




1. 一般名词:表示具体人或物的名称,如apple(苹果)、book (书)等。

2. 抽象名词:表示没有形体的事物、感觉或抽象概念,如love (爱)、happiness(幸福)等。

3. 可数名词:表示可以数的事物,可以用单数和复数形式,如book (书)和books(书们)。

4. 不可数名词:表示不可数事物,只有单数形式,如water(水)、information(信息)等。

5. 特殊名词:指代特定的人、地方或事物,如China(中国)、


6. 集体名词:表示一群人或物的词语,但在单数形式下表示整体,




1. 及物动词:表示动作的同时需要有宾语,如read(读)。

2. 不及物动词:表示动作的同时不需要宾语,如sleep(睡觉)。

3. 连系动词:表示状态或描述性的动作,通常用来连接主语和表语,如be(是)。

4. 情态动词:用来表示说话人的意愿、能力、推测等,如can(能够)、may(可能)。

5. 助动词:用来与其他动词连用,表示时态、语态、否定等,如do (做)、have(有)。





1. 形容词和副词的比较级:用来表示两者之间的比较,如taller


2. 形容词和副词的最高级:用来表示三者或三者以上之间的比较,


3. 形容词和副词的原级:表示程度的基础,如tall(高的)、well (好的)。






1. 人称代词:用来代替人的身份或人称,如I(我)、you(你)。

2. 物主代词:用来表示所有关系,如my(我的)、your(你的)。

3. 指示代词:用来指示特定的人或物,如this(这个)、that(那个)。

4. 疑问代词:用来询问人或物的身份或数量,如who(谁)、how many(多少)。

5. 不定代词:用来泛指一些人或物,如all(所有的)、some(一些)。




1. 关系代词:引导形容词从句的关系代词有who(谁)、which(哪


2. 关系副词:引导副词从句的关系副词有when(当)、where(哪里)等。







1. 并列连词:用来连接并列的两个句子或短语,如and(和)、but (但是)。

2. 从属连词:用来连接主句和从句,如because(因为)、














背诵三四十篇文章,建立在语法很清楚的基础上。 核心 1)句子的基本成分分析 2)非谓语动词 3)从句 词法概述 词性按词义、词形及在句子中的功能可分为十大类 1)名词:表示人或事物的名称,英文缩写n。 2)代词:代替名词或是数词(没见过)英文缩写pron。要搞清指代对象;个别情况下可以指代一个句子(it that this),在非限定性定语从句里(as witch)也可以指代句子;(one ones)也可作代词,只带前面的名词,分别指带前面名词的(单数和复数) 3)形容词:标示人或是事物的性质和特征,adj 或a。(比较级或是最高级) 4)副词:修饰动词、形容词、或是其他副词,adv或ad。 5)数词:标示数量或顺序,num。 6)动词:标示动作和状态(及物动词、不及物动词) 7)冠词:标示名词的泛指或特指,art。A、an表示不特定the标示特定的 8)介词:标示名词或代词与其他词的关系,prep。(主要用在名词或是代词的前面) 9)连词:连接词与词、短语与短语、或句子与句子,conj。 10)感叹词:interj。 主要从含义,词形,句法功能上区分 句法的概述 句子的成分:主语、谓语、宾语、系动词、表语等 句子的成分分为两种 1)组成句子的基本元素:除了下面两者都是基本成分 2)附加成分:定语、状语(却两者是句子是完整的【剩余的为主干】,只是意思不完整) 主语:标示描述的是“谁”“或什么”(名词、代词、或与之相应的短语或句子担任) 谓语:说明主语的动作和所处的状态,由(动词和动词短语承担)。 表语:说明主语的性质、特征、状态、名称、身份等,与系动词一起使用,(由名词、代词和形容词或与之相当的短语或句子承担) 宾语:标示动作的对象或内容,用于介词后构成介词宾语,(名词,代词,或与之相应的短语和句子)(1)介词宾语 (2)动词宾语 部分动词:后跟间接宾语和直接宾语,直接宾语指动作的内容,间接宾语指动作的对象。 补语:补充说明主语或宾语,(形容词、名词或与之相当的短语担任) 定语:修饰或限定名词,由(形容词或与之相当的从句或短语担任)代词后也可以跟定语。 状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词、或整个句子,(由副词、或与之相当的短语或从句但任) 句子的基本类型:两种 1):主系表结构:谁谁是谁谁,什么什么是什么什么。定性的句子 主语+联系动词+表语+其他成分。 包括(there be 结构、和含有被动语态的简单句) 2)主谓结构


在职研究生英语语法大全 一、名词 名词是指用来表示人、物、地点、物质、情感或抽象概念的词语。根 据其用途和特点,名词可以分为以下几类: 1. 一般名词:表示具体人或物的名称,如apple(苹果)、book (书)等。 2. 抽象名词:表示没有形体的事物、感觉或抽象概念,如love (爱)、happiness(幸福)等。 3. 可数名词:表示可以数的事物,可以用单数和复数形式,如book (书)和books(书们)。 4. 不可数名词:表示不可数事物,只有单数形式,如water(水)、information(信息)等。 5. 特殊名词:指代特定的人、地方或事物,如China(中国)、 John(约翰)等。 6. 集体名词:表示一群人或物的词语,但在单数形式下表示整体, 如family(家庭)。 二、动词 动词是表示人或物的动作、状态、情感等的词语。根据其用途和特点,动词可以分为以下几类: 1. 及物动词:表示动作的同时需要有宾语,如read(读)。 2. 不及物动词:表示动作的同时不需要宾语,如sleep(睡觉)。

3. 连系动词:表示状态或描述性的动作,通常用来连接主语和表语,如be(是)。 4. 情态动词:用来表示说话人的意愿、能力、推测等,如can(能够)、may(可能)。 5. 助动词:用来与其他动词连用,表示时态、语态、否定等,如do (做)、have(有)。 三、形容词和副词 形容词是表示人或物的性质、特点、状态等的词语。副词是用来修饰 动词、形容词或其他副词的词语。根据其用途和特点,形容词和副词可以 分为以下几类: 1. 形容词和副词的比较级:用来表示两者之间的比较,如taller (比较高的)、better(更好的)。 2. 形容词和副词的最高级:用来表示三者或三者以上之间的比较, 如tallest(最高的)、best(最好的)。 3. 形容词和副词的原级:表示程度的基础,如tall(高的)、well (好的)。 4.形容词和副词的位置:形容词通常放在名词前,副词通常放在动词 或形容词前。 四、代词 代词是用来代替名词或其他代词的词语。根据其用途和特点,代词可 以分为以下几类:


[分享]在职研究生英语词汇 第一部分个基傻傻傻2100 A 一~每一;,个个a / an art. 在……之上~高于above prep. 大about ad. 痛疼痛ache v. n. 【傻想傻】近似地~大傻~大approximately some 傻~一些~大致~大傻roughly 穿傻~在傻面横傻~穿傻across prep. ad. 傻于prep. 公元AD n. (A.D.) 【傻想傻】傻于concerning 成年人adult n. 下午~午后afternoon n. 非洲Africa n. 又~再次again ad. () 非洲人的非洲人African a. ()n. 【傻想傻】重傻地~再三地~repeatedly again and 再三地~反傻地~反傻地again time and again 在……以后~在……后面after prep. 年傻傻~age n. 1. sixteen years of ~ 16 at the ~ ~傻代信息傻代~of 842. information ~ a man 中年人~傻老~老化在……后conj. of middle ~ v. As we ~, 随着我傻年傻增傻~大our brains are contracting.

傻在萎傻. ……前;傻在从算起, 空气~天空ago ad. 10 years ago air n. 十年前 【合成傻】空傻航air-conditioning n.; aircraft n. 空器傻机航傻航空公司以……傻目傻他aim v. 1. He ~s to be a lawyer. ,; airline n. ;; airlines n. 的目傻是当一名律傻瞄准航空公司机傻~航空站. 2. ~ the gun at the ;airport n. 用傻瞄准傻傻官enemy officer 目傻目的人生目傻所有的一切~全部完全~都n.,~ in life all a. pron. ad. 【傻想傻】目傻~客傻的~目的~目傻~objective goal 意傻~目的几乎~差不多purpose almost ad. 尽管~傻然although (= though) conj. 【傻想傻】几乎~几乎~傻直~nearly practically 几乎~傻傻上virtually 永傻~傻是~一直always ad. 沿着与……一起along prep. along with 美洲~美国America n. 已~已傻already ad. 在……;三者以上,之中~在among prep. ……;三者以上,中傻也~而且also ad. 【傻想傻】傻怒~狂暴~狂怒的~激烈古代的~古老的ancient a. rage furious 的 和~与and conj.


(一)单选题(15分)来自105题。 (二)用括号所给动词适当填空(15分)动名词、不定式等。 (三)在下列空格内根据语法和意境填写(10分)。选自课文。 (四)阅读2题。(20分) (五)英译汉(10分)。来自课文 (六)汉译英(30分)。来自105题。 不定式 1. 我答应留下来帮他复习功课。 I have promised to stay and help him (to) review his lessons. 2. 让我带你去看看要用作语音实验室的那个房间吧。 Let me show you the room to be used as our language lab. 3. 为了给家里多挣钱,他业余时间卖报纸。 To earn more money for the family, he sells newspaper on his spare time. 4. 我有一本好书给你看。 I have a good book for you to read. 5. 汤姆是一个可信赖的人。 Tom is a person to depend on. 6. 他打开收音机让她女儿听英语。 She turned on the radio for her daughter to listen to English. 7.他母亲听到这个消息,感到惊奇。 His mother was surprised to hear the news. 8. 玛丽父亲决定不送她去日本学习。 Mary’s father has decided not to send her to study in Japan. 9.你能告诉我哪里能,买到这本书吗? Can you tell me where to buy/get the book? 10.他们似乎在谈论重要的新闻。 They seem to be talking about some important news. 11. 下个月要动工建的那座桥是这座城市最宽最长的桥。 The bridge to be built next month is the widest and longest one in this city.


11. bellow的基本意思是“咆哮”“发出吼叫声”,尤指公牛等因痛苦而“咆哮”,是不及物动词。 e.g. The music was so loud we had to bellow at each other to be heard. 音乐的声音实在太大,我们只有彼此大声喊叫才能把话听清。 gasp用作动词的意思是“喘气,喘息,倒抽气”,指因惊异或力竭而吸气,也可作“喘着气说出”解。 e.g. The exhausted runner was gasping for air. 那人跑得疲惫已极,上气不接下气。 He gasped out the message. 他喘着气说出了这个消息。 choke的基本意思是指在吃东西时由于咽喉阻塞、堵塞或极度刺激而咽不下去了,即“噎住”,引申可表示河流“阻塞”,人的呼吸“窒息”等。 choke表示“哽”“噎”时,是不及物动词; 表示“阻塞”“窒息”时是及物动词,跟简单宾语。 e.g. She found it hard to choke down her anger. 她感到难以压下心中的怒火。 Very small toys can choke a baby. 很小的玩具可使婴儿窒息。 howl的基本含义是“吼叫”,主要指狗或狼等动物似乎由于饥饿、孤独或痛苦而发出长长的、高声的哀嚎,引申可指婴儿的啼哭、人的怒吼或动物的狂吠,这种“吼叫”常带有一定的目的性。 howl可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。 e.g. The dog howled over its master's body. 狗对着主人的尸体哀嚎。 The baby howled all night. 那婴儿哇哇地哭了一夜。 They listened to the howl of the wind through the trees. 他们听着风在林间呼啸的声音。 puff 喷出;喘息;夸张;膨胀;吹捧 e.g. Don't puff cigarette smoke in my face. 不要向我脸上喷烟。 He managed to puff out a few words. 他喘息着说出几句话。 12.reflect on考虑;反思


Warming-up B. 1. armchair travelers 2. budget travelers 3. family travelers 4. business travelers 5. adventure travelers 6. luxury travelers Comprehension B. 1- f 2- c 3-d 4-a 5-e 6-b Vocabulary & Structure A. 1. inhibitions 2. incredulous 3. endemic 4. eerie 5. exhilarated 6. lucid 7. decked out 8. awe-inspiring 9. plummeted 10. gracious Translation A.在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体形最优美、颜色最鲜艳。经过工艺加工的各种宝石和金属是无法跟这个大自然 的珍宝媲美的。大自然按照鸟类的大小把它列为最小号,真是“最小的绝妙珍品”。这种小蜂鸟是大自然的杰作; 大自然把其他鸟类只能分有其中一部分的种种天赋全部慷慨地给了它。这个小宠儿具有轻盈、敏捷、灵活、优雅以及羽毛绚丽等一切妙处。那翠绿的、艳红的、嫩黄色的羽毛闪闪发光。蜂鸟从不让它的羽毛沾染尘土,它生活在天空中,一刻也不碰到草皮。它总是在空中飞翔,从花丛飞向花丛;它像花一样鲜艳,又像花一样艳丽。 蜂鸟靠花蜜为生,它只生活在四季鲜花盛开的地方。 B. 1. After climbing up to the top of the mountain and looking afar from the vantage point, I saw laid out before me a spectacular view, which was one of the most awe-inspiring view I have ever beheld; but equally exhilarating was the fact that some distance away a hawk was soaring high, and then, for an instant, it suddenly plummeted down into the canyon. 2. My fondest memory is of spending a few days with a family in a mountain village, dinnering with them and enjoying various dishes endemic to the region. It is of mellow sweetness to have watched them, decked out in their traditional garb, moving around the house. Of course, a stay there for some more days involves some degree of …roughing-it‟. Writing 1 … Paragraph 1 introduces the trip by des cribing the author‟s initial venture into the park. Paragraph 2 comments on the absence of tourists in the area through which the tour was passing. Paragraph 3 provides a few reasons why there were so few tourists, including the remoteness of the area and the effect involved in getting there. Paragraph 4 discusses the approach used by the eco-tour company and their focus on the culture, people, and customs. Paragraph 5 describes the hospitality of the traveler‟ hosts, the Pemon Indians, and some of the activities in which they participated. Paragraph 6 reflects on the education and understanding that the tourists gained about the area and the culture. Paragraph 7 discusses the system of spirituality and beliefs of the Pemon tribe and the rare …energy meridia ns‟ of the area. Paragraph 8 concludes by stating that, while the trip was exciting for those who took it, the eco-tour style of traveling may not be for everyone.


广西师范大学在职研究生课程考核试卷课程名称:研究生英语开课学院:研究生处 班级(年级、专业):2011级考核方式:闭卷 试时间:120 分钟试卷序号:C卷 English T est for Grade 2011 PARTⅠDialogue Communication (10 minutes , 10points) Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, Each followed by 4 choices marked A.B.C and D Choose the answer that best suita the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHRET. 1. A: Bob, would you mind turning down the TV a little? I‘m talking on the phone, and I‘m having a hard time hearing. B:_________ A. Please forgive me. B. oh, sure! I‘m sorry about that. C. Y ou should have told me earlier. D. I‘m sorry to hear about it. 2. A: Hi, I‘m your neighbor in 405, next door. I‘m Sunny Chan. B: _________ A.I moved here about a week ago. B.Hope we could become good neighbors. C.Hi! Everyone here seems very friendly. D.Jill Kingston, Nice to meet you. 3. A: Could you run me over to the office? I‘m late. My clock must be slow. B: ___________ A.Y es, never mind. I would rather give you a lift. B.All right. But you should buy a new clock. C.It‘s my pleasure. May I help you fix your clock, too? D.Y eah. I‘ll be glad to drop you off on my way to work. 4. A: I‘m sorry. He‘s not in his office. B: ______________- A.Are you sure he will be back soon? B. Would you like to leave a message? C.Can you take a message for me? D.Shall I call him sometime later? 5. A: Do you mind if I take off my jacket? B: __________________ A.Of course not, make yourself at home. B.Oh, it‘s very kind of you to do so. C.I will be happy if I can be of any help. D.Y es, it‘s pretty warm in here. √


在职研究生英语备考 近年来,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,越来越多的在职人士意识到在职研究生教育的重要性,为了获得更好的发展机会而努力报考,在职研究生英语考试也成为风靡在职研究生的一项重要科目。针对在职研究生英语考试首先应了解考试的分值,然后明确自己的备考目标,合理安排备考时间;其次要在词汇量上投入更多的学习时间,精心复习考试所需要的核心词汇,语法知识,以及新闻报道的翻译能力;再次做大量的练习题,来帮助自己更好的熟悉考试的规则,提高答题速度和正确率;最后,还要积极参与各种英语学习活动,和朋友们一起学习,在实践中加强英语水平,充分挖掘英语的真正乐趣所在,从而有效地提高英语水平,以便成功地完成在职研究生考试。 在职研究生英语考试主要考查以下几项技能:词汇量以及基础知识,听、说、读、写运用语言的能力,以及复杂的课文阅读理解和新闻报道的翻译能力等等。在词汇量方面,要求考生能够辨认词汇的含义,以及把握词语的结构和用法,学习一些有辩证性的短语和句型,这是在职研究生英语考试中比较重要的环节。 在听、说、读、写方面,口语考试是一项重要部分,考试中听力和口语比重较大,未及格的考生比例也比较高,因此在职研究生英语备考中,要重点关注英语运用能力,练习听力和口语,及时记录未熟悉的内容,加强听力练习,特别要注意听力和口语中的文化背景知识。 此外,考试还包括读写能力,主要考查考生的语言知识掌握程度,阅读,词汇及语法等,为了有效备考,需要考生积极做一些阅读理解

的练习,积累更多的语法知识,提高阅读能力,多多练习写作,掌握一定的经济社会常识,增加国家政治、经济、文化等方面的知识,尤其要注意新闻报道的翻译能力。 最后,在职研究生英语备考的最佳途径依然是紧贴实际,结合自身情况,精心组织,坚持不懈,用心备考,完成在职研究生考试。


在职研究生英语 近义词 1、 Despite her wealth and position, Linda still remained modest about herself and lived in the same one-storeyed house as before.( unassuming) 2、 People living on the island still observe the customs which arose from circumstances that have long since changed. ( stemmed from) 3、 When I asked him why he hadn’t come to the meeting, he gave the feeble excuse that he’d forgotten what time it was. (flabby ) 4、 Dr. Elwood said the belief that milk could be harmful was based on the assumption that fat causes heart disease. ( premise) 5、 In my opinion, true patriotism lies in putting the interests of one’s country above everything including one’s own life. (consists in ) 6、 A real love song is more appropriate for this occasion than a rubbishy song cooked up as a commercial gimmick. (trashy ) 7、 It was a very long journey from York to London and Ross was grateful for John’s comp any. ( society) 8、 One of the good things about Amanda is that you can always rely on her inexhaustible enthusiasm. (unfailing ) 9、 There has been enough playing around so let's get down to business.(begin our work) 10、How is it possible for our human body to convert yesterday's lunch into today's muscle? (turn) 11、It is important for families to observe their traditions even as their children get older(follow) 12、Romantic novels, as opposed to realistic ones, tend to present idealized versions of life, often with a happy ending. (in contrast to)


在职考研英语要怎样学 在职人员参加考研,英语是大家最为头疼的考试科目。那么,在 职考研英语要怎样学?面我为大家整理的一些内容,希望大家喜爱! 1.合理选择装备,依据自身英语水平进行词汇配备。 如果本科已过六级,可配一本研考词汇(如星火、红宝书等,词汇量在5000至7000之间)和近10年研考试题及解析。如果只过 了四级,必须要一本词汇书,一本写作相关的书,外加近10年试题和解析。如果连四级也没过,词汇量在1000以内,就要从头开始:词汇量在2000左右的核心词汇书以及词汇量约5500的词汇 书各一本,写作精讲材料一本,往年试题长难句精讲一本,往年 试题解析一本;如果有可能,还要备一本随身词汇卡片,方便利用零碎时间背单词。 2.精密安排时间。 很多往届生因为工作,没有大把的时间复习,必须要合理制订 复习计划。复习时间按3∶2∶1的比例分为三个阶段:巩固阶段、提升阶段、冲刺阶段。要利用好天天的时间,依据作息及精力充 沛时间,见缝插针地学习。零散时间如等车、等人、排队、走路、吃饭等,用来背单词。长一点的时间用来做往年试题,学习写作等。

3.充分利用往年试题,一套一套做。 第一遍严格按照考试要求,保持3小时一气呵成。然后标记出错题,重点研究,找出命题主旨,也就是相关知识点。每年试题考查的知识点万变不离其宗。阅读和写作是两大重点。阅读方面,要做到近10年试题的阅读文章没有生词、不懂的句子。写作方面,搜集40篇范文,大小作文各20篇,大作文内容要涵盖各个角度,小作文要涉及各种文体。然后天天熟读、分类背诵、默写,最终达到大作文15分钟完成,小作文7分钟完成。最好找水平高的人修改一下,找出常常出错的地方,避免在考场上犯同样的错误。考生平常还要多关注社会热点,考试时很可能会涉及热点话题。 4.找到合适自己的做题顺序。 高手从前往后或者从中间到两头可以随意安排。一般最好先写作文,20多分到手后心情会放松很多,然后是阅读理解和新题型,最后是翻译,留5分钟做完形填空。做题顺序如同田忌赛马,考生要找到合适自己的战略战术。 2在职考研英语如何学好 想要学好英语,词汇是基础,但是,词汇是长期积存的过程,每年的考研的词汇量大概是5000多词汇,在职研究生英语词汇量很大,不管怎样,在职研究生考生在考试之前,不能放松对词汇


完形填空填单词 One of the many things we take for granted in the twentieth century is the speedy collection and delivery of letters to and from all parts of the world at astonishingly cheap rates. A husband away ona business trip can write home to his wife two thousand miles away knowing that the letter will reach her in a few days. His special air-letter may cost him less than a loaf Of bread or his own bus fare to work.. This service, however, is a blessing of comparatively recent establishment Until modern times the cost of sending letters privately was so great that the arrival of a letter was a considerable event And might even cost financial hardship to the receiver Who had to bear the charges. There were, indeed, from the Middle Ages onwards, special messengers who run state correspondence, and other messengers employed to carried with news between the great monasteries or the great merchants houses, but for centuries there was no public post service by which private letters could be sent. It was not until 1840 that the official organization known as the Penny Post was established in Great Britain and gave ordinary people cheap and efficient postal deliveries. The postal services since then have given us many obvious advantages. But there has been one result which makes us sometimes regret the passing of the bad old days. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the arrival of a letter was a great occasion, and the letter writer knew it. He did not limit himself to brief information about his own health and ask about his correspondent’s, but he would mention the things he had heard or the things that happened around. 我们以第二十个世纪的许多事情是理所当然的信件和来自世界各地的惊人的低利率的快速收集和传递。一个丈夫出差回家,他知道这封信将在几天内到达她二千英里以外的地方写回家给他妻子。他特别的信可能会使他损失一个面包或他自己的公共汽车费。然而,这项服务是最近建立的一个祝福。直到现代的私人信件的成本是如此之大,一封信的到来是一个相当大的事件,甚至可能会花费财政困难的接收器谁必须承担的费用。事实上,从中世纪开始,特殊的信使们携带了国家通讯,以及其他的信使,在大修道院或大商人的房子里去,并返回消息,但几个世纪以来,没有公开的邮政服务,可以发送私人信件。直到1840,正式组织被称为“便士邮报”成立于英国,并给了普通百姓廉价和高效的邮政递送。此后的邮政服务给我们许多明显的优势。但有一个结果,这使我们有时会后悔过去的坏旧天。在第十七和第十八世纪,一封信的到来是一个伟大的时刻,写信人知道它。他并没有限制自己的健康和询问他的记者的信息,但他会提到他所听到的事情或发生的事情。


研究生课程班英语考试辅导材料 Vocabulary and Structure 1. The ship that had been driven on a low rock two by the waves. A) broke out B)was broken in C) broke into D) was broken up 2. We had been told that he was a great speaker .We went to hear his talk ______ solar energy. A) on B) of C) about D) in 3. I got up early, but I so, because I had no work to do A) shouldn’t B) mustn’t do C)needn’t have done D) needn’t do 4. A child great pleasure in becoming able to read some words. A) takes B) gives C) has D) makes 5. anyone ring ,ask him to leave a message. A) Would B) Should C) Might D) Supposing 6. When John in London he went to see the Houses of Parliament. A) came B) reached C) arrived D) got 7. You shouldn’t look people who aren’t as well off as you are. A) up to B) up on C) down on D) down to 8. One learns through making mistakes and one one’s mistakes A) studies B) learns C) is aware of D)learns from 9. It looks it’s going to rain. A) as B) providing C) as well D)as though 10. Will you my article to find out whether I’ve made any mistakes? A) look after B) l ook through C) look up D) look into 11. A survey was carried out, were surprising. A) the results of which B) whose results C) of which the results D) which results 12. While the planet, Pioneer Venus I beamed radar waves through the planet’s thick cloud cover onto its surface. A) circled B) being circled C) having circled D)circling 13. the water in it ,an apple has a lot of sugar.


2010在职研究生同等学力英语词汇考点特训1。 "Who is responsible for sending out misinformation?" ”Most of the fault lies _____ the administration。" A. in B。 to C. on D。 with [答案]D。 with。 [注释]lie with应由...。..。(承担责任);(作出决定等)得靠....。。 1)The responsibility lies with the driver.(责任应由这个司机承担。) 2)It lies with you to accept or reject he the proposal。(接受还是拒绝这项建议由你决定.)lie in在于: 1)The difficulty lies in their great poverty.(困难在于他们非常贫困。) 2)the solution lies in social and political reform。(解决方法在于社会政治改革.) 2。 People who live in a small village are bound to see a good _____ of each other. A。 sum B. quantity C。 deal D. amount [答案]C。 deal [注释]see a good deal of each other 经常见面。 3。 Maria _____ missed the first train so as to travel on the same one as John. A。 deliberately B。 intensively C. decisively D。 objectively [答案]A. deliberately [注释]deliberately(=on purpose, intentionally)故意地;存心地。 4. They always kept on good _____ with their next-door neighbors for the children′s sake.


英语 一、单项选择 1. Is there anything I ________ do for you? A. may B. must C. can D. ought 2. This kind of tree has green ________ throughoutthe year. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leaves’ 3. I will tell him the news as soon as I ________ him. A. see B. sees C. sees’ D. saw 4. They never knew that pollution ________ a big problem. A. become B. would become C. is going to D. does become 5. You ________ where you leave your things. A. always forgets B. forget C. will always forget D. are always forgetting 6. He doesn’t live in the city, ________ ?. A. isn’t he B. doesn’t he C. is he D. does he 7. Now she is leaving London. She has stayed here ________. A. after 1980 B. in 1980 C. for 1980 D. since 1980 8. These questions ________ at tomorrow’s meeting. A. have been discussed B. had been discussed C. will be discussed D. shall be discussed 9. Nothing is ________ than one’s personal freedom. A. more important B. much important


第一部分2100 个核心词汇 A a / an art. 一个;每一(个) about ad. 大 【联想词】approximately近似地;大约;some 大约;一些;roughly 大致;大约 prep. 关于 【联想词】concerning 关于 above prep. 在..... 之上;高于 ache v. 痛n. 疼痛 across prep. 穿过;在对面ad. 横过;穿过 AD n. (A.D.)公元 adult n. 成年人 Africa n. 非洲 African a. 非洲(人)的n. 非洲人 after prep.在....... 以后;在.... 后面 conj.在..... 后 after noon n.下午;午后 again ad. 又;再(次) 【联想词】repeatedly 重复地;再三地;again and again 再三地;反复地;time and again 反复地 age n. 1. 年龄sixteen years of ~ 16 岁;at the ~ of 84;2. 时代information ~ 信息时代;a man of middle ~ 中年人;v. 变老;老化As we ~, our brains are contracting. 随着我们年龄增长;大脑在萎缩. ago ad. ......... 前(从现在算起)10 years ago 十年前 aim v. 1.以 ...... 为目标He ~s to be a lawyer. 他的目标是当一名律师. 2. 瞄准~

the gun at the enemy officer 用枪瞄准敌军官 n.目标目的~ in life人生目标 【联想词】objective 目标;客观的;goal 目的;目标;purpose 意图;目的 air n. 空气;天空 【合成词】air-conditioning n.空调;aircraft n.航空器飞机;airline n.航线;航空公司; airlines n. 航空公司;airport n. 机场;航空站 all a. 所有的pron. 一切;全部ad. 完全;都almost ad. 几乎;差不多 【联想词】nearly 几乎;practically 几乎;简直;virtually 几乎;实质上along prep.沿着along with 与........ 一起 already ad. 已;已经also ad. 也;而且although (= though) conj. 尽管;虽然always ad. 永远;总是;一直America n. 美洲;美国 among prep.在....... (三者以上)之中; 在……(三者以上)中间ancient a. 古代的;古老的and conj. 和;与anger n. (愤)怒;气愤v. 激怒 【派生词】angry a. 1. 愤怒的;生气的I was ~ with him for keeping me waiting for a long time. 他让我等了那么长时间;我对他很生气。2. (风雨等)狂暴的the ~ sea 狂暴的大海 【联想词】rage 愤怒;狂暴;furious 狂怒的;激烈的 animal n. 动物;牲畜 another a. 另一;再一pron. 另一个answer n. 回答v. 1. 回答;答复2.负责;承担……的结果~ for the safety of the passengers 对旅客的安全负责;~ for your carelessness 承担粗心的结果ant n. 蚂蚁 any a. (否定、疑问、条件句中)一些;任何的 【合成词】an ybody pron.任何人;无论谁; anyhow ad. 无论如何;不论用何种办法anyone pron.任何人;无论谁; anything pron.无论什么事(物),一切;任何事(物); any way ad.无论如何;any where ad.无论 哪里
