





I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5 point for each)

So at least the historical evidence seems to suggest. When I was graduating from college, my

1 also found the world in a mess. The economic machinery had

2 down almost everywhere: In this country

3 a quarter of the population was out of work. A major war seemed all too

4 . As a college newspaper editor at that time, I protested

5 this just as vehemently as student

6 are protesting today.

But today she passed the baker’s by, climbed the 7 , went into the little dark room—her room like a cupboard—and sat down on the red eiderdown. She sat 8 for a long time. The box 9 the fur came out of was 10 the bed. She unclasped the necklet quickly; quickly, 11 looking, laid it inside. But when she put the 12 on she thought she heard something crying.

The Watts-as-a-way-station mentality has a firm hold on 13 those who remain and those who leave. Such as 14 is, the ghetto is regarded as 15 place to make a career for those who have a future. Without 16 , the prime American values underscore the 17 . Negroes, inside it or out, and whites too, behave toward the 18 like travelers.

I know that American technical genius, and 19 of all the moon landing, seems to give the

20 to too summary a condemnation of the 21 system, but there is more to education 22 the segmental equipping of the mind. There is that transmission of the value of the 23 as a force still miraculously fertile and moving—mostly 24 from American education at all levels.

II. In this section, there are fifteen sentences taken from the textbooks with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (15 points, 1 point for each)

25. Like all artists, these rock musicians _____ feelings and beliefs that help us see and form our


26. If you don’t do what the doctor says you’ll have to go to the hospital, the mother admonished

her _____.

27. I hope that the example of my _____ will convince other women to get into politics—and not

just to stuff envelopes, but to run for office.

28. There was a little path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked _____ swinging her

arms and picking her way over the stones.

29. It has become _____ to think that, like fast food, fast ideas are the way to get to a fast-moving,

impatient public.

30. All skilled work can be pleasurable, provided the skill _____ is either variable or capable of

indefinite improvement.

31. She frowned, conscientiously worrying over what _____ he might secretly be longing for

which she had been too busy or too careless to imagine.

32. When salesmen are doing well, there is pressure upon them to begin _____ better, for fear

they may start doing worse.

33. Television also provides a wide _____ of opinion by setting up four or five experts and letting

them knock each other down.

34. I guess before we’re _____ she may have something more serious than preserves to worry


35. She brought a cigarette out of her apron pocket and tucked it deep into one _____ of her

mouth, the way she did when something pleased her.

36. Except for some exclusive clubs in London, there were _____ occasions where racial lines

were drawn.

37. Undoubtedly the desire for food has been, and still is, one of the main causes of great _____


38. At the same time, of course, the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most


39. The northern wind blows viciously today, and there’s no _____ heating to turn on, but it will

be pleasant when the wind drops.

III. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)

40. His _____ and unwillingness to learn from others prevent him from being an effective

member of the team.

A. arrogance

B. advantage

41. We must try to create a more caring, more _____ society.

A. compassionate

B. competitive

42. It was _____ and she did not know enough to analyze each problem properly.

A. encouraging

B. exhausting

43. Although each TV series will be rated on the basis of its usual content, the ratings can

_____ from week to week.

A. flow

B. fluctuate

44. This _____ factor means that there is often a connection in appearance and temperament

between parents and children.

A. historical

B. hereditary

45. Though she _____ and pleaded, he refused to go to the dance.

A. coaxed

B. admonished

46. Jack managed to get 147 tapes and 100 books plus lots of magazines through customs in a(n)

_____ way.

A. incredulous

B. miraculous

47. These days people are becoming more and more _____ about the food they eat.

A. sophisticated

B. selective

48. The question of going to the United States for a doctor’s degree _____ his mind.

A. preoccupied

B. intruded

49. In the last twenty years, breakthroughs in technology have _____ advanced the way we

communicate, bringing us computers, cell phones and the Internet.

A. profoundly

B. deeply

50. In our culture, we are accustomed to sophisticated prescription drugs containing a _____ of

chemical ingredients.

A. plenty

B. variety

51. We cannot _____ the country’s telecommunications to unqualified people.

A. trust

B. entrust

52. Imagine how many times restaurants and merchants had to change their posted prices during

the _____ 1970s, when prices almost doubled.

A. inflationary

B. extraordinary

53. Compared with the _____ period last year, average temperatures have been low.

A. corresponding

B. related

54. In the middle of these otherwise _____ plains is a striking range of mountains.

A. featureless

B. pointless

Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items IV, V and VI.

Bright Sparks

(1) By the time Laszlo Polagar’s first baby was born in 1969 he already had firm views on

child-rearing. An eccentric citizen of communist Hungary, he had written a book cal led “Bring up Genius!” and one of his favorite sayings was “Geniuses are made, not born”.

(2) An expert on the theory of chess, he proceeded to teach little Zsuzsa at home, spending up to

ten hours a day on the game. Two more daughters were similarly hot-housed. All three obliged their father by becoming world-class players. The youngest, Judit, is currently ranked 13th in the world, and is by far the best female chess player of all time.

(3) Would the experiment have succeeded with a different trio of children? If any child can be

turned into a star, then a lot of time and money are being wasted worldwide on trying to pick winners.

(4) America has long held “talent searches”, using test results and teacher recommendations to

select children for advanced school courses, summer schools and other extra tuition. This provision is set to grow. In his state-of-the-union address in 2006, President George Bush announced the “American Competitiveness Initiative”, which, among much else, would train 70,000 high-school teachers to lead advanced courses for selected pupils in mathematics and science. Just as the super powers’ space race made Congress put money into science education, the thought of China and India turning out hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists is scaring America into stimulating its brightest to do their best.

(5) The philosophy behind this talent search is that ability is innate; that it can be diagnosed with

considerable accuracy; and that it is worth cultivating.

(6) In America, bri ght children are ranked as “moderately”, “highly”, “exceptionally” and

“profoundly” gifted. The only chance to influence innate ability is thought to be in the womb or the first couple of years of life. Hence the craze for “teaching aids” such as videos an d flashcards for newborns, and “whale sounds” on tape which a pregnant mother can strap to her belly.

(7) In Britain, there is a broadly similar belief in the existence of innate talent, but also an

egalitarian (平等主义的) sentiment which makes people queasy about the idea of investing resources in grooming intelligence.

(8) Teachers are often opposed to separate provision for the best-performing children, saying any

extra help should go to stragglers. In 2002, in a bid to help the able while leaving intact the ban on most selection by ability in state schools, the government set up the National Academy

for Gifted and Talented Youth. This outfit runs summer schools and master classes for children nominated by their schools. To date, though, only seven in ten secondary schools have nominated even a single child. Last year all schools were told they must supply the names of their top 10%.

(9) Picking winners is also the order of the day in excommunist states, a hangover from the times

when talented individuals were plucked from their homes and ruthlessly trained for the glory of the nation. But in many other countries, opposition to the idea of singling out talent and grooming it runs deep. In Scandinavia, a belief in virtues like modesty and social solidarity makes people flinch from the idea of treating brainy children differently.

(10) And in Japan there is a widespread belief that all children are born with the same innate

abilities - and should therefore be treated alike. All are taught together, covering the same syllabus at the same rate until they finish compulsory schooling. Those who learn quickest are expected then to teach their classmates.

(11) Statistics give little clue as to which system is best. The performance of the most able is

heavily affected by factors other than state provision. Most state education in Britain is nominally non-selective, but middle-class parents try to live near the best schools. Ambitious Japanese parents have made private, out-of-school tuition a thriving business. And Scandinavia’s egalitarianism might work less well in places with more diverse populations and less competent teachers. For what it’s worth, the statistical data suggest that some countries, like Japan and Finland, can avoid selection and still thrive. But that does not mean that any country can ditch selection and do as well.

(12) Mr. Polgar thought any child could be a prodigy given the right teaching, an early start and

enough practice. Some say the key to success is simply hard graft. Judit, the youngest of the Polgar sisters, was the most driven, and the most successful; Zsofia, the middle one, was regarded as the most talented, but she was the only one who did not achieve the status of grand master. “Everything came easiest to her,” said her older sister. “But she was lazy.”

IV. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements followed by four choices marked A, B,

C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer

Sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)

55. In their childhood, the three daughters of Polagar _____.

A. played chess in house all day long

B. had plenty of intense training on chess

C. took various lessons on games in house

D. revealed their talent in playing chess

56. In paragraph 3, the aut hor tends to _____ Polagar’s view on child-rearing.

A. support

B. despise

C. question

D. defend

57. In America, student winners are usually picked out on the basis of _____.

A. test results and praises from teachers

B. teacher recommendations and test papers

C. test scores and teacher recommendations

D. self-presentation and teachers’ evaluations

58. The American “talent searches” is based on the belief that _____.

A. there is no innate ability

B. few have inborn talent

C. education can help develop talent

D, one’s innate ability can be measured

59. In paragraph 7, the word “queasy” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. curious

B. worried

C. unhappy

D. comfortable

60. According to the passage, in Britain, _____.

A. state schools are forbidden to select winners by talent

B. state schools are allowed to select students by ability

C. secondary schools are eager to pick talented students

D. the government is entitled to picking talented children

61. In paragraph 8, the word “outfit” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. corporation

B. community

C. government

D. organization

62. In Scandinavia, people value virtues like modesty and social solidarity, so they _____.

A. approve of the idea of selecting different brains

B. single out the talented children from the dull ones

C. refuse to teach talented children in normal ways

D. avoid picking talented children for special education

63. In paragraph 11, the word “ditch” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. abandon

B. embrace

C. welcome

D. denounce

64. Of the Polgar sisters, _____.

A. all achieved the status of grand master

B. two became world-class chess players

C. the youngest was the most diligent one

D. the eldest was under the greatest pressure

V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each)

65. …the thought of China and India turning out hundreds of thousands of engineers and

scientists is scaring America into stimulating its brightest to do their best.

66. To date, though, only seven in ten secondary schools have nominated even a single child. Last

year all schools were told they must supply the names of their top 10%.

67. But in many other countries, opposition to the idea of singling out talent and grooming it runs


68. And Scandinav ia’s egalitarianism might work less well in places with more diverse

populations and less competent teachers.

69. Mr. Polgar thought any child could be a prodigy given the right teaching, an early start and

enough practice.

VI. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)

70. Do you believe in innate ability? Why or why not?

VII. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (18 points, 2 points each for 71-75, 8 points for 76)








《会计专业英语》模拟试题及答案 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct? 1)The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured at their historical cost. 2)In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudence concept. 3)To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes in them are disclosed. 4)To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected in financial statements. A 1 and 3 B 1 and 4 C 3 only D 2 and 3 Johnny had receivables of $5 500 at the start of 2010. During the year to 31 Dec 2010 he makes credit sales of $55 000 and receives cash of $46 500 from credit customers. What is the balance on the accounts receivables at 31 Dec 2010? $8 500 Dr $8 500 Cr $14 000 Dr $14 000 Cr Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s cash flow statement? Yes No Not sure Either Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the highest figure for closing inventory at a time when prices are dropping? Weighted Average cost First in first out (FIFO) Last in first out (LIFO) Unit cost 5. Which of following items may appear as non-current assets in a company’s the statement of financial position? (1) plant, equipment, and property (2) company car (3) €4000 cash (4) €1000 cheque A. (1), (3) B. (1), (2) C. (2), (3)


全国2019年01月高等教育自学考试 《高级英语》试题和答案解析 课程代码:00600 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上,全部题目用英文作答(英译汉题目除外) I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each) West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to 1 any form of euthanasia for a long time to come. Opposition is 2 fierce, because of the shadow of the past. Countries 3 an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some 4 rules for voluntary euthanasia. By 5 to discuss it, they usher in something worse. We watched while pride allowed unimportant battles to be 6 into the most important stands of the war-because we couldn’t7 and we couldn’t retreat and because it didn’t matter how many American8 were provided to prove that point. Now we are told that we have to 9 quietly while the American lives are lost so that we can exercise the 10 arrogance of Vietnamizing the Vietnamese. Newspapers have two great advantages 11 television. They can be used by men as barriers 12 their wives. It is still the only effective screen against the morning features of the loved one, and, as such, performs a unique human 13 . The second advantage is that you can’t line a14 pail with a television set—it’s usually the other way 15 . It is only lately that I have found how much science of genetics is 16 . Agronomists and the like have taken to 17 all sorts of vegetables and fruits-changing their 18 nature. This sounds wonderful and often is 19 . For the scientists have not as a rule taken any 20 whatsoever in the taste of the things they’ve tampered with! My own lack of shame in the rioting then taking place in America 21 me. In one sense, I was the 22 of the ghetto child who through hard work and initiative was 23 himself toward a better life. I was the 24 , the exception. It was my life that was held up to Watts youth to 25 . II. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter


2011年1月 57.这一解决方式的弊端在于它已不再广泛适用。 58.当这个富足的国家没有孩子饿着肚子上床时,我可能会乐于回去教书。 59.美国人做的比看电视更多的事情只有工作和睡觉。 60.那种认为艺术应该与政治脱钩的观点本身就是一种政治态度。 61.鱼露出水面,闪动着身子在线的另一端挣扎。他紧紧地将鱼攥在手里,把鱼钩从嘴里取出来。 62.瓦茨那里有抱负又有远见的年轻人谈论的是走出去创业。他们正是那样做的。有才能的年轻人成群结队地离开瓦茨。他们共同拥有的一个本领就是逃离这个贫民窟。 57. The drawback of such solution is that it's not widely applied any more. 58. When there're no children going to bed while being hungry in this rich country, I may be willing to go back to teach school. 59. What the Americans do more than watch TV are only work and sleep. 60. The kind of opinion which thinks that art should separate from politics is a kind of political attitude itself. 61. The fish came out of the water, flashing and struggling on the end of the line, and he grasped it firmly in his hand to take the hook from its mouth. 62. The talk among the ambitious and future-minded youth in Watts was on getting out so that careers could begin . And they did just that . The talented young people left Watts in droves . The one skill they had in common was the ability to escape the ghetto . 2010年10月 57.心情好时,我可以谱写出恢弘的交响乐,绘制出壮丽的画卷。 58.这家事务所还强烈反对离婚、追求女色以及酗酒。 59.五个月前她得到杰利在战场上失踪的消息。 60.如果你一辈子都拒绝吊在眼前的诱饵,那就根本算不上活着了。 61.大概17岁到24岁期间,我试图摈弃这个念头,但这样做的同时我清楚这违背了我的本性,我知道自己迟早都要安定下来写作。 62.我认为,这几十年里报纸已经成为一种习惯,而不是一种功能。报纸已享有太长时间的特权,任何变化都会让人们难以接受。实际上,我不知道近20年里还有哪种媒体的变化像日报那样小。反对变化就是停止发展,进而使报纸失去作用。


广东纺织职业技术学院2010~2011学年第一学期 《专业英语》期中考试参考答案 一、单词翻译(英译汉) titrimetric 滴定的analysis 分析 reagent 试剂titrant 滴定剂 flask 烧瓶oxidation 氧化 precision 精密度standard solution 标准溶液sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠Equilibrium constant 平衡常数equilibrium. 平衡manifest 出现,表明equilibrium concentration 平衡浓度frictional flow 有摩擦的流动ionization constant 电离常数correct for 做……的修正molarity 物质的量浓度compressed gas 压缩气体neutralization 中和device 装置,设备plus 正的,加的elevation 海拔,地理高度neutral 中性的positive-displacement 正位移 meter 米,公尺,计, 表,仪表 reciprocating 往复的,来回的sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠piston 活塞 external 外部的(常与to 搭配) centrifugal pump 离心泵,离心抽 机 in the absence of 缺乏……时, 当……不在时 rotational 转动的,轮流的 at the expense of 归……付费,在 损害……的情况 下 rotational velocity 旋转速度 compensation 补偿,赔偿stream 溪,川,流,一 股,一串,河流 specific 特定的upstream station 上游截面 streamline .流线downstream station 下游截面 二、单词翻译(汉译英) normal to surface 垂直于传热面discharge 滤饼卸料 correspondence 符合,一致ceramic 陶器的 momentum 动量,动力,要素filtrate 滤液 momentum transfer 动量传递opening 孔 random motion 随机运动,无规则 运动 colloidal particle 胶体微粒 diffused 扩散的configuration 构造,配置 adjacent .邻近的,接近的fluctuation . 波动,起伏 vibrating 振动的,振荡的atm(atmosphere) 大气压(1atm= 101. 3 kPa) bulk temperature (远离表面的)流vane (风车、螺旋桨等

00600高级英语2008年1 月份历年真题

2008年1月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 高级英语试卷 课程代码0600 I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5 point for each) As I ate she began the first of what we later called “my lesson in living.”She said that I must always be 1 of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some 2 , unable to go to school, were more 3 and even more intelligent than 4 professors. She encouraged me to 5 carefully to what country people 6 mother wit. When salesmen are doing well, there is 7 upon them to begin doing better, for 8 they may start doing worse. When they are doing 9 , they are doing terribly. When a salesman lands a large order or 10 in an important new account, 11 elation is brief, for there is danger he might lose that large order or important new account to a salesman 12 a competing company the next time around. The American dream promised older people that if they 13 hard enough all their lives, things would 14 well for them. Today’s elderly were brought up to 15 in pride, self-reliance and independence. Many 16 tough, determined individuals 17 manage to survive against adversity. But even the tough ones reach a 18 where help should be available to them. Another solitary man was fishing further along the canal, 19 Arthur knew that they would leave each other 20 peace, would not even call 21 greetings. No one bothered 22 : you were a hunter, a dreamer, your own 23 , away from it all for a few hours on any day that the II. In this section, there are fifteen sentences taken from the textbooks with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. ( 15 points, 1 point for each ) 25. They lived, in bitter disillusionment, to see the establishment they had overthrown replaced by a ______ one, just as hard-faced and stuffy. 26. Among members of my own party, closed meetings were held to discuss ______ of stopping me. 27. No doubt somebody would have ______ if she hadn’t been there; she was part of the performance, after all.


一、Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词的全称)(15%) WAN__________________________________________________ HTTP__________________________________________________ NT____________________________________________________ CEO__________________________________________________ DBMS________________________________________________ ISP___________________________________________________ XML__________________________________________________ BIOS_________________________________________________ IT____________________________________________________ WWW_______________________________________________ 二、Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right )(10%) 1. output devices a. 操作系统 2. silicon b. 扩展存储器 3. expanded memory c. 硅 4. database administrator d. 输出设备 5. operating system e. 汇编语言 6. assembly language f. 数据库管理员 7. gateway g. 数字图像处理 8. laser technology h. 网关 9. digital image processing i. 制造过程 10.manufacturing process j. 激光技术 1. ( ) 6. ( ) 2. ( ) 7. ( ) 3. ( ) 8. ( )


F . Man's alien! ion span is very short- In order to capture a viewer's attention, television must provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. In doing so, news is rather short, and it results in inefficient communication; much of the news is like "machine-gunning with scraps", and it destroys the coherence of thought. The TV's appeal to the short attention span is decivilizing as well. A voiding complexity means sacrificing thought. Among adult Americans, there are more and more "functionally illiterate" people, who even cannot answer the want ad or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. At least, TV is partly responsible for this. Television, since its first prevalence over radio in the 1950s, has played a more and more important role in people's lives. Some are of the opinion that TV is enlightening. It has become so much a part of human life that a modern world without television is unimaginable. But I, on the other hand, argue against TV. I think TV's disadvantages outweigh its advantages. I want to draw your attention to the fact that television is decivilising. In the first place, watching TV takes too much of our time. Children rush to TV immediately after school. Some people sit in front of TV all day long. In this way, reading is entirely ignored. Do you remember the days when we had no TV? We read stories, listened to radio programs from which we benefited a lot. I dare say that the generation accompanied by TV will be less literate. In the second place, watching TV doesn't involve much thinking. When we take up reading, we need to think and imagine before we can thoroughly understand the writer. However, when we watch TV, what we have to do is to open our eyes and enjoy whatever is shown. Little by little we will become slow in thinking. F. 14F. 15 F.


高级英语文章中需要背诵的段落(上册) Lesson One 在文单的头三段里,作者以相同的手法描写了三位摇滚歌星的表演盛况。青少年把他们视为偶像,赞美不绝,而成年观众则觉得他们恶心,难以心爱,这反映了青少年和成人社会对摇滚乐截然不同的态度。 In the first three paragraphs, the author describes the wonderful performance of three rock superstars by the same means. Teenagers see them as icons, praising them endlessly, while adult viewers reject them as sick, which shows the different attitudes towards rock music by teenagers and adults. 背诵How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship? When Mick Jagger’s fans look at him as a high priest or a god, are you with them or against them? Do you share Chris Singer’s almost religious reverence for Bob Dylan? Do you think he – or Dylan – is misguided? Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick? Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown, perhaps because he asts out your wildest fantasies? Lesson Two 正如本课中所说的,他们当中有些人脱离传统的社会活动,拒绝承担任何社会责任,过着颓废的寄生生活;有些人逃离城市,跑到偏僻的乡间过着原始公社式的生活;有些人则试图以暴力手段改变社会状况,遭到了残酷的镇压。作者认为只有一点一点地改良社会才是青年人应走的道路。 As stated in the text, some of them drop out, rejecting any social responsibility, leading a parasitic life. Others escape from the city to the remote countryside for a primitive life; still others try to reform the society by force, only to be crushed down brutally. According to the writter the only way for the young people is to reform the society piecemeally. 背诵第五段(II Flee………………………flowing the other way) Lesson Three 女孩由于不懂白喉之可怕,不愿被医生发现自己的病情而抗拒医生的检查。而医生作出这一反应是出自社会责任心,也是自身的权威及尊严受到挑战的结果。 doctor responded as a result of social responsibility and the challenge to his authority and dignity.


1.Why are cast metal sheet ingots hot-rolled first instead of being cold-rolled? Because of cold rolling is to use hot rolled steel coils as the raw material, after acid pickling to remove oxide skin for cold rolling, the finished product is hard roll, because of cold work hardening caused by deformation of continuous cold rolling hard roll strength, increase hardness, toughness and plastic index decreased, so the stamping performance will deteriorate, can only be used for simple deformation of the parts 2.What type of heat treatment is given to the rolled metal sheet after hot and “warm” rolling? What is its purpose? 轧钢的热处理的类型?轧钢热处理的目的? Heat treatment of the main types are annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering, solution treatment and aging treatment, cold treatment, chemical treatment, etc. Annealing: The steel is heated to a certain temperature and heat preservation for a period of time, and then make it slowly cooling, called annealing. Steel annealing is a heat the steel to the phase change or part of the phase change temperature, slow cooling after heat preservation heat treatment method. The purpose of annealing is to eliminate tissue defects, improve the organization make composition uniformity and fine grains, increase mechanical properties of the steel, reduce residual stress; Can decrease the hardness at the same time, improve the plasticity and toughness, improve machinability. So before annealing in order to eliminate and improve both the legacy of tissue defects and internal stress, and to prepare for the follow-up process, so the annealing is belong to the intermediate heat treatment, also called heat treatment in advance Normalizing: Normalizing is heated to above the critical temperature of steel, to all into homogeneous austenitic steel, heat treatment and natural cooling in air. It can eliminate hypereutectoid steel mesh cementite, for hyposteel normalizing can refine crystal lattice, improve comprehensive mechanical properties, low requirements for the parts use the normalized instead of the annealing process is more economic. Quenching: Quenching is the steel is heated to above the critical temperature, heat preservation for a period of time, then quickly into the quenching medium, the temperature plummeted, rapid cooling at greater than the critical cooling rate of speed, which is mainly composed of martensite and unbalanced heat treatment method of the organization. Can increase strength and hardness of the steel quenching, but to reduce its plasticity. That is commonly used in quenching hardening agent are: water, oil, caustic soda, and salt solution, etc


Lesson 15: The Beauty Industry美容用品业 The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beauty industry. 美国工业中惟一未受贸易大萧条影响的是美容用品业。American women continue to spend on their faces and bodies as much as they spent before the coming of the slump經濟蕭條前—about three million pounds a week. 美国妇女仍不断在她们的脸上和身体上花费与经济萧条到来之前同样多的钱——每周约300万英镑。 These facts and figures are "official", and can he accepted as being substantially 充分true. 这些事实与数字都是官方的,可大致属实。 Reading them. I was only surprised by the comparative 相對較小smallness of the sums expended. 当读到这时,我只为花费的数目相对较小而感到惊奇。From the prodigious巨大number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines, 从美国杂志上铺天盖地的化妆品广告来看, I had imagined that the personal appearance business must stand


高等教育自学考试《高级英语》(课程代码:00600) 课程全国统一命题考试说明 为组织好高等教育自学考试《高级英语》课程的全国统一考试命题工作,根据全国统一命题课程的有关规定,特制定本说明。 一、考试原则 1. 考试标准 本课程考试参照全日制普通高校同专业、同层次、同课程的本科结业水平,并体现自学考试以培养应用型人才为主要目标的特点。在题量上能够使中等水平的考生在规定的考试时间内完成全部试题的作答,并有适当的时间检查作答情况。 2. 考试依据和范围 本课程考试以全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会1999年9月颁布的《高级英语自学考试大纲》为依据;以《高级英语》(上)(下)教材(王家湘、张中载主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2000年1月第1版)为考试范围。 3. 考试内容 本课程考试内容覆盖到教材各篇课文。 二、考试形式与考试题型 1. 考试形式

本课程考试采用闭卷笔试形式,考试时间150分钟,满分为100分,及格分数为60分。 2. 考试题型 本课程考试采用的题型见样题。 三、有关本课程的特殊要求(包括考生可以携带的工具) 无。

样题: ****年**月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 高级英语试卷 (课程代码 00600) 本试卷共**页,满分100分;考试时间150分钟。全部题目用英文作答(英译汉题目除外),并将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上,否则不计分。 I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each) Many doctors working on the battlefield of terminal suffering think that only squeamishness demands a 1 difference between passive and active euthanasia on request. Their 2 for killing goes like this: one of a doctor’s 3 is to prevent suffering; sometimes that is all there is left for him to do, and killing is the only way to do it. There is nothing new in this view. When Hippocrates 4 his oath for doctors, which explicitly rules 5 active killing, most other Greek doctors and thinkers disagreed with his ban. … II. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each) 26. Justice to all, regardless of race, sect or class, is the right and the inescapable obligation of all.
