新概念英语第三册 31-40 课后作文标准答案

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Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric

Key to Composition

A possible answer

A true eccentric

Mr. Chew is a man who has lived in our small town for years. He is a large man (some would say "fat"), he has a round face, a big black moustache and a bald head. He always wears the same clothes—black trousers, a white shirt and a red waistcoat, and is always po-lite to everyone he meets.

He owns an antiques shop near the river, and he lives "over the shop". No one knows where he gets his things, but there are always lots of different interesting antiques in the shop window every week.

Mr. Chew is interested in politics, too. Every week he puts up strange notices in his shop window to passers-by. Usually the notices are trying to make people save a local building or stop a plan to build a road through the town. Every time there is a national election, he automatically stands for parliament and gives speeches almost every day in the town park saying what he would do if he were Prime Minis-ter. (He usually says he would make sure that antiques dealers did not have to pay Income Tax and that no cars should be allowed into our little town at all. ) Every year he gets a few votes, but not enough to worry the serious candidates.

For most people Mr. Chew is a harmless eccentric, and everyone likes talking to him. After all, he is someone who adds colour to the dull routine of their daily lives. (248words)

Lesson 32 A lost ship

Key to Composition

A possible answer

The last day

The journey has gone well so far. We are now on the way to Russia and hope that we shall arrive with no more problems. But we are watching the sea and sky. The convoy successfully fought off an air attack early this morning. No ships were lost and we managed to shoot , down three

enemy aircraft before they broke off the attack.

At 10 a. m. this morning we were attacked by a U-boat. This was the first time we had been attacked and for most men on board this was the first time they had been in action at sea. We were fortunate, but the ship ahead of us, the Dauntless, was torpedoed and sunk. After the ship sank, there were hundreds of men in the sea. We picked up as many survivors as we could in the Karen. In fact in [ the end we picked up 720 men, which meant that 50 men lost their lives in the attack on the Dauntless,

The Karen was packed with men, many crowded on the open decks, when we turned and attacked the U-boat. Depth charges were I dropped and the U-boat was put out of action.

It is now 3. 15 p. m. , the light is already beginning to fade and storm clouds are gathering. We are about to be attacked by a second U-boat, this time from the north. The captain has just announced —(239words)

Lesson 33 A day to remember

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Mistaken identity

We have all experienced days when everything seems to go wrong. Things certainly went wrong for Ray, a friend of mine, one day last month. It all started, as these things do, with a simple case of "mistaken identity". Ray had been shopping and was loaded with par-cels when he got back to the multi-storey car park to look for his car. He knew he was on the correct level, but he couldn't see his car any-where.

Then, suddenly, while he was looking, he saw one exactly like it. It was a red Nissan. It was exactly the same as his own car, and naturally he mistook it for his own. Still holding the parcels, he felt in his jacket pockets and found his key. He tried to open the driver's door, but the key just wouldn't turn. He couldn't understand it. In the end, he forced the lock — and naturally broke the key.

At that point he dropped the parcels as well. This infuriated him. The only way he could get into his car was to break a window, so he deliberately smashed the window of the car. As he was putting his hand in, the owner came back and saw him. The owner rushed to-wards Ray, held him against the car, and called a policeman on his mobile phone.
