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Book1 Unit 7: Hoping for the better


1.The topic of dishonesty on campus (Dishonesty is on the rise

especially on campus and the phenomenon needs urgent attention) 2.The reading skill of finding out word meanings by using contextual


3. The key words, phrases & expressions, and sentence structures

4. Some typical features of an argumentative essay


1.guessing word meanings by using contextual clues while reading

2. exploring the argumentative style of text A and the topic-details-conclusion pattern it uses to develop a paragraph .


Task 1 : Lead in

Group discussion(20 min)

The teacher divides the students into groups of five or six students and leads them to carry out a group discussion on dishonest behavior on campus, its underlying reasons and the ensuing consequences. Then, each group is asked to work out some solutions to one of these phenomena. After that, the teacher will ask one student of each group to give a presentation on behalf the whole team.

Brain storming (15 min)

Interacting with students by asking them to think of words about dishonesty as a way to lead in some important words.

Pre-reading activities (page 176) (10 min)

Task 2: Understanding the main idea of text A

1. Skinning and scanning (15 min)

Task 1: students are required to note nouns and adjectives concerning dishonesty in the article. Later, they will be asked to group these words into synonyms and antonyms.

Task 2: students are also required to mark numbers that appear in the article and explain why they are used.

2. Comprehension Qs (page 183) (15 min)

Task 3 Stylistic analysis (15 min)

Concerning the writing style, the students are guided to realize Text A is an argumentative essay. With regard to an argumentative essay, they should know the whole text centers on a topic and concerning the topic the writer definitely has his standpoint. Then concerning each part and each paragraph, the students are guided to discover that there generally is a topic sentence/statement supported by details (examples in particular in Text A) and a concluding sentence/statement.

Task 4 Language points (45 min)

2.Key words:

eliminate reveal accurate facilitate

exaggerate imply launch

2.Paraphrasing some complex sentences (15 min)

1. We have all read or heard accounts such as these, not to mention the stories of dishonesty amongst all layers of society as exemplified by consumers who steal and politicians who demand bribes. (Para.1)

2. Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating. (Para. 3)

3. With awareness of increasing dishonesty in today’s society, it’s sometimes implied that in “the good old days” people were better, happier, and more honest. (Para. 5)

4. Without trust, ordered societies would descend into chaos. (Para. 6) Part 6 Translation (15 min)

1. Travelers ripped off so many towels last year that it cost a major hotel chain $3 million to replace them. Especially troubling are the reports that dishonesty is increasing amongst student populations around the world.

2. Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating.

3. Whether discovered or not, dishonesty has an undesirable effect on anyone who practices it.
