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1. Excellent Location:

Zhanjiang is one of the open coastal cities which ZNU is located in, lying at the most southern point of Chinese Mainland and facing Southeast Asia. It has an advantageous location with convenient sea, land and air transportation. It enjoys a tropical and subtropical climate, with the air quality ranking the second among Chinese cities in 2011. It is the best city in China to enjoy seafood cuisine.




2. Long History:

ZNU is a provincial comprehensive normal university which is dedicated to teacher education. The history of ZNU can be traced back to the Leiyang Academy, which was founded in 1636. ZNU has devoted its energy to teacher education since 1904. In 1991, ZNU gained its present name. During the long-term practice, ZNU has cultivated the cultural atmosphere with the characteristics of teacher education and the manner of university bearing.



3. Large Scale:

ZNU has developed a pattern of “Greater Teacher Education” which integrates teacher education (preschool, elementary, vocational and special education), non-teacher education, overseas students’ education, pre-service education and post-service education.


Total students:42000,full time students:27000,Pare time students 15ooo.

ν 教职工1440人,其中副教授以上职称400多人、博士184人,高级职称教师占41%。

Total staff and faculty:1440, professors and associate professors:over 400,doctors:184.

ν 涵盖九大学科门类,教育学,文学,法学,经济学,历史学,理学,工学,农学,管理学。 Nine Disciplines , Education , Literature , Economics , History , Science , Engineering , Agronomy , Management.

ν 五大教师培训基地,全国重点建设职教师资培养培训基地、中小学教师培训省级基地、职业教育省级师资培训基地、幼儿园园长培训省级基地、广东高校教师教育教学技能实训中心。 Teachers Training Bases ,National Key Construction Teacher Training Bases of V ocational

Education ,Provincial Training Bases for Primary and Second School Teachers ,Provincial Teacher Training Base for V ocational Education ,Provincial Training Base for Kindergarten Heads ,Guangdong Educational and Teaching Technique Training Center for University Teachers.


13 schools: Humanities School, School of Law & Politics, Foreign Language School, School of Education Science, School of Mathematics & Computing Science, School of Physics Science & Technology, school of Chemistry & Technology, school of Information Science & Technology, School of life Science & Technology, Business School, School of Sports Science, School of Fine Arts, School of music.

ν 图书馆建筑面积超3万平方米,拥有纸质藏书185万册、中外文纸质现期刊2000多种、电子期刊22000多种;

ν 现代化教学楼、综合实验楼、音乐厅、文化广场、实习实训中心、学生公寓等教学生活设施一应俱全。


The university library covers a floor area of over 30,000 square meters. It has a collection of 1,850,000 volumes of paper books, nearly 2,000 kinds of current Chinese and foreign periodicals as well as more than 22,000 kinds of electronic periodicals. ZNU is well equipped with modern teaching buildings, comprehensive laboratory building, music hall, cultural square, practicing and training center, student residence, etc..




4. High Quality:

Led by the concept of harmony and innovation, ZNU has been continuously boosting the mode reform of talent cultivation and the construction of disciplines and specialties. The quality of education offered is increasingly upgrading.

In 2000, ZNU firstly passed the assessment of undergraduate teaching level carried out by the Ministry of Education among all the normal universities in China.

In 2007, it successfully passed the assessment with a mark of excellence for its teaching level by the Ministry of Education.

In 2010, ZNU was authorized as a newly-listed university for construction of master’s degree conferment by Guangdong Provincial Government.


