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Free exchange 自由交流

Paying no mind 心不在焉

Digital distractions hurt well-being, if not economic growth


1.①FOR many it is a reflex as unconscious as breathing. ②Hit a stumbling-block during an important task (like, say, writing a column)? ③The hand reaches for the phone and opens the social network of choice. ④A blur of time passes, and half an hour or more of what ought to have been productive effort is gone. ⑤A feeling of regret is quickly displaced by the urge to see what has happened on Twitter in the past 15 seconds. ⑥Some time after the deadline, the editor asks when exactly to expect the promised copy. //⑦Distraction is a constant these days; supplying it is the business model of some of the world’s most powerful firms. ⑧As economists search for explanations for sagging productivity, some are asking whether the inability to focus for longer than a minute is to blame.






2.①The technological onslaught has been a long time building. ②Bosses no doubt

found the knock of the telegraph boy or the clack of the ticker-tape machine an abominable interruption. ③Fixed-line desk phones were an intrusion in their day, before the mobile phone brought work interruptions into the home. ④But the web is different, with its unending news cycle, social networks humming with constant conversation, and news feeds algorithmically structured to keep users scrolling and sharing. ⑤The louder the din, the greater the distraction—and the harder to tune it out for fear of missing important information.



3.①Distractions clearly affect performance on the job. //②In a recent essay, Dan Nixon of the Bank of England pointed to a mass of compelling evidence that they could also be eating into productivity growth. ③Depending on the study you pick, smartphone-users touch their device somewhere between twice a minute to once every seven minutes. ④Conducting tasks while receiving e-mails and phone calls reduces a worker’s IQ by about ten points relative to working in uninte rrupted quiet.

⑤That is equivalent to losing a night’s sleep, and twice as debilitating as using marijuana. ⑥By one estimate, it takes nearly half an hour to recover focus fully for the task at hand after an interruption. ⑦What’s more, Mr. Nixon notes,constant interruptions accustom workers to distraction, teaching them, in effect, to lose focus and seek diversions.



4.①Could this explain the rich world’s productivity slowdown? ②In a paper published in 2007, Sinan Aral and Erik Brynjolfsson, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Marshall Van Alstyne, of Boston University, analysed firms’ use of
