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1、A、I visited my aunt、B。Thank you、ﻩﻩC。It wasgreat。

2、A。No,she didn’t。ﻩB、Yes, she didn’t、C、Yes, he did。

3、A、A watch。B、Talk shows、ﻩC。Reading。

4。A、Myschool uniform。ﻩB、At school、ﻩﻩC、On Monday、5、A、It takes 25 minutes。B、Howaboutyou?ﻩC。I take a train。


6。A。Yes,I do。B。Yes,she does、ﻩC、No,she doesn’t。

7、A、Intheclassroom、B、In the garden。ﻩC、In the ha llway。

8、A。Hewentto the beach、ﻩB。He visited her aunt。

C、He was at home、

9、A、She takes a train。ﻩB、She drives a car。C、Shetakes a ship、

10、A、Yes, she did、ﻩB、No,she didn’t。ﻩC、We don’t know。


11、A。He takes thesubway、B、He takesthe bus、C、H egetstoschoolon foot、

12。A。Anhour。B、Two hours、C、Around thirtyminutes。

13。A。She rides a bike。ﻩB、Shetakes a taxi、C、She walks、

14、A、Around two hours、B。Aroundfive minutes、C、About twenty-five minutes、

15。A、Yes, she does。ﻩB。No,she doesn't、ﻩC、Wedon't



16。Jeffhad a great vacation。

17、Jeff went across the USAby train、

18、The weather wascoolin big cities、

19。Jeff loved the houses inthe mountains verymuch、

20、The houses in the mountains were bigand quiet。



21、It's interesting,but________ difficult forme。

A、little B。alittleC。afew D、few

22、Everyone ______here last Monday、

A、were B、is C、are D。was

23、Did Julie study _______exams?

A、to B、for C。have D、at

24、It was a _________dayyesterday。

A。rainB。raining C、rainy D。to rain

25、There arealsomany fast food restaurantsin_________ parts of our city、



C、anotherD、the others

26。You needn’t _________your English。I willhelp you。

A。worry B、worriedC。worryabout D、worried about27。—_________does youmothergo to the supermarket?

—By bus、

A。Where B。When C、HowD、What

28、It’s time ___________class、

A。for haveB、haveC、to haveD、to having 29、He helped his motherclean therooms and then________hishomeworkyesterday afternoon、

A、doB。doing C、does D。did

30、—Isthat________ interesting book?

-Yes, but it is ___________ difficult、

A。an, a little B、a, a bitC、a, a little D、an, littl e

31。—When did you seethe film?


A。Two hoursago、B。In anhourC。Two hours D、In

two hours ago

32。Howabout _________the supermarket?

A。togo to B、going C、to go D、goingto33、I'd like________TV, but my fatherenjoys_________newspapers、

A。watching,reading B、seeing, seeC、tosee, see D。to watch,reading

34。His__________saysit’s7:00 pm。

A、belt B。wallet C、watchD、ring

35、Ithink the TV showisinteresting。Do you________ me?

A。like B。agree C、agreetoD、agree wit h

36。-I love Sports News、What about you?


A、I did,tooB。Ido, either C、I do,too D。I loveto

37、—Wele toBeijing!


A、Not at all B。That's allright C、Goodbye D、Thank you

38、Nina's home is___________ from here,so she doesn’t have to take the bus、

A、fiveminutes’walk B、twenty—kilometer

C、two hoursby bus D。two hours

39。He isverytired、He doesn’twant to do ___________、A。something B、nothing C、everythingD、anything

40。Ifound it_______ to work out this math problem in one minute、



C、quickly D、hardly



How do you spendyour vacation?ManyAmericans liketohave the ir vacations in 41 countries。One dayan American 42 came toChina。Thiswas her first time to China and she wantedto43some frie nds there。She met a Chinese boy, Wang Tong、WangTongwas only ten years old, and he always wanted to practice 44。So he came up andsaid “45 ”to her, andthen he beganhisfirst talk with a person 46 an English—speaking country、

“How old are you?”WangTong 47then、
