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shares 2.2. Debt securities
1198 1198
-15866 17064
30694 18254 12440
3. Financial derivatives and employee stock options (net)
4. Other investment Assets 4.1. Other equity 4.2. Currency and deposits 4.3. Loans 4.4. Trade credit and advances 4.5. Other accounts receivable Liabilities 4.1. Currency and deposits 4.2. Loans 4.3. Insurance, pensions and
13093 49949
7887 36806
4539 2712
பைடு நூலகம்
3308 4070
161756 174890
1097 158204 84516 47608 25431
649 2455
1422 170541 59237 74916 36388
17621 44783
4259 13362
27336 17447
C. Secondary income
1. General government 2. Other sectors
Total current account
2. Capital account
1. Capital transfers 2. Acquisition/disposal of nonproduced, non-financial assets
5.4. Other reserve assets
Total financial account
Debt instrument transactions on direct 1 investment abroad represents claims
on affiliated enterprises plus claims on direct investors. Debt instrument transactions on direct 2 investment in the United Kingdom represents liabilities to direct investors plus liabilities to affiliated enterprises Source: Office for National Statistics
A Summary of balance of payments in 2013
1. Current account
A. Goods and services
1. Goods 2. Services
2.1. Manufacturing physical inputs owned by others
2.2. Maintenance and repair 2.3. Transport 2.4. Travel 2.5. Construction 2.6. Insurance and pension services 2.7. Financial 2.8. Intellectual property 2.9. Telecommunications, computer and information services 2.10. Other business 2.11. Personal, cultural and recreational services 2.12. Government
5002 -203033 -140441
Total capital account
£ million
Credits Debits
511275 543375
306810 417006 204465 126369
2937 911 24215 26244 3110
680 345 22489 33741 1572
21784 46725
1422 8598 5451
-1160 257
-198513 -278105
-248 -
1172 -
5. Reserve assets 5.1. Monetary gold 5.2. Special drawing rights 5.3. Reserve position in the IMF
4961 43
reinvestment of earnings 1.2. Reinvestment of earnings 1.3. Debt instruments1
In United Kingdom 1.1. Equity capital other than
reinvestment of earnings 1.2. Reinvestment of earnings 1.3. Debt instruments2
B. Primary income
1. Compensation of employees 2. Investment income
2.1. Direct investment 2.2. Portfolio investment 2.3. Other investment 2.4. Reserve assets 3. Other primary income
690652 763047
917 878 1795
399 866 1265
3. Financial account
acquisition incurren
financial liabilit
1. Direct investment Abroad 1.1. Equity capital other than
standardised guarantee schemes 4.4. Trade credit and advances 4.5. Other accounts payable 4.6. Special drawing rights
-210460 -210460
123 -194269 -14897
-12700 -12700
-19206 8440
27378 23880 9120 -5622
2. Portfolio investment Assets 2.1. Equity and investment fund
shares 2.2. Debt securities
Liabilities 2.1. Equity and investment fund