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7) job satisfaction 8) recruitment 9) promotion 10) job description
a. too much work
b. certificates for degrees, exams passed etc.
c. a higher position
d. the person applying for a job
Module 1 Job Hunting 模块1走向职场
Unit 1 Recruitment and Job Advertisement 求职与招聘广告
Module 1 Unit 1 I Lead-in 招聘的关键词汇 II Listening 求职步骤 III Authentic Practice 挑选合适候选人 IV Cultural Window 各国招聘广告 V Writing Practice 学习写招聘广告
letter and a resume? 4. Is it necessary to use the same language in your resume that
they use in advertisements? 5. What are the recruitment procedures? 6. What are included in a job advert? 7. What kind of verbs does the company use on a TV commercial?
i. a professor or boss giving data about the applicant’s character and ability
j. the process of employment
Listening 听力理解
1.First Listening 2.Second Listening 3.Discussion
Add more details in the list …
What are the recruitment procedures like?
covering letter application letter application form resume recruit position /post career objective advertisement employee vacancy requirement recruitment agencies headhunt candidate shortlist applicant experience interviewer hire interviewee qualification recruitment interviewer reference
referee apply for employ
3. Matching:Match the words with their definitions.
1) CV 2) referee 3) qualification 4) cover letter 5) heavy work load 6) applicant
1. Job application Questionnaire
If you areΒιβλιοθήκη Baidusure of the question:
1. When you want apply for a job, do you know where to begin? 2. What documents are the most important in job-hunting? 3. What are the differences between a cover letter/application
1. First listening: compound dictation
After university you will start_____ _____ _____, because _____ _____can be very difficulty nowadays. If you want to _If__yo_u_h_a_ve__t_hea jroigbh_t_e_x_p_erinieancneewanspda_p_er__o_r smuacghaazsinhea. vFinirgstp,aysosued mCEuTst4worritCeEaT6__a_nd__ga_in_e_d_a_sbtaacthineglotrhdaetgyroeueaarnedinettecr. etshteecdoimnpita.ny Ywoilul atshkenyonueetod attotfeinlldinan__________._T_h_e_y_w_il_l _d_ec_iadnedtaot_ta_c_h__you y_o_u_r_____if_t_h. ey think you are the _____ _____. However, if you want a higher _____, you may _____it _____.
Lead-in 导入活动
1.Job Application Questionnaire 2.Discussion 3.Matching
One of the most important things in life is fin求di职ng乃a人go生od大j事ob。. C良le好ar的ly教a 育go背od景e有du助ca于tion h求el职ps,yo但u是ge要t 想a b成e功tte地r找jo到b,工bu作t,it首is先ce要rt考ai虑nly, n理ot想th的e工on作ly是th什in么g.?To如f何ind申a请jo?b如yo何u 在ne众ed多t的o k申no请w者wh中a脱t k颖in而d 出of?jo现b 在yo,u 我wa们nt来, w做h一er个e a问nd卷 h调ow查t,o 考ap察ply你f的or求t职his知j识ob。, and how to be successful in a job interview.
e. feeling happy with job
f. a letter attached to your CV to make a good impression on employer g. a document stating your experience or education h. the duties or responsibilities in a job