的先驱之一。作为一部现代小说艺术的精品之作,《了不起的盖茨比》自出版以来一直受到读者与文学批评界的好评。著名诗人兼文学评论家T.S.艾略特(1945)称该小说为“美国小说自亨利·詹姆斯以来迈出的第一步”。菲茨杰拉德在小说《了不起的盖茨比》中谴责以汤姆为代表的美国特权阶级自私专横,为所欲为,以同情的态度描写了盖茨比的悲剧,并指出他的悲剧来自他对生活和爱情的幻想,对上层社会人物缺乏认识。小说通过主人公盖茨比的悲剧,对照其生前的奢侈享乐及死后的凄惨悲凉,深刻揭示了那个时代盛极一时的奢靡与不可避免的没落。 对于这部作品,国内外评论也非常多。有从女性形象分析,反应作者本人对美国20世纪20年代妇女及美国社会精神价值的严肃思考。通过对黛西、乔丹、茱特尔三位女性性格、金钱观、爱情的描写,菲茨杰拉德成功刻画了那个时代美国社会中典型的女性形象,其外表虽然绚丽,但其本质是浅薄空虚的。揭示了建立在这种物质基础之上的美国梦的必然结果就是因其缺乏道德精神实质而灭亡。有分析作品中的“二元主角”现象,

英语论文 杰伊·盖茨比的悲惨命运的必然性

杰伊·盖茨比的悲惨命运的必然性 摘要:《了不起的盖茨比》是20世纪美国著名作家菲茨杰拉德的一部反映美国梦破灭的浪漫主义悲剧小说。追寻浪漫爱情的盖茨比与初恋情人黛西分别多年后终于得以重逢, 梦想着再续前缘。然而,冰冷的现实容不下缥缈的梦,盖茨比心中的女神已蜕变成庸俗的物质女郎。浪漫的爱情掺杂了拜金主义的气息,追梦的灵魂就逃脱不了注定的悲剧情缘。最终, 一厢情愿的浪漫归为幻灭,富于想象的爱情也化为尘埃。盖茨比爱情梦的破灭标志着“美国梦”的破灭。盖茨比一方面如此天真,相信过去的日子能够复返;另一方面却已屈服于金钱脚下,走向堕落的深渊。希望落空,失望和厄运相继开始。盖茨比悲剧的必然性主要是由其性格中的不足因素,他对黛西的错误想象以及社会历史原因等多方面因素造成的。本文通过对这些因素的分析揭示盖茨比悲惨命运的必然性。 关键词: 盖茨比;美国梦;悲剧

The Inevitability of Jay Gatsby’s Tragic Fat e Abstract:The Great Gatsby was a romantic tragedy novel written by the famous American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald in the 20th century, which is about the disillusion of the American Dream.Gatsby who pursue romantic love has finally been reunited whit his first love Daisy after many years ,dreaming again later. However, the cold reality can not tolerate a misty dream,the goddess in Gatsby?s heart has been transformed into a vulgar material girl. Romantic love was mixed with the aura of mammonism,the soul which quest for dream hasn?t escaped from the destined tragedy affinity.In the end,the wishful romantic classified into disillusionment, the imaginative love classified into dust.The burst of Gatsby?s love Dream marks the disillusion of the "American dream". On the one hand, Gatsby was charmingly innocent enough to believe that the past could be recovered and resurrected . On the other hand, he was both corrupted and corrupting, tragically convinced of the power of money. The hope is gone; despair and doom have set in. The inevitability of Gatsby?s tragedy was caused by the destructive potentials in Gatsby?s character, his false image of Daisy, the social historical backgrounds and so on. The analysis of these factors reveals the inevitability of the of Gatsby?s tragic fate. Key Words: The Great Gatsby; the American Dream; tragedy
