


1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.


2 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.


3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.


4 I won’t check this baggage 这件行李我不托运。

5 I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.

6 I missed my train.

7 I haven’t nothing to declare. 我没申报的东西。

8 it’s all personal effects. 这些东西都是私人用品。

9 I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.


10 I’d like two seats on today’s northwest flight 7 to Detroit, please.


11 we waited for john in the lobby of the airport.


12 I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead.


13 I’d like a refund on this ticket. 我要退这张票。

14 I’d like to have a seat by the window.


15 you have to change at Chicago station.


16 we have only one a day for New York.


17 sorry, they are already full. 抱歉,全部满了。

18 I’d like to reserve a seat to New York.


19 the flight number is ak708 on September 5th.

20 there’s a ten thirty flight in the morning.


21 I’m looking for my baggage。我正找我的行李。

22 I’d like to make a reservation. 我想预订。

23 the sooner, the better. 越快越好。

24 I’d l ike to change my reservation.


25 I’d like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo. 我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。

26 my reservation number is 2991.

27 I made a reservation in Tokyo.


28 I made reservations yesterday. 我昨天预订的。

29 I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo. 我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。

30 I always have a big wash to do on Saturdays.


31 the laundry is not dry enough. 衣服还没干。

32 I put too much detergent in the washer.


33 this stain is really stubborn. 这污垢去不掉。

34 I did three loads of wash today.


35 the train is comfortable.

36 I checked my baggage in the baggage section.


37 he guessed the train would come in early.


38 the stations are always full of people。

39 I hope you have a good trip. 祝你旅途愉快。

40 you need to transfer at central station.


41 how long are you going to stay here?

42 do you have anything to declare?

43 what"s the purpose of your visit?

44 what time does the ship leave?

45 when will the ship leave for Honolulu?


46 could you please give me the departure time?


47 do I need a reservation to go by ship?


48 how much for a one-way ticket to shanghai?


49 when would you like to return/go?


50 do you have any tickets available for that date?


51 Do you have any tickets available for that date?


52 How much does a round trip ticket to go there cost? 一张去那边的往返票要多少钱?

53 Would you take this coat to the cleaner’s?


54 Will you iron out the wrinkles in this skirt?


55 Won’t you iron this shirt for me?


56 Will you bring the laundry in if it rains?


57 Where am I supposed to pay the excess train fare? 我应该在哪里补票?

58 Where can you pick up your suitcase?


59 When can you pick up your ticket?


60 Where is immigration? 入境处在什么地方?

61 Where can I get my baggage?


62 Is the departure time on schedule?


63 How long will the flight be delayed?


64 What’s the cause of the delay?什么原因延误?

65 Will the flight be delayed? 这班机会延误吗?

66 May I have baggage tags?给我行李标签好吗?

67 Excuse me, what time will the plane arrive in Tokyo? 对不起,请问飞机何时到达东京呢?

68 Could you explain how to fill this out?


69 May I have a customs declaration form, please?


70 May I have a disembarkation card?


71 Is this within the tax-free limit?


72 Where’s a tax-free shop? 免税店在哪儿?

73 What time should I be at the departure gate?


74 Could you help me find my baggage?


75 Will the flight be canceled? 这班机会取消吗?

76 Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow?


77 Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10 a.m. Next Monday?

78 What’s the fare to New York, Economy Class?


79 Where do I pick up the ticket?


80 From which station does the train leave?

81 Can I stop over on the way?


82 Can I have a second-class one-way ticket to Chicago, please?


83 Are there any discount tickets for me?


84 What time does the plane take off?


85 One way or a round trip ticket?


86 What time does the first train to Boston leave?


87 Is it direct train? 这是直达车吗?

88 What platform does the train leave from?


89 By what time should I check in?


90 What is the boarding time? 何时登机呢?

91 How much is the excess baggage charge?


92 Will this flight leave on time?


93 Can I bring this on the plane?


94 What is the gate number? 登机门是几号?

95 Are there reserved seats on the train?


96 Where is gate six? 6号登机门在哪儿?

97 Where is the boarding gate for this flight? 这班飞机的登机门在哪儿?

98 Has this seat number started boarding?


99 Where is the ticket office? 售票处在哪儿?

100 How long is the ticket valid?


101 Do I have to make a reconfirmation?


102 Is there any earlier one?还有更早一点的吗?

103 Could you tell me my reservation number, please? 请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗?

104 Can I get a seat for today"s 7:00 a.m. train?


105 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo?


106 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass?


107 May I reconfirm my flight?


108 Are they all non-reserved seats?


109 Do I have to reserve a seat?


110 May I see a timetable? 我可以看时刻表吗?

111 How long will I have to wait? 我要等多久呢?

112 Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat?


113 Do you have any other flights?

114 When would you like to leave?

115 Can I reconfirm by phone?我能电话确认吗?

116 Where can I make a reservation?


117 Do I need a reservation for the dining car?


118 How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive? 火车还要多少分钟就要到达呢?

119 Is this a daily flight? 这是每日航班吗?

120 Excuse me. May I get by?


121 How much does it cost to go there by ship?


122 Can I cancel this ticket? 我可以取消这票吗?

123 Check it to my final destination


124 Please come to the airport by eight thirty at the latest. 最迟要在8点30分到达机场。

125 Take your baggage to the baggage section.


126 Please open your baggage.请把你行李打开。

127 Please fill in this disembarkation card.


128 Let me see your passport, please.

129 I have come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.


130 You"re going out of your way for us, I believe.


131 It"s just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now.


132 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.


133 If he wants to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then.


134 Is there any way of ensuring we"ll have enough time for our talks?


135 So our evenings will be quite full then?


136 We"ll leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.


137 We"d have to compare notes on what we"ve discussed during the day.


138 That"ll put us both in the picture.


139 Then we"d have some idea of what you"ll be needing.那我们会心中有数,知道你们需要什幺了。

140 I can"t say for certain off-hand.


141 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.


142 It"ll be easier for us to get down to facts then.


143 But wouldn"t you like to spend an extra day or two here? 你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗?

144 I"m afraid that won"t be possible, much as we"d like to. 尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。

145 We"ve got to report back to the head office.


146 Thank you for you cooperation.

147 We"ve arranged our schedule without any trouble. 我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。

148 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it?


149 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。

150 I can see you have put a lot of time into it.


151 We really wish you"ll have a pleasant stay here. 我们真诚地希望你们在这里过得愉快。

152 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for


153 Welcome to our factory.

154 I"ve been looking forward to visiting your factory. 我一直都盼望着参观贵厂。

155 You"ll know our products better after this visit.

156 Maybe we could start with the Designing Department. 也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门。

157 Then we could look at the production line.

158 These drawings on the wall are process sheets. 墙上的图表是工艺流程表。

159 They describe how each process goes on to the next. 表述着每道工艺间的衔接情况。

160 We are running on two shifts.


161 Almost every process is computerized.


162 The efficiency is greatly raised, and the intensity of labor is decreased.


163 All products have to go through five checks in the whole process.


164 We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。

165 Therefore, we always put quality as the first consideration.因而,我们总是把质量放在第一位。

166 Quality is even more important than quantity.

167 I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.我希望这次参观没给你们增添太多的麻烦。

168 Do we have to wear the helmets?


169 Is the production line fully automatic?


170 What kind of quality control do you have?


171 All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.


172 What"s your general impression, may I ask?

173 I"m impressed by your approach to business.


174 The product gives you an edge over your competitors,

I guess.


175 No one can match us so far as quality is concerned.


176 I think we may be able to work together in the future. 我想也许将来我们可以合作。

177 We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market. 我们想把生意扩大到中国市场。

178 The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company.


179 We would be glad to start business with you.


180 I"d appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation. 洽谈中请你们多加关照。

181 We are happy to be of help.我们很乐意帮忙。

182 I can assure you of our close cooperation.


183 Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples?


184 It will take me several hours if I really look at everything.如果全部参观的话,那需要好几个小时。

185 You may be interested in only some of the items. 你也许对某些产品感兴趣。

186 I can just have a glance at the rest.


187 They"ve met with great favor home and abroad. 这些产品在国内外很受欢迎。

188 All these articles are best selling lines.


189 Your desire coincides with ours.


190 No wonder you"re so experienced.


191 Textile business has become more and more difficult since the competition grew.


192 Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company?



193 At what time can we work out a deal?


194 I hope to conclude some business with you.


195 We also hope to expand our business with you. 我们


196 This is our common desire.


197 I think you probably know China has adopted a

flexible policy in her foreign trade.


198 I"ve read about it, but I"d like to know more about it.


199 Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。

200 How would you like to proceed with the negotiations? 你认为该怎样来进行这次谈判呢?

201 I"d like to know something about your foreign trade policy.我很想了解有关贵国对外贸易的政策。

202 It is said that a new policy is being put into

practice in your foreign trade.


203 Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.


204 We have adopted much more flexible methods in our dealings.


205 We have mainly adopted some usual international practices.


206 You have also made some readjustment in your import and export business, have you?


207 I"d like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country?


208 We are sure both of us have a brighter future.


209 We had expected much lower prices.


210 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere.


211 I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours.


212 When you compare the prices, you must take everything into consideration.


213 I can assure you the prices we offer you are very favorable.


214 I don"t think you"ll have any difficulty in pushing sales. 我认为你推销时不会有任何困难。

215 But the market prices are changing frequently.


216 It"s up to you to decide. 这主要取决于你。

217 The demand for our products has kept rising.


218 How long will your offer hold good?



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英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


商务英语口语实训心得体会3篇 篇一:商务英语口语实训心得体会 通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养学生敢于开口说英语, 培养较为正确的语音语调。重点训练交际功能,培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力,加强培养学生看图说话、话题叙述及辩论能力,并逐步丰富口头词汇量及功能短语和句子,同时帮助学生了解主要英语国家的文化背景和生活习俗。通过本课程的学习,学生初步学会就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈;能比较准确地表达思想,重点训练学生较连贯地用英语表达思想,丰富口头词汇和句型;能在口头表达英语时注重中西方文化的差异; 能使用得体的语言,语音、语调较正确,语流较顺畅,表达的句子能较好地传情达意;经一定的口头准备后,能就社会生活中的一般话题进行连贯发言(3-5分钟);对日常话题能初步学会用英语进行辩论。 在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生的实际使用英语进行交际的能力。以培养学生实际运用语言的能力为目的,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性。 不仅要使学生系统地掌握了英语日常口语,了解了语言的文化含义,能使用本族人普遍接受的语言,更重要的是要促进了学

生思辨能力的形成与发展,提高学生运用知识思考分析问题、提出见解的能力。 篇二:商务英语口语实训心得体会 在对英语几乎已经形同陌路的大三,来个商务英语口语实训,像是一个结婚已久的女子突然又有了初恋的感觉,为什么要比喻成女子呢,因为我觉得英语本来应该和女子和恋爱一般美好。两周的商务英语口语实训已经结束了,在这短短的两周时间内真是受益匪浅。通过这两个周的实训,我像是回到了学习英标和英语对白的中学时代。虽然很多东西包括单词看来的感觉是似曾相识,但起码,我曾经拥有过。 本实训旨在使学生更加重视英语口语训练并掌握口语表达的有效技巧,使学生进一步强化英语口语能力以适应职业的需要,从而培养较强的商务英语口语实际交际能力。通过本实训,介绍几种有效提高听力和口语的学习方法,力图克服学生开口难的畏惧心理,最终为学生提高商务英语的应用能力、增强商务环境下的英语口头沟通能力提供具有建设性的语言学习启示,从而建立起具有持续性的语言学习能力。 本次商务英语口语实训主要包括三个部分,下面会详细的说明。通过这三个部分的训练,培养学生用英语朗读各种题材书面材料的能力,培养学生在没有文字凭借的情况下用英语表达自己的观点的能力,清楚而逻辑的论证自己的观点的能力,培养在特


1 / 4 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)词汇 (第三版) 1.1World of work 工作领域 business n. 工商企业;商行;商业 technique n. 技巧,技能 cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的 presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙 述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司 run vt. 开办(课程/ 讲习班) one-to -one 一对一的 accredited adj. 公认的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的, client n. 客户 entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快 的, professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve vt. 包含、需要、使成为必要 部分 responsibility n. 责任,所负责的事情 be responsible for sb./ sth. 对某人/某 事负责 title n. 头衔,职称 sample n. 样品试用产品 account n. 账目,账户 correspondence n.(来往的)信件 badge n.徽章 identify vt. 发现,确定 workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班 catering service 餐饮服务 MD managing director 的缩写,总经 理,执行董事 gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿 interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,(家用)电 器 ship vt. 运送 power point 电子版幻灯片 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的 presence n. 仪态,风度,风采 diary n. 记事簿 Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都) Do you like your job? Do you often travel abroad ? How are you? …Not too bad, thanks. I work for a company that… I work as… What does your job involve ? My job involves doi ng… What do you do ? I deal with Who is your MD? I am based in …. 1.2Personal and professional details个 人和职业详细情况 division n. 分理处,部门 profile n. 传略;人物简介;概况 questionnaire n. 问卷,调查表 interview n. 采访;面试 musical instrument 乐器 destination n. 目的地 follow-up questions 后续问题,补充 问题 swap vt. 交换 electronics n. 电子学;电子器件 varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的 confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食 制造的 allocate vt. 分配,分派 candidate n. 候选人 criterion n. 标准,准则pl.(复数) criteria Inc. adj. Incorporated 的缩写,股份有 限的 supervise vt. 主管,监管,管理 coordinate vt. 使协调 scuba diving 水肺潜水 marathon n. 马拉松赛跑 finance assistant 财务助理 audit vt. 审计 master’s degree 硕士学位 judo n.柔道 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳 综合症 ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的 journalism n. 新闻学,新闻业 breed vt. 饲养 terrier n. 小猎狗 chewing gum 口香糖 gallery n. 画廊,美术馆 format n. 形式,格式 SARS--Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道综合征, 俗称非典型肺炎,简称非典 efficiency n. 效率 profit n. 利润 mentor n. 良师益友 make contribution to 为……做贡献 personal problem 个人(私人)问题 set an example to 树立榜样 be based in 在……总部 raise money 募捐 Master’s degree in business administration: MBA工商硕士 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳 综合症 be in charge of 负责 best-selling 畅销 think of a new idea 想出新点子 2.1 Work in progress 工程进展 Be in progress 在进行中,在运行 中 project n. 项目,工程 Garden vi.& vt.种植或修整花园,从事 园艺工作 Update vt. 更新 Construction n. 建筑,建筑物 Apart from 除了……之外 Minor adj. 较小的,次要的 Proceed vi. 进行,继续下去 panorama n. 全景,全景画 management team 管理团队 take shape 成形 ahead of schedule 提前于预订计划 financial report 财务报告 temp n. 临时雇员 help out 帮助(某人)解决困难 give a presentation of 对……做陈述 launch vt. 开始,开办,推出;发射 photocopy vt. & n. 影印,复印 branch n. 分部,分店,分公司 projector manager 项目经理

商务英语 BEC初级口语(超详细讲义)

BEC初级口语电子讲义 第一课时 BEC Preliminary介绍 Ⅰ BP Introduction BEC初级介绍 (ⅰ)Why take BEC exams? * strong growth * rigorous quality control * wide suitability * wide business context * value for study and business career * international recognition for work and study (ⅱ) BP Content BP包含的内容 BP考试主要是考学生的语言能力,包括听、说、读、写四个方面。试卷所设计的语言文字基本上都与商务有关。另外,还考学生的英语语法、结构等内容。 BP考试分笔试和口试两大部分。笔试包括阅读、写作和听力。 听说读写 听力:电话、面谈、问路、讨论等 阅读:来往函电、表格、会议记录(memorandum)、广告(advertisement)、通知(announcement)、日程安排(business schedule)、电话留言、简历(resume/CV)、商业文章、信息转换、产品目录(product catalog) 写作:写短文、商务信函(查询信、复查询信、抱怨信、图表描述) 口语:日常会话(daily conversation)、简单陈述(mainly presentation)、讨论问题 (ⅲ) Papers 试卷 Preliminary V antage Advanced Reading 1 hr 30 mins ﹡ 1 hr 1 hr Writing45 mins 1 hr 10 mins Listening40 mins40 mins40 mins Speaking 12 mins ﹡﹡14 mins ﹡﹡16 mins ﹡﹡ ( 2 candidates)


商务英语初级口语词汇 【商务用语】original binding 原装,原来装订 a binding agreement 需要遵守的合约worn binding 破损本,装订残损本volume binding (期刊的)合订本 【例句】This regulation is binding on everybody. 本规则人人皆需遵守。 4.blank adj.空白的n.空白;表格 【商务用语】address blank 空地址application blank 空白申请书 income tax return blank 空白所得税申报表order blank 订货单 【例句】Write your name, address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page. 在这一页顶端的空白处写上你的姓名、地址和电话号码。 5.blanket adj.总括的;综合的 【商务用语】blanket price 一揽子价格blanket order 总括订购单 blanket mortgage 总括抵押(即以债务人全部资产作抵押) blanket insurance 综合保险,总括保险 【例句】A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents. 一张综合保险单承保汽车一切意外事故。 6.bootleg vt.非法制造酒等;走私 【例句】The company bootlegged corn whiskey during Prohibition.


常用商务英语口语表达资料库 一,建立联系 样例欣赏 1 I have a feeling that there are bright prospects for us to cooperate in this field. I wish to enter into business relations with you. Your desire happens to coincide with ours. R egarding our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, please refer to our bank or to our local chamber of commerce. Thank you or your information. 样例欣赏 2 I understand this is your first visit to our company. Yes and my first visit to you r country. I’ve wanted to visit China for a long time and now I’m lucky to have the chance to do so. I’m glad to hear that. I think you must have some idea of our company. We’ve been importing arts and crafts for many years. The purpose of my coming here is to do business with you. I can assure you of our best intentions and closest cooperation. We’re always willing to develop trade with friends from all over the world. 样例欣赏 3 Here is our sample room. You certainly have got a large collection of sample foodstuffs here. Yes. We are exporting a wide range of foodstuffs to many countries. And the demand is getting greater and greater. So it is. Though we haven’t done business with you, as you know, your exports of foodstuffs to our country have considerably increased during the last few years. It appears that Chinese food stuffs are very attractive. You said it. The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not as high as theirs. By the way, which items are you interested in? Canned goods are of special interest to me, particularly the


BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 1. We’d like to express out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. 我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。 2. In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了能在贵国拓宽我方的出口业务,我们希望能与你们直接建立业务关系。 3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us. 我们希望双方能建立互惠的贸易关系。

4. We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relations. 希望我们之间友好的业务关系得到进一步的发展。 5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我方希望能够继续同贵方保持大量的业务往来。 6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon. 我方期待着尽快收到贵方的报价。 7. I hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost. 希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力。 8. We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.


BEC商务英语初级口语词汇(1) 1.The price for food are subject to variation. 食品的价格可能变更。 重点词语:variation n.变化,变更 商务用语:the variation of opinion 意见的改变 2.The shopping-center sells a variety of goods. 这个购物中心出售许多种商品。 重点词语:variety n. 多样化 商务用语:a variety of 多种做样的 3.She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste. 她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。 重点词语:vendor n. 卖主(公司或个人) 商务用语:a news vendor 报贩 4.He ventured all his assets in the new business. 他把所有资产投放在新的企业。

重点词语:venture n. ①企业②商业冒险v.①冒险②投机 商务用语:joint venture 合资企业 venture capital 风险资本 5.Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation. 教书是我的职业,写作是我的副业。 重点词语:vocation n. ①行业②职业③胜任,适合 商务用语:agricultural vocations 农务 commercial vocation 商务行业 have no vocation for arts 不适合搞文艺 6.Her position has been upgraded to executive level. 她的职位已提高到经理级。 重点词语:upgrade n./v. 升级,提升 商务用语:on the upgrade 改善的,进步的 7.Her retirement has left the position of company manager vacant. 她退休后,公司经理一职空缺。 重点词语:vacant adj. 空缺的 商务用语:apply for a vacant position in an office 申请一个空


2010年商务英语BEC初级口语词汇详解1 1.binary adj.二进位的;二元的 【例句】The binary system of numbers is used in digital computers. 数字计算机都使用二进制数字系统。 2.bind vi.结合;装订;约束 【相关词组】bind in 并合bind out 订立契约当学徒 【例句】I am bound by this agreement. 我受这项协议的约束。 3.binding n.约束;装帧adj.链接的;有约束力的;负有义务的 【商务用语】original binding 原装,原来装订 a binding agreement 需要遵守的合约worn binding 破损本,装订残损本volume binding (期刊的)合订本 【例句】This regulation is binding on everybody. 本规则人人皆需遵守。 4.blank adj.空白的n.空白;表格 【商务用语】address blank 空地址application blank 空白申请书 income tax return blank 空白所得税申报表order blank 订货单 【例句】Write your name, address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page. 在这一页顶端的空白处写上你的姓名、地址和电话号码。 5.blanket adj.总括的;综合的 【商务用语】blanket price 一揽子价格blanket order 总括订购单 blanket mortgage 总括抵押(即以债务人全部资产作抵押) blanket insurance 综合保险,总括保险 【例句】A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents. 一张综合保险单承保汽车一切意外事故。 6.bootleg vt.非法制造酒等;走私 【例句】The company bootlegged corn whiskey during Prohibition. 那家公司在禁酒期间偷运玉米威士忌。 7.bottleneck n.瓶颈状态;薄弱环节;阻塞现象;影响生产流程的因素vt.阻塞,妨碍 【商务用语】bottleneck commodity 稀缺商品bottleneck problem 薄弱环节问题bottleneck inflation 瓶颈式通货膨胀,短线涨价bottleneck industry 薄弱环节产业 【例句】Production of material has bottlenecked. 原料的生产受到了阻碍。 8.bounty n.奖励金,补助金 【商务用语】export bounty 出口津贴import bounty 进口奖励金 【例句】We received a bounty from the government. 我们收到政府给予的一笔补助金。 9.boycott n.联合抵制vt.联合抵制;联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交;联合拒购 【商务用语】credit boycott 拒付货款primary boycott 直接抵制 boycott a commercial product 抵制某种商品boycott a nation 对某国实行抵制 【例句】They are boycotting the shop because the people who work there are on strike to boycott a meeting. 他们拒绝购买那家商店的货物,因为店里的员工正在为联合抵制一个会议而罢工。 10.brainstorm n.灵机一动vt.集中各人智慧猛攻 【例句】We need to brainstorm a more permanent solution to a problem. 我们需要群策群力,设法找到一个长期有效的解决办法。 2010年商务英语BEC初级口语词汇详解2 1.breach n.违背 【商务用语】breach of arrestment 擅自处理已查封的财产 breach of duty 失职,玩忽职守breach of faith 违约;失信 breach of trust 受托人违反信托约定;违约 【例句】Y our company is in breach of the contract.你们公司违反了合同。


商务英语初级口语词汇整合 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了初级口语词汇,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 商务英语初级口语词汇:订购货物 mail order company:邮购计划 headquarters:n.(公司)总部 catalogue:n.商品目录单 vendor:n. 销售商 recommendation:n.推荐信、建议 item:n. 产品、货物 in standard length:标准长度的 article:n. 商品、项目 measurements charts:尺寸图 knitted skirts:针织裙子

asap(as soon as possible)尽快 商务英语初级口语词汇:顾客 reorganise:n.改组,改编 loan:n.银行贷款 forecast:n.预测 consume:v.消费,消耗 venture:n.风险项目 warranty:n.(产品的)保证书 oval:椭圆形 finalise:v. 确定,最后定下 backlog:n.积压未办的事情 substantial:adj.重大的,可观的,坚固的,有影响的商务英语初级口语词汇:自学和考试实践continental breakfast:欧式早餐 bilingual applicants:具有双语能力的申请者 end-of-year party:年终聚会

job advertisement:招工广告 marketing secretary:营销部秘书 P.A. (Personal Assistant):私人助理 administrative support:行政管理上的支持secretarial skills:文秘技能 communications skills:沟通能力,交际技能science marketing assistant:科技营销助理 an internal recruitment policy:内部招工政策 work overtime:加班 official working hours:正式的工作时间 long-term employment:长期雇用 production manager:生产经理 take legal action against:对…提出诉讼 settle the dispute:解决纠纷 unforeseen circumstances:难以预料的情况 up-to-date information technology:最新的信息技术


课题一·商务英语交谈常见的几种情况 1. Greeting message 祝福 Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗? 2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空? I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A. 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 We'd like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. same time. 十月三十号(周三),老时间,开会。 I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project. 我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。 3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议 Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。 Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule. 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您的反馈建议! What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做? What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想? Feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。 Any question, please don't hesitate to let me know. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Any question, please let me know. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Please contact me if you have any questions. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。Please let me know if you have any question on this. 有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。 Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议! Do you have any idea about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗? It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user's behavior. 您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了! At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue. 如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。


BEC剑桥商务英语初级词汇 1.1 Business Topic World of work (职场) 词语准备 business n. 工商企业;商行;商业 technique n. 技巧 cross-culture adj.跨文化的 Internet n.因特网,国际互联网 presentation n.口头报告;陈述;叙述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司 run(courses/workshops) vt. 开办(课程/讲习班) one-to-one 一对一的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的 client n. 客户 professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve vt. 包含;需要;使成为必要部分responsibility n. 责任;所负责的事情 be responsible for sb./sth. 对某人/某事负责 title n. 头衔;职称 sample n. 样品;使用产品 account n. 账目;账户 badge n. 徽章 identify vt. 发现;确定 catering service 餐饮服务 MD managing director的缩写,总经理,执行董事interior n. 车内产品;内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录;便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,家用电器 ship vt. 运送 Power Point幻灯片 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的 diary n. 记事簿 1.2 Business Skills Personal and professional details (个人及职业细节)词语准备 division n. 分理处,部门 colleague n. 同事 profile n. 传略,人物简介;概况questionnaire n. 问卷,调查表 interview n. 采访;面试 single adj. 单身的,未婚的 musicial instrument 乐器 file n. 档案,文件 destination n. 目的地 follow-up questions 后续问题,补充问题swap vt. 交换 electronics n. 电子学;电子器件 varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食制造的annual adj. 每年的,年度的 allocate vt. 分配,分派 candidate n. 候选人 criterion n. 标准,准则,(复数)criteria Inc. adj. Incorporated的缩写,股份有限的employee n. 雇员,员工 values n. 价值观,准则 supervise vt. 主管,监督,管理coordinate vt. 使协调 marathon 马拉松赛跑 finance assistant 财务助理 audit vt. 审计 master’s degree 硕士学位 ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的 internal adj. 内部的 external adj 外部的 journalism n, 新闻学,新闻业 chewing gum 口香糖 gallery n. 画廊,美术馆 format n. 形式,格式 2.1 Business Topic Work in progress 词语准备 be in progress 在进行中,在运行中

商务英语口语900句 第一单元(带翻译)

Unit One 希望与要求 Part I 1. We’d like to express out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. 我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。 2. In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了能在贵国拓宽我方的出口业务,我们希望能与你们直接建立业务关系。 3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us. 我们希望双方能建立互惠的贸易关系。 4. We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relations. 希望我们之间友好的业务关系得到进一步的发展。 5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我方希望能够继续同贵方保持大量的业务往来。 6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon. 我方期待着尽快收到贵方的报价。 7. I hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost. 希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力。 8. We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience. 我们希望尽早与你方洽谈业务。 9. We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes. 我方希望能与贵方达成皮鞋贸易。 10. We look forward to your early and trust that through our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near future. 我们盼望早日得到你方的答复,并相信通过相互合作,我们不久即可达成这笔交易。 11. I hope we can do business together, and look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望我们有合作机会,并静候您的佳音。 12. I hope that we can cooperate happily. 希望我们合作愉快。 13. I hope that we can continue our cooperation. 希望我们能继续合作。 14. We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both parties. 我们真心地希望这次交易能使我们双方都能满意。 15. We hope that this market trend will continue.
