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Unit1How I Got Smart

I. Teaching Objectives

1. Understand the audio materials of this unit.

2. Grasp the key words, phrases and structure.

3. Master the skills of writing and reading in this unit.

1) Developing passages beginning with misconceptions and followed by presenting theories,

arguments and opinions.

2) Appreciating figurative language in reading materials.

II. Teaching Content

1. Lead-in Activities

2. Text Organization

3. Skill Learning in Writing and Reading

4 .Language Points (key words, phrases and difficult sentences)

5. Grammar Focus (the use of rather than, the make+noun/pronoun+past participle structure)

6 .Guided Practice ( exercises, oral practice and group work )

III. Teaching Process

1. Warm-up Questions/Activity

1) Introduction:Do you remember your first love? All those exciting and wonderful new emotions---the way your heart raced when that special person was near--- those anxious, awkward moments when you didn’t know what to say or do? And then (for most of us) that sad moment when for one reason or another it all came to an end…Ernest Hemingway once said, “Every love story ends as tragedy”---but that authors of the texts in this unit have a different point of view. Text A focuses on the un expected side effects of the author’s first venture into romance.

2) Questions for discussion:

------Do you remember the first time you fell in love? Did you let the person know how you felt?

Did you learn anything from the experience, or was it just a silly incident?

------what do you think of college love? Is it an incentive or an obstruction?

2. Text Organization

The text can be divided into three parts:

Part I (para1-2) There is a misconception about the teacher—teachers are prodigies.

Part II (para3-33) My love story in my sophomore year.

Part III (para34) The after events of the story.

3. Skill Learning in Writing and Reading

1) Writing Skill: Developing passages beginning with misconceptions and then followed by

presenting theories, arguments and opinions.


A common misconception among university teachers is that certain students were born with a talent for interrupting lessons with strange questions. Who else but a born troublemaker, with none of the normal schoolgirl’s tendency to sit through each class in shy silence, would

grow up to be an active student?

I’ve tried to convince my teachers that the image they have of me as a noisy, undisciplined kid is out of focus. In reality, I was so quiet as a child that some people wondered if I could speak at all.

But then one day, during a fourth-grade history lesson, something happened that changed my classroom behavior forever. I had been gazing quietly into space as usual, when I noticed some fine lines in the ceiling just o ver the teacher’s head.

2) Reading Skill: Appreciating figurative language in reading materials.

In unit 6, Book 2, we worked with figures of speech: language that uses images or mental pictures to appeal to readers’ imaginations, and to allow wri ters to create complex associations that go beyond the power of literal language. Effective readers know how to recognize and interpret figures of speech in order to understand the author’s meaning more deeply and think about ideas in new ways.

4. Language Points:

1) A common misconception among youngsters attending school is that their teachers were child


Prodigy: n. a person who has unusual and very noticeable abattoirs, usually at an early age 奇才,天才


an extraordinary prodigy 奇迹,奇欢,奇物

a unique prodigy 罕见的奇才

a child / infant prodigy 神童

2) Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid’s tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway? (para1)

tendency : n. part of a person's character that makes him like (to do) sth.


His tendency to exaggerate is well known.

anyway :ad. (often used in conversation without adding much meaning to what is being said) in any case, anyhow


What was he doing with so much of the company's money in his personal account anyway?

3) …that the image they have of me as an enthusiastic devotee of books and homework during my adolescence was a bit out of focus.( Para2)

devotee:n. a person who strongly devoted to sth or sb 热爱……的人,献身于……的人Examples:

a devotee of Bach 巴赫乐曲的爱好者

a devotee of football 足球爱好者

[派生] devote : v. be devoted to sth / doing sth; devote oneself / sth(time,money) to sth / doing devoted 献身的,专心于……的;devotion献身,忠诚,挚爱;


out of focus : not clearly seen; not sharply defined


The children's faces were badly out of focus in the photograph.
