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In a sleep,睡中之梦,Is the rose,风中之花,In the wind;蔷薇颠倒,And a fish.睡梦生涯。

In the deep,水中有鱼,And a man;心中有君;In the mind;鱼难离水,君是我心。

Dreaming to lack,梦有所丧,All that is his;丧其所有;Dreaming to gain 梦有所得,All that he is.得其自由。

Dreaming a life,睡梦生涯,In a dream, away抑之扬之Dip and swing,颤颤巍巍Lift and sway.颉之颃之。

My dog ate my homework.我的狗吃了我的家庭作业。

It's gonna be late.要迟到了,I guess that the teacher我猜老师will just have to wait.将不得不等待。

My dog ate my homework.我的狗吃了我的家庭作业,He swallowed it whole.他把我的整个本子都吞了下去。

I shouldn't have mixed it我不应该把它with food in his bowl.和食物一块放到狗吃饭的碗里。

二年级英语诗歌朗诵稿篇四A hippo is bounding around on my head.河马一直围绕在我的头部,Gorillas are banging on drums.大猩猩敲击着鼓。

A rhino is charging me full speed ahead犀牛承载着我全速前进。

while a crocodile's eyeing my thumbs.然而一只鳄鱼盯着笨手笨脚的


A rattlesnake's winding his way up my side.一条响尾蛇缠绕在我的身体上。

A tiger is sniffing my clothes.老虎闻着我的衣服。

A grizzly just grabbed me, his mouth open wide.一直灰熊抓住我,并张开它的大嘴。

A tarantula's perched on my nose.狼蛛栖息在我的鼻子。

I'm drowning, surrounded by man-eating sharks.我掉到了水里,鲨鱼包围了我。

An elephant sits on my chest.大象坐在我的胸部。

Yes, that's how it feels when the teacher remarks,是的,当老师评论的时候那是什么样的感觉。

"Grab your pencils. It's tim e for the test."“拿起你的笔,考验你的时候到了。

to tell them I'm home with a frog in my throat."告诉他们说我的嗓子里有只青蛙。

Her mom wrote a note for the teacher that said他的妈妈给老师写了一个便条说,"My daughter is sick and she's staying in bed.我的女儿病了,他躺在床上。

She won't be at school for the rest of the week.剩下的几周她不能去


She swallowed a polliwog down at the creek."因为他在小溪里吞了一只蝌蚪。

