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4.Where is the picture? You bought it last week. _W__h_e_re__is_t_h_e_p_i_c_tu_r_e_t_h_a_t_y_o_u_b_o_u_g_h_t_l_a_s_t _w_e_e_k_?_
1.关系代词that, which引导的定语从句:
that they are talking about? 先行词 被定语从句修饰的词
who 关系代词 which
在复合句中修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语 从句。 先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。
的定语则放在被修饰词之前 。
主句 从句
两个词 ?
在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的句 子叫定语从句。
主句 从句
1. I know a girl who likes red.
2. Jim reads books which are fun.
3.Do you know the things and persons
I like the movie that is exciting . that 修饰先行词movie
The woman is a teacher.The woman lives next door.
The woman who lives next door is a teacher. who修饰先行词woman
句子作定语,修饰girl, 叫做定语从句
I like music that / which I can dance to.
先行词 关系代词 定语从句
I like the singer who is beautiful. I like the movie that is funny. I still remember the first time when I met her.
I have an apple that is red. 修饰先行词 an apple
I have some friends.
Some friends like sports.
I have some friends who like sports. 修饰先行词 friends
I like the movie. The movie is exciting.
关于定语从句专题 讲解PPT
I like quiet music. I like music that is quiet.
1. 什么是定语从句? 2. 什么是先行词? 3. 什么是关系代词和关系副词?如何确定? 4. 如何把两个句子合并为一个定语从句?
Learn to discover
I know a girl who likes red .
Learn to think
先行词 决定
人 物
关系代词 who that whom宾语 which that that
Mary is a girl. Mary has long hair.
Mary is a girl who has long hair.
I have an apple. An apple is red.
The dog has been found. The dog was lost.
The dog that/which was lost has been found.
Practise: 1.This is the house. The house is for sale This is the house that/which is for sale.
Match the two sentences
1.I’m reading a book. The book is about Bill Gates. __I’_m__r_ea_d_i_n_g_a__b_o_o_k_t_h_a_t/_w_h_i_c_h_i_s_a_b_o_u_t_B_i_ll____
Gates. 2.He is a teacher. The teacher teaches us Chinese. __H_e__is__a_t_ea_c_h_e_r_w__h_o_/ _th_a_t_t_e_a_ch_e_s__u_s_C_h_i_n_e_se_.__
3.I don’t like the man. He is smoking. _I_d_o_n_’_t _li_k_e_t_h_e_m__a_n_w__h_o_i_s_s_m_o_k_i_n_g_. ______
如果先行词是表示物的名词或代词,关系 代词应用that、which. (作主语或宾语)
which / that 作主语. (不能省)
This is a dream. The dream will never come true.
This is a dream which/that will never come true. (作主语)
This is the mistake(which /that)I always make
2. I still keep the letters. She wrote the letters
which / that 作宾语 : (可省略) This is the card.
I’ve just received the card.
This is the card (which / that ) I’ve just received.
1.This is the mistake. I always make mistake.
关系代词(that, which, who, whom, whose)和 关系副词(when, where, why)。关系代词在从 句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分,关系副词
Mary is a beautiful girl.
Mary is a girl who is beautiful.