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About Affection(慈爱):
It includes both Need-love and Gift –love. It is the humblest and most widely diffused of loves , the love in which our experience seems to differ least from that of the animals. Affection , especially of parents to offspring , but also of offspring to parents , and that is the original form of the thing as well as the central meaning of the word. And he thought almost anyone can become an object of Affection , the ugly ,the stupid ,even the exasperating . But Affection has its own criteria(标 准) . Its objects have to be familiar . Affection , besides being a love itself , can enter into the other loves and colour them all through and become the very medium in which from day to day they operate.
Novels:(小说) 《太空三部曲》 1《来自寂静的星球》(Out of the Silent Planet,1938年) 2《漫游金星》(Perelandra,1943年) 3《那股邪恶的力量》(That Hideous Strength,1946年) 《地狱来鸿》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年) 《梦幻巴士》(The Great Divorce,1945年) 《纳尼亚传奇》系列 1《狮子· 女巫· 魔衣橱》(The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,1950年) 2《凯斯宾王子》(Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia,1951年) 3《黎明踏浪号》(The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,1952年) 4《银椅》(The Silver Chair,1953年) 5《能言马和男孩》(The Horse and His Boy,1954年) 6《魔法师的外甥》(The Magician's Nephew,1955年) 7《最后的战役》(The Last Battle,1956年) 《裸颜》(Till We Have Faces,1956年) 《致马尔肯书》(Letters to Malcom,1963年) Literature(文学) 《痛苦的奥秘》(The Problem of Pain,1940年) 《如此基督教》(又译作:《反璞归真》)(Mere Christianity,1952年,是基于1941年至1944年 的广播谈话内容) 《诗篇撷思》(Reflections on the Psalms,1958年) 《四种爱》(The Four Loves,1960年) 《卿卿如晤》(A Grief Observed,1960年)
During his time at Oxford, Lewis went from being an atheist to being one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century; 1931 marks the year of Lewis‘s conversion to Christianity(基督教). He became a member of the Church of England. Lewis was married late in life at age fifty-eight to Joy Davidman Gresham, an American writer fifteen years his junior. They married in 1956, two years after Lewis accepted the chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge, where he finished out his career. After a four-year fight with bone cancer, Joy passed away in 1960. Lewis continued to care for her two sons, Douglas and David Gresham. C. S. Lewis died at his home “The Kilns” on November 22, 1963. His grave is in the yard of Holy Trinity Church in Headington Quarry, Oxford. Warren Lewis died on Monday, April 9, 1973. Their names are on a single stone bearing the inscription (墓志铭)"Men must endure their going hence.
Little lewis
In 1910, Lewis became a boarding student at Campbell College in Belfast, just one mile from his home, but withdrew one year later. In 1913, Lewis enrolled at Malvern College where he remained for one year. It was there that, at age fifteen, he became an atheist(无神论者), abandoning the Christian faith of his childhood. From Malvern, he went into private tutoring under William T. Kirkpatrick, "The Great Knock," who had also been his father's tutor. Lewis went on to receive a scholarship to University College, Oxford, in 1916. Lewis took a hiatus from study after the outbreak of WWI, enlisting in the British Army in 1917. On April 15, 1918, Lewis was wounded in the Battle of Arras and was discharged a little more than a year later in December 1919. While in the army, Lewis became close friends with his roommate Paddy Moore. Moore was killed in battle in 1918. After Lewis was discharged, he followed through with a promise to his friend to look after Moore's family. Lewis moved in with Paddy's mother, Jane Moore, and her daughter, Maureen, in 1920. The three of them eventually moved into "The Kilns," which they purchased jointly along with Lewis's older brother, Warren.
Book Contents:(目录)
The Four Loves
By C.S.Lewis
About the author:
CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS刘易斯 (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual gia源自文库ts of the 20th century and the most influential Christian writer of his day. His major contributions in literary criticism, children‘s literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology(神学) brought him international renown and acclaim. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. C. S. Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland, on November 29, 1898. Throughout his life, Lewis was known to his family and friends as "Jack"—a nickname he called for himself at the age of four after the beloved neighborhood dog Jack died. Lewis had one brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis (1895–1973). Lewis's mother died of cancer in 1908 when he was just nine years old.
它包括需求之爱和给予之爱。它是最谦卑、传播最广泛地爱,在这种爱中,我们的 体验似乎与动物的体验差异最小。 慈爱,尤其是父母对孩子的爱,并且也包括孩子对父母的爱。而且,这是慈爱的最 初形式,也是这个词的核心意义。几乎所有人都能成为慈爱的对象:丑陋的、愚蠢 的、甚至是令人恼火的人。但是慈爱有自己的标准,它的对象必须是自己所熟悉的。 慈爱除了本身是一种爱外,还能渗透到其他的爱中,浸染它们,从而成了其他的爱 每天发挥作用的媒介。
About Friendship(友爱):
To the ancients , Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves , it is the crown of life and the school of virtue . The modern world , in comparison , ignore it. Without Eros none of us would have been begotten(产生) and without Affection none of us would have been reared , but we can live and breed (繁 衍)without Friendship. The co-existence of Friendship and Eros may also help some moderns to realize that Friendship is in reality a love , and even as great a love as Eros . A friend will , to be sure , prove himself to be also an ally(盟友) when alliance becomes necessary ; will lend or give when we are in need ,nurse us in sickness , stand up for us among our enemies , do what he can for our widows (遗孀) and orphans(孤儿)