

1. 通过学习本课,能够全面掌握现在分词的基本形式及其基本用法。

2. 通过学习本课,能够掌握现在分词作表语、定语和状语等句法功能。



1. 对动词-ing形式的考查历来是高考中的热点。要求考生正确理解分词的句法功能,正确分析句子结构。

2. 高考对于现在分词的考查主要集中在语法填空和短文改错中,要求考生对适用现在分词的情况有足够的认知,能够准确判断出何时需要用现在分词形式。



He came up to me, saying, “Glad to see you here.”


The question being discussed is of great importance.


Having been scolded by his mother, he made up his mind to give up smoking.


Not knowing her address, I telephoned her to meet me at the airport.


Not having finished his homework, he had to stay up late last night.


According to the report, people in the __________ areas are rebuilding their homes and many roads __________ to the area have been repaired.

A. flooded; lead

B. flooding; leading

C. flooding; to lead

D. flooded; leading


思路分析:句意:据报道,洪灾区的人们正在重建他们的家园,并且很多通往灾区的路也已经修好了。flooded意为“被水淹的”;many roads和lead之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用leading。



常见的-ing形容词有:amusing, amazing, boring, confusing, disturbing, exciting, encouraging, frightening, interesting, inspiring, missing, moving, surprising, tiring, puzzling, worrying, sitting 等。

The news that we both have passed the final exam is really exciting.


The places where we spent our summer holiday are quite interesting.



The true is to be distinguished from the false.


The unexpected has happened.


The news that her missing daughter had been found was .

A. excited

B. to be excited

C. excitement

D. exciting







(3)现在分词的完成式having done / having been done通常不用作定语,只用来作状语。

I saw a waiting taxi.= I saw a taxi which is waiting.


The bird singing in the tree is beautiful.


Do you know the man standing over there?


The temple having been destroyed by the earthquake will be rebuilt soon. (×)

The temple which has been destroyed by the earthquake will be rebuilt soon. (√)


It’s reported that 289 more trains were added __________ passengers on Sunday to meet the needs of those people __________ home for the Spring Festival.

A. to take; returning

B. taking; returning

C. taken; to return

D. take; returned


思路分析:句意:据报道,周日又增开了289趟列车以满足人们回家过年的需求。第一空,不定式作目的状语;第二空,现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰those people。



(1)感官动词:see, hear, smell, feel, watch, observe, notice, find, catch.

I hear someone knocking at the door.


I smell something burning in the kitchen.


His letter left me feeling upset.


在see, hear, feel, watch, observe等词后,即可以用现在分词作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行。也可以用不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,表示动作的全过程。

I saw a boy getting on the bus.


I saw a boy get on the bus.


(2)使役动词:have, get, keep, leave, set

I’m sorry to have you waiting for such a long time.


Can you get the clock going again?


He was caught stealing a bike.


A cook will be immediately fired if he was found ________ in the kitchen.

A. smoke

B. smoking

C. to smoke

D. smoked






1. 一般式:即动词的-ing形式,表示的动作一发生,谓语动词的动作紧接着发生,其动作发出者是句子的主语,此时的动词-ing形式相当于一个由when、while引导的时间状语从句。

2. 完成式:动词-ing表示的动作完成后,谓语动词动作才发生。分词动作的发出者依然是句子的主语。

Comparing the differences of the two cultures, you may find that they have a lot in common. 当你比较两种文化的不同时,你可能会发现两者有很多的相似之处。

Having finished his homework, the boy went out to play.

= After he finished his homework, the boy went out to play.



动词-ing的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时或紧接着发生,相当于一个原因状语从句;当动词-ing的动作发生于谓语动词表示的动作之前时,用完成式having done表示原因。

Being a student, you should concentrate most of your attention on your study.




Going straight down the road, you will find the department store.



现在分词作让步状语,相当于一个让步状语从句。有时现在分词可带有连词although, whether, even if, even though.

Knowing all this, I still want to see it for myself.




They came here running. 他们是跑着来的。

The children played in the water, laughing and jumping.



动词的-ing在句中作结果状语,通常位于句末并中间有逗号,相当于一个并列分句。为了强调语气,常在分词前加上thus, therefore等副词。往往指由于前面的动作或事件造成的相应的结果,没有完成式形式,只有一般式结构。

【区别】动词不定式用结果状语与动词-ing形式作结果状语不同。动词不定式位于句末,其前常与only, never等副词连用,表示出乎意料的结果。

My car was held up in the traffic jam, therefore causing the delay.

=My car was held up in the traffic jam, therefore it caused the delay.


The old lady hurried to the market, only to find her money stolen on the bus.


“You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted, _________ away.

A. run

B. running

C. to run

D. ran


思路分析:“running away”在此作“shouted”的伴随状语,由珍妮特发出这一动作,故用现在分词。答案B。

1. Miss Li, __________ with the company for over 10 years, is on the way to being promoted as manager of the sales department.

A. having worked

B. worked

C. to have worked

D. working

2. __________ quite well in the important exam, he came back home,__________ and smiling.

A. Having done; relaxed

B. Having done; relaxing

C. Having been done; relaxing

D. Done; relaxed

3. Mr. Smith often stays up,__________ lessons, books spread all over the desk.

A. preparing

B. prepared

C. to prepare

D. prepares

4. The manager, __________ it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us, left the meeting room.

A. to make

B. having made

C. made

D. making

5. ________ a written permission, he had to write another letter to the president of the university.

A. Not giving

B. Not having been given

C. Having not given

D. Having not been given

答案:1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B


1. 句意:在公司工作了十多年,李小姐将要被提拔为公司销售部经理。这里是现在分词短语作定语,置于被修饰词的后面,相当于一个定语从句。

2. 句意:因为在那次重要考试中考得很好,他轻松地微笑着回了家。第一空考查非谓语动词作原因状语。主语he与do为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除C、D两项;第一空:根据句意可知“表现好”这一动作发生在came back之前,所以用having done表主动及完成之意。第二空考查非谓语动词作伴随状语,relaxed感到轻松的;relaxing令人轻松的。根据句意,第二空应为relaxed。

3. 句意:史密斯先生经常熬夜备课,桌子上散放的都是书。preparing lessons是现在分词短语作状语,Mr. Smith与prepare之间是主谓关系。本句中的books spread all over the desk 是独立主格结构。

4. 句意:经理明确告诉我们,他不同意我们的意见,然后离开了会议室。根据句子的意思可知经理是在宣布不同意之后离开的,故用现在分词的完成式作状语。

5. 考查非谓语动词作状语。逻辑主语是句子的主语,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是被动关系,且其动作在谓语动词动作之前已经发生,故用过去分词或现在分词的完成被动式,选B。


教学目标:讲解现在分词作状语及区分不定式、现在分词作状语的异同 重点难点: 1.现在分词和不定式作状语时,其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语保持一致。 2.分词作状语时,要看它同句子主语之间的关系,以确定是现在分词还是过去分词。 3.注意非谓语动词与句子谓语动词的时间关系,以确定分词的时态形式 4、弄清非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系,以确定非谓语动词的语态形式. 5. 连词+分词形式(分词作状语的省略问题) 6.不定式作结果状语和现在分词作结果状语的区别。 7. 现在分词的独立主格结构和评价性状语 Step 1 lead in 朗读下面一首唐诗,找出其中的现在分词形式 Thinking in the Silent Night 静夜思 Before my bed there is bright moonlight 床前明月光 So that it seems that frost on the ground. 疑是地上霜 Lifting my head, I watch the bright moonlight. 举头望明月 Lowering my head, I dream tha t I’m home. 低头思故乡 Step2 现在分词作状语的意义 动词的现在分词作状语,修饰动词,相当于状语从句,在句中表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式或伴随情况及独立成分等,作时间、原因、条件、让步状语时多位于句首;作结果、伴随情况状语时常位于句末。 一. -ing分词短语作时间状语,代替一个时间状语从句(引导词有when ,while ) 温馨提示: 1.现在分词所表示的动作与主句的动作一般是同时发生,有时可由连词when, while引出。 2.现在分词所表示的动作一发生,主句的动作就立即发生时。如: When she saw those pictures,she remembered her childhood. =Seeing those pictures, she remembered her childhood. 看到那些画,她想起了自己的童年。 As soon as he heard the good news, he jumped with joy. =(0n)Hearing the good news, he jumped with joy. 他一听到这个好消息,就高兴地跳起来。 二.-ing分词短语作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。(引导词有because ,as ,since) 如:As he was ill, he didn't go to school yesterday =Being ill, he didn't go to school yesterday. 由于生病,他昨天没有上学。 三.-ing分词也可作条件状语和让步状语,相当于一个条件状语从句。(引导词有if,unless,once) If you work hard, you will succeed. =Working hard, you will succeed. 如果你勤奋一点,你就会成功。 If you turn to the left, you will find the path leading to the school.


现在分词作状语的用法 现在分词作状语的用法 现在分词作状语: ①现在分词doing所代表的动作或状态与谓语动词是同时或几乎是同时发生的,可以作时间、原因、方式、条件、结果、目的、让步、伴随等状语。分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。如:Rushing out of the house, he was knocked down by a car. 他一冲出屋子就被一辆车撞倒了。 My cousin went to Shenzhen, hoping to find a job there. 我表兄去深圳了,希望在那儿找份工作。 The child fell,striking his head against the door. 小孩摔了一跤,头在门上碰了一下。 In the last few years, the country has had a hard time, suffering several killer quakes. 过去几年里,这个国家经历了艰难的时期,遭受了几次致命的地震。 Being spring, the flowers are in full bloom. 因为是春天,所以花都盛开着。 ②有些分词作状语,没有逻辑上的主语,已成为习惯用法:considering, judging from, talking of, allowing for(考虑到), generally/frankly/honestly/roughly/strictly speaking, assuming that(假设)等。如:

Talking of this film, its wonderful. 说到这部电影,好极了。 Assuming that it is true, what should we do now? 假定那是真的, 我们现在该怎麽办? Judging by the direction of the wind, it wont rain today. 根据风向测度, 今天不会下雨。 Social psychology, strictly speaking, deals with the behavior of people in groups. 严格地说, 社会心理学研究人们的群体行为。


分词作状语用法是所有分词用法中最重要的,也是最难掌握的。 分词在句中作状语时,其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语。 一、现在分词作状语 一、现在分词作状语,表主动、进行,相当于一个状语从句,根据需要可以使用被动式或完成式。 Studying at the hometown, I enjoyed the happiest time during my life. Being ill, she can't go to work today. The children ran out of the room, laughing and jumping. 1. He sent me an e-mail, ________ to get further information. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope 2. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage ________ the girl and took her away, ________ into the woods. A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing 二、现在分词的时态语态 1. 现在分词的一般式由“动词+ing”构成,其被动式为“being+动词过去分词”。 例如:The students standing there are from Class Three. The English novel being translated by the editor now will be completed in October. 2. 现在分词的完成式由“having +动词过去分词”构成,其被动式为“having +been+动词过去分词”。 例如:Having finished all the work, they had a good rest. Having been given the right answer, the teacher asked me to sit down. Given more time, we will finish the work in time. 3. 现在分词的否定式为“not +动词-ing”,被动式的否定式为“not+being+动词过去分词”,其完成式的否定式为“not + having +动词过去分词”。 例如:Not knowing what to do, he sat there crying. Not being noticed by the public, the young writer felt a little pity. 1. _______ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes. A. Suffered B. Suffering C. Having suffered D. Being suffered 2. Finding her car stolen, _______. A. a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to a policeman for help 二、过去分词作状语 过去分词只有一种形式,即done,表被动。 The mother came in, followed by her son. When heated,water will be turned into steam. Deeply moved by the film, we all cried. Born into a poor family, he had no more than two years of schooling. 1._____ from the top of the TV tower, and we can get a beautiful sight of most of the city. A. To see B. Seen C. Seeing D. See 2. _____ in 1613, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United Stated. A. being founded B. Founded C. It was founded D. Founding 三、过去分词与V-ing作状语的区别


动词 一、五种基本形式: 英语中实义动词和系动词有五种基本形式,原形、现在式(用于第三人称单数)、过去式(用于过去时态)、过去分词(用于各种完成时态)和现在分词(用于各种进行时态)。

二、动词时态 定义:时态是谓语动词所表示的动作或情况发生时间的各种形式。 四类:一般时态、进行时态、完成时态和完成进行时态。每一类时态都对应四种时间:过去、现在、将来、过去将来。常用8种时态:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时和过去将来时。 1、一般现在时 常见频度副词有:always(总是,一直),often, usually, never, sometimes等 地球围绕着太阳转:The earth moves around the sun.表客观存在的真理或科学事实。 公交车来了:Here comes the bus.以here, there等开始的倒装句,表示动作正在进行。

2、一般过去时 有确定的时间状语,如:yesterday, two days ago, last+年/月/星期,the other day, just now, in the old days, the day before yesterday(前天),this morning/afternoon, at the age of+过去年龄段,when引导的状语从句(过去),at+过去时间点,in+过去的年份等。 3、一般将来时 常用时间副词:tomorrow, soon,(today, tonight)时间状语短语:next year/week/month, in a few days, in the future等。 构成:will/shall+动词原形,be going to+动词原形,表示打算和预测。 特殊情形: be to+动词原形,表示按计划或安排即将要发生的动作;有时也表示命令、禁止或可能性。如:She is to practice the piano tomorrow. 她明天将练习钢琴。 用现在进行时表示按计划或安排将要发生的事。 用一般现在时表示按规定或时间表预计要发生的事。 be about to+动词原形,表示即将要发生的事。 4、现在进行时 常与look, listen, now连用 5、过去进行时 the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, while等标志性词语,主要表示过去某一时刻或表示过去某一阶段正在发生或进行的动作。 6、现在完成时: 常见时间状语:always, yet, just, ever, before,these days, recently, in the past/few时间段,since+时间点,for+时间段等。 构成:have/has+动词的过去分词 7、过去完成时 8、过去将来时 Would+动词原形


分词作状语用法就是所有分词用法中最重要的,也就是最难掌握的。 分词在句中作状语时,其逻辑主语必须就是句子的主语。 一、现在分词作状语 一、现在分词作状语,表主动、进行,相当于一个状语从句,根据需要可以使用被动式或完成式。Studying at the hometown, I enjoyed the happiest time during my life、 Being ill, she can't go to work today、 The children ran out of the room, laughing and jumping、 1、He sent me an e-mail, ________ to get further information、 A、hoped B、hoping C、to hope D、hope 2、Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage ________ the girl and took her away, ________ into the woods、 A、seizing; disappeared B、seized; disappeared C、seizing; disappearing D、seized; disappearing 二、现在分词的时态语态 1、现在分词的一般式由“动词+ing”构成,其被动式为“being+动词过去分词”。 例如:The students standing there are from Class Three、 The English novel being translated by the editor now will be completed in October、 2、现在分词的完成式由“having +动词过去分词”构成,其被动式为“having +been+动词过去分词”。 例如:Having finished all the work, they had a good rest、 Having been given the right answer, the teacher asked me to sit down、 Given more time, we will finish the work in time、 3、现在分词的否定式为“not +动词-ing”,被动式的否定式为“not+being+动词过去分词”,其完成式的否定式为“not + having +动词过去分词”。 例如:Not knowing what to do, he sat there crying、 Not being noticed by the public, the young writer felt a little pity、 1、_______ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes、 A、Suffered B、Suffering C、Having suffered D、Being suffered 2、Finding her car stolen, _______、 A、a policeman was asked to help B、the area was searched thoroughly C、it was looked for everywhere D、she hurried to a policeman for help 二、过去分词作状语 过去分词只有一种形式,即done,表被动。 The mother came in, followed by her son、 When heated,water will be turned into steam、 Deeply moved by the film, we all cried、 Born into a poor family, he had no more than two years of schooling、 1._____ from the top of the TV tower, and we can get a beautiful sight of most of the city、 A、To see B、Seen C、Seeing D、See 2、_____ in 1613, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United Stated、 A、being founded B、Founded C、It was founded D、Founding 三、过去分词与V-ing作状语的区别 1、分词在句中作状语时,其逻辑主语必须就是句子的主语。


现在分词 一、基础知识: 现在分词(也叫动名词):表示主动和进行。 基本形式:doing 否定式:not doing 被动式:being done 完成式:having done 二、具体用法: 1.动名词作主语和宾语: (1)把一个动词变成-ing形式可以当做名词来用,表示一种经常性、习惯性的动作,可在句中充当主语和宾语。 eg: Working with you is a pleasure. I like reading in my free time. (2)可以用it做形式主语或形式宾语放在前面,再用动名词做真正的主语或宾语放在后面,这种用法常用于以下句式: ①It is/was no use/good doing sth. 做某事是没用的/没有好处的。 eg: It’s no use begging for his mercy. It’s no good smoking too much. ②It is/was a waster of time doing sth. 做某事是浪费时间的。 eg: It is a waste of time copying others’ homework. ③It is/was worth doing sth. 做某事是值得的。 eg: It was worth making the effort. ④There is/was no sense in doing sth. 做某事是没有道理的/意义的。 eg: There is no sense in arguing with your wife. ⑤There is/was no point (in) doing sth. 做某事是没用的/无意义的。 eg: There is no point in getting angry. ⑥There is no shame in doing sth. 做某事是不丢脸的。 eg: There is no shame in saying sorry to your friends. ⑦There is no telling… 无法预言会… eg: There is no telling what will happen. ※注意:动名词作主语时,其前可用名词所有格和形容词性物主代词修饰,即one’s doing sth.作主语。 eg: Tom’s being late again made his teacher angry. My going to Beijing University is my parents’ biggest dream. (3)动名词作宾语分为两种情况:动名词后的宾语和介词后的宾语 ①有些动词后只能接动名词作宾语,常见的有: avoid, advise, allow, admit, appreciate, consider, deny, enjoy, keep, finish, suggest, dislike, delay, risk, escape, imagine, mind, miss, permit, practice, fancy, can’t help, be busy, give up, can’t stand, feel like等。 eg: You must avoid being hurt when crossing the road. ②有些动词后即可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,常见的有: A: start, begin, intend, attempt, continue等后接doing和to do无区别。 B: like, love, prefer, hate等后接doing和to do略有区别,后接doing侧重经常习惯性的行为,后接to do侧重具体的某一次行为。 eg: I like swimming in summer but today I like to see a film at home

现在分词作状语的用法 高中英语必修教案教学设计

教师姓名谢瑜单位名称陆川县实验中学填写时间2020年8月 学科英语年级/册高三教材版本人教版 课题名称《现在分词作状语的用法》 难点名称现在分词作状语在英语中的运用。 难点分析从知识角度分析 为什么难现在分词作状语在写作中的运用。 难点教学方法任务型教学法(Task-based Language Teaching) 、合作学习教学法(Cooperative Learning Approach)、情感激励教学法( Affective Motivation) 教学环节教学过程 导入Lead in the class naturally by talking with the students. 知识讲解(难点突破)Give students some minutes to analyze the following sentences and then explore the following grammar rules by cooperating in groups. What kinds of adverbials can present principle express? 1.Walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine.( ) 2.Not knowing her address, I can’t write to her.( ) 3.Working hard, you’ll surely succeed.( ) 4.Being used by me now, the bike can’t be lent to you..( ) 5.Having finished his homework, he went out.( ) 6.Having been told for many times, he still made the same mistake.( ) 7.He comes home late every evening, making his wife very angry.( ) 8.He stood there waiting for a bus. ( ) 9. They eat using the fingers of their right hands.( ) Conclusion 1:现在分词作状语可用来表________、________、________、________、___ _____、________、________。 二、现在分词的时态和语态及其否定式 1 .Walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine. 2.Being used by me now, the bike can’t be lent to you. Conclusion 2:现在分词作状语,若现在分词的动作与句子谓语的动作同时发生或几乎同时发生,用分词的________,与主语之间是主动关系用________;被动关系用________。 3.Having finished his homework, he went out. 主动式被动式 一般式 完成式


1. It rained heavily in the south,________ serious flooding in several provinces.(2010 天津) A. caused B. having caused C. causing D. to cause 2. ________ at my classmates' faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.(2010 北京) A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked 3. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, ______supplies to Yushu, Qinghai province after the earthquake.(2010 福建) A. sending B. to send C. having sent D. to have sent 4. He had a wonderful childhood,_______with his mother to all corners of the world.(2010 安徽) A. travel B.to travel. C. traveled D. traveling 5. Dina, ________ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.(2010 湖南) A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle 6. The lawyer listened with full attention,________ to miss any point.(2010 四川)注意是分詞の否定還是不定式の否定 A.not trying B.trying not


初中英语现在分词用法总结 一、基础知识: 现在分词(也叫动名词):表示主动和进行。 基本形式:doing 否定式:not doing 被动式:being done 完成式:having done 二、具体用法: 1.动名词作主语和宾语: (1)把一个动词变成-ing形式可以当做名词来用,表示一种经常性、习惯性的动作,可在句中充当主语和宾语。 eg: Working with you is a pleasure. I like reading in my free time. (2)可以用it做形式主语或形式宾语放在前面,再用动名词做真正的主语或宾语放在后面,这种用法常用于以下句式: ① It is/was no use/good doing sth. 做某事是没用的/没有好处的。 eg: It’s no use begging for his mercy. It’s no good smoking too much. ② It is/was a waster of time doing sth. 做某事是浪费时间的。eg: It is a waste of time copying others’ homework. ③ It is/was worth doing sth. 做某事是值得的。 eg: It was worth making the effort. ④ There is/was no sense in doing sth. 做某事是没有道理的/

意义的。 eg: There is no sense in arguing with your wife. ⑤ There is/was no point (in) doing sth. 做某事是没用的/ 无意义的。 eg: There is no point in getting angry. ⑥ There is no shame in doing sth. 做某事是不丢脸的。 eg: There is no shame in saying sorry to your friends. ⑦ There is no telling…无法预言会… eg: There is no telling what will happen. ※注意:动名词作主语时,其前可用名词所有格和形容词性物主代词修饰,即one’s doing sth.作主语。 eg: Tom’s being late again made his teacher angry. My going to Beijing University is my parents’ biggest dream. (3)动名词作宾语分为两种情况:动名词后的宾语和介词后的宾语 ①有些动词后只能接动名词作宾语,常见的有: avoid, advise, allow, admit, appreciate, consider, deny, enjoy, keep, finish, suggest, dislike, delay, risk, escape, imagine, mind, miss, permit, practice, fancy, can’t help, be busy, give up, can’t stand, feel like等。 eg: You must avoid being hurt when crossing the road. ②有些动词后即可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,常见的有:


分词作状语(附练习) 中学英语教学资源网→教学文摘→分词作状语2011-11-21 →手机版 分词作状语是高考考查的热点和重要考点,其热点考查内容如下: 一.确定分词形式 分词作状语时,通常放在句首,并且用逗号与主句隔开。同时,分词作状语时其逻辑主语与主句主语应保持一致,也就是说在确定选择现在分词还是过去分词时,要判断主句主语与分词中心词的关系。如果句子的主语是动词-ing形式所表示的动作的发出者(即表主动或正在进行),分词形式选用现在分词;如果句子的主语是动词-ed形式所表示的动作的承受者时(即表被动或完成),分词形式选用过去分词。 例:1, _______, I stretched my hand out for it. A. I saw the book I wanted on the shell B. The book I wanted was on the shell C. Seeing the book lying across the desk D. Lying on the desk 分析:分词作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句子的主语一致。根据这一原则,可知句子的主语I 只能与see保持一致。如果选A, 该句中没有连词,没能构成并列句和主从复合句,此时要选用非谓语动词形式。所以选C 2, Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful. 分析:“Seen from the hill”是过去分词作状语。分词作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句子的主语一致。根据这一原则,可知,“the park”是“Seen from the hill”的逻辑主语,它们之间表示被动关系,所以分词形式用seen. 二.确立句子主语可能是谁 确立句子主语可能是谁时,仍然遵循分词作状语时其逻辑主语与主句主语应保持一致的原则。反过来要根据分词形式确立句子主语。 例:Having been attacked by terrorists, _________. A. doctors came to their rescue B. the tall building collapsed C. an emergency measure was taken D. warning were given to tourists 分析: 本题仍考查非谓语动词的用法。句中“Having been attacked by terrorists”是现在分词作状语。分词作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句子的主语一致。根据这一原则,可知“受攻击”的应是“the tall building”, 即“Having been attacked”的逻辑主语是“the tall building”.句意为“大楼因为受到恐怖分子的袭击而倒塌”. 答案: B 三.独立主格结构 分词作状语时其逻辑主语与主句主语应保持一致,但当分词逻辑主语与主语不一致时,分词要有自己独立的逻辑主语,这种主语常常是名词或代词,置于动词-ing形式或动词-ed形式之前。这种名词/代词+动词-ing/动词-ed结构在语法上被称为独立主格结构。此时分词形式的选择取决于名词/代词与v-ing/v-ed形式所表示动作的逻辑关系,如果它们之间表示主动或分词动作正在进行,选择现在分词,如果它们之间表示被动或完成,选择过去分词。 1, 名词/代词+动词-ing 例:Spring coming on, the trees turned green. 2,名词/代词+动词-ed


2013年高考英语语法讲解:分词作状语 分词作状语 As I didn‘t receive any letter from him, I gave him a call. ->; Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call. 由于没有收到他的信,我给他打了电话。 If more attention was given, the trees could have grown better. ->; Given more attention,the trees could have grown better. 假如多给些照顾,那些树会长得更好。 典型例题 1)_____ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army. A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D. Having been followed 答案B. Napoleon 与follow 之间有被动的含义。being followed 除表达被动之外,还有动作正在进行之意。 followed by(被跟随)。本题可改为With some officials following, Napoleon inspected his army.

2)There was a terrible noise ___ the sudden burst of light. A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed 答案 B. 由于声音在闪电后,因此为声跟随着光,声音为跟随的发出者,为主动。用现在分词。 3)_______, liquids can be changed into gases. A. Heating B. To be heated C. Heated D. Heat 答案 C. 本题要选一分词作为状语。现在分词表主动,正在进行的;过去分词表被动的,已经完成的。对于液体来说是加热的受动者,是被动的,因而选C.它相当于一个状语从句 When it is heated, 注意:选择现在分词还是过去分词,关键看主句的主语。如分词的动作是主句的主语发出,分词就选用现在分词,反之就用过去分词。 (Being ) used for a long time, the book looks old. 由于用了很长时间,这本书看上去很旧。 Using the book, I find it useful. 在使用的过程中,我发现这本书很有用。


一、现在分词:在句中可以做表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语。 二、现在分词的基本用法 1. 作表语:表主语的特征。如amusing, discouraging, puzzling, refreshing, astonishing。 2. 作定语: (1). 表示主动的、进行的状态:The girl wearing blue skirt is my sister. = The girl who is wearing blue skirt is my sister. (比较:The factory being built now is a big one.) (2). 说明被修饰词的性质和特征:This is an interesting story. (3). 相当于非限制性定语,常用逗号分开:Tom, wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. = Tom, who is wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. (4). 与adv. / n. 构成复合词作定语:This is an English-speaking country. 3. 作状语:表示主动的、进行的状态,其逻辑主语是句中的主语。(如果不是,需在v.-ing 形式前加名词或代词作逻辑主语: Time permitting, the football match will be played on Friday.) (1). 原因状语:Not having been invited to the party, she had to stay home. (2). 时间状语:Seeing their teacher coming, the students stopped talking. 如果现在分词表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时发生,常在现在分词前加上when或while:While waiting for the plane, I had a long talk with Simon. (3). 条件状语:Working harder, you'll be No. 1 in your class. (4). 让步状语:Weighing almost two hundred kilograms, the stone was moved by him alone. (5). 结果状语:He died, leaving nothing but debts. (6). 伴随状语:He sat by the desk, begging. 注意:The park was full of people, enjoying themselves in the sunshine. 由此可知伴随状语的特点:①主语所做的另一动作或②与谓语动作(状态)同时发生或③对谓语进行补充说明。(7). 方式状语:Following their teacher, the students entered the room quietly. 4. 作宾补:表示主动的、进行的状态,与宾语有逻辑上的“主表”或“主谓”关系:We all found his equipment interesting. (主表关系) / I saw Mary going upstairs then. (主谓关系) 三、现在分词的两个基本特点 1. 在时间上表示动作正在进行:a developing country, boiling water, rising sun (比较: a developed country, boiled water, risen sun) 2. 在语态上表示主动:the ruling class 统治阶级,the exploiting class 剥削阶级(比较:the ruled class 被统治阶级,the exploited class 被剥削阶级) 四、独立主格结构(Absolute Phrase)由两部分组成,前一部分是名词或者代词,后一部分是不定式、现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词、名词或介词短语。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。其本身不是句子,在句子中作状语,表时间、原因、条件、伴随、目的等。 A lecture to be given tomorrow, the professor has to stay up late into the night. (原因)Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. (条件) He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head. (伴随) An air accident happened to the plane, nobody alive. (结果) The meeting over, they all went home. (时间) Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children. (结果) The boy goes to the classroom, book in hand. (伴随) Another story to be completed, the writer stayed up almost every night. (目的)
