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1.(1.00分)I can't tell you way to the Wilsons because we don't have Wilson here in the village.()

A.the;a B.a;/ C.a;the D.the;/

2.(1.00分)In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in ,knives and forks.()

A.another B.others C.the other D.all

3.(1.00分)It is careless Jack to mistake someone else's umbrella his again.()

A.for;as B.of;as C.for;for D.of;for

4.(1.00分)I don't really like the director,I have to say his films are very exciting.()

A.although B.unless C.until D.while

5.(1.00分)﹣Haven't you handed in your project?

﹣Yes.My classmates and I on it for the whole weekend.()A.have worked B.are working C.work D.worked

6.(1.00分)What's the matter with you?You don't seem quite today.()

A.yourself B.myself C.himself D.herself

7.(1.00分)﹣You are always so lazy! I have never seen bedroom before.﹣Sorry! I will clean it at once.()

A.an untidy B.an untidier

C.the untidiest D.the untidier

8.(1.00分)﹣Could you tell me ?

﹣With my parents' support.()

A.why you did so well B.why slid you do so well

C.how you did so well D.how did you do so well

9.(1.00分)﹣﹣﹣Excuse me,Sir.But smoking is not allowed here.

﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I didn't see the sign.I'll ___________________ my cigarette at once.()

A.put out B.put awayC.put up D.put off

10.(1.00分)Shanghai plans to control the of its population and to have no more than 23million

people by the year 2020.()

A.size B.style C.speed D.shape

11.(1.00分)﹣He didn't attend the meeting this morning,did he?

﹣.Even if he was not feeling well.()

A.No,he didn't B.Yes,he did

C.No,he did D.Yes,he didn't

12.(1.00分)You be Carol.You haven't changed a bit after all these years.()

A.must B.can C.will D.shall

13.(1.00分)﹣I have a package ,but I'm too busy.

﹣Why not have your cousin it for you?()

A.to send;send B.sent;send

C.to send;to send D.sent;to send

14.(1.00分)_______ wonderful news program we are watching!()A.What B.How C.What a D.How a

15.(1.00分)﹣How long have you learned English?

﹣About four months.

﹣! Your English is so good.()

A.You can't be serious B.You got it

C.I couldn't agree more D.That's not the case



16.(10.00分)When I was a boy,I didn't have a smartphone.At that time,home computers weren't heard of,and our small television could only get one channel clearly.Yet,I was never (1).

I would ride my bike down the hills to feel the gentle wind on my face when (2)arrived.When summer came,I spent most of my free time (3).I never got sunburned because I was never out of the water long enough.When it was fall,my friends and I would play football for hours.We also liked to jump in the golden and red piles of (4)falling from trees.It was pretty interesting.The first snows of winter didn't stop the fun,either.My brothers and I would have (5)is and hike into the woods to cut down our Christmas tree.

Those simple (6)always brought me so much happiness.There was (7)to be bored about because there was always something to do and (8).Because the children of today are spending so much time (9)and so little time living,I feel a bit sorry for them.

One thing I am sure of,though,is that even in this technological world,the simple pleasures of life can still make your soul quiet. A hug still (10)your heart. A walk in the woods still calms your mind.There're much more simple pleasures of life to enjoy than staying in the technological world.

1.A.tired B.excited C.bored D.sad 2.A.holiday B.weekend C.spring D.festival 3.A.sailing B.swimming C.hiking D.climbing 4.A.fruit B.wood C.leaves D.balls 5.A.snowball B.football C.water D.sports 6.A.lessons B.pleasures C.kindness D.fun 7.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing 8.A.learn B.share C.enjoy D.solve 9.A.playing B.watching C.working D.resting
