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从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。19.My aunt gave ________ a nice toy car for my birthday.

A.I B.min e

C.my D.m e

20.—How old is Marry?

—She's fifteen. She was born ________ 1994.

A.in B.a t

C.on D.fo r

21.— ________ have you been here?

—About two years.

A.How much B.How man y

C.How long D.How fa r

22.—Is there ________ new in his talk?

—No, nothing new.

A.anything B.somethin g

C.nothing D.everythin g

23.I like the shirt, ________ it's too expensive.

A.and B.bu t

C.or D.s o

24.Clothes and shoes are much ________ than before.

A.cheap B.cheape r

C.cheapest D.the cheapes t

25.—Can you finish the work in three days?

—Sorry, I ________. My computer doesn't work.

A.mustn't B.may no t

C.can't D.needn't

26.—Where're the children, Mr Black?

—Oh, they ________ their PE lesson on the play ground.

A.have B.ha d

C.are having D.have ha d

27.The girls will have a trip if it ________ fine.

A.is B.wa s

C.will be D.has bee n

28.The headmaster told us ________ at the Summer Palace on time.

A.arrive B.arrive d

C.arriving D.to arriv e

29.—Where will they go next Sunday?

—They ________ to the Great Wall.

A.will go B.g o

C.has gone D.wen t

30.My mother ________ dinner when I came back.

A.cooks B.has cooke d

C.is cooking D.was cookin g

31.—Tom, when shall we take a walk?

—After I finis h ________.

A.writing B.to writ e

C.wrote D.writte n

32.—Would you like to see the film with me?

—I'm sorry I ________ it twice.

A.see B.am seein g

C.will see D.have see n

33.—The school has a long history.

— It ________ 100 years ago.

A.built B.has buil t

C.builds D.was buil t

34.—Do you know ________ yesterday?

—Sorry, I have no idea.

A.what did she eat B.what does she ea t

C.what she ate D.what she eat s



I stood there listening to my father shout at the top of his voice. The look on his face said that one of us had done something wrong.

“Which one of you did this?”

We all looked down at the step. There was child's 35 in chalk there. I was very 36 .

I hoped no one could see it. Would he 37 it was me? I was so scared. When he asked me, I lied, “Not me, Dad.”

The others denied (否认) it as well. Of course, we all knew that one of us 38 have done it. But as the you n gest and smallest of the three, I just couldn't find the cou r age (勇气) to tell the 39 .

To 40 out who had written on the step, father gave us each a piece of paper and a pencil. “I want each of you to write exactly 41 you see on the step.”

I tried my best to write the words 42 . I didn't want dad to be able to tell it was me.

He gathered up our pieces of paper and looked at them, “Since 43 of you will admit (承认) to have done it, then I will punish you all. ”I stood there and said not h ing.

The last thing I 44 was for Dad to punish me!

“I did it.” My sister stepped forward and said she had done something she hadn't. She was grounded(受处罚) for a month.

We didn't talk about that day for many years. Not u n til we were all older and I knew it was
