

1.5 性质描述类(环境管理物质测试报告类)


handbag手提包 hatbox帽盒 cosmetics case 化妆箱 gloves手套 wrist watch手表 belt腰带 pendant项饰 necklace项链 neck scarf围巾 earrings耳环 sun glasses太阳镜 ring戒指 bracelet手链, 手镯 tie领带 cuff links袖扣 ascot宽领带 hair net发网 brush毛刷 nail polish指甲油 cream rinse营养发水 hair spray发胶 powder puff粉扑

face powder粉 compact带镜粉盒 astringent化妆水 perfume香水 skin milk乳液 cold cream油底霜 atomizer喷雾式香水 hand mirror手镜 bobby pin发夹 false eyelashes 假睫毛 lipstick口红 wig假发 tissue面纸 purse手包 brooch胸针 shawl披肩 neckerchief领巾 台湾是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分Taiwan is an inalienable part of the inviolable territory of China. 〃台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots 〃台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式长期

不变Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao will retain the current capitalist system and way of life for a long time to come. 〃炭疽anthrax 〃踢皮球pass the buck 〃逃废银行债务evasion of repayment of bank loans 〃韬光养晦hide one’s capacities and bide one’s time 〃讨价还价wheel and deal 〃统筹兼顾make overall plans adn take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-round consideration 〃同乡会an association of fellow provincials or townsmen 〃筒子楼tube-shaped apartment 〃团队精神team spirit; esprit de corps 〃团结就是力量Unity is strength. 〃退耕还林还草grain for green 〃退耕还林还牧convert the land for forestry and pasture 〃鸵鸟政策ostrich policy; ostrichism 〃脱贫致富?cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity? 〃拖欠工资arrears of wage W 〃挖墙脚undermine the foundation of sth.; cut the ground


常用药学名词(中-英文)对照 发布时间: 2007年6月12日人气:1363 ℃责任编辑: admin-cy 药学名词(中-英) 6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 酶 Janbon综合症Janbon's syndrome[驱到一起] PPB浓度parts per billion concentration pphm浓度parts per hundred million concentration PPH浓度parts per hundred concentration ppm浓度parts per million concentration 安全范围safety range 安全试验法inno cuity test method(里面没有伤害心) 安全系统safety coefficient 安慰剂Placebo(放盒子里) 螯合剂chelating agent (车晚了) 靶细胞target cell 白蛋白微球制剂albumin micro balloons(爱儿不明,白蛋更白) 百分浓度percentage concentration 半合成抗生素semi synthetic antibiotics 半抗原haptene 半数致死剂量half lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50

半衰期half-life period; half life time 包衣片coated tablet 薄膜衣film-coating 饱和溶液saturated solution 贝克勒尔Becquerel 被动免疫passive immunity 被动转运passive transport 崩解度disintegration 崩解剂disintegrants 必需氨基酸essential aminoacid 必需脂肪酸essential fatty acid 变态反应allergy; allergic reaction 表面活性surface activity 表面张力surface tension 丙种射线gamma rays 补体complement 补体系统complement system 不良反应adverse reaction 不完全抗原incomplete antigen 搽剂liniments 长期毒性实验long term toxicity test 长效制剂prolonged action preparation 肠肝循环enterohepatic circulation


2、剂型英文名称表 (青霉素类)(penicillins)(头孢菌素类)(cephalosprins) (激素类)(hormones) (抗肿瘤药)(antineoplastic drugs) (避孕药)(prophylactic) 原料药bulk drug 无菌原料药sterile bulk 大容量注射剂large volume parenteral solution 小容量注射剂small volume parenteral solution 粉针剂powder for injection 冻干粉针剂lyophilized powder for injection 片剂tablets 胶囊剂capsules 软胶囊剂soft capsules 颗粒剂granules 干混悬剂dry suspension 丸剂pills(蜜丸、水蜜丸、水丸、浓缩丸、微丸、糊丸、蜡丸)滴丸剂pills drops 散剂powders 口服溶液剂oral solutions 口服混悬剂oral suspension 口服乳剂oral emulsion 合剂mixture 口服液oral solution 糖浆剂syrup 酒剂medicinal wine 茶剂medicinal teas 酊剂tincture 膜剂membrane 滴眼剂eye drops 滴耳剂ear drops 滴鼻剂nasal drops 洗剂lotion 冲洗剂lotion 灌肠剂enemas 栓剂suppositories 搽剂liniment 涂剂liniment 涂膜剂pigmeng 露剂aromatic solution 乳剂emulsion 溶液剂solution 气雾剂aerosol 喷雾剂spray 粉雾剂for inhalation 吸入剂inhalation 软膏剂ointment 乳膏剂cream 糊剂paste 凝胶剂gelatin 胶剂colloid 植入剂subdermal 膏药plaster 巴布膏剂cataplasmata 透皮贴剂transdermal 橡胶膏剂adhesive plaster 贴剂transdermal 贴膏剂transdermal 煎膏剂(膏滋)concentracted decoctions 流浸膏剂fluid extract,liquid extract 浸膏剂extract 酏剂elixir 醑剂spirit 眼膏剂eye ointment 锭剂dingji 中药饮片prepared slices of chinese crude drugs 放射性药品radiopharmaceutical 生物制品血液制品blood products 体外诊断试剂extrinsic diagnostic tests 医用氧medical oxygen 造影剂(注射液)contrast media(injection)分包装车间repackage workshop (含毒性饮片)(including toxic prepared sliced)(外销药品)(drug for exporting)(含人胎盘组织液)(including human placenta tissue hydrolysa)(血液保养液)(anticoaaulants and additive solutions)


网页设计中最常见的30款英文字体 关于英文字体,对我们网页设计师朋友们来说一定并不陌生,即使我们很少做英文语系的网站,但在浏览国外网站的时候,大家一定都会有或多或少的认识。其实不单单是在网页中,很多移动操作系统和浏览器中都广泛使用了今天我们即将介绍的这些字体。 想必大家也都能猜出来像Arial、Helvetica 这种大名鼎鼎的字体肯定在里面了,那么还有什么呢?一起来详细了解一下吧! 首先,补充个小知识: 网页设计中的英文字体,一般有以下五类: serif(衬线) sans-serif(无衬线) monospace(等宽) fantasy(梦幻) cuisive(花体) 一、网页设计中最常见的无衬线字体 在常见的两种字体风格中,衬线体的笔划感太”过”,不是特别的商业。随着瑞士设计风格的大力推广,无衬线字体变得愈发流行起来。 建议: 个人认为Tahoma 以及Verdana 字符编码效果最好,适用于多种环境 Arial 字体族科:Arial, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica 变体: Arial:有时称为Arial Regular以便与Arial Narrow区别,其包括Arial、Arial Italic(斜体)、Arial Bold (粗体)、Arial Bold Italic(粗斜体)和Arial Unicode MS Arial Black:此字体的特色在于其笔画相当的粗,包含Arial Black、Arial Black Italic(斜体) Arial Narrow:为Arial的细瘦版本,包含Arial Narrow Regular、Arial Narrow Bold(粗体)、Arial Narrow Italic(斜体)和Arial Narrow Bold Italic(粗斜体) Arial Rounded:包含Arial Rounded Bold(粗体),此字体可在微软韩文字体Gulim找到 ——以上来自百度百科


剂型英语大全 1. Adj:药用辅料(Pharmaceutic Adjuvant)稀释剂(Diluent Agent) 黏合剂(Binder) 崩解剂(Disintegrating Agent) 润滑剂(Lubricant) 基质(Base) 芳香剂(Flavoring Agent) 甜味剂(Sweetening Agent) 着色剂(Coloring Agent) 防腐剂(Preservative or Antiseptics) 抗氧化剂(Antioxidant) 包衣剂(Coating Materials) 成膜材料(Film-Forming Materials) 溶剂(Solvent) 增溶剂(Solubilizer) 润湿剂(Wetting Agent or Moistening Agent)吸附剂(Absorbent) 助滤剂(Filtering Aid) 乳化剂(Emulsifying Agent) 表面活性剂(Surfactant) 助悬剂(Suspending Agent) 增稠剂(Viscosity Increasing Agent)

增塑剂(Plasticizer) 螯合剂(Chelating Agent) 透皮促进剂(Transdermal Enhancer) 气雾抛射剂(Aerosol Propellant) 起泡剂(Foaming Agent) 酸碱调节剂(Acidifying or Alkalizing Agent) 缓冲剂(Buffering Agent) 2. Aer:气雾剂(Aerosol) 吸入气雾剂(Inhalation Aerosol) 吸入粉雾剂(Powder for Inhalation) 非吸入气雾剂(Non-Inhalation Aerosol) 非吸入粉雾剂(Non-Inhalation Aerosol Powder) 外用气雾剂(Topical Aerosol, Skin Aerosol) 喷雾剂(Spray) 药用泡沫剂(Medicated Foam, Cutaneous Foam) 鼻腔用喷雾剂(Nasal Spray) 3. Cap:胶囊剂(Capsules) 硬胶囊剂(Hard Capsules) 软胶囊剂(Soft Capsules) 肠溶胶囊剂(Enteric-coated Capsules, Enteric-Microencapsulated Capsules, Gastro-resistant Capsules, Delayed-release Capsules) 缓释胶囊剂(Sustained-release Capsules, Extended-release


电机行业专用术语中英文对照 geared-down motor 齿轮减速发动机 gear-type hydraulic motor 齿轮式液压马达 gear-type motor 齿轮液压电动机 gear-within-gear motor 内啮合齿轮马达 general-purpose motor 通用电动机 generator-motor set 发电机电动机组 gimbal servo motor 万向伺服电动机 gimbaled motor 悬挂式电动机 gimbaling rocket motor 万向架支座火箭发动机glass reinforced plastic motor lifeboat 玻璃钢机动救生艇 governor motor 调节马 达 ; 调速电动机 ; 调速器电动机 ; 调速器用电动机 ; 调整机用电动机 graduation of the motor currents 电动机电流级加法 gramophone motor 唱机电动机 grinding head motor for woodworking 木工专用磨头电动机 grinding head motor 磨头电动机 grinding wheel drive motor 砂轮电机 gunmetals motor carriage 机械化炮车 gyro motor 陀螺马达 hand motor 手电动机 harmonic motor 谐波电动机 haulage motor 电机车 head motor 头部发动机 heat-pipe motor 热管冷却电动机 heat-resistant motor 耐热电动机 ; 高温电动机 heavy motor truck 重型载货汽车 hele-shaw motor 径向活塞式液压电动机 ; 径向活塞式液压电动机 hermetic motor 密封式电动机 ; 密封式电动机 ; 密封型电动机hermetically sealed motor 密封式电动机 hermetically-sealed motor 密封型电动机heteropolar d.c. linear motor 多极直流直线电动机 high capacity motor 高功率电动机high frequency motor generator 高频电动发电机 high power motor 大功率电动机 high slip motor 高转差率电机 high speed low-noise synchronous motor 高速低噪音异步电动机 high torque ac motor 大转矩交流电动机 high torque and low speed motor 大转矩低速电动机 high torque motor 高启动转矩电机 high voltage motor 高压交流电动机 high voltage wound asynchronous motor 高压卷线异步电动机 high-capacity motor 大型电动机 ; 高功率电动机 high-compression motor 高压缩发动机 high-output three-phase induction motor 高功率三相感应电动机 high-slip induction motor 高滑差感应电动机 high-slip motor 高滑率电机 high-speed motor 高速电动机 high-speed servo motor 高速伺服电动机 high-tension motor 高压电动机 high-voltage motor 高压电动机 high-voltage synchronous motor 高压同步电动机hoisting motor 升降电动机 home motor 家用电动机 homopolar motor 单极电动机horizontal induction motor 卧式感应电动机 horizontal motor 卧式电动机 horizontal-type motor 卧式发电机 horse motor 马拉传动装置 horse-drawn motorized duster 马拉机动喷粉机 ; 马拉式机动喷粉机 hot mill motor 热轧电动机 hot motor part detection 发动机发热部分探测 hot motoring method 热机马达法 hydraulic control motor 液压控制马达 hydraulic motor drive 液力马达传动 hydraulic motor sae stall pressure 液压马达的 sae 制动压力 hydraulic motor 水力发动机 ; 液压发动机 ; 液压马达 ; 油压马达hydraulic slave motor 液压马达 hydraulic stepping motor 液压步进马达 hydraulic traversing electric motor 液压方向机电动机 hydraulic-powered wiper motor 液压式风窗刮水器的液力驱动器 hydro-electric motor 水力发动机 hydro-motor jig 流体传动跳汰机 hydro-motor 水压发动机 ; 液压发动机 ; 液压马达 ; 射水发动机 hysteresis motor 磁滞电动机 ; 磁滞式电动机 hysteresis synchronous motor 磁滞式同步电动机 ; 磁滞同步电动机 igniter motor 点火发动机 immersed torque motor 湿式力矩电动机 ; 湿式力矩马达 immersible motor 浸入型电动机 ; 潜水电动机 impulse motor 脉冲电动机 ; 脉冲马达 impulse stepping motor 脉冲步进电动机 increased-safety motor 增安型电动机independent motor drive 单独电动机传动 individual drive motor 单独传动电动机individual-drive motor 单独传动电动机 induction motor controller 感应电动机控制器induction motor 感应电动机 ; 异步电动机 induction-motor meter 感应式电度表


设计常用字体库中英文对照表 当确实字体时,Photoshop会提示丢失字体,但是提示的字体名称是 一串英文字符,即使字体的名称是中文的也是一样。这给我们的带来 了困难,很难找到对应的字体来安装。今天要用字体了,所以就收集 了下供大家参考希望对大家有帮助! (简体部分) 中文字体名英文字体名文件名 PS name 汉字数 方正报宋简体 FZBaoSong-Z04S FZBSJW FZBSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正粗圆简体 FZCuYuan-M03S FZY4JW FZY4JW—GB1-0 7156 方正大标宋简体 FZDaBiaoSong-B06S FZDBSJW FZDBSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正大黑简体 FZDaHei-B02S FZDHTJW FZDHTJW—GB1-0 7156 方正仿宋简体 FZFangSong-Z02S FZFSJW FZFSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正黑体简体 FZHei-B01S FZHTJW FZHTJW—GB1-0 7156 方正琥珀简体 FZHuPo-M04S FZHPJW FZHPJW—GB1-0 7156 方正楷体简体 FZKai-Z03S FZKTJW FZKTJW—GB1-0 7156 方正隶变简体 FZLiBian-S02S FZLBJW FZLBJW—GB1-0 7156 方正隶书简体 FZLiShu-S01S FZLSJW FZLSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正美黑简体 FZMeiHei-M07S FZMHJW FZMHJW—GB1-0 7156 方正书宋简体 FZShuSong-Z01S FZSSJW FZSSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正舒体简体 FZShuTi-S05S FZSTJW FZSTJW—GB1-0 7152 方正水柱简体 FZShuiZhu-M08S FZSZJW FZSZJW—GB1-0 7156 方正宋黑简体 FZSongHei-B07S FZSHJW FZSHJW—GB1-0 7156 方正宋三简体 FZSong III-Z05S FZS3JW FZS3JW—GB1-0 7156 方正魏碑简体 FZWeiBei-S03S FZWBJW FZWBJW—GB1-0 7156 方正细等线简体 FZXiDengXian-Z06S FZXDXJW FZXDXJW—GB1-0 7156 方正细黑一简体 FZXiHei I-Z08S FZXH1JW FZXH1JW—GB1-0 7156 方正细圆简体 FZXiYuan-M01S FZY1JW FZY1JW—GB1-0 7156 方正小标宋简体 FZXiaoBiaoSong-B05S FZXBSJW FZXBSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正行楷简体 FZXingKai-S04S FZXKJW FZXKJW—GB1-0 7156


服装尺寸表英语词汇 Tops 上衣 bust,bust width (女)胸围,[粤]胸阔 chest,chest width (男)胸围,[粤]胸阔 waist 腰围 bottom,hem,hem opening 下摆,[粤]脚围 waistband width (夹克等上衣)脚围 waistband height (夹克等上衣)脚高 front cross 前胸宽,[粤]前胸阔 across measure 横量,[粤]横度 neck width,neck across 领宽,[粤]领横 neck drop (center back to center front) 领深(后中到前中)front neck drop 前领深 back neck drop 后领深 placket width 门襟宽,[粤]门筒阔 pocket welt width 袋口高 pocket high point 袋尖高(口袋最长的高度) shoulder across 总肩宽,[粤]肩阔 shoulder length,small shoulder 肩长,[粤]小肩长(单边肩长)armhole(curve)袖窿,[粤]夹圈(弯量,[粤]弯度)armhole(straight)袖窿,[粤]夹圈(直量,[粤]直度)armpit 腋窝,[粤]夹底 sleeve length 袖长 overarm 上袖长 underarm 下袖长 sleeve crown height 袖山高 biceps 袖肥,[粤]袖髀围 upper arm width,sleeve width 袖肥,[粤]袖髀阔 sleeve opening 袖口 cuff width 袖头宽,[粤]鸡英宽 cuff height 袖头高,[粤]鸡英高 elbow width,forearm width 肘宽 center back length 后中长 back cross 后背宽,[粤]后背阔 collar length 领长 collar point spread 领尖距 collar point 领尖长 upper collar height 上级领高 collar band height 领座高,[粤]下级领高 logo meas: edge to side fold 标识位置:边到折边 Bottoms 下装 waist(relax)腰围(松量,[粤]松度) waist(stretched)腰围(拉量,[粤]拉度) waistband width (裤、裙等下装)腰围 waistband height (裤、裙等下装)腰头高 hip,hip width 臀围,坐围 high hip 上臀围,上坐围 thigh(under crotch),thigh width 髀围,大腿围(裤浪底量)leg opening 裤脚围 knee 膝围


电机行业常用的中英文对照induction machine 感应式电机 horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁 magnetic field 磁场 eddy current 涡流 right-hand rule 右手定则 left-hand rule 左手定则 slip 转差率 induction motor 感应电动机 rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场 winding 绕组 stator 定子 rotor 转子 induced current 感生电流 time-phase 时间相位 exciting voltage 励磁电压 slot 槽 lamination 叠片 laminated core 叠片铁芯 short-circuiting ring 短路环 squirrel cage 鼠笼 rotor core 转子铁芯

cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子bronze 青铜 horsepower 马力 random-wound 散绕 insulation 绝缘 ac motor 交流环电动机 end ring 端环 alloy 合金 coil winding 线圈绕组 form-wound 模绕 performance characteristic 工作特性frequency 频率 revolutions per minute 转/分motoring 电动机驱动 generating 发电 per-unit value 标么值breakdown torque 极限转矩breakaway force 起步阻力overhauling 检修 wind-driven generator 风动发电机revolutions per second 转/秒number of poles 极数


字体设计一直是设计师最头疼的事,选择好是字体往往会事半功倍,然而中国设计师由于设计教育的问题和文化差异,往往对英文字体忽视,随便选一个往往就使用在了我们的作品中,设计师好坏的差别很大程度上是字体选择的差别,大马设计精选出出这6种最常的英文字体,他们都是久经考验的经典字体,有些经过了数百年的洗礼,有些像空气一起存在于我们周围,相信看过这个帖子会对你的设计会有很大帮助,并且每一个介绍后都有下载链接,可以下载安装使用。 1. 无处不在的:Helvetica Helvetica是世界上最著名和流行字样之一。它干净、清晰的字形领导了一股清楚、易懂而快速的阅读潮流。Helvetica是由米耶丁格和爱德华德·霍夫曼(Eduard Hoffmann)在瑞士哈斯铸造所(Haas’sche Schriftgießerei)所制做。最初的名称是“Neue Haas Grotesk”,意为“哈斯的新无衬线铅字”,后来被哈斯的德国母公司斯滕佩尔(Stempel)在1960改为 Helvetica,源自瑞士的拉丁文,使其更具有国际市场竞争力。 1983年,D. Stempel AG和Linotype 公司一起重新设计并数字化了Helvetica,取名Neue Helvetica,建立了一个新的统一的字体家族。直到今天,原有的Helvetica家族包含了34种不同的字体磅值,而Neue Helvetica家族却有51种字体磅值。 Helvetica字体家族已经成为很多数字印刷机和操作系统中不可缺少的一部分,同时也成为了当代视觉文化中一个无法替代的指南针。,世界无数的Logo在使用Helvetica,比如:如3M ,BASF 美国航空,BWM,英特尔,汉沙航空,Knoll,松下,无印量品,三星,德国铁路。 更多关于这个字体信息请点击下载: 世界著名字体系列——Helvetica


小学生常用英语单词对照表 一、学习用品(school things)pen /pen/ 钢笔 pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔 pencil-case /'penslkeis /铅笔盒ruler /'ru:l?/ 尺子 book /buk/ 书 bag /b?g/ 包 post card /p?ust kɑ:d/ 明信片newspaper /'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸schoolbag /sku:lb?g/ 书包eraser / i'reis? / 橡皮 crayon / 'krei?n / 蜡笔sharpener / '?ɑ:p?n? / 卷笔刀story-book/'st?:ri] buk /故事书notebook / 'n?utbuk / 笔记本Chinese book/'t?ai'ni:z/语文书English book / 'i?gli? / 英语书maths book/ m?θs / 数学书magazine / ,m?g?'zi:n / 杂志dictionary / 'dik??neri / 词典 二、身体部位(body) foot / fut / 脚 head / hed / 头 face / feis / 脸 hair / h?? / 头发 nose / n?uz / 鼻子 mouth / mauθ / 嘴 eye / ai / 眼睛 ear / i? / 耳朵 arm / ɑ:m / 手臂 hand / h?nd / 手 finger / 'fi?g? / 手指 leg / leg / 腿 tail / teil / 尾巴tooth /tu: θ/ 牙齿eyebrow/?aibrau/ 眉毛 三、颜色(colours) red /red/ 红 blue /blu:/ 蓝 yellow /'jel?u/ 黄 green /gri:n/ 绿 white /wait/ 白 black /bl?k/ 黑 pink /pi?k/ 粉红 purple /'p?:pl/ 紫 orange /'?:rind?/ 橙brown /braun/ 棕 四、动物(animals) cat /k?t/ 猫 dog /d?g/ 狗 pig /pig/ 猪 duck /d?k/ 鸭 rabbit /'r?bit/ 兔子 horse /h?:s/ 马 elephant /'elif?nt/ 大象ant /?nt/ 蚂蚁 fish /fi?/ 鱼 bird /b?:d/ 鸟 snake /sneik/ 蛇 mouse /maus/ 鼠 kangaroo /,k??g?'ru:/ 袋鼠monkey /'m??ki/ 猴子panda /'p?nd?/ 熊猫 bear /b??/ 熊 lion /'lai?n/ 狮 tiger /'taig?/ 老虎 fox/f?ks/ 狐狸


剂型英文名称表 原料药Bulk Drug 无菌原料药Sterile Bulk 大容量注射剂Large V olume Parenteral Solution 小容量注射剂Small V olume Parenteral Solution 粉针剂Powder for Injection 冻干粉针剂Lyophilized Powder for Injection 片剂Tablets 胶囊剂Capsules 软胶囊剂Soft Capsules 颗粒剂Granules 干混悬剂Dry Suspension 丸剂Pills(蜜丸、水蜜丸、水丸、浓缩丸、微丸、糊丸、蜡丸)滴丸剂Pills Drops 散剂Powders 口服溶液剂Oral Solutions 口服混悬剂Oral Suspension 口服乳剂Oral Emulsion 合剂Mixture 口服液Oral Solution 糖浆剂Syrup 酒剂Medicinal Wine 茶剂Medicinal Teas 酊剂Tincture 膜剂Membrane 滴眼剂Eye Drops 滴耳剂Ear Drops 滴鼻剂Nasal Drops 洗剂Lotion

冲洗剂Lotion 灌肠剂Enemas 栓剂Suppositories 搽剂Liniment 涂剂Liniment 涂膜剂Pigmeng 露剂Aromatic Solution 乳剂Emulsion 溶液剂Solution 气雾剂Aerosol 喷雾剂Spray 粉雾剂for Inhalation 吸入剂Inhalation 软膏剂Ointment 乳膏剂Cream 糊剂Paste 凝胶剂Gelatin 胶剂Colloid 植入剂Subdermal 膏药Plaster 巴布膏剂Cataplasmata 透皮贴剂Transdermal 橡胶膏剂Adhesive Plaster 贴剂Transdermal 贴膏剂Transdermal 煎膏剂(膏滋)Concentracted Decoctions 流浸膏剂Fluid Extract,Liquid Extract 浸膏剂Extract 酏剂Elixir


串激电机:universal motor 转子: 转轴:shaft 换向器:commutator 铁芯:rotor steel core 端板:end spider 绝缘纸:rotor steel liner 槽楔(环):wedge ring U型挡圈:U type retainer 漆包线:field magnet wire 轴承:bearing 绝缘漆:varnish 换向片:commutator segment 定子: 铁芯:rotor steel core 漆包线:field magnet wire 绝缘纸:rotor steel liner 支架:bracket 支撑组件: 机壳:housing 端盖:support frame 碳刷组件: 碳刷:brush 碳刷套:brush sleeve 碳刷架(刷握):brush holder 弹簧:brush spring 刷辫:brush flexible 刷盒:brush box 风机部分: 定叶轮:diffuser(guide vane)动叶轮:impeller 风罩:fan cover 螺钉:screw 螺帽:nut-fan 压圈:gasket-fan 衬套:bush-fan 爬电距离:creepage distances specify :指定(动) 附加绝缘:supplementary insulation clause :条款(名) 基本绝缘:basic insulation wear :磨损(动) 加强绝缘:reinforced insulation clearance :电气间隙 Clearance and creepage distances over supplementary and reinforced insulation not reduced below the values specified in clause 29 as a result of wear. accessible :易接近的,可到达的,易受影响的 loose :宽松的,不牢固的 Creepage distances and clearance between live parts and accessible parts not reduced below values specified for supplementary insulation if wires ,screws etc. becomes loose. Vaccum吸尘器Hose:软管Attachment :附件,附加装置Transformer :变压器 From the result of our inspection and tests on the submitted samples, we conclude that that they comply with the requirements of the standards. Submit:提交,递交inspection : 检查comply with : 符合 All models have same constructions, and are portable,dry-pick up vaccum cleaners for household use .Different models in one series with different postfixes are same products, but marked with different powers. Refer to below table for difference between models in different series. Postfix : 后缀refer to : 查阅提到谈到打听


農藥劑型種類﹑代碼中英文對照表 International Codes for Technical and Formulated Pesticides Code Definition AB Grain bait Special form of bait. AE Aerosol dispenser A container held formulation which is dispersed generally by a propellant as fine droplets or particles upon the actuation of a valve. AL Any other liquid(其他液劑) A liquid not yet designated by a special code, to be applied undiluted. AP Any other powder(其他粉劑) A powder not yet designated by a special code, to be applied undiluted. BB Block bait Special form of bait. BR Briquette Solid block designed for controlled release of active ingredient into water. CB Bait concentrate A solid or liquid intended for dilution before use as a bait. CF Capsule suspension for seed treatment A stable suspension of capsules in a fluid to be applied to the seed, either directly or after dilution. CG Encapsulated granule(膠囊粒劑) A granule with a protective or release-controlling coating. CL Contact liquid or gel(觸殺液劑) Rodenticidal or insecticidal formulation in the form of a liquid/gel for direct application, or after dilution in the case of gels. CP Contact powder(觸殺粉劑) Rodenticidal or insecticidal formulation in powder form for direct application. Formerly known as tracking powder (TP). CS Capsule suspension(膠囊懸著液) A stable suspension of capsules in a fluid, normally intended for dilution with water before use. DC Dispersible concentrate(水分散性乳劑) A liquid homogeneous formulation to be applied as a solid dispersion after dilution in water. (Note: there are some formulations which have characteristics intermediate between DC and EC).


药学Pharmacology 前沿·热点Research Hot/Frontiers 计算机辅助药物设计Computer-Aided Drug Design 新药研发Drug Discovery 药物输送Drug Delivery 药物转运体Drug Transporter 药物不良反应Adverse Drug Reaction 药物代谢酶Drug Metabolizing Enzymes 潜在药物靶点Potential drug targets 药物相互作用Drug-Drug Interaction 基因多态性Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms 多药耐药Multidrug resistance 交叉耐药Cross-resistance 剂量-反应曲线Dose-response curve 给药途径Route of Administration 药物代谢Drug Metabolism 药物载体Drug carrier 药物评价Drug Evaluation 药物筛选Drug Screening 配药学Pharmacy 药剂师Pharmacists 制药历史History of pharmacy 中药Chinese Pharmacy

日本汉方药学Japanese pharmacy 社区药房Community pharmacy 医院药房Hospital pharmacy 临床药学Clinical pharmacy 组合药学Compounding pharmacy 高级顾问药师Consultant pharmacy 互联网药房Internet pharmacy 兽药Veterinary pharmacy 核药学Nuclear pharmacy 军事药学Military pharmacy 药学情报Pharmacy informatics 药剂学Pharmaceutics 新化学个体new chemical entity (NCE)剂型设计dosage form design 纯药pure drug substance 药片Tablet 胶囊Capsule 硬胶囊Hard Capsule 软胶囊Soft Capsule 微型胶囊Microencapsule 栓剂Suppository 注射Injection
