



本课的教学内容是牛津高中英语模块三Unit1的Grammar and usage板块。这个板块教授的语法知识是名词性从句,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等主要的从句,以及that, if和whether三个关系词的使用。由于名词性从句是本单元的教学重点,又是学生新接触的知识点,因此本节课通过课件、教师的讲解与指导和学生的自主与合作学习,力图取得良好的教学效果。




·知识目标:学生能掌握名词性从句的类型(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句等)、关系词(when, where, who, how, whether, if ,that等)及用法。






·难点:that, if和whether的使用原则








Step 1 Lead-in: contextulize grammar

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: I read a report about Shanghai Expo yesterday. There is a lot of news about Shanghai Expo recently. Have you read anything?

S1: Many people visit Shanghai Expo park everyday. It’s very crowded at the entrance.

T: Yes. That many people visit Shanghai Expo park everyday makes the entrance very crowded. It is very difficult to count how many people there are everyday. However, do want to go tthere?

Ss: Yes.

T: When are you going to Shanghai Expo park?

S2: I’m not sure. Maybe in the summer holiday.

T: Oh, whether you are going to Shanghai Expo park has not decided. I wonder if you have any opinion about Shanghai Expo? What about you?

S3: I think it is very important. Because many Chinese people can learn culture of foreign countries in China.

T: Yes. It provides a good opportunity that we Chinese people can learn foreign cultures without going abroad. Anything else?

S4: I think foreigners can see China’s progress.

T: Good. What achievements China has achieved in recent years can be sensed by foerign friends.


Step 2 Presentation: introduce noun clauses

https://www.360docs.net/doc/419692331.html,ing a noun clause as the subject of a sentence (主语从句)

That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.

Whether he’ll be able to come is not yet known.

Why they have not left yet is unclear.

“it” can be used as an empty subject

It was good news that everyone got back safely.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/419692331.html,ing a noun clause as the object of a (宾语从句):


She sensed that she was being watched.

I wonder if/whether that’s a good idea.

Polly didn’t know which way she should go.


I’m interedted in who that tall man is.

There was a discussion about whether Polly had found the blind man.

“it” can be used as an empty object.

We all thought it good news that the fog had finally gone.

The conductor has made it clear that no buses will be running.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/419692331.html,ing a noun clause as the predictive of be (表语从句)

The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.

My question is whether Polly can find her way home.

The problem is how Polly is going to find us in the crowd.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/419692331.html,ing a noun clause in apposition to a noun (同位语从句)

The fact that Polly didn’t ask for the man’s name is a pity.

The news that the plan had crashed made us sad.

Whatrever gave you the idea that I can sing?

https://www.360docs.net/doc/419692331.html,ing that, if/whether or a question word to begin a noun clause

I hope that Polly will be OK.

No one knew if/whether he lost his sight because of an accident.

Step 3 Task1: ask the students to finish the exercise on page 9 and try to into the categories made in Step 2.(individual + pair work)


…but why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists.


The possibility that pleasant smell might reduce pain has recently been suggested by new research.

One explanation is that women’s sense of smell deveploped long ago, and is linked to recognizing the smell of babies.


(1) Verb:

As people believe that strong smells can affect the senses, volunteers were asked not to eat or drink for eight hours before the experiment began.

He says that scientists already have data from40 volunteers.

He adds that this year, scientists will test another 60 volunteers and will be in a better position to explain the results.

Scientists used to believe that mothers recognized their children by sight only. Now, they have started to believe that the sense of smell also helps, …

(2) Preposition:

Scientists are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain and whether man and women have the same senses.

Step 4 Practice: summarize introductory words and ask the students to do exercises

名词从句引导词:that、if、whether(连接词); who、whose、what、which(连接代词); when、where、why、how、how long(连接副词).

______________ the earth is round is true.

Do you know ______________ he lives?

My opinion is ______________ you should not go alone.

The student ______________ answered the question was John.

He did not know ______________ had happened.

I wonder _______________ she can come tomorrow.

Can you tell me ______________ the dish is made?

Do you have any idea ______________ will Miss Smith arrive?

We should think carefully about ____________ Mr. Green said at the meeting.

Step 5 Presentation: noun clauses beginning with that or if/whether 1.We use that to introduce a noun clause when the clause is a statement

She sensed smething. A tall man in a dark coat was staring at her.

She sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.

Some principles should be remembered:

(1)that is not used to begin a noun clause after a preposition in most cases,

but it can be used to begin a noun clause after in or except.

The problem lies in that the mist may become a thick fog.

I didn’t tell him anything except that I wasn’t able to find my way back.

(2) that can not be left when the noun clause is the subject of a sentence.

That we couldn/t find our way out was really bad news.

(3) that can be dropped in informal English when the noun clauses is the object

or predicative of a sentence.

She wished (that) someone would come along to help her.

The truth is (that) the buses will not be running.

2.We use if or whether to introduce a noun clause when the clause is a yes/no

question. We change the word order in a clause after if or whether into that of a statement.

She wondered. Would the buses still be running?

She wondered if/whether the buses would still be running.

Some principles should be remembered:

(1) whether but not if can be used after a preposition.

She is not certain about whether she has done anything wrong.

(2) Only whether can be used when the clause as the subject is at the beginning of the sentence.

Whether it is going to clear up keeps me wondering.

(3) We use whether or not, but not if or not.

We want to know whether or not the train goes to King Street.

3. If that or whether/if introduces a noun clause that has two sentences connected by and or but,

We add another that or whether/if after and or but.

He said that he liked rain very much and that he wouldn’t use an umbrella when it was rainning.

No one knows whether it will be fine tomorrow and whether he will come to work. Step 6 Practice: Ask the students to finish the two exercises on page 11 (check and give feedback)

Step 7 Homework: ask the students to write a summary of the reading text they learned by using noun clauses.





连接副词:when、 where、why、how、how long…



龙文教育学科老师个性化教案 教师学生姓名上课日期 学科英语年级教材版本人教版 学案主题必修一unit 1 课时数量 (全程或具体时间) 第(1)课时授课时段 教学目标 教学内容 必修一unit 1个性化学习问题解决必修一unit 1 教学重点、 难点难点:词汇重点:词汇 教学过程一.词汇 单词用法讲解 survey 调查.测验 add up 合计 upset adj 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 ignore不理睬.忽视 have got to 不得不;必须 concern(使)担比:涉及;关系到n 担心;关注.(利害)关系be concerned about 关心.挂念 walk the dog 遇狗 loose adj 松的.松开的 vet 兽医 go through 经历;经受 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家)

German 德国的.德国人的.德语的. Nazi 纳粹党人adj 纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下.登记 series 连续,系列 a series of 一连串的.一系列;一套outdoors在户外.在野外 spellbind 迷住;疑惑 purpose 故意 in order to 为了 dusk 黄昏傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n 雷,雷声 entire adj 整个的;完全的,全部的entirely ady. 完全地.全然地.整个地Power能力.力量.权力。 Face to face 面对面地 Curtain 窗帘;门帘.幕布 dusty adj 积满灰尘的 no longer /not …any longer 不再partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人 settle 安家.定居.停留vt 使定居.安排.解决suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历


教学设计说明 1.教材分析 外研版高中英语教材分为必修(1-5册)和顺序选修(6-11册)。本课选自外研版高中英语必修三(供高中一年级下学期使用)模块1,单元的核心主题是Europe,介绍了欧洲的一些城市。各个板块内容分别是topic& task, grammar/function, skills, vocabulary/everyday English, culture/learning to learn, work-book六部分组成。通过本单元的学习,学生可以具体了解欧洲的一些国家或城市的历史发展,著名建筑物以及历史上的著名人物。本单元第一部分是Induction,除了对单词的学习,还介绍了一些国家或城市的名字,并对其的地理方位进行了描述,通过一张map,对这些城市进行学习。第二部分是Reading and Vocabulary,是本节课的重点,重点分析课文: Great European Cities. Function部分,主要进行Describing Location的学习。 接下来是对Grammar 1 Passive voice: present and past forms 和Grammar 2 Subject and verb agreement的学习。还有一部分技巧训练,对听、说、读、写四个方面进行练习。下一部分是 Pronunciation and everyday English的练习,最后一部分是Culture corner部分的学习,增加对欧洲文化知识的了解。 本课选取本单元的Reading and Vocabulary 部分的文章Great European Cities作为教学重点内容,作为本单元的第二课时,但是阅读课的第一课时,该文章是分别对欧洲四个国家的著



Unit 1 nice to meet you! Period 1 【教学目标】 语言知识目标: A) 词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B)句型: Hello!/Hi! Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening. I’m….. Nice to meet you!/ Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? 教学重点和难点 1.重点: A) 认知新词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B) 认知last name 和first name 在中西方的差异。

2.难点: 语言功能:Enable students greet peple in English. 情感目标: A) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性。 B) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 C) 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式。 学习策略: A)认知策略:为完成学习任务而自觉采取一些适合自己的学习方法和手段。 B)交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 C)资源策略:学会利用一切可利用的学习资源,如学习用品,字典,录音机和网络等获取更多的信息。 D)调控策略:在学习的过程中,通过自我评价和反思,不断调整自己的学习方法。 【教学步骤】 Period 1 Step 1 Warming up 1. Introduction: 1min


[教案]_[人教新课标]高一英语必修一unit1全单元学案[教案] [人教新课标]高一英语必修一unit1全单元学案 英语, 单元, 必修 Unit1 Friendship 学习知识清单: 对于要学的知识做到心中有底,这样才能更好的安排自己的学习步骤和学习时间,愿知识清 单能够更好的帮助你进行自主学习~ 我们将要熟悉的话题: Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships 我们将要掌握的词汇及词组: add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in 我们将要运用的语言功能: 1. 态度(attitudes) Are you afraid that …? I’ve grown so crazy about …. I di dn’t dare ….


牛津高中英语教学设计 文档内容:教学设计—教案 板块:Welcome to the unit 课堂设计指导思想: 本课通过了解世界文化遗产,拓展学生的人文知识,培养学生人文素养。通过一系列课堂活动,激发学生用英语了解,描述,表达世界文化遗产,同时为下一课作好铺垫。 Teaching aims: 1.Students will be asked to talk about some magnificent structures, including the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens and the Pltala Palace. 2.Students are required to get involved in the discussion, practise their spoken English and participated in all the designed activities. 3.Students are expected to be able to describe one of the ancient civilizations and develop their sense of culture protection. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Introduction 1.The teacher starts the lesson with the song Rivers of Babylon and introduce the topic. 2.Arouse students interests by introducing the seven wonders of the world and introduce the topic by asking questions “Why are they called the seven wonders of the world?” and“What other ancient civilizations do you know about?” 【设计说明】通过学生感兴趣的音乐话题引入主题。 Step 2 Look and understand Ask students to look at the pictures and ask them what they know about the pictures. 【设计说明】通过问答了解学生对四幅图片的了解程度。 Step 3 Read and understand Introduce the Statue of Zeus, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens and the Potala Palace. Ask students to go through the descriptions for detailed information, and then fill in the form. 【设计说明】通过介绍背景知识,填空确保学生掌握所需知识,并以此作为示范,为下面学生要做的Presentation作铺垫。 Step 4 Discussion Ask students to talk about ancient civilizations they are interested in . 【设计说明】鼓励学生用刚接触的有关古代文化建筑的语汇来谈论自己感兴趣的话题。Step 5 Presentation Ask students to introduce one of the ancient civilizations. 【设计说明】让学生模仿老师前面的图片表述,介绍一个古代文化建筑,以操练巩固所学知识。 Step 6 Homework Ask students to write a composition introducing one of the ancient civilizations 牛津高中英语教学设计


Module 3 The Violence of Nature I. 教学内容分析 本模块以The Violence of Nature为话题,介绍了几种常见的自然灾害,旨在让学生了解自然灾害的危害,以及它们存在的自然及地理环境。通过本模块的学习,学生要了解自然灾害的特征,并且能够描述灾害发生时所发生的场景,懂得如何在灾难中避险。 Introduction部分通过几幅自然灾害照片引出本模块的内容,让学生对自然灾害有一个直观形象的认识,为本模块的学习打下基础。 Reading and Vocabulary部分通过阅读,使学生了解了两种生成于海上的自然灾害,并学习相关的词汇,着重培养学生快速寻找细节的技巧。为后面的听、说、读、写训练打下基础。 Grammar 1部分通过观察课文中出现的句子,重点复习过去完成被动语态的语法概念。 Listening and Vocabulary部分,通过一篇短文介绍了加勒比海中的一个美丽岛屿,为听力材料提供了背景,也解决了听力部分的一些词汇问题。通过练习,让学生了解了火山爆发时的情景,培养学生听大意和细节的能力。 Grammar 2部分通过阅读听力部分的句子及改编后的句子,让学生复习了由直接引语变间接引语的规律。 Pronunciation部分实际上是听力部分的延伸,学生通过这一部分的学习,可以培养通过听单词重音来了解所听语段大意的能力。 Speaking部分,围绕本模块的中心,培养学生在采访中如何提出问题、回答问题的能力,提高会话技巧。 Function部分培养学生根据以知的词汇来为新词下定义的能力,引导他们用英语进行思维。 Writing部分给出参照,让学生描述某一自然灾害的时间、地点、经过、结果等一般情况。 Everyday English部分通过置于句首作状语的副词,来了解整个句子所表达的情感态度。 Cultural Corner部分通过描述历史上两次不同的地震,让学生了解地震的危害,进而思考在地震中应如何避险。 II. 教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点 (1) 了解一些自然灾害的词汇及基本常识; (2) 快速浏览课文抓住中心内容; (3) 置于句首表明作者态度的副词。 2. 教学难点 (1) 听力练习; (2) 过去完成时态; (3) 根据句子重音听语段主要意思。 III. 教学计划 本模块共分五课时: 第一课时:Introduction, Function, Cultural Corner 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary 第三课时:Listening and Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Everyday English 第四课时:Grammar 1, Grammar 2


教学设计Unit1 Lesson1:A Perfect Day The First Period 一、学情分析 学生刚刚从初中毕业进入高中阶段学习,学习英语的兴趣大,课堂较为积极、活跃,课堂气氛较好。经过三年的初中学习,已具备一定的阅读能力。因此,在设计这堂课时,要着重从激发学生的兴趣出发,循序渐进引导学生理解课文,掌握一定的阅读技巧,然后让学生就所学话题进行讨论,让他们从讨论中有所启迪。 二、教材分析 本课是语篇是两则关于不同生活方式的阅读文章。学生将在在本课学习有关不同生活方式的表达方式,理解文章大意,使用略读、细读等阅读策略。学生要将阅读信息内化,转换成自己的语言。并通过对文章中两人的不同生活方式的讨论,学会合理、有效地安排自己的生活和学习。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标:To learn some words and phrases. (二)能力目标:To discuss favorite TV programs and daily activities. To read two texts for specific information. To write a short article, using what the students learnt in this period. (三)道德目标:To help the students discuss what a healthy and active lifestyle is and form a good habit. 四、教学重点与难点 1. Teach the passages as a whole: make the Ss understand and grasp the general idea of each passage as a whole. 2. Thinking of the healthy lifestyles in our daily life and how to improve our lifestyles. 五、教学方法 1. Communicative Method 2. Skimming and Scanning 3.“Task-based”Teaching Method 六、教学工具 1. Multi-media 2. Blackboard 七、教学过程 Pre-reading Step1. Teacher presents several pictures to make the students get familiar with the key words in exercise1,page 8. Ask the students the question: Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day?

人教版高中英语必修一 Unit1 Friendship 教案

教案 人教版高一英语《英语1》第一单元Friendship 第1课时:Warming up and Pre-reading 一.教学目标 ①知识目标: ⑴让学生掌握以下生词和短语: survey add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog ⑵让学生学会使用以下结构来表达态度,同意和不同意和确定语气: Are you afraid that. . . ? I (don’t)think. . . In my opinion, . . . I (don’t)think so, I (don’t)agree, I believe. . . , I’m afraid not, Exactly, That’s correct, Of course not. ②技能目标: 1.让学生学会用英语描述自己的朋友。 2.列出朋友间通常存在的问题,并找的不同方法来解决这些问题。 3.鼓励学生用本课学到的一些短语和结构来思考和谈论朋友和友谊。 ③情感目标 1.让学生学会如何解决朋友间可能出现的问题。 2.培养学生在高中阶段形成学习英语的好习惯。 二.教学重点 1.用给定的形容词和句子结构来描述他们的一个朋友。 2.学习评价朋友和友谊。 三.教学难点 1.与搭档合作并描述他们的一个好朋友。 2.与搭档讨论并找出解决问题的方法。 四.教学方法 1.任务型教学法 2.合作学习法 3.讨论法 五.教学准备 多媒体和其他常规教学工具 六.教学过程 1.导入新课: 友谊天长地久的视频来激发学生的学习兴趣,。这是新学期的第一节课。所以在一开始,请学生用他们喜欢的方式来谈谈关于新学校和朋友的话题。 1. How did you spend your summer holidays? How did you feel? What did you do in your summer holidays? What did you do in your spare time? 2. What do you think of our new school? Do you like it? Could you say something about it? 3. Do you like making friends? How do you get in touch with your friends? Do you have many friends? Where are they now? Do you have any old friends in our school? Have you made any new friends in our class? (其他关于本单元的话题导入的建议:1。播放两首关于友谊的歌曲,然后问学生歌里都说了些有什么。2。让学生们展开关于友谊的讨论,并让他们列出好朋友应该具有哪三种品质。) 第二步:准备活动Warming-up 1.让一些学生站起来用一两句话告诉全班同学他/她的朋友是怎样一个人。下列形容词可能有用: brave loyal wise handsome pretty smart friendly


高一英语模块1Unit1词汇I教学案答案 Unitone attend:Vt.goto;bepresentat.出席,参加 参加集会attendassebly出席婚礼attendaedding 上学attendschool/class听讲座attendalecture 去教学attendchurch出席音乐会attendtheconcert 出席会议attendaeeting attend,join,joinin,taepartin ①Shejoinedahealthclub. ②Shejoinedthegirlsinaal. ③hichteaillrangjoinnextyear? ④Areyougoingtotaepartin/joininthediscussion. attendon/uponsb.==looafter照看,照顾 照顾病人attendon/uponapatient attendtosth.关注,注意,专心于…; 关注那个问题attendtotheproble. respect:n./Vt.尊敬、尊重 尊重规则respectrules 博得某人的钦佩gain/in/earnrespectfrosb. 尊重某人sho/haverespectforsb.=respectsb. 失去……的尊敬losetherespectof…

respects:敬意、问候;方面 giveone’srespectstosb请代某人向sb问候 payone’srespectstosb对某人打招呼;对某人表示敬意 有许多方面/在一些方面inany/soerespects achieve.Vt.取得、完成、达到 达到目标achieveagoal/ais 取得成功achievesuccess n.[c]成就,功绩achieveent 科学上的成就ascientificachieveent 取得成绩aeachieveents prepare:Vt/Vi.准备;为……作准备 准备功课prepareone’slessons 为考试作准备preparefortheexa 为某事而准备某物preparesthforsth 使某人为某事作准备preparesbforsth 准备做某事preparetodosth 为某事作好了准备bepreparedforsth 准备好了做某事bepreparedtodosth n.准备preparation 为……作准备aepreparationsfor 作为……准备inpreparationfor


Teaching Plan Unit1 Friendship 教材人教版高中英语必修一 试讲者李瑶单位新疆师范大学 适用年级高中一年级单元第一单元 课题Anne’s Best Friend 课时共五课时,第二课时 ( Reading) 一.教材分析 Analysis of the Teaching Materials This unit is the first unit of the senior English studying which talks about friendship.As for the students, at the beginning of senior school life, making new friends is one of important things for them now,so the topic of this unit is appropriate at the present time. It can easily stimulate students’interests in English learning and help students think how to choose friends and the meaning of the friendship. The reading passage is the center of the unit. It mainly talks about the Anna , a Jewish girl , during the world war II, regarded the diary as her best friend to express her happiness, sorrow and missing to her hometown. 二.学情分析 Analysis of the Students As the students, grade1of senior high school,they have the basic abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,but they still need more chances to practice what they have learnt and improve their ability of communicating with others and expressing their ideas fluently and accurately. Meanwhile,it is also necessary to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability, as well cultivate the awareness of cultural differences. 三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objectives 1.Get students to know the main content of this article. 2.Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2.Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives


【课题】 1.2 正弦型函数(三) 【教学目标】 知识目标: 理解正弦型函数的性质,理解正弦型函数的系数A 、ω、?的意义,会求正弦型函数的最值及相应的角的取值,了解正弦型函数的应用. 能力目标: 通过正弦型函数的性质的理解与应用,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力. 【教学重点】 正弦型函数的性质的理解与应用. 【教学难点】 由已知的正弦型曲线写出对应的正弦型函数解析式. 【教学设计】 在物理中常用正弦型函数sin()y A x ω?=+(其中0,0A ω>>,[0,)x ∈+∞)表示振动量,A 表示这个量振动时离开平衡位置的做大距离,所以通常把A 叫做振动的振幅,函数的最大值max y A =,最小值min y A =-;往复振动一次所需要的时间2π T ω =叫做这个振动的周期.单 位时间内往复振动的次数12π f T ω = = 叫做振动的频率.x ω?+叫做相位,0x =时的相位?叫做初相.要正确认识正弦型函数的系数A 、ω、?对函数图像(包括形状和位置)的影响.例题4是将三角式化成正弦型函数,然后求其周期与最值问题.例4中各项的系数是特殊数, 提出数2后它们恰好分别为πcos 3与πsin 3,可以方便地利用两角和的正弦公式将其化成正弦 型函数.一般地,将函数sin cos y a x b x =+化为sin()A x α±的形式时,利用a 和b 的值可以构造一个角,使其可以使用两角和与差的正弦公式.为了简单起见,设0,0a b >>,则点(,)P a b 是第一象限的点.设 cos θ= 则sin θ= .于是 sin cos a x b x +)x θ+.如果不满足0,0a b >>,那么角θ的值可以由tan b a θ= 确定(角θ所在的象限与点P 所在的象限相同). 例5是已知一个周期内的正弦型曲线,写出正弦型函数的解析式.其实质是求出系数A 、ω、?,关键是理解周期的意义及函数图像起点坐标的特征.数形结合地讲清楚,一个周期内的正弦型曲线,其终点的横坐标与起点的横坐标之差就是函数的周期.常用的解题顺序一般为:求A →求ω→求?. 【教学备品】 教学课件. 【课时安排】


Module1 Unit1教学设计 课题AWE M1 U1 主备人仇晓荣

注:目标要求可参阅南京外国语学校仙林分校《英语教学实施纲要》第四部分“目标内容”中的相关描述。 课时主备教案 课型Welcome & Word power Learning objectives: By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. enlarge their own vocabulary by knowing the exact names of all kinds of school facilities and activities; 2. improve their spoken skills by describing their favorite activities at school and showing others ways; 3. be aware of cultural differences by comparing school life in China and in Britain. Focus of the lesson: 1. the names of school facilities 2. different expressions to ask and show ways Predicted area of difficulties: using locative prepositions and prepositional phrases properly Learning aids: 1. PPT 2. blackboard Learning procedures:


Unit 1 Friendship ? Warming up 1.be good to be good for=do good to be good at 2.following adj. 下面的,下列的 ) the following+n.=the+n.+below ( 形容词修饰名词放在名词之前,介词或者介词短语修饰名词置于其后 ) 3.add v. add...to... add to add up add up to : addition n.in addition=besides +句子 in addition to +n./doing 同类用法联想: because & because of instead & instead of additional adj. 附加的 additionally adv.“而且,其次” “附加给 ..., 除了 ...还有...” 4.分数 score grade point mark (full marks) 5.until 6.with 和...一起,附带着, 用 without 不... within在...内,不出 ... . write with a pen eat with hands/ spoon/chopsticks/knife and fork He left without saying goodbye.

He left with the water running. 分析: saying 前无名词,则是主语发出 saying 的动作; running 前有 water,因此是 water 发出 running 的动作,而不是句子的主语 he。


Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 本模块以Sandstorms 为话题,旨在让学生深入了解沙尘暴的起因和对我国乃至整个亚洲的危害,并通过以“沙尘暴” 和“环境保护”为话题的各种任务或活动,让学生掌握与沙尘暴和环境有关的词汇,了解沙尘暴方面的知识。培养学生用英语谈论沙尘暴及环保的语言技 根据上述教材的分析特征,满足《高中英语教学大纲》对英语阅读的要求以及素质教育中要培养学生综合素质能力的要求,结合学生的英语能力普遍薄弱这一学情,我为这一课确定了如下三项目标: (1) 知识与能力:首先帮助学生复习掌握必要的生词及培养学生掌握良好的阅读习惯和阅读方法---跳读、略读和详读等。同时注意开发和培养学生的记忆能力,观察能力、想象、比较和分析能力,以及实践运用能力等。 (2) 过程与方法:以课文整体教学为中心,让学生通过group work 、pair work 等小组合作形式,运用不同的阅读方法,创设不同的情境,设置各种任务,使不同层次的学生都能够积极主动参与到课堂的各项活动中;充分发挥多媒体的作用,使课堂内容丰富,形象直观,从而为完成本节课的教学目标奠定基础。 【教学重点】 (1) 掌握一些与沙尘暴和环保有关的词汇。

(2) 学习表达有关沙尘暴和环保的话题。 【教学难点】 (1) 谈论沙尘暴和环保,写有关环保的短文。 多媒体课件辅助 Period 1 Lead in Step 1. Warming up Lead the new topic SANDSTORMS in by reviewing what we have learned in Module 3. (2m)


牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (上) 二、教学要求: 1.掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。 2.学会描述校园生活和学校设施。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。 Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。 Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。 3.学习阅读技巧:skimming&scanning。 4.语法:定语从句(一) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: access achieve attend assembly article available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax 二、重点词组: class teacher 班主任at ease with 和….相处不拘束school hours学校作息时间earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬sound like听起来象for free 免费get a general idea 了解大意as well as 除….以外, 也key words 关键词word by word 逐字逐句地find one’s way around 认识路develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣surf the Internet网上冲浪 【难点讲解】 1.What is your dream school life like? 你理想中的学校生活是什么样子? 这里dream表示心目中最理想的. 如dream team (梦之队)。


Lesson Plan 学科英语赖菲菲2015120101 Background information: Students:40 senior high school students, Grade 1. Lesson duration:45mins Teaching objectives: Knowledge objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use some important words and phrases in the passage, for example, hide, outdoors, go through, on purpose, a series of and so on. Ability objective: By the end of this lesson, students will 1.learn some reading strategies about narration, such as paying attention to time, places and characters, finding out specific information, retelling and the like. 2.learn about the formats of a diary or a letter. Emotion objective: To get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship. Teaching contents:Unit 1 Reading: Anne’s best friend Teaching aids:PPT, blackboard, chalk Type of the lesson:reading Teaching procedures: Step1: Pre-reading(8mins) 1. Warming-up(1min) Enjoy a piece of music and find out its theme. 2.Divide students into 3 groups and ask them to discuss two questions. Afterwards, choose representatives to show their answers.(3mins) ⑴Do you think friends are important to us? Why do you think so? ⑵Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be our friend? 3. Go through the text quickly to find out:(1min) ⑴how many parts it contains? ⑵what the different parts are about?


Unit 1 nice to meet you! Period 1 【教学目标】 语言知识目标: A) 词汇: first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B )句型 : Hello!/Hi! Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening. I ’ m ? .. Nice to meet you!/ Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? 教学重点和难点 1.重点: A) 认知新词汇: first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B) 认知 last name 和 first name 在中西方的差异。 2. 难点: 语言功能: Enable students greet peple in English. 情感目标: A ) 激发生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生习英。 B ) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的 C ) 学习英语文明礼貌的询问。 学习策略: A )认知策略:为完成学习任务而自觉采取一些适合自己的学段。 B )交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情。 C )资源策略:学会利用一切可利用的学习资源,如学习用品,字典 获取更多的信息。 D )调控策略:在学习的过程中,通过自我评价和反思,不断调整自【教学步骤】 Period 1 Step 1 Warming up 1. Introduction: 1min Good afternoon, boys and girls. I ’m your new teacher in this new term.. Before we learn the new lesson, I want to give a brief introduction of myself. My name is ysy. You can call me Miss Ye. (中文重复一遍 )。I hope we can have a great time in this term. 希望同学们配合我的工作,同时也欢迎同学们课后对 我的教学工作提出建议。希望在接下来的这段时间里,和同学们相处愉快, 共同进步。
