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India wedding
• Hold in the tent (帐篷) 帐篷) • Kiss is not allowed • Three steps: : Wash feet Hand in hand Eat candy • Throw rice
Japan wedding
• A Wine Ceremony Symbolizes Dedication(奉献) 奉献) 奉献
• A Shinto(日本之神道教) wedding has a typical ceremony. A couple drinks Japanese rice wine in front of a priest. First, the bride drinks the wine from a small cup. Next, the bride passes the cup to the groom and he also drinks the wine from the cup. They try to drink wine three times. This ceremony means that they promise to be dedicated each other.
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•百度文库• • • • • • •
新娘 新郎 主婚人 牧师 伴郎 伴娘 蜜月 婚纱、 婚纱、结婚礼服
Chinese wedding
• • • • • • • • • Match— Match—making 说媒 Engagement 定亲 Betrothal presents 聘礼 Red letter day 黄道吉日 Floral sedan chair 花轿 Meeting/fetch the bride 迎亲 Chinese wedding dress 凤冠霞帔 Three bows 拜堂 Drinking wedlock wine 交杯酒
wedding ceremony
• • • • • • • • • wedding ceremony wedding reception register office trousseau Usher vows say one's vows wedding day wedding anniversary • • • • • • • • • 结婚典礼 婚宴 结婚登记处 嫁妆 引宾员 婚誓 立下婚誓 举行婚礼的日子 结婚周年纪念日
• • • • • •
wed in a civil ceremony marriage certificate guest marriage after divorce wedding march mixed marriage
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登记结婚 结婚证 来宾 再婚 婚礼进行曲 涉外婚姻; 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻