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Doctor: what’s the matter with you? Amy: I have a headache. Doctor: you’d better take some medicine and have a rest. you should pay more attention to the exercise,OK? Amy: thank you, I will. Doctor: you are welcome.
13B What’s the matter?
ear mouth
arm finger
hair eye
nose shoulder
Look at the picture.
elbow hand
Write out each part of the body
e.g. The smell made me sick.
ill当“坏”解时,可作定语。Ill habits 坏习惯,另外可以说the
sick(病人);不能说the ill。
feel v. 感觉
feel as if 感觉……似的
e.g. How are you felling now? 你现在感觉怎么
Learning Aims
Teaching key points
Knowledge Objective(知识目标): 1、Vocabulary:wrong sick feel headache
serious medicine doctor matter hurt back
careful advise 2、Phrase: fell off be careful
“Good health, good luck and much happiness around you today and always. ”
What’s the matter with you/ her/him? I have a…… She/He has a ……
Sore neck
1、掌握并灵活运用下列句子: (1)What’s the matter? I have a ____ache. (2)Are you okay?
Ability Objective(能力目标): 1、Help students to recognize the differences
between general questions and speal questions. 2、Talking about someone’s health problems. 3、Asking about an illness using future tense.
Useful expression(日常用语小贴士)
What‘s wrong with you? =What‘s the matter with you? = What’s the trouble with you? = What‘s your trouble?
Make up a dialogue
C. to give up smoking.
D. that he gives up smoking.
doctor n. 医生 hurt v.伤害,(使)疼痛 serious adj. 严肃的;严重的;认真的
e.g.serious damage was done by the storm. 暴风雨造成了严重的损害
But be careful next time. Tom: You are welcome.
Talking about someone‘s health problems
1.What’s wrong with you? 2.Are you feeling all right? 3.How are you felling today? 4.Why don’t you see a doctor? 5.I don’t feel well. 6.I ’m sick. 7.I have a bad headache. 8.My back hurts. 9.I ’ve got a bit of temperature
“患病”的两种表达方式 :
The first way of having a problem. 表达方式之一: My ___hurt(s).
Ouch! I cut my finger. It hurts
My ear hurts.
“患病’的两种表达方式之二 : The second way of having a problem I have a +部位+ache.
句型练习(分角色朗读) (1)A: What’s the matter with you?
B:I’m sick.I feel tired. (2)Doctor:What’s wrong with you?
Tom: I hurt my back. Doctor: What happened? Tom: I fell off my bike yesterday. Mum: Let me see it. Tom: Is it very serious? Doctor: Not really. You will be OK soon.
matter n.事件,物质,原因,问题
what’s the matter/the wrong/the trobule with sb? careful adj 小心的,仔细的
fell(fall)off 跌落;从…掉下来; be careful (of) 当心,小心;注意
13A What‘s wrong with you?
How can we stay healthy?
Eat right! sleep right! exercise to keep right!
We should often eat all kinds of healthy food
Take moring exercise
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Unit 13 health
To recognize some health words in
English. 2.To develop some conversation abilities . 3. Asking about one’s health problems and giving advice.
Play basketball
Home work
1. Copy and read each new words & phrase of P119 & 120 three times.
2. Finish the related exercises in workbook and Recite the passage.
stomachache 胃疼
Role play the conversations A: What’s the matter? B: I have a toothache. A: Maybe you should see a dentist./You’d better go to see a doctor. B: Yes, I will./That’s a good idea.
I have a … toothache sore throat stomachache fever
You should … a. lie down and rest b. hot tea with honey c. see a dentist d. drink lots of water
hot tea with honey
2、连词成句,译成汉语: (1)a, have, I, stomachache. I have a stomachache. (2)matter, the ,what’s. What’s the matter? (3)my, cut, I, hurts, finger, it.
I cut my finger. It hurts.
Emotion Objective (情感目标): 具有较高的实际英语交际能力。
wrong adj. 有问题的,错误的
there are sth wrong with sb 某人怎么了?
e.g.It was wrong of you tell a tie.
sick adj. 有病的,恶心的
3. Interview your family members and write 2dialogues on their health
4. Practice role playing the conversation with your partners.
That’s all! Thank you!
Touch the parts of body on the drawing when you hear your partner say…
ache n.(持续而隐约的)疼痛
head back tooth ear
headache 头疼 backache 背疼 toothache 牙疼 earache 耳朵疼
medicine n. 药;医学;内科学
(take /have some medicine 服药)
advise v. 建议,忠告,通知,告知
advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事
e.g. He is advised
A. that he gave up smoking.
B. giving up smoking.
should +动词原形 “应该……” e.g. You should see a dentist. should + not =shouldn’t “不应该….” e.g. You shouldn’t go to that party.
Match the problems with the advice
I have a toothache
I have a stomachache.
1.What’s the matter with sb? = What’s the trouble with sb? = What’s wrong with sb? 2. have a +名词 “得…病 ” e.g. have a cold/fever/headache/sore back 3.Should是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。
see a dentist
stomachache lie down and rest
drink lots of water.
13C Are you feel all right?
Teacher:Amy,Are you feeling all right? Amy: No, I am not feeling well. Teacher: you’d better go and see a doctor. Amy: Yes, I will.