2013浙江高考英语 阅读A篇译文

2013浙江高考英语 阅读A篇译文
2013浙江高考英语 阅读A篇译文


No one knows for sure when advertising

first started.


It is possible that it grew out of the discovery that some people did certain kinds of work better than others did them. 新出来的发现,即一些人做了一定类型的工作并且比起其他人做它们要来的好是很有可能的。

That led to the concept of specialization, which means that people would specialize, or focus, on doing one specific job. 那就关于专业性的概念,它意味着人们将变得专业,集中做一件特殊具体的工作。

Let’s take a man we’ll call Mr.Fielder,

for example.

拿一个我们叫他为费得先生的男人举例。He did everything connected with farming. 他所做的一切事都关于务农。

He planted seeds, tended the fields, and harvested and sold his crops. 他种植种子,照料田地,之后丰收,再是卖掉他的庄稼。

At the same time, he did many other jobs on the farm. 与此同时,他在农场里还干着许多其他的工作。

However, he didn’t make the bricks for his house, grind the wheat for his flour, or cut his trees into boards. 然而,他没有用砖头来砌他的家,碾磨小麦做他的面粉,或者砍伐他的树变成木板。

He also did not make the plows(犁), the work boots, or any of the other hundreds of things a farm needs. 他同样没有制造梨,工作的靴子,或者其他几百样中任何一个农场所需的东西。

Instead, he got them from people who specialized in doing each of those things. 相反的,他从别人,那些专门做这些东西的人上得到了。

Suppose there was another man we shall call Mr.Plowright. 假设有另外一个男人,我们叫他为梨瑞特先生。

Using what he knew about farming and working with iron, Mr.Plowright invented a plow that made farming easier. 利用他知道关于务农以及铁的知识,梨瑞特先生发明了一个梨,它可以使农活变得更简单。

Mr.Plowright did not really like farming himself and wanted to specialize in making really good plows. 梨瑞特先生自身并不喜欢农活,他想要专业生产好的梨。上

Perhaps, he thought, other farmers will trade what they grow for one of my plows. 也许,他认为,其他的农民将买卖用我所造的梨所生长出来的作物。

How did Mr.Plowright let people know what he was doing? Why, he advertised, of course. 梨瑞特先生如何让别人知道他正在做什么呢?为什么,他用了广告,毫无疑问。

First he opened a shop and then he put up a 起先他开来家商店,接着他在店外摆了一个

sign outside the shop to attract customers. 标志来吸引顾客。

That sign may have been no more than a plow carved into a piece of wood and a simple arrow pointing to the shop door. 这个标志就无非是一个刻在木头上的一个梨,和一个指向店门的箭头。

It was probably all the information people needed to find Mr.Plowright and his really good plows. 这大概就是人们可以用来找梨瑞特先生和他真的好梨的全部信息。

Many historians believe that the first outdoor signs were used about five thousand years ago. 很多历史学家相信,第一个室外的标志被用是在5千年以前。

Even before most people could read, they understood such signs. 那之前绝大多数的人能够读懂,他们理解这些标志。

Shopkeepers would carve into stone, clay, or wood symbols for the products they had for sale. 店主将把他们要出售的产品刻在石头,黏土或木头上。

A medium, in advertising talk, is the way you communicate your message. 用广告术语讲,媒体,是一种你能用来交流你的信息的方式。

You might say that the first medium used in advertising was signs with symbols. 你可能会说,第一个是广告中使用的媒体就是带有符号的标志。

The second medium was audio, or sound, although that term is not used exactly in the way we use it today. 第二个媒体就是音频,或是声音,尽管那个术语并非确切的像我们今天使用它的那样。

Originally, just the human voice and maybe some kind of simple instrument, such as a bell, were used to get people’s attention. 最初,只有人类的嗓音,和也许某些简单的乐器,比如说一个铃铛,被用于去吸引人们的注意力。

A crier, in the historical sense, is not someone who weeps easily.


It is someone, probably a man, with a voice loud enough to be heard over the other noises of a city.


In ancient Egypt, shopkeepers might hire such a person to spread the news about their products.


Often this primitive form of advertising involved a newly arrived ship loaded with goods.


Perhaps the crier described the goods, explained where they came from, and praised


their quality.

His job was, in other words, not too different from a TV or radio commercial in today’s world.


浙江省高考英语 单项选择解析

2013年高考英语单项选择解析xx 【2013浙江】1.—Hey, can I ask you a favor? —Sure, _______ A. here you are. B. just as I thought. C. how is it going? D. what can I do for you? 【答案】D 【解析】考查交际用语。根据问句“我可以叫你帮下忙吗?”可知应回答D 项(我能为你做什么呢?)。 【2013浙江】2. Mary worked here as a ____ secretary and ended up getting a full-time job withthe company. A. pessimistic B. temporary C. previous D. cautious 【答案】B 【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项“悲观的”;B项“临时的”;C项“先前的”;D 项“谨慎的”;根据语境词full-time可知答案选B。 【2013浙江】3. I ________ myself more—it was a perfect day. A. shouldn’t have enjoyed B. needn’t have enjoyed C. wouldn’t have enjoyed D. couldn’t have enjoyed 【答案】D 【解析】考查情态动词。此处情态动词否定式couldn’t与比较级more搭配表达最高级的意义;couldn’t此处表推测“不可能”。答案为D。 【2013浙江】4. As the world’s population continues to grow, the ______ of food becomes moreand more of a concern.


V. Reading Comprehension (15%) A It was 3.21 a. m. when nine-year-old Glenn Kreamer awoke to the smell of burning. Except for the crackling (爆裂声)of flames somewhere below there was not a sound in the two-storey house at Baldwin, Long Island. With his father away on night duty at a local factory, Glenn was worried about the safety of his mother, his sister Karen, 14 and his 12-year-old brother Todd. He ran downstairs through the smoke-filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up. Then he helped each on through the house to the safety of the garden. There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and coughing, collapsed on the lawn. The nine-year-old raced back into the house and upstairs to his mother's room. He found it impossible to wake her up. Mrs. Kreamer, a victim of the smoke, was unconscious, and there was nobody to help Glenn carry her to the garden. But the boy remained calm and, as a fireman said later, "acted with all the self-control of a trained adult." On the bedroom telephone, luckily still working, Glenn called his father and, leaving Mr. Kreamer to telephone the fire brigade and ambulance service, got on with the task of saving his mother. First he filled a bucket with water from the bathroom and threw water over his mother and her bed. Then, with a wet cloth around his head he went back to the garden. He could hear the fire engine coming up, but how would the firemen find his mother in the smoke-filled house where flames had almost swallowed up the ground flo or? Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garage, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room. Tying one end of the string to her hand he ran back, laying out the string as he went, through the hall and back out into the ga rden. Minutes later he was telling fire chief John Coughlan :"The string will lead you to mother." Mrs. Kreamer was carried to safety as the flames were breaking through her bedroom floor. 71.Why did Glenn run downstairs first? A.He wanted to find out what was happening. B.He was worried about his mother's safety.


高考英语阅读理解专项训练100篇 (名师传授解题技巧+实战练习,值得下载) 一、阅读理解解题技巧 阅读理解题是考查学生对活的语言材料的理解能力,即通过阅读材料获得信息的能力。具体说来,阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是:(1)掌握所读材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节;(2)既理解具体事实,也理解抽象的概念;(3)既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等;(4)既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并能根据文章进行推理和判断;(5)既能根据材料所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。根据这几项能力测试的要求,试题中常采用如下几种题型:事实询问题、推理判断题、数据推算题、识图解意题和主旨大意题。根据这一测试要求和题型设计,答题时可以采取如下解题技巧和对策。 1.首先解题时要充满自信。由于平时有些同学对做阅读理解时存在一种畏惧心理,因此考试做题时心理就难免会产生紧张感,特别是阅读时再遇到几个生词就头脑发胀,从而使自己的思路更加模糊不清。其实这是完全没有必要的,因为阅读中遇到几个生词或几个难以理解的句子是常有的事,也是正常现象。因为按大纲要求,试卷中允许有不超过3%的生词,只要认真分析,仔细阅读,这些生词和句子很可能并不影响你的解题。所以答题之前首先要有必胜的信心。 2.扫读全文,理解全文主旨大意。拿到一篇文章,首先要快速扫读全文,虽为扫读,但不可漫不经心,阅读时也应聚精会神,力求可能多地获取材料信息,只是这次遇到生词和难句先不必去处理,不要因纠缠文中的个别生词和难句而影响了对全文的主旨大意的了解。

3.对症下药,各个击破。了解全文的大概意思之后,再把短文的问题简单看一遍,弄懂题意,然后带着问题再去寻读全文。这次阅读过程中要善于抓文章中的关键词句。寻读也就是迅速的查找需要了解的信息,是为某些特定的问题而阅读,因此阅读时要有较强的针对性,对与问题有关的数据,词句等仔细阅读,认真理解,同时结合不同考查内容的题型,采取如下解题对策: (1)事实询问题:这类试题通常是以疑问词what,who,when,where,why,how 等引起的特殊问句,就文章中某一词语、某一句子、某一段落或某一具体细节和事实进行提问。解答此类试题首先要弄清题目和每一个选项的含义,然后按题目要求寻找与之相关的细节,正确估计答案来源,同时注意题目和文章中的暗示作用。特别注意辨别各种信息,确认各种信息。 (2)推理判断题:此题要求我们通过表面文字信息去推测文章隐含的意思,对文章的发展情节及作者的态度、意图等做出合乎逻辑的的推理判断。这种题要求我们在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节、从分析文章的结构入手,根据上下文的内在联系,充分挖掘文章的深层含义。对暗含在文章中事件的因果关系,人物的动机,以及作者未言明的倾向、态度、意图、观点进行合乎逻辑的推理、分析和判断。同时善于抓住文中实质性的东西,不要被带假象的表面信息或似是而非的东西所迷惑。并且注意推断作者态度时要力求从作者的态度、观点去思考,切勿想当然,凭个人的观点习惯看法来回答的问题。 (3)数据推算题:此题要求我们就文章提供的数据,以及数据与文章中其他信息的关系做出计算和推断,然后做出选择。这就要求我们解题时,要在理解好题意的前提下去对与数据有关的信息认真分析,若数据信息较多,还要注意弄清数据之间的关系,同时分清有用与无用信息,最终作出正确判断。 (4)主旨大意题:此题用以考查我们对文章主题或中心思想的领会和理解能力。在解答此类试题时要注意每段的中心句,抓住每一段的主题句。一般主题句都用来表达一段主旨大意,因此,只要找准每段的主题句,文章的中心思想和文章的最佳标题也就不难确定了。


2013高考英语真题特色题型详解―阅读七选五(六选五) 一、(2013课标卷I) 第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)— that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. 71 Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. 72 Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. 73 One is the establishment(制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. 74 The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管)and guidance by the management in authority. 75 A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service agencies and may hospitals. D. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs. E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments. F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects. G. Planning in business management has three main aspects. 本文是一篇讨论商务和商务管理的说明文。虽然看似有很多专业术语,但是根据我们常说的“指路词”,以及对上下文的推理,其实要做出正确答案并不难,可谓是难度中等。 文章第一段描述了business的两个含义:一是提供顾客所要商品和服务的方法;二是提供这些商品和服务的组织。文展第二段则细述了商务管理是用来描述计划、指导以及控制公司运作技巧


2013浙江高考英语试题 (选择题部分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20题,每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸将该选项标号涂黑。 1.——Hey, can I ask you a favor? ====_______ A.Here you are B.just as I thought C.how is it going? D.what can I do for you? 2.Mary worked here as a ____-secretary and ended up getting a full-time job with the company. A.pessimistic B.temporary C.previous D.cautious 3.I______myself more-----it was a perfect day. A.should n’t have enjoyed B.need n’t have enjoyed C.would n’t have enjoyed D.could n’t have enjoyed 4.As the world’s population continues to grow, the ___of food becomes more and more of a concern. A.worth B.supply C.package D.list 5.The children,____had played the whole day long, were worn out. A.all of what B.all of which C.all of them D.all of whom 6.If we leave right away,____we’ll arrive on time. A.hopefully B.curiously C.occasionally D.gradually 7.______how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure. A.Hearing B.Hear C.Having heard D.To be hearing 8.Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam____at the age of six months old. A.was B.be C.were D.is 9.When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to ____it with important points. A.conclude B.lead C.avoid D.hold 10.During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs___sharply. A.was increasing B.has increased C.had increased D.will be increasing 11.Half of _____surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears. A.these B,.some C.ones D. those 12.A good listener takes part in the conversation,____ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing. A.realizing B.copying C.offering D.misunderstanding 13.The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform____visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built. A.what B.where C.when D.why 14.It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner._____,I’ll set the table.


(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A


Fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that man and animals possess if they are used. If fire didn’t hurt when it burned, children would play with it until their hands were burned away. Similarly, if pain existed but fear didn’t, a child could burn itself again and again because fear would not warn it to keep away from the fire that had burnt it before. A really fearless soldier—and some do exist—is not a good soldier because he is soon killed; and a dead soldier is of no use to his army. Fear and pain are therefore two guards without which man and animals might soon die out. In our first sentence we suggested that fear ought to be properly used. If, for example, you never go out of your house because of the danger of being knocked down and killed in the street by a car, you are letting fear rule you too much. The important thing is not to let fear rule you, but instead, to use fear as your servant and guide. Fear will warn you of dangers; then you have to decide what action to take. In many cases, you can take quick and successful action to avoid the danger. For example, you see a car coming straight towards you; fear warns you, you jump out of the way, and all is well. In some cases, however, you decide that there is nothing that you can do to avoid the danger. For example, you cannot prevent an airplane crashing into your house, and you may not want to go and live in a desert where there are no airplanes. In this case, fear has given you its warning, you have examined it and decided on your course of action, so fear of the particular danger is no longer of any use to you, and you have to try to overcome it. 1. Children would play with fire until their hands are burnt away if _________. A. they were not well educated at school B. they had never played with fire before C. they had no sense of pain D. they were fearful of pain 2. People sometimes succeed in timely avoiding danger because _________.


2013 浙江高考英语真题阅读 D 1974年,在填写了50张申请表,通过4轮面试,并赢得了一个工作机会后,我得到了我能得到的东西——一份教学的工作,地点在我所认为的偏远的蛮荒之地——新泽西州西部地区。仅当我提醒自己:我将从事我14岁时就开始想要做的工作——教英语——的时候,我性格中的乐观一面才活泛起来。 开学了,但是我越来越感到仿佛我呆在外国一般,这乡下果真是新泽西的地界吗?当狩猎季来临时,我的学生们一个星期都不在学校,我被告知他们在10月下旬也是频繁的缺课,因为要帮他们的父亲在农场上制干草,而我,一个来自纽约的年轻女性,过去都认为“趁着天晴晒干草”,不过意味着度过一段好玩的时光而已。 但是,我仍然在教英语,我工作很辛苦,只是抽空吃个饭睡个觉,后来我就带上了一个六年级班——17个男孩,5个女孩,他们的年纪仅仅比我小六岁而已,其实在我知道这个之前很久,我就有一个问题了:作为一个年轻的理想化的老师,我在工作中挣扎,我想令文学复苏,促进对于文字之爱,而孩子们想要在教室后边扔纸球,低声说脏话。 在大学时候我曾经被教授:作为一个成功的教育者,我应该忽略坏行为,我也是这么做的,我有信心,正如教材上说的,伴随着我给学生的正面关注,坏行为就会消失了,这听起来很合理,但是书本教材很明显忽略了一个事实:人类,尤其是少年们,看来罕有合理的行为,等到我的老板——也是我的校长——因最严厉,最苛求,最快把无经验的老师除名而有名的那个人——进入教室来督查我的教学的时候,学生展示出了极少的值诸暨市海亮外国语学校https://www.360docs.net/doc/362311195.html, dongding得赞扬的行为。 校长坐在教室后面,班上男生发出野兽叫,彼此打闹,而女生就挫指甲,读杂志,我只能假装这一切都没有发生,继续讲课,尽力问一些激发灵感的问题,我老板坐在教室后头,在我看来变得越来越高大碍眼,20分钟之后他一言不发,离开了,被解雇的场景在我眼前来回地动。 当我进行完剩余的课堂教学而没有哭出来时我感到适度的胜利感,但是接下来无课程期我得面对他,我想知道是否他还要让我那天干到头,我走向他的办公室,深呼吸一次,开了门。 他坐在椅子上,看着我,那是长久的,沉重的眼光,我一言不发,我能想到的就是我不是一个英语教师,我对自己撒了谎,假装当时一切正常。 当他开始说话时,他没有责备,仅仅说“你对他们没有什么说的” 他重复了一次这句话,“他们感到厌烦,这没有什么好奇怪的,为何不只谈文学的实质,停止谈论象征符号之类的呢,跟他们交谈,不是对他们讲话,更重要的是,为什么你忽略他们的坏表现呢?”我们谈论了一会,他指出了我的问题,提供了一些解决方法,我们进行了角色扮演,他演坏学生,我呢就演一个强力的但是内心温暖的老师。 那年就这样过着,我们度过了许多时光,讨论文学,关于人类。。(此处看不清影印版)。。的


2019年高考英语卷I 阅读理解翻译 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

A 今年夏天你要找工作吗? 省政府及其合作伙伴提供了许多项目来帮助学生找到暑期工作。申请截止日期以及你需要申请的东西都取决于该项目。 你不是学生?那你可以访问政府网站,了解一些可以全年帮助30岁以下的人培养技能、找工作或进行创业的项目和在线工具。 青年岗位 如果你是生活在本省内某些地区的一名青少年,你就有资格参加这一项目,该项目提供了八个星期的带薪就业与培训。 申请资格:青年,年龄为15至18岁,且生活在特定社区内。 夏日公司 夏日公司项目为学生提供了实际业务培训,且奖励高达3 000美元,从而帮助他们创立并经营自己的公司。 申请资格:学生,年龄为15至29岁,且于秋季返校。 园林青年管理员项目 今年夏天,你可以申请成为一名园林青年管理员,为当地的自然资源管理项目进行为期八周的工作。 申请资格:学生,雇用期间年龄为16岁或17岁,但在今年12月31日前不得年满18岁。 夏季就业机会 通过夏季就业机会项目,每年夏天都有学生们就职于省级公共服务、相关机构及社会团体的各种岗位。 申请资格:学生,年龄在15岁以上。对于身患残疾的学生,有些职位要求年龄须在15至24岁,最多29岁。 B 对于地处纽约帕乔格的迦南小学的二年级学生而言,今天是演讲日,现在轮到克里斯·帕莱兹了。这个八岁的孩子是班上最会开玩笑的人。他有一双闪亮的黑眼睛,使他看起来就像那种喜欢在公众场合演讲的孩子。 但是他很紧张。“今天我想讲一讲,你们为什么应该……应该……”克里斯在“-ld”的发音上变得磕绊起来,这对许多非英语母语人士都是一个发音难题。他的老师托马斯·沃利站在他旁边,悄声给予支持:“……为我……投票……”除了一些磕磕绊绊之外,克里斯表现得出奇地好。当他对演讲作了漂亮的收尾时,沃利邀请全班同学对他表示称赞。 作为移民的儿子,克里斯从三年前开始一点点学习英语。沃利回想起在今年年初时,每当要求克里斯阅读的时候,他都会借口去洗手间。 把英语作为第二语言来学习可以说是一种痛苦的经历。而你需要的是一位肯让你犯错的好老师。“对于任何学生来说,”沃利解释道,“尤其是对于把英语作为自己的一门新语言去学习的学生来说,能够十分自信地说出‘我不知道,但是我想知道’是需要很大勇气的。” 有一天,沃利问孩子们,如果谁认为自己永远都当不了总统,请举手。那时沃利就萌生了举办二年级总统竞选这一项目的想法。当时孩子们的答案让他感到心碎。沃利表示这个项目不仅仅是为了让孩子学会在公共场合朗读和说话。他更希望这些孩子学会夸耀自己。


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.
