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U K’s i n d u s t r i a l r e v o l u t i o n





Part one:introduction of UK’s industrial revolution

More than one hundred years, historians carried on the thorough research to the industrial revolution and economics, but what exactly is an industrial revolution often tell disagree on the existence of the industrial revolution in the history,even admit that the industrial revolution is a big economic reforms, also conducted a gradual theory and mutation theory. Mantoux, make a thorough inquiry of the original concept of the industry points out that Marx referred to in the "industrial revolution"in Das Kapital. And then, "industrial revolution" in 1850, have been used by Andre in 1845, it has been used in the?British?Working?Class of Engels.

And here,the definition of it is that the industrial revolution is a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology had a tremendous effect on the and conditions starting in the Britain,then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world.

Part two:The influence of UK’s industrial revolution

The UK’s Revolution brought about dramatic changes in nearly every aspect of British society, including economy, politics, social structures and institutions.

First, The Industrial Revolution had made Great Britain the wealthiest country in the world. Its Industrial productivity increased dramatically. Thus, Great Britain became the most advanced

industrial country and also the financial center in the world. As Britain’s incoming finances grew and increased, citizens were able to move up the rungs of the social class ladder in British society, thus improving their financial and educational statuses. Alongside new inventions came exciting discoveries in medicine, providing for better treatments of diseases and thus promoting the overall health of British society. Meanwhile, in Britain, roads made of longer-lasting surfaces and canals connected all parts of the nation. A mining engineer, George Stephenson, developed the first steam-powered locomotive, opening the way for the building of railroads. Railroads and steam-powered ships improved transportation around the world. In 1837, an American inventor, Samuel . Morse, devised the telegraph, which revolutionized communications. In a word, all these new inventions made people’s life more convenient.

Second,with the growth of factories, people were drawn to

metropolitan result in an increase in population and urbanization. By 1850, the urban population was half of the whole population in Britain. The country also underwent a process of mass urbanization. Many new cities sprang up, such as Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and Sheffield.

Third, The Industrial Revolution also created changes in class structure. The capitalist class replaced the old nobility as the most important force in the country. Meanwhile, a large proletariat class came into being, who owned neither the means of production nor the products.

The Industrial Revolution had its good side. But there was a saying that every coin has two sides. Obviously, The Industrial Revolution also had its bad side.

Due to the factory system was largely responsible for the rise of the modern , as large numbers of workers migrated into the cities in search of employment in the factories. In the large number of
